


Newton, who states that the force of gravitational attraction between two material points of mass and separated by a distance is proportional to both masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance - that is:...
How to divide by column

How to divide by column

The method of long division is simple and convenient if you don’t have a calculator at hand, but it’s difficult to calculate the quotient in your head. In the future we will operate with the following concepts: the dividend is the number that we...
How many centuries did serfdom exist in Rus'?

How many centuries did serfdom exist in Rus'?

Serfdom and the whole complex of relations associated with it developed on the territory of the country for centuries. The formation of serfdom as a phenomenon was influenced by several dozen fundamental factors -...
Tip 1: How to grow a crystal at home

Tip 1: How to grow a crystal at home

Almost anyone can grow a crystal. The main thing is to have the necessary knowledge to conduct the experiment correctly. A similar practice is carried out in some schools during chemistry lessons. Of course there are...
Creative competition “We draw summer” (children 3 years old)

Creative competition “We draw summer” (children 3 years old)

Olga Chichkova Creative competition “We draw summer” (children 3 years old) My children and I took part in the competition “We draw summer”. For this we needed brushes, gouache, paper, palms and a little help from the teacher. Drawing...


Large volcanoes of Russia

Large volcanoes of Russia

The highest volcanoes in Russia

The highest volcanoes in Russia

Grigory Pechorin

Grigory Pechorin