1. Students, depending on the level of the educational program being mastered, the form of study, the mode of stay in the educational organization, include:

1) pupils - persons mastering the educational program of preschool education, persons mastering the basic general education program with simultaneous residence or being in an educational organization;

2) students - persons mastering educational programs of primary general, basic general or secondary general education, additional general education programs;

4) postgraduate students - persons enrolled in postgraduate studies under the program for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel;

5) adjuncts - persons doing military or other service equivalent to it, service in the internal affairs bodies in the adjunct under the program of training scientific and pedagogical personnel;

(see text in previous edition)

6) residents - persons enrolled in residency programs;

7) assistants-trainees - persons studying under the programs of assistant-internships;

8) listeners - persons mastering additional professional programs, persons mastering vocational training programs, as well as persons enrolled in training at preparatory departments of educational institutions of higher education, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law;

9) external students - persons enrolled in an organization carrying out educational activities in educational programs with state accreditation for passing the intermediate and state final attestation.

2. The special names of students mastering additional general educational programs in general educational organizations with the aim of preparing minor citizens for military or other public service are provided for by the charters of these educational organizations.

3. Students (cadets) are provided with a record book for free, and students also a student card. Samples of a record book and student card for students (cadets) mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education. Samples of the record book and student card for students (cadets) mastering bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education.

The issue of terminology is essential for the correct completion of the kindergarten documentation. Incorrectly filled papers may be invalidated. What is the difference between the concepts of "student" and "student" in ECE according to the law?

List of persons related to students

Depending on the level of the educational program being mastered, the form of study, the mode of stay in the educational organization, students include:

  • pupils;
  • students;
  • students (cadets);
  • graduate students;
  • adjuncts;
  • residents;
  • trainee assistants;
  • listeners.

Correct use of the terms "learner" and "learner"

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation") gives new ones, in comparison with the RF Law of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" , definitions of the concepts "learner" and "learner".

Student - this is a person mastering the educational program of primary general, basic general or secondary general education, as well as an additional general education program (clause 2, part 1, article 33 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation").

Learner - this is a person who masters any educational program (clause 15 of article 2).

Thus, from September 1, 2013, all pupils of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and other educational organizations should be correctly called students. It is better to use the concept of "learners" in those cases when not only students are meant, but also, for example, pupils.

If the educational complex includes a school and a kindergarten, then all the children who attend it are correctly called students. In this case, children who attend school can also be called students, and children who attend kindergarten can be called pupils.

Age of beginning of education in a preschool educational organization

Getting preschool education in educational organizations can begin when children reach the age of two months. Receiving primary general education in educational institutions begins when children reach the age of six years and six months in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but no later than they reach the age of eight years.

At the request of the parents (legal representatives) of children, the founder of the educational organization has the right to authorize the admission of children to the educational organization for training in educational programs of primary general education at an earlier or later age.

In accordance with Part 4 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the terms for obtaining general education are established by the Federal State Educational Standards, taking into account various forms of education, educational technologies and the characteristics of certain categories of students.

On this day during recess, the college has a fun, but at the same time business atmosphere. At different "points" students talk about the dangers of smoking, arrange mini-championships in table tennis and chess, and do creative work. As the students themselves say, such actions make life in college more diverse, accustom children to sports, and, of course, make them think again about the harmfulness of some habits.

In February, meetings of the Moscow State University administration, deans of faculties with college graduates and their parents are held. In total, over 600 people attended. Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs Sergei Anatolyevich Ageev traditionally gave detailed and detailed information about the procedure for entering the University after college, representatives of the faculties spoke about the educational process and the prospects of training in all specialties of interest to parents.

How They Study in College, or All About Secondary Vocational Education

How do you go to college? In fact, the same as in the university. But with the difference that a compulsory component is getting work experience in the chosen specialty. Well, the admission procedure is not as serious as in higher educational institutions. You can enter college after grade 9 on the basis of the State Examination Agency, after grade 11 - on the Unified State Exam. Most often, it is enough just to provide a certificate. And then the applicant will be enrolled in this or that specialty. It turns out that entering the school is simpler.

The college offers more opportunities in this area. Why? Usually there is a special time for work, or rather, for practice. In fact, the child will both study and gain work experience, which university graduates lack so much. Practice is a compulsory component of school education. You can't do without it.

College students

Depending on the form of study, the student is distinguished "full-time", "part-time" and "evening". Students full-time forms of education enjoy a large "package" of privileges: they receive state scholarship, have the right to use a student ticket, eat free of charge, if necessary, live in the hostels of the educational institution, participate in competitions and additional scholarship programs. The term of study is 5 years ( specialist). Students correspondence forms are learned without interrupting work. As well as students evening branches, they are not entitled to scholarships, student travel cards. Part-time and evening students study for 6 years (specialist).

Russian student history is no less interesting. So, until 1918, university graduates who had no practical work experience were also called students. And in Soviet times, only university students were called students. Students in secondary specialized educational institutions were called students, in military training - cadets and listeners.

2nd presenter: It's time to give the floor to your supervisors (class teachers). They will be your nannies for all these difficult but interesting years of study. They will defend you in front of the dean's office and the student scholarship commission. They will call your parents daily before the session or at the end of the semester to remind them that their children are still students. For several years they will not only share sorrows and joys with you, but will also become a reliable "buffer" between you and the administration of our technical school (college). So, welcome.

2nd host: Future lawyers are present in this room today. If lawyers are in the room, we ask you to stand up and show yourself in all your glory. (If there are first-year lawyers in this USEP, they rise from their seats, and everyone present greets them.)

College students

Great attention should be paid when choosing an educational institution Student life inside a college or technical school... After all, student life is an important component in the development and implementation of all the creative potential of a future specialist.

Each college or technical school, of course, has its own unique student development program ... Moreover, the very name "student life" can mean many aspects of students' activities in the educational process. These include:

A student killed an OBZh teacher and himself in a college in Moscow

Currently, investigators and criminologists are working at the crime scene. A complex of investigative actions is being carried out aimed at establishing the circumstances of the incident and the persons involved in the commission of the crime. The operatives are interviewing the management of the college, the colleagues of the murdered teacher and fellow students of the student.

The teacher who came after the change to the class first found the body of a 44-year-old life safety teacher Sergei Danilov. His throat was cut. A little later, at the end of the class, the body of an 18-year-old 3rd year college student, Andrei E., was found. The wounds on his body were identical.

Inner order rules

1.20 When conducting laboratory work, practical and seminars, physical education and a foreign language classes, as well as during coursework and educational practices, the study group can be divided into subgroups of at least 8 people.

1.22 Industrial (professional) practice according to the profile of the specialty and qualification (pre-diploma) practice is carried out, as a rule, at enterprises, institutions and other organizations on the basis of agreements concluded between the college and these organizations.

Moscow college student killed a teacher on the day of his expulsion

“The teachers' council was supposed to be today. It was supposed to decide which of the students would be expelled. This Andrey was the first contender. Because he studied badly, - told the correspondent of "KP" fourth-year student Viktor Chukanov, - Andrei had a nervous breakdown against the background of studies and the upcoming expulsion. In the last photo - after the murder - he smiles. "

Immediately two corpses were found in the study room of the college "Western Complex of Continuing Education" on Gvardeyskaya Street - a 44-year-old OBZh teacher and his 18-year-old student Andrei Emelyannikov. Both have traces of a violent death and stab wounds on their necks.

College Freshmen Adaptation

The adaptation of students in a group and in a new educational institution is the most important problem that must be overcome, as quickly as possible and, preferably, with a positive outcome. In overcoming this problem, college teachers and, first of all, the curator of the group play a large role. Freshmen in their lives acquire a new role - a student, by trial and error they try to master and justify the expected behavior of them, on the basis of which they build relationships with peers and teachers. The formation of a group plays an important role in social adaptation, the faster it is formed, the faster students will master their new role.

At the moment of adaptation, students experience a radical change in their activities and environment, their internal attitudes undergo strong changes. There is a reorientation of values, the development of new social roles, students begin to perceive themselves and others differently. The successful adaptation of a freshman to college life is the key to the further development of each student as an individual and as a future specialist.

College initiation script

Preparatory work... The Student Initiation Celebration should be a solemn event. Therefore, some aspects of the script may be of a ritual nature. Elements of the ritual of the holiday can become traditional - this will enhance their emotional effectiveness. Therefore, when revising and changing this scenario, it is advisable to preserve the meaning of certain rituals.

You have decided to gain professional knowledge in your favorite business. I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that the overwhelming majority of you are just this favorite thing, the desire to turn it into your favorite profession, and led to our school (lyceum). We, teachers and Masters, are happy about this and are ready to help you on your chosen path. Some of you have already taken the first steps, some are just taking this road.

1. Students, depending on the level of the educational program being mastered, the form of study, the mode of stay in the educational organization, include:

1) pupils - persons mastering the educational program of preschool education, persons mastering the basic general education program with simultaneous residence or being in an educational organization;

2) students - persons mastering educational programs of primary general, basic general or secondary general education, additional general education programs;

3) students (cadets) - persons mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education, bachelor's programs, specialty programs or master's programs;

4) postgraduate students - persons enrolled in postgraduate studies under the program for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel;

5) adjuncts - persons doing military or other service equivalent to it, service in the internal affairs bodies in the adjunct under the program of training scientific and pedagogical personnel;

6) residents - persons enrolled in residency programs;

7) assistants-trainees - persons studying under the programs of assistant-internships;

8) listeners - persons mastering additional professional programs, persons mastering vocational training programs, as well as persons enrolled in training at preparatory departments of educational institutions of higher education, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law;

9) external students are persons enrolled in an organization that carries out educational activities in accordance with state accredited educational programs for passing the intermediate and state final certification.

2. The special names of students mastering additional general educational programs in general educational organizations with the aim of preparing minor citizens for military or other public service are provided for by the charters of these educational organizations.

3. Students (cadets) are provided with a record book for free, and students also a student card. Samples of a record book and student card for students (cadets) mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education. Samples of the record book and student card for students (cadets) mastering bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education.

4. For other categories of students, documents confirming their training in an organization carrying out educational activities are issued in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation or local regulations.