Which, due to their properties, are indispensable for the cardiovascular system.

Soy, sunflower, peanuts, almonds, olives, sesame seeds, whole grains, wheat bran and germ, avocados and pumpkin, all kinds of nuts; fish and seafood (cod liver, red caviar, beluga caviar, herring, oysters and sea fish; beef liver; spinach and broccoli.


Citrus fruits, all varieties of cherries, plums, apples and apricots; wild rose, raspberries, black currants, blueberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, beets, sorrel, buckwheat.

Vitamin F

Vegetable oils from the ovary of wheat, flaxseed, sunflower, safflower, soybeans, peanuts; almonds, oatmeal, corn, brown rice, nuts.

Coenzyme Q 10

Meat: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, rabbit meat (especially offal - heart and liver), fish: salmon, salmon, trout, eel, herring, sardines, mackerel. Plant foods: green wheat germ, vegetable oils, nuts, spinach, brown rice, soybeans.

Vitamin D

Raw egg yolk, dairy products, cheese (cottage cheese), butter, seafood, cod and halibut liver, herring, mackerel, tuna, mackerel.

Important! Almost the entire daily supply of vitamins is spent on removing toxins from the body (nicotine and tar, alcohol). It is desirable to get rid of bad habits.

The best vitamin complexes

Consider the dosage form of vitamins for the heart and blood vessels in complexes, the name of the drugs and their properties.

  • ". As part of a tandem of rutin and ascorbic acid, such a team provides strength to the walls of blood vessels, giving them elasticity, improves their patency, and supports capillaries. "Ascorutin" normalizes the metabolism of useful substances, fights excess cholesterol, preventing its accumulation in the form of plaques, strengthens the myocardium and reduces the risk of heart attack and. In addition, vitamin C activates the protective properties of the body, increasing resistance to negative environmental factors.

  • The complex includes almost the entire group of vitamins and minerals to strengthen the heart and blood vessels: A, E, D3, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, selenium, chromium, zinc, seeds of medicinal plants. This drug is both a high-quality prevention and an additional component in the treatment of coronary artery disease: heart attack, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis and angina pectoris. The interaction of the components thins the blood, has a vasodilating effect, strengthens the myocardium, normalizes metabolic processes, the functioning of the nervous system, cerebral vessels and immunity.

Did you know?On average, during a lifetime, the heart pumps about 1.5 million barrels of blood and provides the amount of energy to travel the distance to the moon and back.

  • No less rich composition "Cardio Forte": A, B6, B9, B12, C, E, magnesium, potassium and plant extracts. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies such as arrhythmia, hypertension, dystonia, asthenia, myocardial dystrophy, as well as for the prevention of these diseases. The drug normalizes blood pressure, preventing vegetative crises, strengthens the heart muscle, the walls of arteries and blood vessels, capillaries, relieves tremor and convulsive syndrome, anxiety.
  • - a complex of vitamins (A, E, C, B3, B9, B12, Q10) and minerals (calcium, magnesium,) plus medicinal herbs. The drug regulates lipid, carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism; helps to strengthen large and small vessels; supports the function of the circulatory and nervous systems, the immune system; normalizes heart rhythm, prevents thrombosis and reduces the risk of myocardial infarction.

The most effective method of treating cardiovascular diseases is its timely prevention and diagnosis. Signs of such diseases are:

  • dizziness;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • dyspnea;
  • tingling or spasms in the region of the heart;
  • weakness up to .

Important! Symptoms are easily confused with signs of other diseases, such as the gastrointestinal tract, and even with lung diseases, so if you have such problems, you should consult a specialist, and not self-medicate.

Cardiologists include the following segments of the population at risk:

  • age from 35 years;
  • working in hazardous production or in difficult (physically) conditions;
  • abusing (drugs);
  • living in unfavorable ecological regions;
  • patients with a history of pathology of the heart or vascular system.

Such people are recommended mineral-vitamin complexes for prevention. In addition to drugs, a healthy lifestyle is of great importance, which includes not only the rejection of bad habits, but also sports (as an option - morning exercises) and a healthy diet.
The first enemy of blood vessels and the heart is fatty foods. It is advisable to eat less fatty foods, replace fatty meat with fish or poultry, lean veal or beef; butter - for vegetable; fried food - baked, boiled, stewed. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink and walk more often in the fresh air.

To sum up: living a healthy and fulfilling life is not difficult, it is enough to give up dubious pleasures, balance your diet, get in shape and visit a therapist and a cardiologist from time to time. A specialist doctor will help you choose a vitamin complex that suits your lifestyle and age and supports the heart and blood vessels.