Culturology. Crib Barysheva Anna Dmitrievna



Culturology has, along with the theoretical level of research application level   of practical importance.

The goals of applied cultural studies are forecasting, designing and regulating the cultural processes existing in practical life.

Applied cultural studies also develops the main directions of cultural policy, goals and methods of activity of a network of cultural institutions, tasks and technologies of sociocultural interaction.

The applied importance of cultural science is also manifested in the fact that it participates (along with psychology, sociology, pedagogy) in the study of the phenomena of socialization, culturalization.

An important area of \u200b\u200bapplied cultural research is the protection and use of cultural heritage, the study of cultural traditions, and forms of religious culture.

First of all, institutions are involved in solving applied problems - state cultural institutions, various public organizations, educational, enlightenment and educational institutions, the media, the physical education system and sports, etc. All these institutions set normative patterns and are designed to regulate the value orientations of people. The most important task in this case is the development of a common cultural policy of the state and society.

Applied Culturologycarried out in the form of specific socio-cultural activities.

Given that any activity has a cultural basis, the training of specialists is also saturated with cultural information.

Applied cultural science is of great importance in the field of cultural consulting, in the development of applied cultural projects, in organizations involved in art business and show business, commercial structures whose activities are related to intercultural contacts, advertising and creative agencies, on television, in the museum industry, in the field tourism business, hotel industry, etc.

Methods and forms of applied cultural studiescontribute to overcoming negative trends in society, are used to prevent deviant behavior, prevent ethnic and other conflicts.

A complex of applied cultural knowledge exists in almost all areas of human activity.

But at the present stage, the role of cultural experts proper is growing, who, applying theoretical knowledge in practice, become carriers of applied cultural studies.

The training of cultural experts involved in many educational institutions.

     From the book Culturology: lecture notes   the author    Enikeeva Dilnara

LECTURE № 1. Culturology as a system of knowledge. The subject of the course is “Culturology”. Theories of culture The foundations of cultural studies as an independent scientific discipline, the subject of which is culture, were laid in the works of the American scientist Leslie White. Cultural studies yet

   From the book Culturology: Textbook for universities   the author    Apresyan Ruben Grantovich

2.5. Culturology in the system of humanitarian knowledge Culturology as a science is closely connected with other sciences, which are called social-humanitarian, that is, those studying society and man. This interaction is necessary because it allows deeper and more versatile

   From the book Culturology (lecture notes)   the author Khalin KE

Section III Practical Cultural Studies

   From the book History and Cultural Studies [Ed. second, reslave. and add.]   the author    Shishova Natalya Vasilievna

Lecture 4. Theoretical and applied culturology 1. Theoretical research in culturology. Culturology acts as a general theory of culture, seeking to generalize the facts that represent individual students studying the culture of science. That is why especially large

   From the book Structural Anthropology   the author    Levy-Strauss Claude

Lecture 6. Culturology as a science of culture 1. Culture as a subject of culturology. The word culture came from the Latin cultura: “to inhabit, cultivate, worship” (the latter was reflected in the concept of cultus - “religious cult”). In all cases of the early

   From the book Culturology and Global Challenges of the Present   author Mosolova L. M.

   From the book Culture and Peace   the author    Team of Authors

   From the book Favorites: The Dynamics of Culture   the author    Malinovsky Bronislaw

Theoretical and Applied Anthropology Thus, from this point of view, museums of anthropology not only open up the possibilities of research work (which, however, goes to a large extent into laboratory work); new practical challenges await them

From the book Humanitarian Knowledge and the Challenges of the Time   the author    Team of Authors

Culturology and global challenges of our time © Report Authors, 2009 © Mosolova LM, Ch. Ed., 2010 © Bondarev A.V., compiled, scientific. Ed., 2010 © Publishing House SPbKO, 2010 All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any way.

   From the book Culturology   the author    Khmelevskaya Svetlana Anatolyevna

L. D. Raigorodsky, M. Yu. Shmeleva. Cultural studies or the struggle for

   From the book History of British Social Anthropology   the author    Nikishenkov Alexey Alekseevich

1. Applied and theoretical anthropology Perhaps the most important thing is to fully realize the fact that every truly significant theory should ultimately have practical value. At the same time, a field researcher when confronted with

   From the book Lectures on Cultural Studies   the author    Polishchuk Victor Ivanovich

Culturology. There is still a memory of the time when officials proposed to exclude cultural studies from the educational standard. Culturology began to develop in our country in the 60s of the last century. Scientific centers and departments appeared, the first ones were released

   From the author’s book

1.2. Culturology as a special area of \u200b\u200bscientific research In Western social science (“socialsciences”), cultural science as an independent discipline is absent, and its functions are performed by a set of anthropological disciplines (sociocultural anthropology, ethnology, etc.). AT

   From the author’s book

Ch. 3. Applied Anthropology in action

   From the author’s book

3.1. Applied Anthropology: what is it? Determining the specifics of applied anthropology, its relationship with "non-applied" research is still a problem that is far from being solved. Evaluation of the results of applied activities of British social anthropologists

   From the author’s book

TOPIC 1 Subject of the course “Culturology” The transformations of the last decades have made us more soberly evaluate the achievements of Russian culture. First, there was a transition from their unbridled praise to unbridled criticism, and then to a kind of nostalgia for

1. Development of technologies for managing cultural processes

2. Designing sociocultural processes

3. Identification of general patterns of cultural development

4. Implementation of cultural experience translation mechanisms

20. Historical cultural studies are studying ...

1. The culture of individual social groups

2. Basic patterns reproduced in each particular culture

3. Ethnic-based cultural systems

4. Past and present options for sociocultural systems

The history of culture is studying ...

1. Each individual culture as a unique and original phenomenon

2. The practical guidance of culture that exists in specific applied disciplines (museology, literary criticism, theatrical studies)

3. Culture as a religious cult

4. The essence, purpose and values \u200b\u200bof culture in general

22. “Historical culturology” and “history of culture” are ...

1. There is only a history of culture, “Historical Cultural Studies” is an incorrect term

2. identical concepts: historical cultural studies, like the history of culture, study the history of material and spiritual culture

3. There is only "Historical Cultural Studies"

4. non-identical concepts: historical cultural science combines cultural approaches to the history of culture, it is more theoretical

23. Sociology of culture as a branch of cultural knowledge, studies

  1. mass culture or culture created by the media
  2. national culture
  3. ethnic culture
  4. culture of primitive primitive peoples

24. The problems of democratizing society, changing cultural needs and goals of a person in an urban setting explores ...

  1. cultural anthropology
  2. sociology of culture
  3. cultural science
  4. philosophy of culture

25. The section of cultural studies that studies cultural phenomena as a means of communication is

  1. cultural history
  2. cultural semantics
  3. sociology of culture
  4. synergetics

The basis of culturological knowledge and its place in the system of sciences studies ___ cultures

  1. dynamics
  2. morphology
  3. epistemology
  4. sociology

27. Sections culturologists line up on ...

1. The main scientific tasks

2. Spontaneous problems

3. Sample Natural Sciences

4. The main applied tasks

28. Groups of sections of cultural studies - this ...

1. historical, history of cultural thought

2. applied, theoretical

3. evolutionary, cyclic

4. linguistic, semiotic

29. Groups of sections of cultural studies - thisPlease provide at least two answers.

1. Methodological, historical

2. Statistical, methodical

3. Political, social

4. Theoretical, applied

30. Groups of sections of cultural studies - thisPlease provide at least two answers.

1. Methodological, theoretical

2. Ethnographic, modern

3. Retrospective, promising

4. Historical Applied

31. Groups of sections of cultural studies - this

Please provide at least two answers.

1. applied and theoretical cultural studies

2. The history of culturological thought and historical culturology

3. cultural history and cross-cultural psychology

4. philosophy of culture and ethnoculturology

32. For the terms “cultural studies” and “sociology of culture” it is true that ...

2. cultural studies is part of the sociology of culture and analyzes culture in the context of social processes

3. culturology and sociology of culture study civilizational processes

4. culturology and sociology of culture - two different scientific disciplines that are not related to each other

33. For the terms “culturology” and “sociology of culture”, the statement that ...

1. The sociology of culture is based on an understanding of culture and cultural processes developed in cultural studies

2. cultural studies is part of the sociology of culture

3. cultural studies study civilizational processes, and the sociology of culture describes cultural phenomena

4. sociology of culture is the methodological basis of cultural studies

34. The field of culturological knowledge, which studies each individual culture as a unique and original phenomenon, compares different cultures among themselves - this is ...

1. The history of cultural thought

2. Sociology of culture

3. Applied cultural studies

4. History of culture

A set of concepts, methodology. principles, methods and learning. procedures cultural studies, knowledge oriented to the application in different areas of social interaction and to achieve ODA. practical effects in these areas. Since the applied level of culturology involves practical. the use of cognitive results, of particular importance here are areas of analysis and analysis, such as the diagnosis and forecasting of sociocultural dynamics that develops in a mode of spontaneous self-organization, the design change of those aspects and elements that can be transformed under the influence of focused management. activities, as well as programming and planning specific aspects of practice that can change in the right direction under the influence of a set of transform., in particular managerial., measures. All this makes K.P. an integral component. (besides theories and cognitive principles) such elements of knowledge as the totality of social technologies, concr. programs and recommendations designed for professionals and practic. workers in various fields of social activity.

The specifics of the applied level are culturological. knowledge lies in its integrative nature, which makes more complex demands on those practical. decisions that can be developed on its basis. If the applied level of any disciplinary knowledge (e.g., econ., Political scient., Sociol., Psychol.) Deepens only its narrowly specialized aspect of cognition. activities, and practical. recommendations relate only to the corresponding segment of sociocultural practice and are intended for professional use in industry, then for cultural studies. The approach is characterized by such features as an integrative-integral consideration of the object of knowledge in its history. dynamics, isolation and consideration of its aspects such as communicative, value-semantic, traditionalist, innovative, group, individual-personality, etc. All this, of course, can complicate the perception of cultural studies. projects and proposals in the framework, for example, of such branches of practice as polit, management, households. activity, social or nat. politics and others. Taking into account the totality of sociocultural qualities and parties practical. activity requires the transfer of specialists and management. workers on intersectoral interaction, which allows to deepen understanding of their prof. problems, develop an adequate solution to them, and also effectively implement this solution.

Applied level cognition was formed in the 20th century. in developed countries in the framework of practical. application of the results of cultural and social anthropology. The most important reasons for the expansion of the needs of specialists and managers. staff in knowledge of the results of culturologolog. analysis can be reduced to the next. global factors: in the world, intercultural contacts began to intensively expand and international relations develop. tourism; in many countries, the processes of accululation and the introduction of sociocultural innovations began to intensify; for many traditions. the society has become relevant phenomena of modernization and postmodernization, which affected not only labor technology, spiritual values, standards of behavior, but also social institutions, lifestyle in general; the ratio between urban and rural culture changed; transformed tradition. personality type, which complicated the process of personal, group, social self-identification; in many countries of the world a new problem of sociocultural readaptation of the islands and people to unhealthy, fraught with disasters ecology. the environment generated by the technogenic anthropol. factor.

In the edema. scientific and social practice of the Soviet period, the applied level of cultural studies. cognition has developed for a long time as part of a cultural-industry approach. In turn, this was due to the theory. postulates of Marxism, which averted culture auxiliary. role at the superstructure level. Therefore, in the theory of culture of the Soviet period, culture was reduced to such areas of practice as spiritual, artistic, educational, scientific activity, where the recommendations of culturologists could find application. In the 60-80s. the most developed levels of applied cultural studies. knowledge were such areas of analysis as the sociology of the artist. culture and art, sociology of cultural activity (meaning the broad concept of spiritual activity - the activities of workers in science, education, cultural institutions). However, in these years, edema. Researchers spontaneously, in an unreflected form, turned to an analysis of the cultural aspects of people's activities within the framework of such fields of knowledge as the sociology of labor, politics, relations and propaganda, nat. relations, religion, etc. Studying, for example, social movements in the world of work, people turning to different information and propaganda sources, revealing the scale of groups of believers and atheists, researchers could not help but touch upon purely cultural studies. aspects of these problems: motives, attitudes of people’s actions, value orientations of different groups and strata, level of confrontation or coordination of such orientations, etc. In the 80s in the fatherland. social studies began to appear work, justifying the need for the use of cultural studies. knowledge as independent, interdisciplinary direction, a cut includes the theory. and application levels. In the present time we can talk about the completion of formation in the growth, social science theories. cultural studies, while the applied level is still in its infancy. Leading theorists recognize the need and importance of its development, but it is practical. its use is delayed. The most fully used are those aspects of the cultural sphere that developed during the Soviet period within the framework of such branches of knowledge as the sociology of the artist culture and art studies (museology, art. education of youth, etc.), management of the cultural sector (library science, preservation of cultural monuments, training of specialists in the field of art and leisure activities, organization of concert activities, theater, cinema, etc.) . Under modernization, the development of a holistic and adequate modern. cultural policy requirements grew. The islands require overcoming a narrow departmental approach and forming it on a broad sociocultural basis. The same holistic sociocultural approach is also needed in the process of resolving other complex problems. about-va. Cultural studies, expertise, sociocultural design and related technologies should become integral components in the development of decisions in various fields of practice. World and edema. experience suggests that applied cultural studies. knowledge successfully finds practical. use ate. areas: regulation of social relations in the interaction of different social and cultural groups, layers; regulation of ethnic interactions; when resolving intergroup conflicts, in the process of removing social tension generated by a variety of factors; elimination or minimization of the reasons for deviant behavior (drunkenness, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.); in the processes of personality socialization, social and cultural adaptation of a person to modernization changes, during psychol. counseling on various life problems; in increasing the social effectiveness of SM activities, as well as in the process of regulating any communication processes between groups and layers, between social institutions and the individual, between producers and consumers (eg, in advertising, in public relations), and others. List of applied use cultural science knowledge is far from complete, and besides, it is constantly expanding, because any area of \u200b\u200bactivity, each of its social segments comprise sociocultural aspects that need to be taken into account when regulating their structure and dynamics. In this process, much depends not only on the researchers, but also on. specialists concret. branches of practice, from leaders at various levels, who are able to see and recognize the role of cultural factors in resolving problems at the intersection of their social and professional-industrial significance.

Culturology as a scientific paradigm. The specificity of the culturological method of cognition.

Culturology is emerging as a humanitarian paradigm with an interdisciplinary status, integrating the methods and results of other socio-humanitarian sciences. Spec. Crops. Method:

1. problem orientation

2. The dominance of anthological (creative, collecting. Knowledge) activities

3. The multidisciplinarity of culturologists

4. Anthropological orientation

Florensky: “To know by reason - to know contradiction, to know by heart - to know completely” Kassler: “We are not able to know the philosophy of culture using only formal and logical means.”

Cultural studies uses system of methods.

1. The historical method: aims to study how this culture originated, what stages in development took place and what it became in its mature form.

2. The logical method - the researcher creates a general view of this culture, compares it with others; 3. comparative historical method. 4. Structural-functional method 5 Semiotic method 6 Biographical method 7 Modeling method 8 Psychological method

Features of the culturological method of Likhachev

He was engaged in the substantiation of the general principles of textology and the history of ancient Russian literature. Speaking about the importance of the method, he noted that “the beauty of scientific work consists mainly in the beauty of research methods, in the novelty and scrupulousness of scientific methods ... it leads to discoveries. It provides a method for discovering the truth. ”

he is primarily interested in the fateful epochs and periods for the formation of Russian culture, and is attracted by the human, humanistic content and meaning of Russian literature, art, philosophy, and religion. His view of any phenomena he considers involves the study and evaluation of them in the context of culture, while the temporal, historical plane of analysis is only one of many. He revealed the special role of the national language, the nature of the national identity of Russia, manifested in the spiritual quest of the people, in the canons of Russian aesthetics, in the religious experience of Russian Orthodoxy.

The boundaries of D.S.Likhachev's cultural paradigm can be identified by several semantic lines constructing his scientific method: the integrity and design nature of culturological thought, the moral tension of the word about culture, the humanistic orientation of the culturological method, the problematic orientation of cultural studies. The most important components of the culturological paradigm become a kind of conceptual framework with which the scientist creates and explores the symbolic world of culture, while various facets of the method reveal their "similarity" in the structure of the object of cognition

The goals and objectives of theoretical, historical and applied cultural studies.

The task of applied cultural studies is the development of cultural policy, the economic and political support of cultural programs. The goals of applied cultural studies are forecasting, designing and regulating the cultural processes existing in practical life.

The theoretical field is the development of theories that allow us to identify the general laws of cultural life, to understand its essence and meanings. The goals of theoretical cultural science are holistic knowledge of the cultural phenomenon, development of categorical apparatus and research methods.

Historical culturology is a science that studies the history of civilization and culture, however, from the standpoint of not the historical, but the cultural methodology of cognition. The essence of this difference lies in the fact that the past is studied as a set of events and facts not exceptional but occurrences, situations and forms, by definition, normal, ordinary.

6. + 59 + 60 “Problem field” of modern cultural studies

1. a group of categories captures culture as a whole, including cultural-historical types of sociocultural organization, regional cultures, ethnic and social subcultural communities, everyday, elite and folk culture.

2. A significant layer of categories captures more individual aspects of cultural studies properties and functions of cultural objects and phenomena; cultural values \u200b\u200band norms; cultural environment of cultural subjects.

3. cultural categories reflect the technological layer of being of cultural organisms: cultural modalities (evolution, modernization, progress, degradation, destruction, cyclism); cultural processes (genesis, formation, functioning, distribution, reproduction, conservation, change); cultural-integration and differential phenomena (cooperation, consolidation, solidarity, sociality, mutual assistance); cultural technology; intercultural interactions.

4. The problem of intercultural dialogue (fork in W and Russia in 15-16v)

5. Imperfection of the capitalist model of society

6. The deep cultural studies of the current financial and economic crisis are rooted in the spiritual breakdown of Western civilization, which was preceded by a rejection of the basic moral foundations of Christianity.

7. The logic of formation and the content of the concept of "culture"

1.from lat. To cultivate, process, cultivate.

2. Parenting, education, development. Ability to "cultivate the soul"

3 "Cultus" - the pleasing of God, worship veneration.

4. The discovery of culture in the modern sense of the 17-18th century. Understanding to-ry as 2 nature.

There is a contrast between culture and nature. Culture loses its original, agricultural sense. Culture as a "cultivation of the soul" begins to be perceived directly. Universalization is taking place - the regularity of the development process.

D. S. Likhachev: "The culture of the individual is formed as a result of the activity of the memory of one person, the culture of the family as a result of family memory, the culture of the people - people's memory."

Depending on the level of knowledge and generalization, theoretical and applied cultural studies are distinguished.

Theoretical cultural science is the field of culturological science, which develops the foundations of culturological knowledge, forms a categorical apparatus, considers culture in its theoretical and historical aspect.

Within the framework of theoretical cultural studies, a number of subject areas can be distinguished: social and cultural anthropology, historical cultural studies, psychological anthropology, cultural semantics.

Applied culturology is a combination of concepts, methodological principles, methods and cognitive procedures of culturological

knowledge oriented to application in different areas of social interaction and to achieve certain practical effects in these areas. Since the applied level of culturology involves the practical use of the results of cognition, such directions and features of analysis as diagnostics and forecasting of sociocultural dynamics developing in the mode of spontaneous self-organization, design change of its aspects and elements that can be transformed under the influence of purposeful managerial activity are of particular importance here. as well as programming and planning for specific aspects of practice that can change intermeshing direction under the influence of a set of converters, in particular management measures. All this makes such elements of knowledge as a combination of social technologies, specific programs and recommendations intended for specialists and practitioners in various areas of social activity an integral component of cultural studies applied (besides theories and cognitive principles).

The specificity of the applied level of culturological knowledge lies in its integrative nature, which presents more complex requirements for those practical solutions that can be developed on its basis. If the applied level of any disciplinary knowledge (for example, economic, political science, sociological, psychological sciences) deepens only its narrowly specialized aspect of cognitive activity, and practical recommendations concern only the corresponding segment of sociocultural practice and are intended for professional industry use, then such a cultural approach is characterized by features, as an integrative-integral consideration of the object of knowledge in its historical dynamics, emphasis knowledge and consideration of such aspects as communicative, value-semantic, traditionalist, innovative, group, individually-personal, etc. All this, of course, can complicate the perception of cultural projects and proposals in the framework of, for example, such sectors of practice as political management, economic activity, social or national policy, etc. Taking into account the totality of sociocultural qualities and aspects of practical activity requires the transition of specialists and managerial employees to interindustry e interaction, which allows to deepen understanding of their professional problems, to develop an adequate solution to them, and also to effectively implement this solution.

The applied level of cultural knowledge was formed in the 20th century. in developed countries in the framework of the practical application of the results of cultural and social anthropology. The most important reasons for the expansion of the needs of specialists and managerial staff in the knowledge of the results of cultural analysis can be reduced to the following global factors: in the world, intercultural contacts began to expand intensively and international tourism develop; in many countries, the processes of acculturation and the introduction of sociocultural innovations began to intensify; for many traditional societies, the phenomena of modernization and postmodernization have become relevant, which affected not only labor technologies, spiritual values, norms of behavior

denia, but also social institutions, lifestyle in general; the ratio between urban and rural culture changed; the traditional type of personality was transformed, which complicated the process of personal, group, social self-identification; in many countries of the world a new problem of sociocultural readaptation of society and people to an unhealthy, fraught with catastrophe environmental situation caused by anthropological and anthropological factors appeared.


Flier A.Ya. Culturology for culturologists [Text] / A.Ya. Flier. - M .: Academic Project; Yekaterinburg: Business Book, 2002. - 492 p.

3.5 Methods of cultural studies

Cultural research methods are a set of analytical techniques, operations and procedures used in the analysis of culture. Since culturology is an integrative field of knowledge that incorporates the results of studies of a number of related sciences, cultural analysis is implemented through a set of cognitive methods and attitudes, including those borrowed from related disciplines. Moreover, in the process of cultural analysis, the methods of different disciplines are usually used selectively, taking into account their ability to solve analytical problems of a general cultural plan. All this gives reason to say that in the process of culturological research, methods of related disciplines undergo a certain transformation.

Recognition of the integrative nature of culturological research methods does not remove the problem of revealing the features of the methodology of cultural knowledge. This feature follows from the recognition of the fact that culturology is a pronounced humanitarian discipline and, therefore, all the features of the methodology of the “spirit sciences” apply to it. In the words of G. Rickert, the methods of culturology belong to the “ideographic methods”, or the methods of “understanding” (V. Dilthey). From the point of view of this approach, the knowledge of cultural-historical reality, the “Sphere of the Spirit” is fundamentally different from the knowledge of the natural world. The natural world can be understood through explanation. The world of culture is only through understanding - direct experience of historical reality, getting used to the internal meaning of phenomena and values, which is somehow connected with the directed value position.

Based on the understanding concept, a methodology for understanding cultural and historical processes - hermeneutics - was developed. Hermeneutics (from Gr. Pegshepeiys B - I explain, interpret) as art and a doctrine of the ways of interpreting texts, the original meaning of which is unclear due to their antiquity or ambiguity, originated in the ancient era. In modern

culturology is a method of interpreting cultural and historical phenomena and understanding of the subject, based on the inner experience of a person and his direct perception of life integrity. The basis of this approach to hermeneutics was laid by V. Dilthey and H.-G. Gadamer. From their point of view, the carrier of understanding of historical formations, cultural phenomena is language. Hermeneutics as “the art of interpreting written texts”, “recorded life revelations” (V. Dilthey) helps to reveal the subjective aspects of people's activities, their motives and emotions in the cultural and historical process, helps to interpret individual phenomena as moments of an integral spiritual and spiritual life or reconstructed era.

“Ideographic” methods, or the “understanding” methodology, are more capable of reflecting the concrete-event world of culture, the poorly dissected flow of people's cultural experience, as well as such qualities of cultural phenomena as similar, dissimilar, difficult to express, unique. They can represent variable or holistic phenomena in a culture, but with their help it is difficult to determine the form of the variability or integrity itself. For the analysis of sociocultural dynamics, the identification of objective causal relationships within culture, the clarification of the functions of culture, etc. in cultural studies, methodological settings and specific techniques for analyzing economic, sociological, and political studies are widely used: structural and functional approach, typologization, factor and component analysis, modeling using mathematical analysis, mass survey (questioning and interviewing), text learning using content analysis and etc. Only a skillful combination of all methodological attitudes and techniques allows us to give an adequate picture of the cultural and historical process.


1. Culturology [Text] / ed. A.A. Rainbow. - M.: Center, 2001 .-- 304 p.