This direction arose around the 20th century and is one of the forms of protest against globalization, because it carries with it the establishment of a new world order. Anti-globalism is a political movement that aims to combat certain aspects of globalization in its modern form. Often, against dominant transnational corporations, as well as trade and government organizations such as the WTO (World Trade Organization). There are frequent cases when anti-globalism is confused with the concept of alternative globalization (alternative globalization), this is not surprising, because these two areas are very are similar.

Who are anti-globalists?

Anti-globalists are representatives of anti-globalism. Their goal is to draw attention to inequality, lack of jobs, etc. The composition of antiglobalists is quite diverse, because in addition to young people, who mostly make up the majority, the composition of antiglobalists includes anarchists, ecologists (who go against the damage to nature and ecology), neo-Nazis, pacifists, communists, those who have nothing to lose and others. In fact, they do not consider themselves “anti-globalists," and they did not come up with the name themselves, but those who did not like this activity. The leaders of the order themselves call themselves the “new anti-capitalist movement” (NAD). Well, or very often, the "movement for global democratization" (DGD). But apparently the “nickname” which they were given by those whom they did not respect very strongly for them, and people call them that.

Anti-globalist movement

There are many reasons why the anti-globalist movement is developing, for example, the collapse of the USSR, the end of the Cold War, a change in the balance of power in the world, and, of course, the strengthening of the EU. Some believe that the name “anti-globalism” is not concrete, the reason for this is that not all participants in the anti-globalist movement are supporters of the globalization of the world as a whole.

The main goals of antiglobalists

  • struggle with transnational corporations that are trying to influence world politics
  • show ordinary people that the world is not a commodity, that is, that not everyone in the world is ruled by money.
  • let the world live of their own free will, and not at the direction of other countries.

What are anti-globalists opposed to?

As we already know, anti-globalists oppose globalization in some of its forms. Today, the most important forms of globalization are:

  1. A growing gap in income, consumption, health, education of rich and poor countries.
  2. Finance, business, trade.
  3. Deepening the division of labor between nations.
  4. Consumer and predatory attitude to nature.

That is, DGDs oppose some aspects of these forms.

What do antiglobalists want?

Apparently, what is described above, anti-globalists are determined to fight against globality, globality includes such areas as trade, international relations, finance, the development of world production, nature and so on. That is, most of them want to protect the interests and rights of ordinary people, and especially their own. Therefore, they often represent their interests in politics. But there are among them dishonest figures.

What are anti-globalists fighting for?

Anti-globalists are fighting to reduce the level of crime and corruption, as they are fighting for equality. Although it is more accurate to say that they are not fighting for something, but AGAINST something, against inequality, against crime, against corruption and so on.

Place of origin of the anti-globalist movement

It is known that such a movement as anti-globalism at the end of the 20th century. For the first time, representatives of this trend announced themselves in 1999 in Seattle (Northwest USA) at that time the WTO summit (World Trade Organization) was held. Based on this, we can conclude that antiglobalism was originated by Western cultures in the United States.

Antiglobalist Sponsors

It’s hard not to notice that “rule makers” are not poor. But where do they get money for their activities? There are not so many answers to this question.
  But it is known that this movement is financed from private donations, various funds. There are also secret sponsors that we know little about - international corporations that use this movement for their own purposes. That is, anti-globalists put forward in their protests the point of view of the one who pays the most.

Despite the fundamental differences in strategic goals (anti-globalists stand on isolationist and conservative positions, alternative globalists on the classic left platform, which means erasing national borders), in daily political practice, anti-globalists and alternative globalists usually act together.

A more precise name for the program goals and ideology of the movement called antiglobalism is althermondialism. 1999 is considered the year of birth of alternative mondialism, when the first powerful and coordinated speeches of opponents of the global financial order in Seattle took place during the WTO summit. The movement finally took shape with the start of its own opposition congresses, the first of which was a social forum in the Brazilian Porto Alegre [need attribution of opinion] [non-authoritative source?] .

Anti-globalists regularly hold social forums and various protests in different countries of the world.

Movement history

The concept of globalization came into scientific circulation in the 90s of the XX century. There are many concepts that explain the nature of globalization, its essence and consequences. Globalization is manifested in all major areas of human society, in particular, it affects the formation of political institutions and the flow of political processes at various levels. Consideration of the globalization process is relevant, since globalization is the context of modern social development.

Against the backdrop of globalization changes, the end of the 90s of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century were marked by a surge in the activity of public associations, called anti-globalist. These organizations defend the interests of various, and sometimes broad strata of the population. They respond to manifestations, in their opinion, of social injustice in various spheres of society in the context of globalization. They put forward their demands on national governments and international organizations that influence the situation of citizens. The anti-globalist movement differs from the social movements of past years and in many ways represents a new type of political actor. The groups and associations that make up it have a peculiar organization. They apply a relatively new tactic of social action. The movement puts forward alternatives to modern forms of social development.

For participants in the anti-globalist movement, the issue of developing a more or less consolidated constructive position is relevant. The practice of social forums is called upon to unite the efforts of public organizations in work on alternative socio-economic projects. The central phenomenon in this area has become the World Social Forum (WSF).

The ideological predecessors of antiglobalists can be considered the “new left” of the 1960s - 1970s.

However, it is generally accepted that antiglobalism originated in France. In June 1998, several French publications, public associations and trade unions joined together in the Association of Citizens for the Taxation of Financial Transactions, ATTAC-France (ATTAC - Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens). The main requirement of ATTAC is the establishment of the “Tobin Tax” (a tax proposed in 1972 by Nobel laureate James Tobin). Its essence lies in the fact that 0.1% of all financial transactions is directed towards combating poverty and raising the economy of third world countries. In addition, the organization advocates debt relief to developing countries.

The first manifestation of anti-globalism in the United States was the famous "Battle of Seattle" in December 1999. A massive protest was related to the WTO conference in Seattle and was directed against the policy of economic globalization. This anti-globalist action caused a really great resonance in society and provoked demonstrations in countries such as France, Germany, Canada, etc. From then on, anti-globalist movements and organizations begin to form around the world.

Later, the ranks of "anti-globalists" joined: Marxists, pacifists, animal advocates, anarchists, "greens", isolationists, representatives of sexual minorities, trade unions, adherents of oppressed religions, representatives of youth, environmental, student and anti-war movements, human rights activists, advocates consumer rights, nationalists, anti-abortionists, unemployed, hippy students. In 2003, there were more than 2,500 anti-globalist organizations in the world.

The heterogeneity of the anti-globalist movement causes internal disputes and conflicts.

Important dates:

  • June - the first demonstration of anti-globalists took place in Cologne.
  • 2000 - IndyMedia antiglobalist information network organized.
  • 2001 - Genoa - 200,000 anti-globalists came to disrupt the meeting of the G8 leaders. As a result of clashes between law enforcement and anti-globalists, anarchist Carlo Giuliani and one policeman died, more than 300 people were injured on both sides.
  • January - World Social Forum in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. The World Social Forum gathered in Porto Alegre more than 11 thousand delegates from 122 countries of the world.
  • End of January - World Social Forum in Caracas.

Anti-globalism in Russia

In 2001, several conferences were held in St. Petersburg against “capitalist globalism” held by the forces of the so-called patriotic organizations (CPRF, Peter's Academy), and in April 2002, the forum “Vectors of Anti-Globalism” was held, where it was proclaimed “A declaration of resistance to the new world order”, which invited various forces to cooperate - both political and social, cultural, religious, who considered globalization their enemy in the form in which antiglobalists understand it: a monopoly lively world, multinational corporation, popular culture, moral degradation, mass manipulation. . On this basis, the Association of Public and Socio-Political Organizations “Anti-Globalist Resistance” arose, associated with the anti-globalists of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, the North Caucasus, the Volga region, Central Russia, Siberia, as well as with like-minded people in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Armenia , Poland, the USA (Lyndon LaRouche group), Austria - Germany, Iraq, Syria and other regions.

“Anti-globalist resistance” held three All-Russian forums at which the programs on which work is underway and a number of program documents were adopted. .

The Russian alternative globalists, originally represented by the Alternatives movement, the Collective Action Institute (ICD) and the Globalization Problems Institute (IPROG), are rather skeptical of the activities of the Anti-Globalist Resistance and do not cooperate with political parties. The basis of the cooperation of alternative globalists is the worldwide movement of Social Forums. The tradition of their holding in Russia begins in 2003, when the first Siberian Social Forum was held in Barnaul. Local social forums were also held in Voronezh, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Izhevsk. Delegations of Russian activists coordinated by IPROG, ICD and Alternatives have been actively participating in World, European and local social forums since 2001.

The first Russian Social Forum was held in Moscow on April 16-17, 2005 after mass protests against the monetization of benefits across the country. The I RSF launched two coordination structures - the Union of Coordinating Councils (SCS), which brought together diverse social groups in the Russian regions, and the Left Front - a coalition of leftist movements, politicized trade unions and social groups. The second Russian social forum was held from July 11 to July 16, 2006 during the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, becoming the most large-scale all-Russian event of social movements. Since March 2012, the Anti-Globalist Movement has been officially registered. The public organization has already conducted more than 30 different events and actions directed against supranational organizations and interference in the affairs of sovereign states. Under the auspices of the movement, the most actions in defense of Syria were carried out, together with other socio-political organizations and parties.

Anti-globalist organizations

In addition to the aforementioned ATTAC organization, the following may be named:

  • "Global action." Calls for protest activity both on the streets of megalopolises and in rural areas (protest movements of farmers in Europe and communal agricultural cooperatives in Latin America and Asia Minor), theoretical criticism of corporations and an independent analysis of the nature and consequences of their activities.
  • "Black Block" ("Black Bloc"). Specializes in pogroms of expensive shops and offices, clashes with the police. It stands on the positions of anarchism. Opposes capitalism, state and war.
  • “The Third Position”. The organization arose in London. The ideological foundation is a bizarre combination of extreme left and extreme right views, involving the use of aggressive methods of protest.
  • "Ya Basta." An Italian organization supporting the Chiapas movement and against neoliberalism.
  • "Hacktivist." The union of hacker activists acting for political reasons.
  • Radical ecologists (leaders Ralph Nider and theorist Murray Bookchin) believe that to avoid a total ecological catastrophe, which inevitably awaits a “society of growing consumption”, is possible only with the help of the anti-market revolution.


Proponents of liberalism proceed from the fact that globalization is an objective process, and therefore see antiglobalism as a reactionary utopianism that seeks to stop the development of civilization. In this regard, the absence of a positive program is emphasized, as well as the massive violence and unrest that accompany almost all anti-globalist actions.

In addition, supporters of the movement are accused of extremism. The reason for this, in particular, is Naomi Klein’s calls to seize food by force and distribute, independently connect to electrical networks, occupy uncultivated land, etc.

Some scholars believe globalism is inherent in man and mankind.

Socialists and anarchists, for their part, believe that anti-globalism is ideologically vague and therefore does not really allow to challenge the existing political and economic system. In addition, assumptions about the bribery of leaders of the anti-globalist movement are voiced, in particular in connection with the fact that ATTAC and other organizers of the European Social Forum in Paris received financial assistance from the French authorities.

Anti-globalism - political movement against the negative aspects of the globalization process  in its modern forms, in particular, against the concentration of wealth in the hands of transnational corporations and individual states, against the dominance of global trade and government organizations ( World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, World Trade Organizationetc.) Anti-globalists regularly hold social forums and various protests in different countries of the world.

main ideaantiglobalists lies in the fact that the current model of globalization is formed under the auspices of world capital.

This entails:

The growing gap between developed and developing countries (in income, consumption, health, education);

Standardization of minds;

Inattention to nature in ecology;

The dominance of the ideology of neoliberalism (i.e., the complete openness of the market and the complete denial of state control over it) in order to expand the expansion of capital around the world, etc.

Initially, the anti-globalism movement aimed at creating a different model of globalization, expressed in global social creativity, the joint solution of global problems, internationalization, the creation of "network structures" around the world, etc.

The main goals of antiglobalists:

Write off debts of developing countries;

To develop new rules for international credit prohibiting the setting of conditions restricting sovereignty;

Replace the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank with a system of regional banks that are democratic in form and equally accountable to member countries;

Refuse the destruction of civilizations, alternative to Western;

Tax financial speculators "increase wages in countries with dependent economies.

Thus, globalization, internationalization of economic activity, international economic integration and anti-globalism are two sides of the same coin, reflecting the objective contradictions of modern times.

Questions for self-testing:

1. What explains the need for a high level of concentration of capital and resources, the growing importance of TNCs and TNBs in the information society? Compare TNCs and TNBs with the monopolies of the early XX century. What differences can you name between them?

2. What caused and what is the essence of the structural reorganization of the economy of most countries of the world? How does this relate to the formation of a new system of the international division of labor? How does its development affect the countries of the North and South?

3. Why are integration processes deepening in the modern world? How do they relate to the globalization of the global economy?

4. Describe the current contradictions of world development. How do they differ from the contradictions of the beginning of the 20th century? in the international arena?

Leading position of the USA and countries of Western Europe in world economic and political development

Summary:  The United States is the single most powerful superpower in the world. The concept of "expanding democracy." Political systems of European and American states. The political course of the Western countries: neoconservatism and Christian democracy. Social democracy. The structure of the economies of America and Western Europe.

Requirements for knowledge and skills:

- Have an idea: about the essence of the bipolar model of modern international relations.

Know: the main directions of the policy of the United States and other Western countries in modern conditions.

To be able to: identify the relationship of politics and economic goals of the United States and other countries.

In the last decade, the world has faced such a phenomenon as globalization. It is called upon to propose to individual states the concept of the main contours of their development within the framework of the general model of civilizational transformations. But, like the coin has a downside, globalization has had a lot of negative consequences. In general terms, the negative processes of globalization are to strengthen the power of international financial organizations against the backdrop of the crisis of the trade union and labor movement. One of the priority goals of the WTO, IMF, World Bank, etc. is a reduction in wages, cuts in all labor rights and guarantees. These priorities were identified under the direct influence of the activities of transnational corporations. The arrival of TNCs in poor countries is due to cheap labor and the possibility of direct exploitation of the raw materials of these countries. Roughly speaking, globalization is an expression of the national resources of the "golden billion" in general and the United States in particular.

According to the law of physics: any action gives rise to opposition, and there was a movement of opponents of globalization, called the Alternative Movement, and its supporters - anti-globalists.

Anti-globalist movement

The anti-globalist movement is the general name of public organizations, movements and initiative groups that fight the social, economic, political and environmental consequences of globalization in its current form.

Although anti-globalist protesters often act together, the movement itself is heterogeneous. Its activists proceed from different, sometimes directly opposite approaches to understanding globalization, adhere to very different ideas about alternatives to this process, and use different methods and tactics of action. Some of the groups participating in the anti-globalist movement were created specifically to combat the effects and effects of globalization.

Others in one form or another are associated with other social or political movements - pacifist, environmental, solidarity with the countries or peoples of the Third World, radical left, anarchist, communist, etc. Some activists reject the undemocratic and unfair mechanisms of globalization processes, others - capitalism and free trade as such, others - only an illiberal form of capitalist society, etc.

However, they all agree in criticism of the neoliberal version of capitalism and the international economic and financial institutions that are considered to be its carriers. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Trade Organization, international agreements on free trade, etc., as well as political and economic meetings and conferences (G8 meetings, the World Economic Forum, etc.).

Organizational forms of the anti-globalist movement

The heterogeneity of the groups and movements taking part in the anti-globalist movement has not yet allowed to create any clear and formalized organizational structures. The main form of the anti-globalist movement is mass protests and campaigns of protest and civil disobedience. They are accompanied by processions and rallies, in which thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people often take part. It is assumed that such a focus on specific actions should allow to join together various initiative groups from different countries to fight under common slogans, develop bonds of solidarity "from below" and gradually lay the foundation for finding consensus between the participants. In 1998, the Global Peoples Action was created as such a decentralized network of resistance initiatives against “free trade” and the World Trade Organization. Currently, marches and protests are usually held by coalitions of groups. Such speeches are organized by joint committees formed from representatives of groups; decisions are taken, if possible, on the basis of general agreement. There is no formal governing center and formal hierarchy. The main actors in the anti-globalist movement are social, non-governmental or political groups and associations. They can be local, regional, national or international in nature, engage in specific narrow issues or pretend to solve problems throughout the society. The range of these organizations is quite wide. Often, international organizations of anti-globalists are created at the initiative of political circles. So, in June 1998, the “Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Sake of Assisting Citizens”, or ATTAC, was formed in France. ATTAC originated from a small group of prominent figures (newspaper editors, trade union leaders and public organizations), closely associated with the political establishment and the left-wing parties of France (including socialists and Trotskyists). In subsequent years, ATTAC branches emerged in many other countries around the world. The official goal of ATTAC is to organize an “international movement for democratic control over financial markets and their institutions” to discourage “unlimited freedom of circulation of capital” and “speculative operations”. The Association advocates taxing financial profits, imposing sanctions against money laundering zones, preventing the privatization of the pension system, ensuring transparency in investments in dependent countries, legal regulation of financial and banking operations and canceling the external debt of dependent countries. In the anti-globalist movement, all participants are officially equal. In reality, however, this equality is relative, since different groups and associations have unequal access to financial and information resources, varying degrees of closeness to the political and intellectual establishment, and therefore disparate organizational capabilities and the degree of influence on society. Thus, for several years, ATTAC has gained a strong position in the anti-globalist movement, including many prominent and influential figures from around the world. An important form of the anti-globalist movement in recent years has become “social forums”. They are held on a continental and global level, discussing the most important issues of world economic, political and social development. In theory, these congresses should preserve and reflect the “liberation diversity” of the anti-globalist movement, the lack of inequality in its ranks. However, in practice this does not look quite true. Already at the Second World Forum in 2002, inequality between groups affected. Many small initiatives and non-governmental organizations were unable, for financial and organizational reasons, to take part in the forum, which was dominated by representatives of the political and public establishment (leaders of the ATTAC, the Brazilian Labor Party, the French Socialist Party, including ministers, etc.) . One of the Russian participants gave a good description of how the congresses of antiglobalists take place: “The forum's meetings are held in an ancient fortress and in several large halls in the city center. At the same time, there are a lot of events - conferences and seminars that discuss various issues, from strengthening the influence of the right on European politics to the food security of underdeveloped countries, from the problem of refugees to learning revolutionary songs. Thousands of people sit and stand in cozy, well-equipped rooms and listen to hundreds of speeches. You can’t discuss about what you heard - it’s not provided. One speech is followed by a second, third, fifth, tenth ... In the center of the fortress they sell party press ... in different languages, as well as T-shirts, stripes, badges, cards and other radical “stuff” (an indispensable attribute of which are various popular images of Che Guevara, turned into a real idol of anti-globalism). The more radical anti-globalists, dissatisfied with the "organization" of the official event, organized their own - "autonomous space." It looked more democratic: “... people sit in a circle, look into each other’s eyes, don’t make speeches and make loud statements, but talk to each other and agree on joint actions against capitalism, against war, against oppression and inequality. .. ".

Globalism- Creation of a common world space (political, economic, sociocultural, etc.) for the modern joint solution of global and private state problems. Globalization has already become an objective reality, and it is impossible to stop or reverse this process.

Among the objective reasons for the globalization of world space include the following:

    blurring the boundaries between domestic and foreign policies of states. Any internal problems of the state become the object of close attention and response of the entire world community;

    the creation of international political organizations (for example, the UN), which largely determine international relations;

    creation of a common global economic space and the global banking system;

    formation of a common information field;

    the need to unite all states to solve the global problems of our time, including the fight against world terrorism;

    a tendency towards democratization and consolidation in international relations of common moral and legal norms;

    the formation of a global civil society, the basis of which are non-governmental organizations (environmental, cultural, religious, pacifist, etc.).

Despite the fact that the global world order promises all kinds of advantages to mankind, globalization has not only supporters, but also opponents - anti-globalists.

Anti-globalism- An international social movement that opposes globalization in its modern form. According to antiglobalists, the processes of globalization are controlled by the most developed countries of the world, pursuing in the first place their own interests, and globalists, represented by the most developed countries, shamelessly interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states and establish their order there.

Globalization presupposes the openness of the world space for the movement of capital, goods, services and labor. In reality, according to antiglobalists, the most developed countries provide themselves with access to “foreign” markets, but at the same time their markets remain closed to others. As a result, rich countries continue to get rich, and poor countries get poorer. In addition, globalization violates the national sovereignty of individual states, levels the ethnic culture and identity of the people.

According to A. S. Panarin, "globalism does not go beyond the appropriation of global (planetary) resources by the greedy intervention of the" chosen ones ", who consider the rest of humanity unworthy of this society."

An even more negative assessment of globalism is given by A. A. Zinoviev. He believes that globalism is a deep and large-scale evolutionary war in the entire subsequent history of mankind. The main aggressor in this war is the global “Westernist super-community”, which united to conquer the entire planet. Already, the super-community controls more than 70% of the world's resources and imposes its “rules of the game" on most countries of the world.

However, attempts to spread Western norms and values \u200b\u200bto the entire world community, to impose on other “countries the rules of the game” advantageous only to the most developed countries, are met with an increasingly powerful rebuff from less developed countries. Many experts believe that one of the reasons for the emergence of global terrorism, predominantly Islamic, is the hegemony of the United States and its allies, and intercultural warfare is an inevitable part of globalization.

Thus, globalism and anti-globalism are two sides of the same phenomenon. According to some authors, the agents of globalization are transforming into a kind of global power, and anti-globalists should be considered as a global civil society.

As noted at an international conference in Cairo (January 18-21, 2003), the question is no longer whether to be or not to be globalization - this is a fait accompli - but how to make globalism more equitable so that inequality in the world does not deepened and contracted.