"Global problems" (from Lat. Globus terrae - the globe itself appeared in the late 1960s.) - A combination of human problems that arose in front of him in the second half of the 20th century and on which the further existence of civilization depends on the solution.

Common features:

  • scaligence: affect all humanity;
  • suggest the international cooperation different countries (it is impossible to decide in one separate country);
  • acidness: The further fate of civilization depends on their solution;
  • manifest as objective factor in the development of society;
  • ultimately demand solutions.

Main (priority) global problems:

  1. The problem of war and peace, preventing a new world war.
  2. Demographic.
  3. Raw.
  4. Ecological.
  5. The "North-South" problem (overcoming the backwardness of developing countries and reduce breaking in the level of development between them and advanced post-industrial countries).

6. Food.

7. Energy.

8. Use of the World Ocean.

9. World development of space.


All global problems are interrelated. It is impossible to decide each of them separately: humanity should solve them together for the sake of saving life on the planet.

The main directions of the permission of global problems:

  1. Formation of a new planetary consciousness. Education of man on principles humanism. Wide informing people about global problems.
  2. Comprehensive study of causes and contradictions, conditions leading to the emergence and exacerbation of problems.
  3. Observation and control over global processes on the planet. Obtaining objective information from each country and international studies is necessary for predicting and making decisions.
  4. Clear international prediction system.
  5. Development of new technologies (resource-saving, using recycling, natural sources of energy).
  6. The conclusion of international cooperation for a new quality level. Concentration of efforts of all countries to solve global problems. It is necessary to cooperate in creating the latest environmental technologies, the overall world center for the study of global problems, a single fund of funds and resources, the exchange of information.


1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "global problems of humanity"? Attracting the knowledge of the social science courses, make up two sentences containing information about global problems.


Definition: 1) Global problems are a combination of human problems that have arisen in front of him in the second half of the 20th century and the existence of civilization depends on the solution.

Two sentences: 2) The solution of global problems of humanity is possible only with the participation of the entire world community. 3) One of the global problems is the problem of peace and disarmament, preventing new world war.

2. Name any three global problems of modernity and bring to each specific example.


  1. Ecological problem. Example: Forest cutting - "light planets", such as rainforest in the Amazon River Valley.
  2. Demographic. Example: a rapid birth rate in the modern world with 1.5 billion people at the beginning of the twentieth century, up to 6.5 billion at the beginning of the XXI century. In the fall of 2011, a seven-year-old resident of the planet was recorded. The population of land increases in geometric progression and in the most modest calculations will reach 10 billion inhabitants by 2050.
  3. The threat of the emergence of the Third World War. Example: If in the early 1950s of the twentieth century only two countries in the world have nuclear weapons, then they are already about a dozen of them at the beginning of the XXI century. Moreover, some of them are in the state of the "Cold War" with each other, for example India and Pakistan.

3. Illustrate by three examples the relationship between the problems relating to the increase in the gap between the developed countries and the third world countries, with the problem of preventing a new world war.


As an example illustrating the relationship between the problems relating to an increase in the gap between the developed countries and the third world countries, with the problem of preventing a new world war, may be given:

  1. A significant number of local armed conflicts falls on the third world countries, some of which have nuclear weapons (for example, Indo-Pakistani conflict.
  2. Because of the exacerbation of the problem of providing raw materials and energy resources, the most developed countries of the world provoke, and sometimes they themselves participate in wars for control over sources of raw materials (for example, war in the Persian Gulf or American-Iraq war).
  3. The poverty of individual regions of the planet contributes to the spread of the most radical, warlike ideologies, whose adherents are fighting against developed countries (for example, Islamic terrorist organizations), etc.

4 . Read the text and perform tasks to it.

"At the threat now there are most of the remaining top species of plants and animals. Those of them who have chosen to meet their needs have long been adapted to its requirements with the sole purpose of producing as much food and raw materials as possible. The Darwinian law of natural selection, which provides genetic evolution and adaptability of wild species no longer applies to them. However, those species that a person could not find direct use are also doomed. Their natural abode and their resources were taken away and ruthlessly destroyed in the purposeful promotion of humanity ahead. No less sad fate awaits and untouched wildlife, which is still needed as a natural habitat of the person himself for his physical and spiritual life. After all, the violating environmental equilibrium and irreparably reducing the life-supporting capacity of the planet, a person can eventually deal with his own type of atomic bomb in such an end.

And this is not the only thing that the new acquisitive power of man affected his own position. Modern man began to live longer, which led to a demographic explosion. He learned to produce more than ever, all sorts of things, and besides significantly shorter time. Modifting Gargantua, he developed an insatiable appetite for consumption and possession, producing more and more, involving himself in a vicious growth range, which is not visible to the end.

The phenomenon was born, which began to be called industrial, scientific, and more often by the scientific and technical revolution. The latter began when a person realized that it could effectively and on an industrial scale to practice his scientific knowledge about the world around. This process is now in full swing and everything is dialing and gaining speed. "

(According to A. Pechesti)

1) Make a text plan. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and encroach each of them.

3) Suppose why constant growth in production and consumption threatens the future of humanity. Express two assumptions.

5) In 1900, the population of the Earth reached 1650 million people; In 1926 it amounted to 2 billion people; On the third billion left 34 years; The next billion was added for 14 years; Then - for 13; The increase in population from 5 to 6 billion people took 12 years and ended in 1999. What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author illustrate the facts? What is the danger of the continuing growth in the population of the Earth?


1. Text Plan:

  1. Influence of a modern man on nature.
  2. The growth of human needs.
  3. Scientific and technical revolution.
  • Those types (types of plants and animals) who have chosen to meet his needs, have long been adapted to its requirements with the sole purpose - to produce as much food and raw materials as possible.
  • Those species that a person could not find direct use are doomed, because the natural abode and their resources were taken away and ruthlessly destroyed in the purposeful promotion of humanity forward.
  • The sad fate awaits and untouched wildlife, which is still needed as a natural habitat of the person himself for his physical and spiritual life.

3. Two assumptions:

  1. The growth in production and consumption leads to the search for additional resources, which leads a person to the most remote and untouched corners of wildlife. In turn, it violates and so shade equilibrium of man and wildlife.
  2. A continuous growth in production and consumption will be accompanied by an increase in waste, which can lead to a global environmental catastrophe. For example, an increase in carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere threatens "greenhouse effect."
  3. The struggle for the redistribution of resources is the "Third World War".
  1. According to the author, the scientific and technical revolution began "when a person realized that it could effectively and on an industrial scale to apply their scientific knowledge about the world in practice."
  2. The two largest achievements of the NTR:
  • the Internet;
  • mobile connection.
  1. Such facts illustrate the next idea of \u200b\u200bthe author: "A modern man has become longer to live, which led to a demographic explosion."
  2. Danger in the coming overcrowding of the planet, which is not enough resources to feed such a number of people. It threatens humanity with new wars, social cataclysms and other troubles.
  1. Wildlife allows a person to enjoy a sense of excellent, feel harmony with nature, experience a feeling of peace, etc.
  2. Wildlife is a source of inspiration for human creativity.

5. When characterizing the global problems of modernity, it is necessary to hear the opinion that humanity goes to its end, people have no strength to save themselves, the doomescence of the world community proclaims. Name the three most important features of global problems. Do you agree with the above opinion? Argument your position.


The concept of "global problems" suggests that they are inherent in the following essential signs:

  1. They are generated by the activities of not one country or group of countries, and humanity as a whole.
  2. They threaten the existence of all mankind, the basics of life on earth.
  3. They are solved only if the efforts of the entire world community are associated.

The information revolution that happens in modern conditions creates real technical and technological foundations for solving global problems. Extra proliferation receives an economy based on a combination of market mechanisms and state regulation of natural economic processes, which allows to carry out effective social protection of the population, to overcome the conflict between the efficiency of production and the social interests of people.


Gradually approved in the minds of politicians and becomes a reality the idea of \u200b\u200bnon-violence, solving problems of emerging problems, but by negotiations, the search for compromises. It goes into the past irreconcilable ideological confrontation, which poured into a psychological war. The basics for tolerance and mutual cooperation within the world community are gradually strengthened, which creates joint actions to solve global problems.

essay themes:

"It is impossible to solve the problem at the same level on which it originated. You need to become above this problem, climbing the next level. "

(A. Einstein)

"Most of the vital tasks are solved as algebraic expressions: bringing them to the most simple form."

(L. Tolstoy)

"Any era has its own tasks, and their decision provides the progress of mankind."

For the past decades of the twentieth century, there are many sharp and complex problems in front of the peoples of the world, which were named global. The global problems of modernity (GPS) turned into one of the most important objects of world politics and practice.

The very concept of "global problem" suggests that it is inherent in the following essential signs:

It is generated by the activities of not one country or group of countries, and humanity as a whole;

Global problems threaten the existence of all mankind, the basics of life on Earth;

The solution of these problems is possible only subject to the consolidation of the efforts of the entire world community.

The appearance of GPS in the twentieth century is not accidental. It is associated with the action of a number of factors:

  1. scientific and technical progress significantly accelerated socially economic processes around the world. It was in the twentieth century of scientific and technical discoveries that were made more than in the entire preceding human history (television, space development, the use of atomic and nuclear energy, etc.);

  2. the power of a person armed with modern technique has increased to such an extent that it is able to impose irreparable damage to nature. Today, nature is exposed to an increasing anthropogenic effect in all corners of the globe, as well as in the above-ground space (atmosphere, geosphere, cosmic sphere);

  3. in the twentieth century, the rapid growth of the population ("demographic explosion": from 2 billion people at the beginning of the century to 6 billion at its end) and, as a result, active economic activity. It strengthened pressure on nature and to the limit aggravated the problems of ecology and ensuring humanity with the necessary means of existence (high-quality drinking water, food, energy resources, etc.). The level of public organization, political thinking, spiritually - moral landmarks of our time are very far from destructive opportunities, from the destructive potential, which have individuals and humanity in general.

  4. creation of weapons of mass destruction in an amount threatening the existence of human civilization.
In scientific literature, you can meet various lists of global problems, where their number varies from 8-10 to 40-45. This is explained by the fact that along with the main, priority global problems there are still a number of more private, but also very important problems. The Sustainable GPS List is not defined, in addition, there are various classifications of global problems.

Allocate the following global problems (main and secondary):


The problem of war and peace;

The problem of "North - South";


The problem of international terrorism;

Problems of health and prevent the spread of AIDS, drug addiction;

The problem of reviving cultural and moral values;

The problem of preventing the dangerous consequences of scientific and technological progress, the use of its results to harm humanity, etc.

GPS, their manifestation and possible solutions



The essence of the problem, its manifestation

Possible solutions


At the end of the twentieth century, the impact of man on the natural environment led to the undermining of the conditions of its existence.

A feature of environmental processes is the cumulative effect (the effect of accumulation), therefore, even regional problems in their accumulation often acquire a global nature. The scale of economic activity and the area of \u200b\u200bthe degrading habitat of a person reached the current limit values. In a limited planetary space, the effect of imposing environmental problems of some regions to others. For example, the main source of environmental pollution until recently remained US and the most developed countries of the West. The impact of these contaminants was not local. It led to the destruction of the ozone layer. To accumulate in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, which creates a threat to global climate warming. Air pollution in northeastern United States led to the fallout of acid rains in the south of Canada, and the burning of a huge amount of coal in China leads to the growing greenhouse effect worldwide.

There are several basic variations of irreparable damage to the Environment: 1) creating waste (domestic, industrial, automotive exhausts); 2) exhaustion of irreplaceable mineral and other natural resources As a result of man's economic activity. So, at the modern rate of consumption, all reserves known in the world can be fully spent by 2059.

Also in recent decades occurs reducing area of \u200b\u200bforest arrays(annually by 11 million hectares ), worsening soil fertility, desertification of significant territories (Every year about 6 million hectares of fertile land), which leads to climate change, threatens the existence of all mankind. The number of plants and animals disappearing As a result of human activity, too grows. Freshwater stocks are reducedSuitable for use.

Pollution of the biosphere contributes to serious deterioration in people's health (in Russia this factor is the main cause of 30% of common diseases).

In 1992, the World Environmental Forum passed under the auspices approved the concept of sustainable development, according to which the costs of restoration ambient need to go to gradual abandoning technologies. At the same time, it is necessary to develop new development philosophydesigned to oppose aggressive consumer moderation, harmonious development of nature and society. In other words, we are talking about the creation and development of new technological processes based on the principles of rational use of natural materials, saving energy and raw materials, the use of secondary raw materials and resource-saving technologies. *

In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol was signed, providing significant emission Limitations in the atmosphere of harmful substances leading countries of the world. In 1999, the EU countries signed a reduction agreement for 5 years of harmful emissions of freight and passenger transport by 60%. In almost all developed countries of the world for exhaust pipes, special filters have long been made, and fuel consumption with modern cars is usually significantly lower than their predecessors.

Also also needed limit resource consumptionwork on the discovery (invention) alternative energy sources.

* In the UN Documents in the 80s The term appeared"sustainable development". Sustainable development is a managed process of such a development of society and nature, which must ensure favorable conditions for the conservation of nature, and for the lives of people. The main efforts are proposed to be directed to the development of "gentle" technologies that contribute to overcoming difficulties. At the same time, it is not about refusing to improve equipment and technologies, from efforts to overcome backwardness and raising the living standards of the population.

Demographic problem

First of all, under the demographic problem is the rapid growth rates of the population and the need to satisfy the growing needs of people.

In the second half of the twentieth century due to the growth of the quality of medical care and while maintaining a traditionally high birth rate in developing countries very high population growth rates (In 1800, there were up to 1 billion people in the world, in 1930 - it was 2 billion; in 1970 - 3 billion, in the early 1980s - about 4.7 billion people; by the end of 1990 -H - more than 5 billion people). According to the UN in 2000, the number of inhabitants of our planet amounted to 6 billion people, and for 2050 10-12 billion is predicted. This trend gave the life of non-communications * and, in addition, put demographic problems in the focus of the world public.

The issues of increasing the population of the planet and the environment are closely related to each other. The population growth entails consumption of more food, energy and other resources. In addition, economic activity is automatically occurring, which affects environmental pollution.

No less problem demographic gap between developed and developing countries. For developing countries, high fertility and large families are still characterized (the reason for the tradition, as well as the desire to have many children so that they can provide the life of parents in the future). In the developed countries, the birth rate does not even ensure simple reproduction of the population. An extremely high birth rate in developing countries leads to aggravation of poverty problems of the population. At the same time, the housing problem is exacerbated, the situation in the field of education and health care in the respective countries.

Another manifestation of the global demographic crisis is the tendency to reducing the number and sharp aging of the population in developed countries (according to the demographers, by 2025 in Europe, the proportion of people over 60 will reach 37%). The number of pensioners in some countries is already exceeded by the number of economically active population.

In order to solve the demographic problem, the UN World Plan for Population Action. He provides a solution to the problem by implementing programs family planningwhat will allow to stop the population growth in those countries where it is large and, on the contrary, to stimulate population growth in developed countries. But one demographic policy is not enough. She must be accompanied improving economic and social conditions life of people in developing countries.

The problems caused by the sharp aging of the population of developed countries can be partially solved by labor migration In the EU zone of immigrants from the regions of Asia and Africa. On the one hand, the arrival of workable migrants allows to fill social funds and comply with the social obligations of the state. But, on the other hand, it generates new social, ethnoconductional and other problems. Migrants are not always successfully adapted to the new community. Large-scale immigration causes concern about the loss of control over the institutions of the state, national borders in host countries. Fear arises and rejection of new ones for the respective styles of life, religious and cultural norms, behavioral stereotypes.

* English economist to. 18-beginning. 19 V.V. T. Malthus delivered the theory according to which the population of the globe grows faster than the possibility of ensuring its food. Hence the need to make political decisions aimed at limiting population growth rates: marriage regulation, fertility regulation, as well as "natural" regulation of population population through hunger, epidemics, wars, etc. The ideas of this kind, actively developed by the followers of T. Malthus, acquired the collective name "Malthusianism" and got quite widespread in the middle 19 century.

The problem "North - South"

So the trend is denoted The growth of the economic lag of the countries of the Third World ("South") from the leading powers of the West (North).

The colonial system collapse in the 50-60s has generated optimistic forecasts for the rapid economic and cultural revival of countries that have won political independence. Indeed, up to 70s. These countries retain a fairly high pace of development (first of all it relates to the so-called "new industrialized countries" (Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong) and oil-consisting of countries). However, from the 80s This economic growth slowed sharply. The fall in the share of liberated countries in foreign trade forced them to appeal to external loans. To the second half of the 80s. The trillion debt of the third world countries in the West was formed.

The gap between developed and developing countries began to increase. If in 1960, the ratio between them on the GNP per capita was 26: 1, now it is 40: 1.

The phenomenon of the so-called "failed", "failed" states (such as Afghanistan, Zaire, Somalia), which stood literally on the verge of decay due to the complete degradation of political and social systems.

5 . The problem of the North and the South is expressed in

1) exhaustion of natural resources

2) a colossal break in the level of development of the regions of the planet

3) regional armed conflicts

4) overgrowth of a number of regions of the planet

6 . Environmental issues relate to

1) the risk of spreading nuclear weapons

2) gradual exhaustion of natural resources

3) Fighting international terrorism

4) decay of moral values

7 . Environmental issues relate to environmental issues.

1) Preventing the distribution of drug addiction

2) Health Problems

3) Preventing the threat of a new world war

4) the disappearance of many species of plants and animals

8 . Are the judgments about the global problems of modernity

A. Today there is a threat to the existence of humanity as a biological species

B. For the purpose of survival, humanity should limit consumption growth

1) just and 3) are true of both judgments

2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

9 . What problems got the name of global

1) Problems facing all humanity requiring the collective efforts of peoples for their permission

2) Problems of Economic Interaction between Different Countries

3) problems of elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident

4) Problems related to human and environmental relations

10 . The global problems of modernity include:

1) Preventing the threat of an environmental crisis

2) Preventing the negative effects of HTR

3) Ensuring humanity necessary resources

4) all of the above

Part 2

1 . Write down the phrase missed in the scheme:

2. Set the match between the global problem of modernity and its manifestation: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.
Manifestations of global problems name global problems

Modern day

A) greenhouse effect 1) demographic problem

B) rapid growth of population in Africa 2) environmental problem

C) an increase in the percentage of older and old

people in developed countries

D) desertification of land
3 . Read the following text, each position is numbered

Determine what provisions are worn

A) actual character

B) the nature of estimated judgments
4 . Set the correspondence between the examples of manifestation and characteristic of global problems: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Manifestations global problems

A) gradual exhaustion of oil and metals 1) the threat of world terrorism

B) the activation of the activities of extremist groups 2) the threat of the environmental crisis

(hostage seizure, preparation and conduct of explosions 3) The "North-South" problem

in places of mass accumulation of people)

C) rapid growth in the countries of Asia, Africa and

Latin America

D) an increase in gap in the level of gross national

income per capita between groups of countries)

E) raising diseases caused by waste of harmful industries
5 . Read the following text in which a number of words are missed.

"The concept of" ________ (1) "was distributed since the late 1960s. So it is customary to call the problems weighing ____________ (2). They affect the interests of every people and every person, their decision is possible only by the joint efforts of people. From which direction will be carried out by their decision, it depends on __________ (3) of humanity as a biological species. In these problems, ______ (4) of the social and natural basics of society and a separate person also manifests itself.

One group of problems is related to relations between states. Elimination of ________ (5) economic development, the preservation of the world is at the same time a solution to the health problem of people and the problems of the development of natural resources. Stop ______ (6) also prevents pollution of the natural environment on a planetary scale "

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (or phrase) can only be used once.

Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Please note that the list of words is more than you need to fill the passes.

A) survival d) racing arms g) universal

B) social d) unevenness h) dynamism

C) global problems e) globalization and) continuity
Part 3.


It seems to me that today, when humanity came to an ecological catastrophe, when all the terrible consequences of utopian claims for total management of social processes are extremely clear, the fate of the humanistic ideal is connected with the refusal to the idea of \u200b\u200bmastering, suppressing and domination. A new understanding of the nature of nature and a person is not the ideal of anthropocentrism, but developed by a number of modern thinkers, in particular, the famous scientist N.I. Moiseev's idea of \u200b\u200bcoevolution, joint evolution of nature and humanity, which can be interpreted as the attitude of equal partners, if you please, interlocutors in an unplanned dialogue ...

It may and should be understood in a wider plan. Freedom as an integral characteristic of a humanistic ideal is conceived not as mastering and control, but as the establishment of equal-partnership relations with what is outside of a person: with natural processes, with another person, with the values \u200b\u200bof other culture, with social processes, even with non-inflexible and " Opaque "processes of my own psyche.

In this case, freedom is understood not as an expression of a projectively - constructive attraction to the world, not as the creation of such a substantive world, which is controlled and managed, but as an attitude, when I take another, and the other accepts me. (It is important to emphasize that the adoption does not mean simple content because there is, but assumes interaction and interconnection). At the same time, we are talking about a free adoption based on understanding as a result of communication. In this case, we are dealing with a special kind of activity. This is not an activity to create an item in which a person is trying to capture and express itself, i.e. Such an object, which belongs to the subject. This mutual activity, the interaction of fluent partners who participates in the process of equal partners, each of which is considered to be different and as a result of which they are changed.

(V.A. Lectorec)
C1. What two realities of modern society require, according to the author, a new understanding of the humanistic ideal? What does he see the essence of this new understanding?
C2.. Give any two phrases in which the author's understanding of freedom is reflected.
C3. Explain why anthropocentrism (the idea of \u200b\u200bmastering and domination) ceased to the humanistic ideal at the present stage. Give three explanations based on social science and facts of public life.
C4.. The author writes about the need to "establish equitable - partnerships with what is outside of a person." Relying on the content of the text and knowledge of the social science rate, suggest that these relationships can consist with any three of the partners called by the author. (First, name the partner with which partnerships are established, and then express the assumption).
II. Read the text and execute the C1 - C4 tasks.

"When dialing new and new forces, civilization often found a clear inclination to impose their ideas with missionary activities or direct violence coming from religious, in particular, Christian traditions ... so

The global problems of modern society have become a natural continuation of the uneven development, and both between the levels of states (the problem of the North - South), so within the countries themselves in different areas. What is exacerbated by a large gap between the financial situation, the real level of living and the capabilities of various layers of society. The emergence of many global problems of modernity contributed to the scientific and technological revolution, which brought humanity to a new round of development, gave him modern technologies, allowed us to cope with diseases ... and opened the way to destroy the entire planet.

So, as a result of the arms race, in the 80s, the total weapons supply exceeded 100 times the fact that all participants were used during World War II. Thus, the global problems of the modern world raise an acute question about human survival as a species. It is so important that they are considered not only social studies, but also sociology, political science, economics, some sectors of geography, studies statistics, ecology, and so on.

There is an opinion that globalization has become blamed everything, which spawned such growth. Some are also responsible for certain countries, in particular, on economically developed West, as well as to Europe, considering that the situation in the world has become largely the result of the fact that they have exploited former monopolies, consumer and often robbers related to world ecology.

However, reflecting whether the following judgments are correct about global problems, that is, already mentioned, one should not not be noted that its role in how it was all came to the real, the USSR played. And the countries that were entered in the USSR, with the exception of the Baltic States and partly Georgia, now can not be called economically successful and belonging to this group of states. Nevertheless, this does not relieve them from responsibility, including historical.

Thus, it is difficult to say that the reason for global problems is somehow connected with success or on the contrary - with retardation in terms of economic relations. Yes, and the phenomenon is much deeper, it is not a simple amount of national or regional problems that have reached a new level. There is a view of scientists that a person was at the next turn of development and faced new problems for himself. The more opportunities he has, the more serious tasks have to be solved. And the higher the bet is the price for the likely loss. In fact, in the present economic, scientific, technological, transport, etc. The possibilities of people are generally unprecedented. And, accordingly, the risk is also the maximum.

What are they?

Global problems of humanity social studies and philosophy are divided into 3 large groups. The first includes those that arose along the relationship between people and nature. In particular, to global environmental issues (and we are talking about them) relate to issues of pollution of nature, rapid reduction of biodiversity, the destruction of environmental systems, a lack of pure drinking water, food. The issue of resources is also often included in this list, although it is soon on the junction.

On the line of people and society as a whole - the demographic crisis, which has now become more difficult than just the question of the overpopulation of the planet. So, in some countries there is too much density, while others cannot even simply provide a guaranteed change of generations due to a sharp drop in fertility. This can also include the problem of poverty, terrorism, social inequality, although the latter will already be controversial, many consider them rather regional, just some are very large-scale.

And finally, intersocial. These are the problems of preventing nuclear war, the backwardness of developing countries compared with developed. And not only. In general, global problems of the global economy are associated with hyperinflation, periodic crises, as well as with how many resources goes to permanent weapons. And now this question again turned out to be sharply raised in connection with the confrontation between Russia and the West.

Separate global problems of humanity

Some problems stood as sharply that they are allocated from the main group and receive a special status. It was this way that happened to the greenhouse effect that was separately started to discuss internationally when they realized that among all environmental problems it could be the most critical in the near future. Today, similar status has the topic of the world's ocean.

Recall that it takes 70% sushi. Without it, there would be no life on the planet. At the same time, the pollution of the World Ocean is much more difficult to control than using many developing countries, throwing waste there and saving, thus on their disposal or processing. Developed countries are trying to control this process, but, first, they do not always have enough legal opportunities, because no country can not specify another that to do that. Secondly, the world ocean is huge. To cover all the space, you will need too large resources.

In addition, we recall that the global problems of the global economy are, among other things, the question of resources, providing raw materials. What does oil production relate to, and it is now increasingly affecting the world ocean. Of course, most companies are following the safety technique, trying to prevent leaks, carefully controls the process. However, one large accident is enough to suffer a significant part of the territory. And localize disaster zone in the oceans is difficult.

In general, global problems are examples of this kind know in large quantities. Sometimes we are talking about a simple mistake, periodically - about technical imperfection. But most often the tragedies are negligence, neglect by their own duties, evil intent, and even more often - poverty (people in developing countries cut down the forest, because for them it is often almost the only way to feed) and illiteracy.

I will explain about the latter: in the modern world, with the availability of education, as well as the Internet, everyone can, if desired, learn what kinds of plants and (or) animals are listed in the Red Book than dangerous their destruction, how to behave in nature. But there is a fairly large number of people living just in places of cluster of wild animals that do not imagine the whole picture. They do not have access to the Internet, they may not know about the problem. And at the same time such people

exploited nature without thinking. Many do not understand what else they can have a way out. Enlightenment programs in India, for example, helped save the lives to many leopards: the locals became the help of them when they turned out to be completely accidentally in traps designed for other animals.

The relationship of global problems

The globality of modern existing problems is not only associated with the fact that they influence the entire planet. Among other things, they cannot be solved by one country or even groups of states. It requires a combination of effort. And it is even critically important to take into account the relationship. It would be impossible to find what the global problems of modernity, but at the same time did not affect others or did not feel the corresponding influence - in turn.

In general, the chain can be viewed so. About two hundred years ago, a critical mass of discontent in different countries has accumulated, which led to sharp social changes and the revolutions that happened somewhere before, somewhere later. People ceased to arrange religion, they began to look for answers in science, resulting in a scientific and technical revolution. And she led to the creation of new drugs, raising the standard of living, to solve the issue of hunger (despite the fact that the lack of food continues to remain one of the global, now undernumbers fewer people than before). As a result, a demographic explosion occurred, as a result - overpopulation.

What, in turn, entailed a threat to the depletion of resources and environmental pollution. A large number of people in itself is also able to exacerbate the problems between countries and lead to new conflicts. And scientific and technological progress gave new, more powerful and dangerous weapons to states. As led to the current state of affairs.

Global problems of humanity - These are the problems that concern all mankind, affect the relationship between the countries of the world community, the relationship between society and nature, the issues of the joint decision. Global problems do not recognize borders. No state, no matter how powerful it, is not able to solve these problems. Only broad international cooperation is necessary to solve them. Only awareness of universal interdependence and nomination of the Company's tasks will prevent social and economic disasters.

In terms of its nature, global problems are different. They are among them primarily:

Environmental protection problems are solved at three levels: state, regional, global. The global level is most important in relation to such types of natural wealth, which in their nature are universal property.

3.Demographic problemgenerated by a rapid increase in population in. The solution to this global problem rests on the complex complex of socio-economic problems of modernity in these countries.

5.Energy and raw material problems.

This is primarily the task of reliable supply of humanity with fuel and raw materials. The limited resources and their exhaustibility puts humanity before the need for tough savings of raw materials and energy, the use of new, resource-saving technologies. Overcoming backwardness.

After the conquest of political independence, many states have achieved notable success in economic and social development. However, they still feel the legacy of the colonial regime, which is manifested in their economic backwardness. The main way to overcome the backwardness of developing countries is to carry out indigenous transformations in all spheres of their lives. If this problem is not solved, then the continued situation in developing countries threatens the socio-economic shocks of a global scale and cause the exacerbation of other global problems.

6. Environmental, Economic and Social Problems of the World Ocean.

They arose due to the shear of the productive forces to the coast of the sea, thereby increasing the burden on many areas of the world ocean. Intensive economic activity led to the pollution of the ocean, to a decrease in its biological productivity.

Of course, global problems are not exhausted by the above. In reality there are more. The crisis of culture, the spread of dangerous diseases, etc. is also ranked at sometimes. All global problems are closely related to each other. Nowadays, their decision has become not just a scientific policy, but also the subject of acute ideological struggle. Scientists have developed a lot of global forecasts for the development of humanity, and two fundamentally different approaches are clearly traced in them: optimistic and pessimistic.

The problems of modern society for the most part are caused by the consumer attitude of a person to the environment and a change in life priorities. Once a person fought for survival, hunting on wild animals and growing bread, today its goal has become obtaining wealth and power.

Characteristics of modern society

Sociologists who study the problems of modern society called it post-industrial, not finding a more suitable word to describe the existing model of relationships. Agrarian and industrial systems preceded the post-industrial form of the union of people.

The first existed from the moment Homo Sapiens began to cultivate the Earth, trying to ensure that herself and minimal means of existence. The second appeared with the development of production, when agriculture moved into the background, and the industry was put forward.

The transition to the Company's society marked the emergence of the post-industrial formation, in which informatization and technological innovations are in the first place.

The characteristic features of modern society are the globalization of the economy and the predominance of the field of services over industry and agriculture. When we are talking about the service sector, we mean, first of all, informatization. In other words, in modern society, the main source of income is not the production, but information resources.

Global problems of modern society

It would seem that progress and shift of emphs in the direction of information technologies were to have a positive impact in the state of society. However, the result was ambiguous.

Information is not able to feed and ensure the urgent need of a person - this is the prerogative of the agricultural sector and industry, and they have not done anywhere, they simply moved from some countries to others.

You paid attention to that there are practically no goods produced in the United States on sale, but a lot of products brought from China? Developed countries, pursuing the goal to reduce their products at the expense of inexpensive labor and reduce the environmental burden on their territories, transferred most of the production to the "second" and third world countries.

Threat ecology

However, this did not solve the environmental problem: states do not exist isolated from each other, and the greenhouse effect has an equally negative impact on all countries.

Where is the exit? Put on environmentally friendly types of transport - electric vehicles and bicycles, switch to natural sources of energy, generating it from the strength of wind and solar heat.

There are developments in this direction, but transnational corporations inhibit the introduction of environmental technologies, since they receive huge income from the sale of oil used in the production of gasoline and diesel fuel.


Another problem of modern society is overcrowding.

Scientists warn: The excess of the population of 12 billion will lead to the destruction of the planet's ecosystem, as a result of about 5 billion people because of the heat and hunger will be on the verge of death.

Today, more than 7 billion people live on the planet, according to the UN forecasts, with the current growth rates of the population in 2100, the number of land inhabitants will reach 11 billion.

As methods of solving this problem are also fantastic (relocation to other planets), and affecting their cruelty (third world war).

However, the most optimal method of regulating the population is called birth restriction. The ethical side of this issue can cause indignation. However, here mankind will have to choose a smaller out of the evils: prevent the child's birth or give him to be born to die in flour.

Lack of energy resources

Energy deficit may cause civilization collapse. The reserves of oil, coal and gas in the depths of the planet of mankind is enough for about 170 years.

Without these minerals, power plants will be raised, production will stop, the virtual exchange of information will be impossible; Humanity, deprived of the benefits of civilization, will be on the verge of extinction and degradation.

How to avoid this? Develop alternative energy sources. But research in this direction moves slowly for the reasons we mentioned above.

Social problems of modern society

The development of society led to a displacement of priorities and substitution of moral values \u200b\u200bof material.

The desire to ensure their own close comfortable conditions for the existence turned into a thirst for profit, status and position in society are valued above moral qualities, and developed states are largely survived at the expense of third-world countries using their labor and natural resources.

Changing the scale of values

Arguing his actions to human rights to freedom of choice, some states legalized prostitution and drugs, thereby forming a new system of values \u200b\u200bin the consciousness of the younger generation, where the sale of his own body is equal to the work of the physician and the teacher, and smoking marijuana becomes the norm of life.

High crime level

There is still a high level of crime in the world. According to this indicator, the Absolute Leader is Honduras, where 100 thousand people account for 90 intentional murders. Livestream is traced: the lower the level of spirituality in society and the degree of development of this society, the higher there is crime.

The functions of the formation of spirituality in society have always been assigned to the family, church and art. If modern parents become the principles of honesty and humanity to their children in the heads, the spiritual fathers will be an example for their flock, and the writers will begin to put in the head of the corner and income, and the high artisticity of works, we will have a chance to revive spirituality and overcome crime.

Prostitution and drug addiction

Drug addiction and alcoholism - social evil, which is based on dissatisfaction and the desire to get away from problems. In fact, a person is experiencing spiritual devastation, and the society is guilty, which created the conditions in which the personality loses its "I", starting to seek comfort or new emotions at a dose of alcohol or heroin.

Someone, wanting to earn money, planted the drug addict on the needle, someone was indifferent to his fate and he turned away from his friend, without attempting to save, - the human indifference kills. Cheerfulness leads to the loss of compassion and degradation of society. Hence the rest of the thoughts of a person: AIDS, the growth of prostitution, kidneping.

Are the problems of modern society solve? Yes, solved. We see it across individual, quite prosperous countries: Sweden, Switzerland, Norway.

Does humanity have a chance to survive? It has. But for this you need to stop thoughtlessly chasing the progress, hiding behind with social slogans and displacement charity, and throw all available resources on the struggle for the environment, the help of backward countries and the revival of spirituality.

Is humanity ready for this? The answer to this question we learn with time.