Sociocultural adaptation of children

with disabilities

Sociocultural adaptation is one of the most relevant and demanded spheres of social practice. A high humanitarian orientation, social spiritual support of the unprotected layers of the population, care for the social and cultural arrangement of children with disabilities, their introduction to the riches of common human culture, to amateur crafts and creativity have always been characteristic of the advanced strata of Russian society.

Of all the problems that hinder the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the life of society, it is the problem of socio-cultural adaptation that is the most acute. Sociocultural adaptation is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon characterized by constant transformations. Sociocultural adaptation of a child with disabilities takes place in three links: personality, society, culture, where the requirements and expectations of the social environment for the personality of the “atypical” child are constantly being coordinated. The knowledge and skills acquired as a result of socio-cultural adaptation will be directed by children with disabilities to meet their vital needs, which will help them become full-fledged members of society.

For children with disabilities, socio-cultural adaptation is important in further integration into society and life in general.

The implementation of the main types and forms of a child with disabilities entering society is carried out within the framework of five adaptation centers (the first is socio-cultural interaction within the parental family; the second - with the immediate environment of the family; the third - within the framework of a preschool educational institution, in the courtyard of the house; the fourth - within the walls of the secondary general educational institution, as well as in cultural institutions, sports; the fifth - in the post-school period).

The success of adaptation practices is directly related to the peculiarities of the socio-cultural macro- and microenvironment, with the specifics of the state sociocultural policy. Thanks to the functioning of the institutions of family and education, it is possible for a child to achieve an adaptation standard, the level of which can be determined by the developed criteria system of an individual's readiness for adaptation and his social integration.

The essence of the socio-cultural adaptation of persons with disabilities is associated, first of all, with their "inclusion" in society, in ordinary interpersonal relations, due to the empowerment of participation in all types and forms of socio-cultural life.

The main object of socio-cultural adaptation and support is socially weakened and socially unprotected groups of the population, primarily children with disabilities. A significant part of these children is united by the concept of social insufficiency, which is associated with disabilities or disabilities, adopted at the initiative of the International Health Organization (WHO). The term "social insufficiency" or "maladjustment" means a violation or significant limitation in a person of his usual habitual life due to old age, congenital or acquired disabilities, diseases, injuries or disorders, as a result of which habitual contacts with the environment corresponding to age, vital functions and roles. A derived concept from it is socio-cultural insufficiency, which is associated with a partial or complete inability to perform socio-cultural functions that are considered normal for persons of a given age, gender and a number of other socio-demographic characteristics.

As practice shows, a decent lifestyle for children with physical and mental development problems cannot be guaranteed by taking only adequate measures of medical or psychological intervention. To reach a level of socio-cultural competence that would allow this part of the population to enter into ordinary social contacts and interactions without any particular difficulty, is the goal that unites both civil institutions and children with disabilities themselves.

In a narrower sense, the sociocultural adaptation of a child with disabilities means targeted, personal assistance, joint identification with him of his own spiritual goals, interests and needs, ways and means of overcoming obstacles. The search and mobilization of all the reserves and capabilities of the child himself will ultimately help him adapt and function normally in the surrounding socio-cultural environment, learning, communication, creativity.

The problem of adaptation is closely related to the problem of health - disease. This continuum is integral to the life path of an individual. The multifunctionality and multidirectionality of the life path determine the interconnection of the processes of the somatic (attitude to one's physicality, to one's health), personal (attitude to oneself as a person, attitude to one's behavior, mood, thoughts, protective mechanisms), and social (communication, attitude to situations and social institutions, activities) functioning.

Sociocultural adaptation involves optimizing the interaction of a child with disabilities and his family with the sociocultural environment, which is one of the most important factors and conditions for development.

The sociocultural environment acts as a determinant factor in the realization of his needs and demands, is the most important condition for revealing the essence of the child. However, the child learns socio-cultural norms and values \u200b\u200bonly through his experience, communication, through direct contact, thanks to his activity.

The process of sociocultural adaptation is ensured by a system of social protection measures aimed at creating conditions for the individual for his full or partial legal, political, economic, social, cultural independence and opportunities for participation in public life and the development of society equal with other citizens.

However, social structures are faced with the task of increasing activity among families raising children with disabilities, because children are often isolated from society by their parents themselves. Here it is necessary to raise the culture in relation to disabled people, not only of society as a whole, but also of disabled people and their families.

The system of sociocultural adaptation should contribute to the formation of an active life position among families with disabilities in general.

Thus, the socio-cultural adaptation of children with disabilities should be considered in two aspects. On the one hand, it can be presented as a specific means of culture and art recommended for a child with disabilities in an individual rehabilitation program to restore or compensate for impaired or lost functions. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that familiarization with the values \u200b\u200bof culture, participation in general cultural and leisure activities, along with all members of society, contribute to an increase in emotional tone, social communications, social inclusion of persons with disabilities, which is of a general rehabilitation nature.

List of references

1. Ilyichev D. Rehabilitation of children with disabilities // Social work. - 2003. - No. 2.- P. 46

2. Comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people. Ed. T.V. Zozuli. - M., 2005.

3. Smirnova E.R. The family of an atypical child: Sociocultural aspects. - Saratov, 1996.

4. Shpak L.L. Sociocultural adaptation: essence, direction, mechanisms of implementation. - Kemerovo, 1992.

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1 . The specifics of social adaptation in the society of young people with disabilities


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The problem of socialization in society of persons with disabilities is relevant for the present. Most often, under "people with disabilities (HH)" in the scientific literature it is customary to understand people who have certain limitations in daily life associated with physical, mental or sensory defects.

Disability is a social phenomenon. The scale of disability depends on many factors: the state of health of the nation, the development of the health care system, socio-economic development surrounding the country, historical and political reasons, in particular, participation in wars and military conflicts. In our country, these factors have a pronounced negative connotation. For 2013 in the Russian Federation, at least over 10 million people are officially recognized as disabled.

People with disabilities belong to the most socially unprotected category of the population. It is difficult for them to get an education. Their incomes are well below average, and their health and social needs are much higher. . The state, ensuring the social security of people with disabilities, is called upon to create the necessary conditions for them to achieve an acceptable standard of living in comparison with their fellow citizens, including in the field of income, education, employment, participation in public life. The system of multidisciplinary complex adaptation as an independent area of \u200b\u200bscientific and practical activity is intended to help restore the ability of disabled people to social functioning, an independent way of life. Changing public attitudes towards the problem of disability and disabled people, the development of a system of complex social adaptation is one of the main and responsible tasks of modern state policy. And this problem is of particular importance when it comes to young people. Young people with disabilities, being at the beginning of their life and having unequal starting conditions, are in dire need of support to take worthy place in society . socialization adaptation health legal

1. Specificity of social adaptation in society of young people with disabilities

The specificity of the social adaptation of young people with disabilities is largely due to their personal characteristics and the nature of the disease (its depth, the period of occurrence, as well as the attitude of the youngest person towards it).

Due to the existing restrictions, young people with disabilities, along with purely material and material restrictions, often find it difficult to access such social opportunities and benefits as obtaining a prestigious education, high-paying jobs that are in demand in the labor market, and the opportunity to be elected to local government or state authorities. As a result, a young person is forced to isolate himself in a rather limited environment, which gives rise to additional problems and difficulties, to overcome which technologies of social work with this category of the population should be directed. The main purposes of their application are:

Overcoming the state of helplessness;

Help in adapting to new conditions of existence and life;

Formation of a new, adequate environment for life;

Recovery and compensation for lost capabilities and functions.

These goals determine social technologies that can be used for effective social adaptation of young people with disabilities.

One of the leading traditional technologies is rehabilitation activities. Rehabilitation means a process that aims to provide young people with disabilities with the opportunity to achieve and maintain optimal physical, intellectual, mental and social levels of activity, thereby providing them with the means to change their lives and expand their independence.

"The implementation of all directions of rehabilitation takes place within the framework of an individual rehabilitation program (IPR), which makes it possible to take into account the physical and psychophysiological characteristics of a young person with disabilities and the associated rehabilitation potential. The IPR includes rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring the abilities of a young person with disabilities to household , social, professional activity in accordance with the structure of his needs, the range of interests, the level of aspirations, taking into account the predicted level of his somatic state, psychophysiological endurance, social status and real possibilities of the social and environmental infrastructure. "

The individual rehabilitation program includes the following types of rehabilitation: medical, psychological and pedagogical, professional and social.

The initial link in the general rehabilitation system is medical rehabilitation, which is carried out to restore or compensate for the lost or impaired functional abilities of a young person with disabilities. It includes restoration and replacement of lost organs, stopping the progression of diseases, spa treatment, reconstructive surgery, which restores the affected organs, creates organs or parts of them to replace the lost ones, and also removes the appearance disorders resulting from illness or injury.

It can be stated that in most cases medical rehabilitation is carried out for life, since measures of medical support and rehabilitation are needed to prevent the negative dynamics of the state of young people with disabilities.

Psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation is educational activities aimed at ensuring that a young person with disabilities masters the necessary skills and skills for self-service, gets an education. The most important goal of this activity, its psychological component is to develop in a young person with disabilities confidence in their own capabilities, to create an attitude towards an active independent life. Within its framework, professional diagnostics and vocational guidance of young people with disabilities are also carried out, as well as training them in the relevant work skills and abilities.

The main tasks of vocational rehabilitation are: to return a young person with disabilities to independence in everyday life, to return him to his previous job, if possible, or to prepare him to perform other work corresponding to his ability to work. Practice shows that with an adequate state of health and a desire to choose a profession, as well as appropriate adaptation of working conditions, young people with disabilities are able to maintain their ability to work for a long time and perform fairly large volumes of work. Prolonged inactivity not only leads to the loss of qualifications of a specialist, the extinction of professional skills, but negatively affects the state of health, as a rule, these people are sharply disrupted social ties, including deteriorating family relationships, communication with friends stops, spiritual interests are narrowed, depression.

The social rehabilitation program covers almost all issues of the life of young people with disabilities and includes psychological, social, social, economic and socio-cultural rehabilitation.

"The whole cycle of medical and rehabilitation measures is accompanied by psychological rehabilitation, helping to overcome in the minds of a young person with disabilities the idea of \u200b\u200bthe uselessness of rehabilitation. It is extremely important to assess the psychological status of young people with disabilities, which makes it possible to identify people who especially need long courses of psychotherapeutic measures aimed to relieve anxiety, neurotic reactions, to form an adequate attitude to the disease and restorative measures. "

An important goal of psychological assistance is to train a young person with disabilities to independently solve the problems facing him in relation to professional activity and family life, focus on returning to work and, in general, to active life.

The leading areas of social rehabilitation are considered to be medical and social care, pensions, benefits, obtaining the necessary prostheses, personal means of transportation at home and on the street, and other devices that allow a young person with disabilities to become quite independent in everyday life.

Socio-economic rehabilitation is a set of measures that includes: providing a young person with disabilities with the necessary and convenient housing for him, located near the place of study or work, maintaining confidence that he is a useful member of society; financial support for him and his family through payments for temporary incapacity for work or disability, the appointment of a pension, etc.

Social rehabilitation measures should ensure the elimination of barriers that impede the full life of people whose health does not fully allow, without appropriate adaptation of their living environment, to enjoy public goods and to participate in the enhancement of these benefits.

Sociocultural rehabilitation is an important element of rehabilitation activity, since it satisfies the need for information, in receiving social and cultural services, in accessible types of creativity, which is blocked in young people with disabilities, even if they do not bring any material reward. Sociocultural activities are the most important socializing factor, introducing young people with disabilities to communication, coordination of actions, restoring their self-esteem. As an element of socio-cultural rehabilitation, one can consider sports rehabilitation, in which the mechanisms of rivalry are especially strong, which also often operate in the field of creative rehabilitation. In addition to the general healing effect, sports and participation in special competitions for young people with disabilities increase the degree of coordination of movements, develop communication, and develop team skills.

Sociocommunicative rehabilitation is aimed at restoring direct social interactions of a young person with disabilities, strengthening his social network. As part of this activity, communication skills are taught in conditions that are new for a young person with disabilities, and a number of functions are impaired. On the basis of forming an adequate, but favorable self-esteem, a young person with disabilities should form a new image of "I" and a positively colored picture of the world, which will prevent negative emotional reactions in communication with other people. The need for personal communications is restored, which can be disturbed during the period of post-traumatic stress or illness. An important feature of this process is the organization of special channels or communication tools, if a young person with disabilities needs them, teaching him how to use such means. In addition, trainings of communication skills, which are carried out with the aim of developing social skills in a young person with disabilities, are useful or even necessary.

Thus, essence and content of rehabilitation young people with disabilities are to restore not only health, working capacity, but also the social status of the individual, his legal status, moral and psychological balance, self-confidence, the ability to integrate into society.

"Social adaptation becomes extremely important in the critical periods of the life of a young person with disabilities. It helps him to adapt to the condition resulting from injury or illness, teaches him to use various technical and other means provided to support this category of the population. The purpose of this technology is to provide social and psychological independence, to strengthen the capacity of a young person with disabilities. "

There are several types of adaptation of young people with disabilities.

Social and household adaptation of young people with disabilities is a system of measures aimed at restoring the abilities for independent activity in everyday life and ensuring their integration into society. The social adaptation program includes:

Special training in the skills of self-care, self-care, movement and movement;

Assistance in the selection of technical means of rehabilitation and training in their use;

Development of individual solutions for the adaptation of housing and communal conditions, a workplace for the needs of a young person with disabilities.

Psychological adaptation helps to form in young people with disabilities a positive attitude towards life, themselves and their condition. An important stage in the process of psychological adaptation is the transition from passive participation to active creative activity.

Aesthetic education and cultural and leisure activities, which are defined as an integral part of the adaptation of a young person with disabilities, as they provide:

The opportunity to enter a new social environment, expand the circle of communication with peers and get rid of an inferiority complex;

Get involved in creative activity;

Discover hidden talents in yourself.

Social and labor adaptation young people with disabilities also includes a set of measures aimed at a single goal: adaptation of the working environment to the needs and requirements of such people, adaptation to production requirements.

"The possibility of adaptation is strongly dependent on the severity and length of disability, as well as the quality of life of a young person with disabilities. In particular, the easier the disability group, the less seniority and family income, the higher the level of motivation to carry out rehabilitation measures."

The most important condition for achieving the goals of social adaptation is the introduction into public consciousness of the idea of \u200b\u200bequal rights and opportunities for young people with disabilities. Social adaptation will not be achieved until the humanity and expediency of this idea is poorly cultivated in society. It is social services that are called upon to promote, on the one hand, the effective adaptation of a young person with disabilities in society, on the other hand, the prevention of disability. Disability prevention involves measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of physical, mental and sensory defects or at preventing a defect from developing into permanent functional limitation.

The main goals to achieve which this process is aimed at:

Identification of the causes and conditions contributing to the occurrence of disability;

Reducing the likelihood or prevention of disability;

Preservation, maintenance and protection of the optimal standard and lifestyle of young people with disabilities.

2. Federal Law "On the Education of Persons with Disabilities"

In accordance with the 1995 Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, one of the most effective mechanisms for increasing the social status and protection of disabled people is their receipt of a full-fledged professional education.

Needless to say, how important is the choice of the field of professional activity in a person's life.

The mistakes made are difficult to correct, and the right choice is the basis of success in life and self-realization, both as an individual and as a professional. The ability for a profession can be developed in the course of study or in the course of production activities.

Article 79. Organization of education for students with disabilities:

Vocational training and vocational education of students with disabilities are carried out on the basis of educational programs, adapted, if necessary, for the training of these students.

State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide vocational training for students with disabilities (with various forms of mental retardation) who do not have basic general or secondary general education.

Professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities in the main vocational training programs, should create special conditions for education by students with disabilities. [Article 79. Organization of education for students with disabilities. [Law 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" 2016 Chapter XI Section 79 ].

The right to education is one of the fundamental rights of every human being. For people with disabilities and people with disabilities, education is vitally important, as it contributes to the development of the individual, increasing his social status and security.

The issue of ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities to rehabilitation by means of education is an important component of the state policy of our country, which is reflected in the Federal Law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (November 1995). Russia's accession to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted at the 61st session of the UN General Assembly and entered into force at the international level in May 2008, requires special attention to the issues of ensuring the right for people with disabilities and people with disabilities to receive high-quality general and vocational education as conditions for their social integration.

It is known that a decrease in the availability of quality education leads to an aggravation of the emerging social inequality and is a prerequisite for the marginalization (from the Latin marginalis - located on the edge) of those citizens who could not receive it. Disabled people and people with disabilities are often cited by researchers as those at risk of marginalization. In this regard, in the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015. emphasizes the need for special attention to ensuring the availability of quality education and creating conditions for the successful socialization of children with disabilities, children with disabilities, children left without parental care, as well as children in difficult life situations.

State authorities at the regional level are taking steps to expand successful educational practices for people with disabilities. For example, the Law of the City of Moscow No. 16 of April 28, 2010 “On the Education of Persons with Disabilities in the City of Moscow” establishes the responsibility of the state authorities of the city of Moscow for creating conditions in state educational institutions for general and professional education of persons with disabilities. Article 10 of this legislative act directly states that "state educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education carry out psychological, medical and pedagogical correction of the limitations of students' opportunities, aimed at restoring or compensating for impaired functions."

In this context, the burden on institutions of secondary vocational education (VET) is seriously increasing, which will have to ensure the realization of the right to high-quality vocational education for a large number of people with disabilities and people with disabilities. This social group is a promising category of students who want and, under appropriate conditions, can study in various forms in the system of secondary vocational education. In order for the process of their vocational training and further employment to be successful, it is necessary to take into account the realities and development trends of the vocational education system, as well as the requirements of the regional - capital - labor market, which is under the pressure of such socio-economic factors as the demographic situation, labor migration, constant growth of the system of higher professional education, etc.

According to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, as of December 1, 2010, 3252 students with disabilities were receiving a profession / specialty in the USPO of the city of Moscow. This is a fairly large and polymorphic group, consisting of persons with sensory, motor, intellectual and complex disorders, somatic diseases, some of whom have disabilities.


After analyzing the specifics of social adaptation of young people with disabilities, we can conclude that the very process of organizing social adaptation becomes extremely relevant in the critical periods of the life of a young person with disabilities. Social adaptation is aimed at adapting to a condition resulting from injury or illness, learning to use various technical and other means provided to support this category of the population. The most important conditions for achieving the goals of social adaptation are, on the one hand, introducing into the public consciousness the idea of \u200b\u200bequal rights and opportunities for young people with disabilities,and, on the other hand, the formation of a subject position among young people with disabilities in relation to the process of overcoming difficulties and striving to increase the effectiveness of their own social adaptation in society. The effectiveness of social adaptation of young people with disabilities is largely due to the harmony and complementarity of these two processes. Awareness and cultivation of these ideas in society. It is social services that are called upon to promote, on the one hand, the effective adaptation of a young person with disabilities in society, on the other hand, to prevent the formation of an inadequate attitude towards the phenomenon of disability. And also a full-fledged professional education, which is possible and necessary to receive in our country, plays an important role in order to successfully realize oneself as a socially significant person for society and the state.

List of references

1. Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 02.07.2013).

2. Averin A.N. Social management. M., 2012.

3. Akatov L.I. Social rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Psychological foundations: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2012.

4. Vygotsky JI.C. Social situation of development / Psychology of social situations. S-Pb., 2011.

5. Dobrovolskaya T.A., Shabalina N.B. The disabled person and society: socio-psychological integration // Sociological studies. 2011. No. 5.

6. Kim, E.N. Models of disability // Russian encyclopedia of social work: in 2 volumes / ed. A.N. Panova and E.I. Single. - M .: Institute of Social Work, 1997. - Vol. 1. - S. 354-359. 4.

7. Lapshina M.Yu. The world of modern science. Issue Volume 4/2012 GRNTI Codes: 15.81.21 - Pedagogical Psychology of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation: 19.00.07

8. Miloslavova I.A. The concept and structure of social adaptation. M., 2010.

9. On measures of state social support provided for by the current legislation for people with disabilities. Information reference book. - Petrozavodsk, 2008.- 274 p.

10.http: //

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Adaptation of children with disabilities at school from Speech at the pedagogical council of the teacher of the primary classes Kanavina E. M. The first year of a child's education at school is a very difficult period in the life of a young schoolboy. These are new living conditions and activities of the child, and new contacts, new relationships, new responsibilities. This is a very stressful period, primarily because the school sets a number of tasks for the students from the very first days. The regime of the day is changing, the mobilization of all the forces of the child is required. Therefore, adaptation to school does not occur immediately, it is a rather long process associated with significant stress in all body systems. In the socio - pedagogical aspect, adaptation means the development of the most adequate forms of behavior in a changing microsocial environment. Adaptation at school is a rather difficult process for any child, and even more so for a child with disabilities. A significant role in the successful adaptation of schoolchildren at the stage of growing up is played by the personality traits of children, formed at the previous stages of development. Therefore, the work on the successful adaptation of the child begins even in preschool educational institutions. Before school, most children with disabilities did not attend kindergarten, which means they do not have communication skills in a team of children. Such children are most often not accustomed to basic self-care skills. Im constantly grown up. help is required Often, children do not understand the elementary regime requirements, because they did not attend preschool institutions. After a monotonous stay at home, where the children were often left unattended and unattended and left to themselves. Everything is different for them at school: new requirements, an intensive regime, the need to keep up with everything. How to adapt to them? This requires effort and time, and most importantly - the support of parents and the painstaking work of a primary school teacher. Due to the peculiarities of development in children with disabilities, interaction with the social environment is difficult, the ability to adequately respond to ongoing changes is reduced,

increasing requirements. These children have particular difficulty in achieving their goals within the framework of existing norms. All these features predetermine the difficulties that a child with disabilities may face when communicating with peers. Younger schoolchildren often focus on the features of the appearance and behavior of a classmate, they may shun him or even enter into open conflict. Changes in the behavior of children serve as an indicator of the difficulty of adapting to school. It can be the following manifestations: lethargy; depression; feeling of fear; unwillingness to go to school. All changes in the child's behavior reflect the peculiarities of psychological adaptation to school. One of the main tasks of schools in which inclusive practice is implemented is the inclusion of children with disabilities in the social space, their social adaptation in the general education class. This process should be managed by teachers, specialists in support of the educational process, the coordinator of inclusive education and should be carried out in such a way as to cause a minimum of discomfort for both the child with disabilities and his classmates. Adaptation in school conditions through the implementation of special programs ("Accessible environment", "Barrier-free environment", "Special child"). Here, the forefront is the creation of a special material and technical base to ensure comfortable access for a child with disabilities to education. One of the general rules of an adapted educational environment is the criterion of its accessibility for a child with disabilities. Educational institutions providing support for such children must take into account both general pedagogical and special requirements for equipment and furnishing of personal space for a child with disabilities. This is especially true of the technical equipment of all spheres of the child's life: the implementation of everyday needs, the formation of social competence, social activity of the child. The next direction is work with the family. The family introduces the child into society, instills in him the first skills of self-service, the development of various forms of communication that satisfy the need of a child with disabilities in communication. Therefore, within the framework of this area, it is important to organize advisory support for the family, as well as the mandatory inclusion of parents in educational

a rehabilitation environment for training and education as a condition for real interaction. The third direction of inclusive education, taking into account the federal state educational standard for non-educational institutions, involves psychological and pedagogical support for the socialization of a child with disabilities in the school community. This direction assumes the presence in the staff of the school of a medical worker, psychologist, tutor, etc. The main burden and responsibility for the results of adaptation falls on primary school teachers. It is inappropriate to try to change the behavior of a hyperactive child by instilling in him norms and rules of behavior. It is necessary to work with this child in this direction by involving the child in group activities with classmates, entrusting him with a simple task. To create favorable conditions for the inclusion of a child with disabilities into the social space, it is necessary, first of all, to work with the team in which he is. If the child's behavior is very different from the rest of the group, then it is advisable to conduct a preliminary conversation with the students. You need to tell them something like the following: “Guys, a new student will study with you, his name is .... When he comes to class, you will see that it is difficult for him ... (to sit still, memorize the material, it is easy to communicate with others , answer questions, etc.). But he will try and eventually learn to do it better. Treat it with patience and understanding. You can help him. It will be very good. " If the child is very different in appearance (for example, moves in a wheelchair), then the children should be told about why they cannot walk. You need to tell in a calm voice, without unnecessary details. If the child in his behavior (and appearance) does not differ much from the rest, then there is no need for special conversations. Problems that arise can be resolved as usual. It is possible that the children will ask why another adult is sitting with one student. To this you can answer: "He helps Tanya to write, it is still difficult for her to write on her own." Over time, as children get to know each other better, the urgency of questions about the dissimilarity of their classmate usually subside. Children just get used to it and with the appropriate

adult supervision try to help a friend with difficulties Telling a child with a developmental disability should feel more like a briefing than an immersion in the heart of their classmate's problems. For primary school children, clear information on how to behave is important. Answers to "tricky questions" "Why is he like that?" First, you can ask the one who asks "is he like that?": "And which one?" Based on what the child will answer, build your answer. - About the child's physical problems (cerebral palsy and other movement disorders), we can say: “It so happened that when ... (child's name) was very young, he fell ill and his muscles stopped obeying him. His muscles cannot bend and unbend the way he would like. " - About behavioral problems (autism, hyperactivity), we can say: "... (child's name) it is difficult to communicate, to sit still, but he tries to learn, he really wants it, that's why he came to study with you." - About the unusual appearance (Down syndrome, scars on the face, hemangiomas), we can say: “It so happened that when ... (child's name) was very small, his body was disrupted. And then, when the body began to develop further, this violation remained. But otherwise .... (child's name) is an ordinary child, just like you ”(said to the person who asks the question). - About other problems (slowness, decreased hearing, reduced vision, mental retardation, etc.) it is said: “... (child's name) it is difficult to see small pictures, hear soft sounds, quickly understand tasks, but if you help him, then he will definitely cope. " At the end of each answer, be sure to say: “Otherwise ... (child's name) is the same as everyone else. He loves .... He is interested .... He wants .... "etc. Conducting various trainings, games, collective affairs, you need to show the team that all people are different, that the features of appearance are not an obstacle for communication, as well as the fact that it is much more productive to cooperate with each other, and not to conflict.

It is possible to implement projects, actions, where children can get acquainted with different aspects of the life of people with disabilities. When creating the necessary conditions for the socialization of a child with disabilities by all specialists of an educational institution, as well as with the correct organization of the process of including this child in a general education class, joint education with special children contributes to the development of such necessary skills and personal qualities of all students as: social competence, tolerance, interpersonal problem solving skills, self-confidence, self-respect. In the process of joint activities, children learn to discuss a problem, listen and hear a different opinion, defend their point of view, resolve conflicts through negotiations, listening to the opponent's opinion. As a result, they understand that every person has the right to be “different”. Children realize that "we are different, but not strangers." On the other hand, it is necessary to teach the child himself the rules of communication with classmates. Explain how important it is to be polite, attentive to peers - and communication at school will only be a joy. A child's adaptation to school is a rather lengthy process. Not a day, not a week is required for a small student to get used to school. Undoubtedly, the main role in creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom belongs to the teacher. He needs to constantly work to increase the level of educational motivation so that the child wants to go to school, there is a desire to gain knowledge. The teacher must create situations of success for the child in the classroom, during recess, in extracurricular activities, in communication with classmates. It must be remembered that such qualities of individual children as inattention, restlessness, quick distraction, inability to control their behavior are associated with the peculiarities of their psyche, therefore it is important not to make harsh remarks to children, not to pull them back, try to fix attention on the positive manifestations of the child. In the learning process, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the student. Preliminary acquaintance of the child with the school and classroom at the meeting in August, with the parents.

The whole family can walk around the school, see where the cafeteria, gym, and toilet are. It will be good if the child and his parents get to know in advance not only the teacher and tutor, but also with other adults - escort specialists, subject teachers, security guards, etc. During a class visit, a future student can choose in advance a place that he likes, sit at desk. In this case, from the very first days of training, his anxiety will decrease, due to the unknown, a large number of new strangers around. At the first stages of school attendance, children with developmental disabilities, and especially those with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, find it difficult to master the school routine, schedule, lesson duration and change. To facilitate adaptation, you can offer your child a day plan in pictures. A teacher, tutor or psychologist can review this plan with your child at the start of the school day. It is very important to warn the child about possible changes - in the schedule, offices, etc. In addition, the teacher and support specialists should carry out work on the formation of an algorithm for children in various situations what to do: - when he wanted to go to the toilet; - when it is necessary to go to the dining room; - when the next lesson is physical education; - when the class goes for a walk; - when it is necessary to prepare for the next lesson; - when the bell rings, etc. It is very important to organize the space inside and outside the classroom in such a way that children can retire for a while, take a break from noise. In the classroom, this can be a screen, a “tent”, etc. As a rule, having been alone during recess or even in class, the child is ready to re-engage in work and interaction. If the child cannot stand in a stationary position for all 35-40 minutes of the lesson - gets up, talks, moves around the classroom, the tutor or teacher allows him to rest - go out to the play area from behind the desk, sit in the "house", but at the same time

it is important to regulate the time of rest - for example, using an hourglass, encouraging the situation when the child returns to work with the class after a limited period of time. The result of the teacher's and the tutor's activity will be a situation when a student with disabilities begins and ends work in the lesson together with all the children. The adaptation period in grade 1 does not end, because the child constantly adapts to different conditions throughout the entire period of schooling. And our task is to help him in this.

Persons with disabilities

Social and labor adaptation is a process of personal formation, which brings the behavior and labor activity of a person in accordance with the norms, rules, and traditions existing in society and the work collective.

The final stage of social and labor adaptation is the integration of the individual in a particular social group (the individual is satisfied with the social environment, the way of activity and communication, and, in turn, the social community perceives and accepts this individual).

Elements of a holistic system aimed at solving the problem of adaptation of persons with disabilities:

Consideration of all factors of abnormal development (biological, social, psychological) in order to weaken, neutralize or eliminate

Creation of conditions for the full realization of their capabilities by each person with a developmental defect, in the interests of the individual and society

The presence of effective public and state structures that provide mentally retarded persons with pedagogical, social, legal, professional labor and other forms of assistance, which together provide them with actual equality and the opportunity to actively participate in socially useful and productive activities and a dignified life in society

Adaptation - a special form of reflection by systems of the external and internal environment, which consists in a tendency to establish a dynamic balance with them (philosophical dictionary, 1999)

Physiological adaptation (Great Soviet Encyclopedia) - a set of physiological reactions that underlie the adaptation of the body to changes in environmental conditions and the direction to maintain the relative constancy of its internal environment - homeostasis.

Adaptation - one of the central concepts of biology, is widely used as a theoretical concept in those psychological concepts that, like the mental psycology and the theory of intellectual development developed by the Swiss psychologist J. Piaget, treats that adaptation is the relationship between the individual and his environment as processes of homeostatic balancing.

The value of adaptation

· Wellness;

· Social and household;

· Maintenance of homeostasis;

· Self-regulation of the body;

· Increased activity of the sympathetic system and an increase in the concentration of corticoids;

· A means of resolving internal and external contradictions of life.

Conditions of social and labor adaptation of SKOU graduates:

1. Social and labor adaptation is a personal process that must be considered in connection with the emerging and developing personality of a child - a student of a special school, with its advantages, disadvantages and characteristics

2. The impact on the personality changes of a student (graduate) with disabilities in order to improve his adaptive (integration) properties will be exerted both by his existing limitation in health and the conditions in which the personality develops, forms and functions

3. The process of social and labor adaptation should be based on a system of social guarantees provided by the laws of the state and supported by the moral and ethical principles of society

4. Management of the process of social and labor adaptation should be carried out through a system of parallel and successive links between various departments under the control of trusted public structures in the field

Adaptation tasks:

Provide each child with disabilities with such a level of education and general development, which would be sufficient for mastering the simplest specialties, became the basis for independent knowledge by each graduate of a special school of the processes occurring in society, nature, a specific team or social group through corrected, preserved and developed aspects of activity, communication and communication.

· Carry out appropriate professional orientation and vocational training in the chosen specialty.

· Mastering reality in all its diversity (diversity of human relations, inclusion in the system of these relations).

· Providing every child with conditions for the realization of their capabilities in activities.

Adaptation mechanism. The human body is a self-regulating system that depends on the environment. Due to the constantly changing environmental conditions, as a result of prolonged evolution, humans have developed mechanisms that allow them to adapt to these changes. These mechanisms are called adaptation mechanisms. Adaptation is a dynamic process due to which the mobile systems of living organisms, despite the variability of conditions, maintain the stability necessary for the existence, development and procreation.

Thanks to the adaptation process, homeostasis is maintained during the interaction of the organism with the outside world. In this regard, the adaptation processes include not only the optimization of the body's functioning, but also the maintenance of balance in the “organism - environment” system. The adaptation process is implemented whenever significant changes occur in the "organism - environment" system, which ensure the formation of a new homeostatic state, which allows achieving maximum efficiency of physiological functions and behavioral reactions. Since the organism's environment is not in static, but in dynamic equilibrium, their ratios change constantly, and therefore, the adaptation process must also be constantly carried out.

For a person, a decisive role in the process of maintaining adequate relations in the "individual - environment" system, during which all parameters of the system can change, is played by mental adaptation. F.B. Berezin formulated the following definition of mental adaptation: “Mental adaptation can be defined as the process of establishing the optimal correspondence between the individual and the environment during the implementation of human-specific activities, which allows an individual to satisfy urgent needs and to realize significant goals associated with them (while maintaining physical and mental health), ensuring at the same time the conformity of human mental activity, his behavior to the requirements of the environment. "

Mental adaptation is a continuous process, which includes the following aspects:
- optimization of the constant exposure of the individual to the environment;
- establishment of an adequate correspondence between mental and physiological characteristics.

The socio-psychological aspect of adaptation ensures the adequate construction of microsocial interaction, including professional, the achievement of socially significant goals. It is the link between the adaptation of the individual and the population; it is able to act as a level of regulation of the adaptive tension.

Psychophysiological adaptation is a set of various physiological (adaptation-related) reactions of the body. This type of adaptation cannot be considered separately from the mental and personal components.

All levels of adaptation are simultaneously involved to varying degrees in the regulation process, which is defined in two ways (according to G. Eysenck):
- as a state in which the needs of the individual collide, on the one hand, and the requirements of the environment, on the other;
- as a process by which a state of balance is achieved.

IN the adaptation process actively changes both the personality and the environment, as a result of which a relationship of adaptation is established between them.
- Alloplastic adaptation - carried out by changes in the external world for the existing needs of the individual.
- Autoplastic adaptation - carried out by changes in the structure of the personality under the conditions of the environment.

Distinguish between general and situational adaptationgeneral adaptation (and adaptation) is the result of a successive series of
situational adaptations.

Social adaptation can be described as the absence of maintaining conflict with the environment. Socio-psychological adaptation of the process of overcoming problem situations by a person, during which she uses the skills of socialization acquired at the previous stages of her development, which allows her to interact with the group without internal or external conflicts, to perform productively leading activities, to justify role expectations, and at the same time, by asserting herself, to satisfy her
basic needs.

With the activation and use of adaptive mechanisms, the mental state of the personality also changes. Upon completion of the adaptation process, it has qualitative differences from the state of the psyche before adaptation.

The first component in the structure of personality, providing adaptability, are instincts. The instinctive behavior of an individual can be characterized as behavior based on the natural needs of the body. But there are needs that are adaptive in a given social environment, and needs that lead to maladjustment. The adaptability or maladjustment of the need depends on personal values \u200b\u200band the object-goal where they are directed.

The maladaptivity of a person is expressed in the inability of her to adapt to her own needs and aspirations. A maladapted person is not able to meet the requirements of society, to fulfill his social role. A sign of the emerging maladjustment is the experience of a personality of long internal and external conflicts. Moreover, the trigger for the adaptive process is not the presence of conflicts, but the fact that the situation is becoming problematic.

On the day of understanding the features of the adaptive process, one should know the level of maladjustment, starting from which a person begins his adaptive activity.

Adaptive activity is carried out in two types:

Adaptation by transforming and eliminating the problem situation;

Adaptation while maintaining the situation - adaptation.

Adaptive behavior is characterized by:

Successful decision making

By showing initiative and having a clear vision of your future.

The main signs of effective adaptation are:

In the field of social activity - the acquisition by an individual of knowledge, skills and abilities, competence and skill;

In the sphere of personal relationships - the establishment of intimate, emotionally intense connections with the desired person.

The adaptive potential of a person is coping behavior, a set of coping resources and the ability to develop coping strategies.

E.K. Zavyalov, summarizing the main provisions on the problem of adaptation, expressed in the works of B.C. Arshavsky and V.V. Rotenberg, V.I. Medvedev and G.M. Zarakovsky, L.A. Kitaeva-Smyk, F.B. Berezina, V.N. Krutko, E.Yu. Korzhovoy came to the conclusion that:

Adaptation is a holistic, systemic process that characterizes human interaction with the natural and social environment;

The mechanism that determines the level of development of the adaptation process is the dialectical contradiction between the interests of different levels of the hierarchy: the individual and the species, the individual and the population, the person and society, the ethnos and humanity, the biological and social needs of the individual;

The system-forming factor that regulates and organizes the adaptation process is the goal associated with the leading need;

The peculiarities of the adaptation process are determined by the psychological properties of a person, including the level of his personal development, characterized by the perfection of the mechanisms of personal regulation of behavior and activity;

The criteria for adaptability can be considered not only a person's survival and finding a place in the social and professional structure, but also the general level of health, the ability to develop in accordance with their potential for life, a subjective sense of self-esteem;

The process of adaptation of a person to new conditions of existence has a temporal dynamics, the stages of which are associated with certain psychological changes that manifest themselves both at the level of the state and at the level of personal properties.


1. Describe the concept of "social and labor adaptation"

2. What, from your point of view, conditions need to be created in an educational institution and outside it in order for the social and labor adaptation of a person with disabilities to be successful?

3. Tell us about the rights of persons with disabilities to social and labor adaptation in the Russian Federation

4. What, from your point of view, are the main problems in obtaining vocational education for persons with disabilities at the present time. In what ways should they be solved?

5. What is an individual rehabilitation program? What are the conditions and possibilities for its implementation?

Lesson 7. "Educational integration and social adaptation of children with disabilities as a social, psychological and pedagogical problem"

1. Communicative competence as a key condition for the social adaptation of persons with disabilities.

In the modern education model, communicative competence is called one of the basic competencies of a modern person (the ability to effectively cooperate with other people). Integration and social adaptation of students with disabilities is impossible without verbal communication and interaction. With a lag in the development of speech, problems arise associated with communication, difficulties in communicative behavior appear, the relationship between the individual and society is upset. Factors of sociability and tolerance are of particular importance. The problem of the formation of the communicative competence of children with disabilities as a means of the most complete and successful socialization of students is of great importance and relevance. The level of communication skills of students with disabilities is determined by the really formed narrow social circle of their communication; the lack of their capabilities for the formation of the communicative competence of adolescents. The success of her interaction with communication partners and their integration into the school community largely depends on the level of a person's communicative competence. Now we live in an informational, rapidly changing society, which imposes stricter requirements on school graduates, and even more so with disabilities. The practical orientation of the development of communication skills comes to the fore. This requires the organization of communication between students in the learning process, holding joint events, classes in additional education circles for children with disabilities with normally developing peers of general education schools; between students and their parents. Learning to communicate by communicating is the main principle of communication. This requires an integrated approach to the development of oral dialogical speech of children - to pay attention at all stages of training and education. For this purpose, it is possible to develop a model (invariant module) "Formation of communicative competence of students with disabilities as the main condition for their successful socialization", consisting of blocks: educational activities, educational work, additional education, socio-psychological support, family, society. After that, start work on the formation of the communicative competence of children with disabilities. A communicative component or component should be included in every lesson and extracurricular activity. The following participants in the educational process can be involved in this activity: students, school teachers (primary school teachers, middle-level teachers, educators, defectologists, teachers of additional education), teachers of additional education outside of school, parents. Students with disabilities take part in all events together with students from mainstream schools.

2. Technologies of social adaptation in the context of educational integration.

The technologization of the educational process in the context of integration requires taking into account the modern vision of the content and tasks of education, which includes not only the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, not only the transfer of social experience from one generation to another, but also the creation of an environment for personal development. In the context of integrated education, this means ensuring the protection of the personality of a student with disabilities. The educational environment is characterized by openness, integrity, focus on the individualization of learning and socialization of students.

The technology of social adaptation in the context of educational integration is based on the following conceptual provisions. Complexity requirements set the need for a versatile study of the capabilities and characteristics of students in need of correctional educational services, the use of various methods, techniques, techniques and means from the arsenal of general and correctional pedagogy, pedagogical and special psychology. Critically rethought and adopted different approaches can be contradictory, not always applicable to all students in the class, but they create a powerful tool in the hands of the teacher, thanks to which he can help any student and his parents. The consistency of solving correctional and educational tasks reflects the relationship between achieving educational and educational goals, forecasting and overcoming the actual difficulties of interaction between schoolchildren with various cognitive capabilities. Consistency requires that the teacher not only solve momentary tasks related to mastering the program teaching material, but also take timely preventive measures to optimize relationships in the children's team, to correct behavioral deviations, and to develop the strengths of the student's personality. In the class of integrated education, systematic work is needed to create favorable conditions for the fullest realization of the potential cognitive capabilities of all children, taking into account the peculiarities of their development, which determine the specific goals and objectives of learning.

No less important is the activity-oriented nature of training and education. The theoretical basis is the position on the role of activity in the mental development of the child and on the special role of the leading activity in the formation of mental neoplasms. This approach means that the main way to achieve true integration is the success of students' vigorous activity. Only in it can conditions be modeled and reproduced that are difficult for the student, but possible in life, the analysis and playing of which can become the basis for positive shifts in the development of the student's personality.

Correction in the conditions of integrated learning includes not only the correction of knowledge, mental functions, but also the correction of deviations in relationships. This is only possible within the framework of student activities carried out in close cooperation with and under the guidance of an adult. Any correction is based on one or another type of activity. In it, difficult conflict situations can be objectified and the student's orientation can be directed towards their constructive resolution. Activity allows you to recreate the form of interaction that meets the requirements of the social environment.

The development of mechanisms of social adaptation in children with different levels of development is significant; at the same time, it is desirable that these levels do not differ from each other by more than one step (level); students engage in social interactions that promote their advancement; the dialogue form of relations, communicative connections between the participants in the educational process become external stimuli of changes in mental activity, they are, to a certain extent, catalysts for the development of the child. Conceptual is the provision of emotional involvement in the educational process, arousing in schoolchildren experiences, feelings in connection with educational activities, based on the recognition that it is experiences that stimulate the development of intelligence and that emotional motives are more effective than intellectual ones due to the greater preservation of the emotional sphere in individuals. categories of children with significant deviations in intellectual development.

It should be recognized the relevance of the individual nature of education, which will, if necessary, transfer the child from a low to a higher level of development; provide individual assistance in a particular subject, improve psychological health, correct existing developmental deficiencies. Very important from the standpoint of educational integration is the principle of reflexivity, which is based on self-assessment, introspection, self-control, that is, constant reflection on one's own activity, assessment of achievements and shortcomings. Reflection makes it possible to ensure the prospects of the work being carried out, its tone, which implies the involvement of everyone in the integration process: the leader, teachers, parents, students. Reflection makes it possible to track achievements, see shortcomings at this stage of the student's development and his corrective training.

A positive result in the relationship of schoolchildren in the context of integrated learning, overcoming the cognitive crisis of students with developmental disabilities presupposes well-thought-out systematic work, including the formation of a positive attitude towards students with special psychophysical development, expanding the experience of productive communication with them. These tasks can be realized in the system of correctional classes and classes in academic subjects that simultaneously solve the problems of integration and inclusion. The latter term is widely used in foreign literature in the meaning of integrated (joint) education.

According to AD Goneev, technology in the context of educational integration is characterized by the following features:

1. the actual content of education for children with disabilities is designed, selected, which is freed from secondary material and allows you to eliminate the overload of students and repeatedly turn to the main, main, most essential in the program material;

2. the openness of the content of special education for changes is recognized and ensured on the basis of an integrative approach to it based on taking into account program requirements, progressive and global trends in the field of general and special education and positive local experience; the implementation of the communicative component of education in the context of integration is ensured, which implies a positive interaction of the participants in the educational process, their positive attitude towards each other, the exchange of information, available social experience;

3.use of variable educational programs and determination of the educational route of students (in a special school or in conditions of integration), taking into account many factors, including the environment, the pedagogical culture of parents and the cognitive capabilities of students, the attraction of a variety of methodological means that are a guarantee that the educational environment is a means of personal development.