On April 13, 2016, on the basis of the Moscow State Regional University (Perlovsky Corps), the Association held the final full-time stage of the Subject Week "Innovative technologies for working with children with disabilities" to identify the best specialists in the Moscow region in working with children with disabilities. The competition was organized with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region and the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State University. About 50 applications (preliminary stage) from 31 correctional educational institutions of the Moscow region were submitted to participate in the competition.

Eight teachers reached the final of the competition, who presented creative self-presentations, revealed the content of author's projects devoted to various aspects of increasing the effectiveness of teaching and raising children with various psychophysical disorders, optimizing early assistance and creating a correctional and developmental environment. After the presentation, the participants answered the questions of the jury, and also performed creative tasks. The finalists were supported by their students and colleagues, as well as students of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of Moscow State University.

Subject Week Finalists

The jury included:

  1. Kryukov Georgy Valerievich - President of the Association of Specialists in Working with Children with Disabilities of the Moscow Region.
  2. Cherkasova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Defectology, GOU VPO MO ASOU.
  3. Alkhimova Vera Nikolaevna - Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Organization of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers.
  4. Ermolaeva Olga Vitalievna - Deputy Director of the PPMSS - Center of the Moscow Region.
  5. Kovylova Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State University.

Jury of the competition

Contest results

1 place - Fatina Elena Vladimirovna- Primary school teacher of "Boarding School No. 1" Elektrostal.

2nd place - Ryabyshkin, Alexander Sergeevich- teacher of the boarding school "Absolute".

3rd place was shared by 2 teachers:

Baranova Elena Vladimirovna- Primary school teacher "Noginsk special (correctional) boarding school for students with disabilities"

Anokhina Galina Alekseevna - A sewing teacher at the Boarding School for Students with Disabilities in Podolsk.

Volunteers (53 people) and spectators (107 people) - students of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of MGOU took part in organizing and conducting the event.

The results of the competition showed that active work is underway in the Moscow region to apply innovative technologies in the education and upbringing of children with disabilities.

Speech by EV Fatina, primary school teacher of "Boarding School No. 1" Elektrostal (1st place)

Speech by A. Ryabyshkin, teacher of the boarding school "Absolute" (2nd place)

Speech by Baranova E.V., primary school teacher "Noginsk special (correctional) boarding school for students with disabilities" (3rd place)

Speech by GA Anokhina, a sewing teacher at the "Boarding School for Students with Disabilities" in Podolsk (3rd place)

Students of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology

Subject Week Finalists and Jury

  • Competition
  • Olympiad
  • Competition game
  • Subject week
  • Family competition
  • Children with disabilities
  • Control test
  • Summer camp
  • Online tests
Distance Olympiads of the "Snail" Center

Goals and objectives of the distance olympiads of the "Snail" Center:

  • checking the level of knowledge of students
  • developing the skill of self-appropriation of knowledge
  • formation and development of skills of independent search and analysis of information
  • formation and development of skills for using Internet services in education
  • increasing motivation to study the subject

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Competition game

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Subject week

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Family competition

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Specialist. contests

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Primary school subject week.

Motto of the week: "Surprise! Diversity! Creation! Friendship!"

The week has opened the ruler, which was held by the head of the primary school MO Filatova N.I. On this day, a photo exhibition "Our health is in our hands" was held, which presented 8 photographs, including 8 health-saving components: doing morning exercises, hardening, rest, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, proper nutrition, good mood, visiting a doctor ... Medical

the employees issued the newspaper "Eat Right - Get Health". The guys looked at the pictures with proverbs with pleasure and great interest and read a poem about health, information about proper nutrition.

Second day…

The next day was no less interesting than the previous one. It was Day of the Russian language... Among the 2-4 grades, I conducted the Vocabulary - Remember! 4th grade teacher Storozhenko N.E. using an interactive whiteboard in an interesting way.

We identified the best notebooks in the Russian language in each class: 1 "A" class - Sergey Verigin; 1 "B" - Dmitry Lebedev; Grade 2 - Anatoly Klykov, Sabir Ragimov; Grade 3 - Alexandra Alennikova; Grade 4 - Ivan Chernikov, Alexander Bocharov.

Day three ...

This day was dedicated intellectual abilities... The guys took part in an integrative - developing lesson on the stations together with their counselors, who guided and helped them in a quiz about the world around them.

On this day, an exhibition of works on labor education with proverbs about labor was organized, which is aimed at meeting aesthetic needs, develops the constructive and creative abilities of children.

The best works: 1 "A" class - Vera Kamynina, Denis Zaitsev, Sergey Verigin; 1 "B" - Dmitry Lebedev, Maxim Perelevchenko, Vadim Perelevchenko; Grade 2 - Tsedov Artyom, Klykov Anatoly, Ragimov Sabir, Kornaukhov Oleg, Fedorishcheva Veronika; Grade 3 - Aleksandova Aleksandra, Fedina Angelina; Grade 4 - Ivan Chernikov, Ulyana Bulykina, Maxim Andreev.

Day four…

Maths. Teachers held an informative and exciting event “Take it! Try! Win! " On this day, contests and competitions were held, crosswords, puzzles, logical problems were solved.

The best notebooks in mathematics: Grade 1 "A" - Denis Zaitsev, Sergey Verigin; 1 "B" - Maxim Perelevchenko; Grade 2 - Anatoly Klykov, Sabir Ragimov; Grade 3 - Alexandra Alennikova; Grade 4 - Ivan Chernikov, Alexander Bocharov.

Day five ...

Literary reading. The guys made drawings for their favorite fairy tales. The librarian of the school Klevtsova T.V. conducted a quiz game based on fairy tales. The presentation event was informative and entertaining. We learned a lot of interesting and surprising things.

Filatova N.I. held a reading contest on the theme "Autumn". Expressively, clearly read the poems of Anatoly Klykov, Sabir Ragimov, Veronika Fedorishcheva, Alexandra Alennikova, Sergey Verigin, Ivan Chernikov.

Closing of primary school week. Ruler. Awarding of the participants of the week.

After the subject week, a round table was organized. Primary school teachers made presentations on these topics.

1. "The use of art therapy in the classroom with students with disabilities." (Storozhenko N.E.).

2. "Development of non-verbal thinking through constructive praxis."(Tselykovskaya S.A.)

3. "Development and correction of sensorimotor skills in students with mental retardation."(Shilova A.P.)

4. "Federal State Educational Standard - Stage 1 of the Development Program with students with disabilities."(Filatova N.I.)

5. "The role of finger games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills with students with disabilities."(Presnyakova O.V.)

"Techniques for working with autistic children."(Presnyakova O.V. - information from courses


The program of the subject week reflected various forms and methods of educational and extracurricular activities. Collective and individual forms of work were successfully combined. To activate the mental activity of students, original visual aids were used, games were held - quizzes with a presentation, contests, an integrative - developing lesson at the stations "Mathematical", "Fairytale", "Zagadkino", "Game", "Crossword" on ecology, presentations, video films ...

Such subject weeks are needed for both children and teachers. They bring a fresh stream to the educational and extracurricular life of the school team.

Head of the MO of primary school teachers Filatova N.I.

Municipal state educational institution

"Ashinskaya boarding school No. 5 for students with disabilities"

Subject week report

primary school teachers

Popova L.V.

In accordance with the schedule of subject weeks in the MCOU "boarding school No. 5 in Ashi" from 11 to 15 April 2016, a subject week of primary classes was held.

Purpose of the week:

  • Search for ways to improve the quality of the educational process through the development and implementation of modern educational technologies into practice.
  • to show methodological techniques and forms of organizing lesson and extracurricular activities of primary school students, ensuring an increase in motivation and cognitive interest.

Objectives of the subject week:
1. Creation of conditions maximally favorable for obtaining a quality education by each student, depending on his individual abilities, inclinations, cultural and educational needs.
2. Increasing students' interest in learning activities.
3. Help teachers and students in revealing their creative potential, organizational skills.
4. To form communication skills, the ability to subordinate their interests to the interests of the team;

  1. Teach children independence and creativity.

The principle of the subject week - every child is an active participant in all the events of the week.

The week was organized and conducted by teachers L.V. Popova, E.R. Kireeva, A.Kh. Glubokovskaya. An open extracurricular event for grades 1-4 was prepared and conducted by L.V. Popova. and Kireeva E.R.

04/11/16 (Monday)

The librarian of the school conducted a library lesson using ICT, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight into space. The guys remembered who first flew into space, got acquainted with the biography of Yu.A. Gagarin. We learned the names of spaceships, replenished our vocabulary with new words and expressions. The communication skills of students were developed.

The librarian's story was accompanied by a colorful and meaningful presentation. At the end of the lesson, the guys shared their impressions and new knowledge.

04/12/16 (Tuesday)

Drawing competition on the theme "Outer space". Organization of an exhibition of drawings.

04/13/2016 (Wednesday)

Scenario of an integrated extracurricular activity for students in grades 1-3

"Flying in a spaceship" (mathematical leisure)


- to clarify and systematize the knowledge gained about space, space flights, astronauts;

- to fix the names of the planets, their sequence of location from the Sun;

- to teach to understand and independently use space terminology in speech: spacecraft, ISS, docking stations, prelaunch platform, space crew;

- improve counting skills within 20, listing numbers in reverse order;

- to consolidate knowledge of numbers; correlate the number and the number of items;

- develop logical thinking, the ability to hear each other, constructive abilities, imagination;

- foster mutual assistance, friendly relations, the ability to work in a team, coordinating their actions with those of their peers.

Equipment: background of the starry sky with mock-ups of planets and spaceships, developing games "Tangram", "Geokont" and schemes for them, cards with numerical figures and for composing a number from two smaller ones, a set of numbers, multi-colored stars for ordinal counting, spaceships from different geometric shapes, hoops, Dienesh blocks - a set of volumetric geometric plastic figures, cards for building a rocket, a large map for the game "Search for the Ninth", a pointer.

Preliminary work: examining illustrations on the theme "Space", reading books about space and astronauts, making a model of the solar system, drawing on crumpled paper, application and modeling on the themes: "Meeting in Space", "Flight to the Moon", "Our Cosmodrome", " Flying saucers and aliens from space ”, etc.

Leading... Dear Guys! We are at the cosmodrome, and in a minute the spaceship will take you into the vastness of space. Interesting tasks await you ahead. (Reads a poem)

To become an astronaut,

To fly into the sky

There is a lot to know

You have to be able to do a lot.

Well, let's check how you are ready to fly? Then I ask everyone to go up to the launch pad of the cosmodrome. There are exactly 20 steps. (Counting up to 20.)

The exercise "Attention, astronauts!"

Don't say anything, just show with your hands - high, far, low, close, left, right, wide, narrow.

An adult names various concepts and objects of space theme, children show their location with their hands.

Well done, crews! After all, only the strong and dexterous our starship can take with it in flight.

Checking the crews for the upcoming "flight" continues. Students are given assignments, during which they loudly pronounce the score:

- sit down 6 times and jump 1 times more;

- bend over 5 times and push up (from the wall - for girls) / pull up (on the bar - for boys) 1 times less.

Any space route is open to those who love work. And now you guys have to work hard to lay out the rocket.

Children are divided into two groups (teams) to ensure the participation of each child and the choice of an activity of interest.

Task for the first group:

- according to the scheme, lay out a rocket from geometric figures "Tangram".

Task for the second group:

- according to the scheme to lay out a rocket from geometric figures "Geokont".

After completing the assignment and summing up the results, the children perform the song "March of Young Cosmonauts" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Fast rockets await us for walking around the planets. Whichever we want, we will fly to this.

All crews take seats in the rocket. (Children sit on pillows.)

A minute readiness is announced .., before the start 10 seconds. The countdown begins. (Children count in chorus from 10 to 0.)

Start! (Space music sounds.)

The rocket takes you into the starry sky. 10 seconds - normal flight. (Children count from 0 to 10.) 20 seconds - normal flight. (Children count from 10 to 20.) The spacecraft entered orbit.

Attention! All crews need to check the docking points.

The guys need to pick up two numbers, which together make up the number indicated on the card. To do this, each child from under the pillow on which he sits, pulls out a card and finds the desired number from the number located around the rocket-carpet.

So, the docking stations are in good order, the crews coped with the task.

Look, a starry sky opens up in front of you. Astronauts, be careful and answer my questions. (An adult draws the attention of children to a screen on which stars of different colors and sizes are arranged in a row.)

♦ How many stars do you see?

♦ What color is the third star from the left?

♦ And the fifth from the right?

♦ What is the orange star?

♦ What is the smallest star?

♦ The biggest one?

There are a lot of stars in outer space. Attention! Crews can leave the ship, go into outer space and play the game.

The game "Constellation" is held.

Children, holding hands, form 2-3 circles and at the command of an adult begin to lead a kind of "cosmic round dances", "asterisks", whirling, disperse throughout the hall, stop, pronounce the text and gather in a "constellation".

In the sky, the stars shine, sparkle merrily.

And they want to play with the guys.

Come on, stars, shine brighter in the sky,

Start the starry carousel in the sky.

One-two-time, one-two-time

Constellation for each star

we will find now.

Attention! All crews to return to the ship urgently! An alarming message came in from space. (A beep sounds and the children sit on the carpet.)

To determine where the distress signal came from, let's look at the spacecraft together on the screen of our "monitor". (Shows a starry sky background with mock planets and spaceships.) Answer my questions.

♦ What geometric shapes is this ship composed of?

♦ What figures are used to make up the ship located in the upper right corner of the "monitor"?

♦ How many rings does this planet have?

♦ Guess which ship the signal came from if you can hear it from the lower right corner.

The kids answer that question, and then the ET appears.

Alien (speaks slowly, on one note). Hello earthlings!

Leading. Hello dear alien! Our crews received an alarm signal from your spaceship. What happened to you? Maybe we can help?

Alien. I cannot return to my planet until I collect the cosmic crystals.

Leading (addressing children). Crystals need to be decomposed into compartments: in red - red crystals, in green - crystals with a round shape.

Children carry out a task with Dienes blocks, laying out the details of the game into two intersecting hoops in the middle.

Alien. How cleverly you managed to collect space crystals! Well done, earthlings! Do you want to play a popular game on our planet?

The game "Stargazer" is being played.

Children pronounce the counting-out, while passing the ball in a circle. The chosen "astrologer" moves bouncing to the music, stops between two children, who stand with their backs to each other, and on the count of one, two or three - run! - run around the circle in different directions, trying to be the first to return to the starting point and pick up the ball from the “stargazer”. The player who succeeds in doing this becomes the "stargazer" -master himself.

An astrologer lived on the moon.

He counted the planets.

Mercury one, Venus two

Three - Earth, four - Mars,

Five is Jupiter, six is \u200b\u200bSaturn,

Seven is Uranus, the eighth is Neptune,

Who does not see - go out!

Earthlings! You did a wonderful job with my assignment! I would like to show you my planet, but it disappeared from the starry sky ... How can I get home? I can't build a rocket.

Leading... Don't be upset, please! We will try to help you.

Gives the following tasks to crews:

the first is to lay out the rocket construction cards in a certain sequence;

the second, according to the alien's description of his planet, to find it against the background of the starry sky among other space objects.

Alien... Thank you, earthlings! You helped me a lot. I am in a hurry to return to my planet. (Saying goodbye, he waves his hand to the guys and leaves.)

Leading... And it’s time for us guys to return to our most wonderful planet in the entire universe.

Alien. And why is it the most wonderful you have?

Leading... And you listen to our song and you yourself will understand.

Children sing the song “Multicolored Planet” for the Alien (music by N. Lukonina, lyrics by L. Chadova). A deeply emotional Alien says goodbye to the guys, waves to them and leaves.

Leading. Guys, while our ship is making a soft landing on Earth, tell us what you remember and liked about the trip?

Children share their impressions.

Touching ... touching! Everybody guys! We returned to Earth, to our kindergarten. Today we have made an interesting journey into outer space. Until next time!

04/14/16 (Thursday)

Reading competition. Poems about space, astronauts. Solving crosswords and riddles.