Not so long ago, a large-scale study was conducted at the University of California Los Angeles, in which 800 volunteers took part. At the beginning of the experiment, they all just lost weight in different ways and planned to stay in the achieved shape as long as possible. They were simply monitored for 5 years, and the results were, to put it mildly, shocking: 670 subjects returned to their previous parameters, and some even added a solid amount of kilograms.

This clearly demonstrates how difficult it is to maintain weight after losing weight. Although the remaining slim 130 people inspire hope that this is quite possible. If you know how to do it.

Step 1. Pass the examination

Regardless of how you feel, how you fought extra pounds and what results you achieved in order to maintain weight in the future, after losing weight, you must definitely sign up for a comprehensive medical examination. This is especially true of those who have been on strict and long diets that lead to a malfunction of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

The purpose of this step is to find out if you have any conditions that contribute to weight gain. If they exist, it will be impossible to stabilize the achieved results. These include:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • itsenko-Cushing's and Sheehan's syndromes;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • menopause;
  • acromegaly;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperinsulinism;
  • hypogonadism;
  • dysfunction of the hypothalamus;
  • metabolic and nephrotic syndromes;
  • serious endocrine disorders: Prader-Willi, Down, Werdnig-Hoffman syndromes, etc.

To make such diagnoses, you need to pass tests to the level:

  • thyroid hormones;
  • cholesterol;
  • triglycerides;
  • sahara.

In addition, before the examination, double-check your first-aid kit and tell your doctor what medications you are taking on an ongoing basis due to a chronic illness or occasionally with an exacerbation. The fact is that many medications contribute to weight gain. These include:

  • corticosteroids (eg dexamethasone);
  • beta-blockers in the treatment of hypertension (bisoprosolol, metoprolol, nebivolol, atenolol);
  • phenothiazines;
  • non-selective antihistamines of the 1st generation (suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine);
  • tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine, amitriptyline), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (pargyline, iproniazid);
  • drugs for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus based on sulfonylureas (gliclazide, glibenclamide, glimepiride);
  • oral contraceptives with a high concentration of estrogen (Non-ovolon, Yarina, Ovidon, Zhanin, Diane-35);
  • lithium.

They provoke fluid retention in tissues and an increase in appetite.

We draw a conclusion. If you want to keep your weight normal after losing weight, you need to undergo a medical examination. The first goal is to identify diseases that contribute to obesity and get rid of them, if possible. The second goal is to eliminate the use of drugs that can provoke a set of extra pounds, replacing them with safer counterparts (if any).

Step 2. Change your eating habits

After a medical examination, it is advisable to make an appointment with a dietitian or nutritionist. Yes, today their services are among the most expensive, but the recommendations of a good specialist are worth it. They can adjust the diet depending on the individual parameters of the patient, starting with his age, height and weight and ending with the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.

If there is no opportunity to consult a specialized specialist, there is no need to give up. You yourself are able to change your eating habits and diet in order to maintain weight.

The purpose of this step is to remove dishes and products from the menu that contribute to the deposition of fat reserves, to learn how to eat right. Here's what nutritionists advise to do for this.

Weigh yourself daily. Gained 2-3 extra pounds - reduce your calorie intake by 100-200 kcal (no more). Once they are gone, go back to the previous figure.

Calculate the correct ratio of BJU for your body (read how to do this). All of them must be present in the diet without fail. Do not skew towards one of them. Correctly distribute them to meals.

Decide on the schedule of meals, eat strictly by the hour. Deviations can be no more than half an hour and should become an exception, not a pattern. The last meal is 3-4 hours before bedtime. The only relaxation - from 9 to 10 pm you can drink a glass of kefir, a soothing herbal tea or eat a small apple.

Refuse fast food establishments and ordering food by phone. You can resort to them no more than once a month in order to saturate the brain pleasure centers - nothing more.

All these postulates are the principles of proper nutrition, which form healthy eating habits and allow not only to maintain weight, but also improve well-being, normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

What is not allowed at this stage:

  1. Use diets with which it is impossible to safely lose weight and maintain weight in the future. After them, the body stores fats in reserve for a long time in the fear that fasting will repeat again.
  2. Get involved in frying as a way of cooking. It is better to replace it with a grill: it is just as tasty, but it turns out much less in calories.
  3. Overeat.
  4. There are many delicious but unhealthy foods. If you really want a bun or something sweet, leave them in the morning, when the body requires carbohydrates, but not for the evening.

Nutritionists also warn that after losing weight quickly, weight usually returns in a matter of days. To prevent this, you do not need to initially choose express diets. It is safe for your health to only lose 1 to 2 kg per week. Everything that does not fit into this norm falls into extreme methods and harms the body.

A sample menu that you can follow after losing weight in order to maintain weight:

Plus, half an hour after each meal, use freshly squeezed, fresh juices, green tea, herbal infusions. And during the day, do not forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water. Its disadvantage is another factor that can negate the results of weight loss.

We draw a conclusion. Only professional advice from a nutritionist will tell you the right direction in which to move. For some, it is enough to slightly adjust the diet for this, and some have to radically change their eating habits. But eating as before, overeating fast food and limiting yourself to dry snacks at work, will no longer work.

Step 3. Move

Enjoy looking at your slim figure in the mirror, which you finally achieved with such difficulty? At these moments, everyone is proud of themselves and dreams of keeping their weight in this category forever, so that they no longer have complexes and do not resort to various methods of losing weight, in which there is little pleasant. We'll warn you right away that proper nutrition alone (we talk about its principles) is not enough for this. It is necessary to spend the calories that you absorb, and even keep your muscles in good shape. To do this, you will have to determine for yourself the level of necessary physical activity.

The purpose of this step is to work with problematic parts of the body, prevent postponement, and form a beautiful muscle relief.

And again, there is nothing better than going to the coach with the results of a medical examination, clearly indicating to him your problems and goals: I lost weight, I want to keep the weight, what is needed for this. It will help you create a workout plan based on your health characteristics and goals. Yes, you'll have to fork out again, but it's worth it.

For those who do not have such an opportunity, there is only one way out: to do it yourself, guided by general recommendations.

To begin with, you should determine the level of your physical activity by answering the following questions:

  1. Do you exercise in the morning?
  2. Do you get to work by transport or on foot?
  3. Is the work sedentary or does it involve constant movement from place to place, and without a car?
  4. Are you using an elevator or stairs?
  5. Go to the gym?
  6. How do you spend your weekend: lying on the couch or working at the summer cottage?

This will allow you to objectively assess the level of your physical activity within 1 day and within 1 week. At this stage, the goal is not to lose weight, but only to maintain weight. To do this, you do not need to exhaust yourself in the gym to a sweat. For this it is enough:

  • do 10-minute exercises in the morning;
  • replace the elevator with a ladder;
  • with sedentary work, do it 3 times a week for 40 minutes (in the gym, pool, dancing, shaping, do it at home);
  • with active work, engage in 2 times a week for 40 minutes;
  • walk for at least half an hour daily in the evenings.

As for additional physical activity (jogging, yoga, qigong, Finnish walking, aerobics), the issue is easily solved. If you have practiced them before and not for weight loss, but for the sake of pleasure, then continue to practice. If not, do not overload yourself.

And one more tip from fitness instructors: lie less on the couch in front of the TV and sit at the computer. Always choose the more dynamic alternatives: go for a walk, go shopping, clean up the house. In short, move as much as possible.

We draw a conclusion. To maintain weight, you do not need to exhaust yourself with challenges and many hours of training, as you may have done while losing weight. It is enough to maintain moderate physical activity, which will bring joy, and not make you suffer from DOMS. But you can't stop playing sports. They perfectly complement the benefits of proper nutrition and maintain a beautiful figure until old age.

Step 4. Redefine your lifestyle

People often underestimate the importance of little things in their lives. Recently, there has been a lot of research that makes us pay attention to them. So, it has been scientifically proven that among the most common causes of excess weight after overeating and physical inactivity are:

  • improper sleep patterns;
  • improper work and rest mode;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • everyday troubles, constant stress, minor irritating factors, bad mood, chronic fatigue syndrome, professional burnout;
  • social circle (when friends, family, soulmate are fast food lovers who are not ashamed of their completeness).

A person who is prone to overweight, in order to maintain his weight after losing weight, needs to pay attention to all these little things. It often happens that even with proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity, the lost kilograms begin to return. Perhaps these factors are to blame.

The goal of this step is to minimize any risks of gaining extra pounds again. We draw up an approximate program of action.

A good sleep

First, learn to ... sleep. According to surveys, more than 75% of modern people suffer from various chronic diseases and obesity precisely because of improper sleep and wakefulness, which leads to hormonal imbalances. What should be done:

  • ensure yourself sound sleep, since during the deep sleep phase, calories are burned (60 per hour);
  • give up gadgets half an hour before bedtime: the blue glow of the screens disrupts the production of growth hormone, which triggers lipolysis;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day to reduce the synthesis of ghrelin (the hormone of hunger) and increase the production of leptin (the hormone of satiety) at night;
  • go to bed before midnight - by this time you need to be in the deep phase of sleep in order to start the synthesis of melatonin, without which the normal course of metabolism is impossible.

Try to go to bed and get up at the same time to train your body to the regime.

Remember how fairy tales end? The heroes overcame all obstacles and, holding hands, retired to a joint (happy by default) life. The magic story is silent about what awaits them after a magnificent wedding. Now remember how the weight loss diets end. You get rid of excess weight, endure restrictions and finally, after all the efforts made, you see the coveted figure on the scales, and the jeans of the desired size are easily fastened on the hips. But losing weight and losing weight forever are as different things as a kiss from a prince and family life with this spoiled infant. Simply put, losing weight is much easier than maintaining your weight after losing weight.

This is, as a rule, the lack of all short-term, hungry and extreme diets for weight loss. By resorting to them on your own, you quickly lose weight, but then just as quickly gain weight back, often with additives. This can be avoided by getting rid of excess body weight under professional guidance. A good dietitian will not only help you maintain your weight, but also explain how to maintain your weight after losing weight. But most of us, of course, struggle with extra pounds alone. Therefore, he simply does not know how to properly maintain weight after a diet. And this is no less important and no less difficult than actually losing weight, as well as maintaining health and beauty, despite the restrictions in the diet.

Why is it difficult to lose weight and not gain weight after dieting?
The original meaning of the diet as a nutritional system in the modern world, and especially in the understanding of many women, has transformed into a list of restrictions that must be adhered to for the sake of harmony. And this approach not only fundamentally distorted the essence of a balanced diet, but also harmed the goal itself. Because losing weight with the help of "hungry", that is, based on strict restrictions, diets, often leads to the opposite result, that is, to weight gain. It occurs shortly after the end of the diet plan and return to the usual diet. Accordingly, here you need to look for the root of evil - that is, the reason for weight gain after losing weight.

If you recall the most popular weight loss diets spread by numerous media and whispered by girlfriends, it turns out that most of them are very similar. Despite the dissimilar (sometimes very intricate!) Names and different set of permitted products, they are all very similar. Than? Initially, the wrong approach to the work of the body and the metabolism in it. Judge for yourself - these are the main signs of short-term diets and their disadvantages:

  1. Weight loss rate. The human body is not a balloon that can be “inflated” and then just as quickly released from it. Fat appears and accumulates in the body through complex biochemical reactions, and the reverse process is no simpler. Accordingly, it cannot happen faster. If you torture your body so much that you lose more than 4 kilograms within 1 month, it means that not only adipose tissue, but also muscle tissue “burns out”. And muscles are not only the strength and shape of the body, it is also a "firebox" for calories. Professional athletes consume and consume a lot of energy not only because they use it in training. In the intervals between trainings, the energy consumption of their bodies is high precisely because the muscles provide a fast metabolism. The more muscle you lose, the slower you will lose weight. But that's not the worst part. Muscle tissue is built more slowly and more difficult than adipose tissue. Therefore, the place of burnt muscles is willingly taken by fat deposits. And with each quick diet, you aggravate this process. To prevent this, lose weight at a rate of no more than 3-4 kg in the first month and no more than 2 kg in all subsequent months. From these numbers, calculate the duration of the acceptable diet.
  2. Too few calories. Everyone who loses weight knows that in order to lose weight, you need to create a negative energy balance, that is, consume fewer calories than spend. Or spend more than you consume, which seems to be the same thing. However, even such a simple equation has a catch. It turns out that the body's metabolism is much more complicated than a simple example of addition and subtraction. There is a so-called "basic metabolism" - this is the energy that your body needs, no matter how many times you do push-ups in the gym or how many kilometers you run. Basic metabolism is responsible for vital functions - maintaining respiration, digestion, blood circulation, regeneration and many more processes that occur in the body of any person continuously. On average, the whole body spends at least 1200 kcal per day. Burning fat, that is, the consumption of energy reserves, is exactly the same vital process. And if the body receives less than 1200 kcal daily, it is suspended along with the basic metabolism. So, if you want to lose weight for a long time, do not try to reduce the diet more than up to 1200-1400 kcal (depending on individual parameters) per day.
  3. Unbalanced diet. One word expresses everything there is to clarify about this point: mono diets. These are diets for weight loss, involving the use of one, maximum - two or three foods for some time. Buckwheat diet, chocolate diet, diet on cabbage soup, on grapefruits and eggs, on coffee grounds ... None of them and the like have nothing to do with either proper weight loss, or, moreover, with a healthy diet. First, they deprive the body of the nutrients it needs to function. Without protein, muscles are destroyed, without carbohydrates - mood spoils and strength drops sharply, without healthy fats, the skin dries up and hair falls out, the intestines cannot work without fiber. Secondly, it is impossible to eat one product longer than 2-3 days. During this time, the body loses only water, but not fat reserves. Together with the liquid, the body loses a couple of kilograms (1 liter of water weighs 1 kg), which return immediately as soon as something else gets into the stomach besides the diet allowed. You already know what happens after short-term mono-diets. Their effect cannot be permanent by definition. In any case, it is impossible to maintain the achieved weight after losing weight on such a diet.
  4. Danger of disruption. In addition to digestion and burning fat, every person's body performs a more complex activity: the processes of the nervous system. At a simple level, the risk of falling off a monotonous and rigid diet can be explained by psychological fatigue from restrictions and by the fact that a losing weight person "misses" high-calorie and tasty foods. But the real reason for failures lies much deeper, so it is much more difficult to cope with it, and even great willpower does not always cope with such a task. Nervous activity requires not only energy, but also "building materials": minerals, vitamins, etc. In case of their critical shortage, it gives a signal for immediate replenishment. You feel it as a strong and almost indomitable appetite. And since in order to eliminate the deficit, it takes time to assimilate nutrients, it will not be possible to limit ourselves to a small indulgence. As a result, you skip your diet in favor of goodies. Again, it was not possible to maintain weight and maintain the effect of the diet!
Thus, the answer to the question of how to maintain weight after losing weight quickly should become obvious to you. This answer: no way. Once again, you can not recover from a diet if it was balanced, reasonable, satisfying and not too short. Are there such diets at all, you ask. And we will answer: of course, there are. Moreover, only such diets, or rather nutrition systems, are worthy of animation. You should forget about all the rest as soon as possible and never remember again if you really want to maintain weight after losing weight.

Is it possible to lose weight forever?
The question of how to lose weight and maintain the results of the diet is asked by everyone: both those who are overweight and people who are trying not to lose their already existing harmony. The answer to it depends on how exactly you are going to lose weight. Not how much - but how you will go to the result. If you hope to successfully maintain your weight after losing weight dramatically, then the chances of success are extremely small. Therefore, the question needs to be reformulated: how to properly maintain weight after losing weight. Then you can safely count not only on the loss of extra pounds, but also on the fact that they will no longer return to you. And for this you will have to make proper nutrition not temporary, but permanent. Only switching to a balanced and healthy diet can ensure that excess weight does not bother you anymore.

How to maintain weight after dieting
In order to consolidate the result of weight loss and not roll back to the previous parameters, you must choose the right diet. And the correct diet necessarily includes recommendations on how to get out of it, that is, how to eat after the end of the diet, so as not to get better again. They are quite simple, and most importantly, they are universal. No matter how many kilograms you lose, it is important to follow these nutritional rules after a diet:
So the answer to the question of how to maintain weight after losing weight lies in the very approach to this process. And you need to start it in your mind. In order not to gain weight after a diet, do not pursue a quick result. Get ready for the period of weight stabilization and for the fact that you will have to follow the rules of nutrition for a lifetime. And further! It is possible that your ideal weight (depending on height, physique, age and health status) does not coincide with how much you want to weigh in your dreams. This means that violent excessive weight loss will always end with a return to large parameters. So set realistic goals for yourself, even if they don't match your ambitions. Believe me, health and wellness are worth it.

Our expert - nutritionist Ekaterina Belova.

Tune in for the long haul

The return of weight in many cases is explained by the fact that the person initially lost weight incorrectly. Many people perceive this process as a short distance race. Now, they say, I'll sit on kefir for a week, find the desired figure - and I can relax. Alas, this scheme does not work.

When you return to your usual diet, a new set of kilograms occurs, and often the increase is more than the loss. The reasons are not only an increase in calorie content, but also a slowdown in metabolism, which, when malnourished, is reoriented to energy storage. And also in the fact that a person who has lost weight on short-term diets loses mainly muscle mass. It is in the muscles that fat is burned, if there are few of them, then its consumption will inevitably decrease.

Another option is daily sweatshops in a fitness club for, for example, a month. They help to lose weight, but during this time the body gets used to a certain load. Then the person reduces it, because only professional athletes can constantly train in this mode, energy consumption is reduced, and it becomes very easy to gain kilograms again.

The conclusion is simple: if you want not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the result, you need to tune in to a long way. Change the way of life so, but then did not return. Weight, which means nutrition, physical activity, must be monitored throughout your life.

Breakfast lunch and dinner

And also lunch and a couple of snacks - this is how the daily menu of someone who keeps fit should look like. It is very important to eat regularly, little by little, every 3-4 hours. Failure to comply with the diet often leads to a set of extra pounds both initially and after losing weight. Moreover, both constant "chewing" and rare, but too plentiful meals.

It is also important to observe the drinking regime: for each kilogram of weight, 30 ml of water or unsweetened tea should be supplied per day. This is necessary to maintain normal metabolism, and also not to eat too much: many people have difficulty distinguishing between hunger and thirst.

All food groups should be present in the diet: grains, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fats and proteins. The exclusion of any of them leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals. To get them, the body sends signals of hunger, and the person inevitably overeats.

To the walk!

Losing weight without training, only due to dietary restrictions is quite realistic. But maintaining weight by avoiding physical activity is impossible. There is a simple principle: in order not to gain weight, you need to take about ten thousand steps per day. It's about the usual: before the store, before work - everything is considered. Alas, modern city dwellers, accustomed to public or private transport, usually do not recruit that much.

To this, twice a week, you need to add 20-30 minutes of fitness. Any activity is suitable: training with dumbbells, dancing, jumping rope, yoga, roller skating. The main thing is that the activity brings you pleasure. If you're not happy, look for a different kind of fitness. Exercising through "don't want to" reduces motivation and forces you to give up efforts to maintain weight.

On the scales!

If you want to maintain the achieved result, also make it a rule to weigh yourself regularly. This should be done once a week, on the same day and at the same time of day (preferably in the morning). There are people who step on the scales every day.

This is a waste of time, especially for women. They have small, within 2-3 kilograms, fluctuations in body weight during the week (and sometimes - and the day) may be associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle. Such an increase is not at all a cause for concern.

But if weight gain is a trend, you see every week that it is gaining, you need to take action. Analyze your diet, understand what excesses you have begun to allow yourself, and try to give them up.

To maintain a healthy weight, you will have to monitor calories. First, calculate your consumption rate using this formula:

For women: 9.99 × weight in kg + 6.25 × height in cm - 4.92 × age - 161

For men: 9.99 x weight in kg + 6.25 x height in cm - 4.92 x age + 5

Multiply the resulting number by:

1.2 - if you are sedentary

1,375 - if you go in for sports 1-3 days a week

1.55 - if you train 3-5 days a week

1,725 \u200b\u200b- Go to fitness 6-7 days a week.

It is also necessary to consider an important nuance. Imagine that there are two people of the same weight, age, gender. But one of them weighs so much all adulthood, and the other has recently reached such a body weight, having lost weight. In the second case, to maintain weight, calories must be reduced.

How much depends on the method of losing weight. If you were on a strict diet, lost a lot of muscle mass, you need to reduce the calorie intake by about 500 kcal per day. If the acquisition of harmony was gradual and physiological, it is enough to reduce it by 200 kcal.

Everyone who has tried to return the gracefulness of forms to their body has faced a problem: it is not so difficult to lose extra pounds, how to keep the result and not gain weight again. This is because a person, as a rule, returns to his usual way of life, but this regime at one time made the body gain excess weight. Experienced nutritionists have found ways to maintain the results after losing weight.

Is it possible to maintain weight after dieting

The human body is equipped with defense mechanisms that allowed our ancestors to survive in the wild. For example, the accumulation of fat reserves in the body in case of crop failure or hunger. The mechanism starts at the very first hints of the impoverishment of the usual diet. This is why the body’s normal response to weight loss is a virtually permanent feeling of hunger that persists even after the diet is over.

As a result, a person very quickly returns to their previous volumes and may even recover further. How to maintain weight after losing weight? If you follow just a few rules, it will be easy to control. The main thing is to follow them strictly and consistently. Otherwise, any diets, fasting and other methods will be in vain - keeping the weight at the same level will not work.

How to maintain weight after losing weight

A person's weight depends not only on the contents of the plate, but also on many indirect factors. For example, sleep patterns, degree of physical activity and even emotional state. However, there is a main rule: the end of the diet is not a reason to indulge in gluttony and idleness. You will have to work on yourself constantly, then simple principles of self-control will quickly become a habit and turn into a norm in life.

Maintaining emotional balance

Nutritionists have found that psychological discomfort is the most common cause of overeating that leads to excess volume. This means that the number one answer to the question of how to maintain weight after losing weight is to take control of your own experiences. First of all, you have to stop “seizing” problems. For clarity, you can hang motivational pictures and inscriptions on the refrigerator, which will serve as an emotional "stop-tap".

The best way to deal with stress is to vent your emotions. You can shout heartily, "beat" the pillow, cry out. This will keep your hunger attacks under control. If this approach turns out to be ineffective, a course of multivitamins can support the body in the fight against negativity - they are available at any pharmacy. Antidepressants help some women, but experts consider their use as a last resort.

Switching to proper nutrition

There are several simple rules on how to maintain weight after losing weight by balancing the diet:

  • Give up semi-finished products and fast food. Such food impairs intestinal peristalsis and increases cholesterol levels.
  • The main meal during the day is breakfast. It should be dense, and in the morning you can afford almost anything, including sweets: the carbohydrates eaten in the morning burn almost completely.
  • Proper nutrition does not mean a complete rejection of desserts. You can afford marshmallows, marmalade, dark chocolate. The only thing that has to be said unequivocally "no" is baking.
  • Try to eat a little, but often - 5-7 times a day... Between main meals, it is advisable to have a snack with healthy foods: fruits, candied fruits, nuts, low-fat cottage cheese, etc.
  • Give preference to protein foods. It satiates well, dulling the feeling of hunger that is typical after leaving the diet. Dairy products, hard and soft cheeses, seafood, fish, eggs are rich in protein.

Sports activities

Exercise suppresses hunger while helping to burn extra calories, but how can you keep your weight on the same level if your schedule does not allow you to regularly go to the gym or go to fitness? It is necessary to devote time to training at least once every five days. Exercises for the abdominal muscles, jumping rope, squats, gymnastics are effective. Swimming and dancing will also make you lose weight.

Healthy sleep

Normalizing sleep and wakefulness is one of the simplest ways to maintain weight after losing weight. During rest, somatotropin is produced, a growth hormone that speeds up metabolism. In order for the body to have time to produce it in the required volumes, it is advisable to go to bed no later than ten in the evening. To cope with possible insomnia will help: a half-hour walk before bedtime, a little physical activity (you can, for example, shake your abs) or a cup of green tea.

  1. In order to consolidate the acquired forms for a long period, it is important to consider the balance between the amount of energy expended during physical activity and the calories obtained from food. Simply cutting back on portions will not help you maintain weight after dieting. The secret to success is to increase energy expenditure while reducing the number of calories from food.
  2. Refrain from drinking alcohol: it irritates the stomach lining, spurring appetite, and reduces self-control.
  3. Drink plenty of water. Recommended daily volume by nutritionists: 2.8 liters in summer, 2.5 liters in winter. Water, filling the stomach, reduces appetite, speeds up metabolism, removes toxins from the body.


Many women know: after the diet finally ended, the damned, thrown off with such difficulty, the kilograms return. And sometimes even in larger numbers than they were.

So that the nightmare about the return of "prodigal kilograms" after losing weight never came true, you should always remember several important principles that will help keep your weight low. And not only remember, but also constantly follow them in life.

Weight gain reasons

There may be several of them:

  • After "fast" diets, the lost pounds return just as quickly. Here the following principle works: the diet is over, the weight is "taken" - you can eat your favorite dishes again. Nothing like this! After losing weight in this way, you need to very carefully review your menu and leave in it mostly low-calorie foods.
  • Passive lifestyle. If you are on a diet and at the computer at the same time, nothing will work. Fasting without increasing physical activity will do little.
  • If the weight loss is 20% or more of the original, the body begins to prepare for hungry times and store fat for future use. Therefore, at the end of the diet and return to the usual diet, the weight can return to double the size.

Proper nutrition

A strict restriction on fried foods must be introduced. It is better to replace them with boiled or stewed ones. As a last resort, grilled vegetables, meat and fish will do.

In order to avoid disruptions during the process of losing weight and maintaining weight, you need to eat a variety of foods. It would be nice to fill the refrigerator with healthy foods - low-fat fish and meat, fruits and vegetables (you can frozen). It's a good idea to have low fat dairy products and eggs on hand. You can have a snack with berries and dried fruits. During this period, it is better to purchase cereals and products made from wholemeal flour.

It is necessary to give up strong alcoholic beverages - they dull attention to the food consumed and, moreover, increase the appetite. Sometimes you can drink - but better than dry red wine. It helps to normalize digestion and metabolism.

It is worth doing a general cleaning in the kitchen - remove jam, sweets and cookies from the field of view. Apples, carrots, and any other fruits and vegetables should take their place on the table. Berries will also fit perfectly into this company.

To reduce the number of calories you eat, you can reduce the serving size. To do this, replace the deep dishes with smaller dishes.

It is necessary to increase the calorie content of the foods consumed gradually. It will be quite enough to add 100-150 kcal per week.

Example: with a diet, the number of allowed calories was 1200 per week.

  • After 7 days, you can add 150 kcal, you get 1350.
  • If after a week the weight remains normal, you can add another 150 kcal.
  • If the increase turned out to be significant, it is necessary to return to the original figure - the one at which the fat left.

It's great if you have the opportunity to play sports in nature or visit the fitness center. At least once a week - on weekends. If you don't have time or money to train in the gym, at least forget about the elevators at work and at home.

If possible, cover any distance on foot or by bike. Anyone can walk a couple of stops on their way home from work.

To maintain weight after a diet, nutritionists recommend using simple "bookkeeping" - the income should be less than the expense. That is, the calorie content of food should be less than the amount of consumed energy.

Weight loss rate

If weight loss occurs gradually - and 3-4 kg per month is considered the norm - you should not torture yourself with various prohibitions. Once a week, you can treat yourself to ice cream or such a high-calorie, but favorite hamburger. The main thing is not to get carried away with "pampering".

In the case when it is uniform, the brain gets used to new indicators faster, and the process of weight loss is much easier.

Compulsory breakfasts and light dinners should be made a habit.

  1. But if in the morning you can eat whatever you want - up to coffee and a bun, then in the evening there are much stricter prohibitions. At this time of day, it is better not to gorge on after 18:00.
  2. If your appetite is very high, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt. An apple or pear will not harm.
  3. Until six in the evening, too, you do not need to eat. For dinner, a fish baked in foil or a piece of meat is ideal. Boiled vegetables will serve as a garnish.

It is better to take food not 3, as usual, but 4-5 times a day. But the portions should be reduced. So hunger will torment less, and the metabolic process will go much faster.

Do not forget that food must be chewed thoroughly. You need to eat slowly, without being distracted by reading or watching TV.

While maintaining an optimal weight, as with losing weight, it is recommended to consume as much fluid as possible. Only, in no case should there be carbonated drinks or coffee. You can drink freshly squeezed juices, compotes, decoctions of herbs or rose hips. It is quite easy to calculate the amount of liquid: for 1 kg of weight - 30 ml of water.

A little trick

In order not to overeat, you need to drink a glass of clean water half an hour before a meal. The liquid will take up a certain volume in the stomach, and the feeling of hunger will not be as strong.

Nutritionists advise making for yourself a "black" list of your favorite, but very high-calorie dishes. This can also include the situations in which these products are most often used. For example, a package of nuts can be “destroyed” while standing in a traffic jam. And not even notice it. Now the process will have to be controlled. The compiled list should remind you that you can use the delicacies indicated in it no more than 1-2 times a week.

The opinion of American scientists

American scientists from the University of Georgia conducted a study that showed that regular weighing can help you lose weight or maintain weight. According to experts, in this case, people carefully monitor their diet and physical activity.

A total of 111 adults, aged 18 to 65, participated in the study. The researchers asked the volunteers to try to maintain their weight for two months. After the end of the experiment, it turned out that people who regularly underwent the weighing procedure either lost weight (on average by 0.8 kg) or retained their weight. At the same time, those who did not have weights gained 2.2 kg on average.

What else to do to maintain weight

If you don't have enough time for sports, then give up transport and walk to work. Instead of the elevator, go up the stairs, do simple exercises in the morning before work. To maintain weight, you can regularly ride a bike, do yoga, aerobics, or dance. When we get out of the diet and try to eat right, the metabolism goes into economy mode and slows down. Sports activities will help speed up metabolic processes.

To maintain weight, you should also:

  • enough rest (sleep should be at least 6 hours);
  • drink more water (it is recommended to drink about 6 glasses of water a day, it is important to drink water in the morning after sleep);
  • avoid stress, control emotions (to avoid seizing problems with junk food, in particular, sweets);
  • lead a healthy lifestyle.
All these recommendations are easy to fulfill on one condition: you just need to really want to see yourself always in great shape and with an excellent figure. If you lose weight by compulsion, and not at will, you can at least "earn" a nervous breakdown. As a maximum - any other diseases. The process of losing weight should be enjoyable - it's enough just to imagine yourself with a new figure and compliments that will surely follow.