Cell phones

Fresh cabbage salads: simple and very tasty recipes Fresh cabbage with cheese salad

Fresh cabbage salads: simple and very tasty recipes Fresh cabbage with cheese salad

Hello! Today I’ll start my story with a proverb: “Not a single mouth can live without cabbage.” Such green-white beauty really is in a hurry to please us with its taste and juiciness. Dishes made from it turn out divine,...
About the place of man in the modern world, his role in the creation or destruction of this world

About the place of man in the modern world, his role in the creation or destruction of this world

The difference between society and culture reveals its definition as a set of human-created values. The world of culture is the world of material and ideal spiritual values, i.e. the world is an object of material and ideal taken into...
Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

By decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, an emergency body of the highest military command was formed - the Headquarters of the Main Command of the Armed Forces of the USSR. It was headed by the people's...
Fortune telling on wax: what does fate have in store for you?

Fortune telling on wax: what does fate have in store for you?

Wax has always been a popular means for fortune telling. Our ancestors used it, and now everyone can find out their destiny by the bizarre patterns made of wax. Many methods of fortune telling come down to interpretation...
Application for termination of the insurance contract

Application for termination of the insurance contract

Thanks to the innovations of the Bank of Russia, termination of a life insurance contract on a loan in certain situations is carried out quickly and in favor of the borrower. Promotion of programs with low rates, mandatory...