Protect the animal and vegetable world from ourselves - this is truly a grimace of the fate of mankind. Somewhere, an invisible border has passed between good and evil, between destroyers and defenders. And on the other side of this border are people who are unable to understand that we are not better than all other creations of nature. That it is impossible to kill the mother of the cubs for the sake of the hide, to throw out a living sturgeon with a stomach gutted for the sake of black caviar. What you can’t just not build for the sake of profit treatment facilities and kill all living things around. Drop fuel oil into the water area and pretend that you just don’t see birds, fish, and animals dying in the throes of torment.

You can talk about anthropogenization for a long and tedious period, calculate the loss of flora and fauna, but don’t see the eyes of animals choking on oil, the dying eyes of a tiger killed for fun and just the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of animals and plants.

A man needs to decide for himself at what price he wants to be the master of this planet, and understand that this price ultimately includes his life. For this, they created the International Red Book, and for this they created the Red Book of Russia.

The definition “The Red Book is an annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and mushrooms” sounds dry and faceless. And the more tragic the long list entered into it looks:

  • extinct species;
  • disappeared into wildlife species;
  • endangered species;
  • endangered species;
  • vulnerable species.

Nevertheless, the compilation of such books is an urgent need, as they constitute the basis for protective legislation.

Endangered animals from the Red Book of Russia for children

It is necessary to cultivate love and respect for wildlife from an early age. That is why books written especially for children are so relevant and in demand: "Animals from the Red Book of Russia", "Plants from the Red Book of Russia" and others.

The Red Book of Russia contains detailed description species of animals that are threatened with extinction or complete extinction, species whose number sometimes does not exceed several dozen individuals.

The list of such species, unfortunately, is very long, and to describe them all, whole book volumes are required. Therefore, we will consider only some representatives of the protected Red Book of fauna.

The red wolf, he is a mountain dog, the only representative of the genus Cuon of the canine family, surviving to date. This rare species, now living only in the Primorsky Territory, teeters on the brink of extinction. Beautiful long wool with a copper-red tint combined with the rarity of these animals make them a favorite object of "real hunters" (in other words, poachers).

Manul is a huge wild longhair and very fluffy cat, whose habitat extends to Transbaikalia, Altai and the Republic of Tyva. There are Siberian, Central Asian and Tibetan varieties of this animal.

Protected plants from the Red Book of Russia with photos and names

Active human activities dispersed and destroyed not only many animals, it consistently and methodically contributes to the extermination of plant resources of the country. In addition to the direct impact on the flora, changes natural landscapes (deforestation, draining of swamps, changing river beds) inevitably lead to climate change. The latter are the cause of the disappearance of indigenous plant species.

First necessary measure to preserve rare and endangered species is their complete inventory and listing in the Red Book of Russia. At the moment, the list of protected plants includes the names of more than 500 representatives of the Russian flora belonging to the departments:

  • angiosperms;
  • gymnosperms;
  • fern-shaped;
  • swimming-like;
  • bryophytes;
  • lichens;
  • mushrooms.

One of the most mysterious plants affected by human activities is considered real ginseng. There are many interesting legends about him. The status of “panacea” (translation from Latin) and “root of life” is on the verge of extinction.

Rare birds listed in the Red Book of Russia

Strictly speaking, birds are included in the list of the fauna of the Red Book of Russia and are considered along with other classes of animals.

The list of species listed in the Red Book includes more than 120 species of various birds that are protected. A significant part of the list consists of birds of prey, slightly less - waterfowl species, as well as representatives of the passerine order.

The state of the populations of many of them is determined by six status categories:

  • 0 - probably extinct species;
  • 1 - threatened species;
  • 2 - species decreasing in numbers;
  • 3 — rare species;
  • 4 - species of uncertain status;
  • 5 - restored and restored species.

The endangered species is considered the largest seabird in Russia - white-backed albatross. The habitat is Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Commanders, Kuril Islands and Primorsky Territory.

Only a small part of the list of protected species are representatives of rare and endangered birds, such as:

You looked at a selection of photos of animals and plants from the Red Book of Russia with a description. More photos can be seen in the section

Instruction manual

Incised violet is one of the most delicate and most beautiful flowers. She grows on the edges coniferous forests, rocky slopes, meadows and riverbanks. Purple corollas are the main charm of this flower. This type of plant propagates exclusively by seeds, which are formed annually. That is why fragrant violet is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The yellow water lily found its name thanks to its closest relative - a white water lily. It grows in shallow water, in the water. Its leaves are located both on the surface and under water. For its fruit, the yellow lily received the official name. The plant blooms from late May to August with yellow and large flowers. Tear them off both as a medicine and for bouquets.

Lilac saranka (royal curls, butterfish, badoon, curly) - beautiful pink, lilac or snow-white, with dark dots, flowers. They have beautifully curved petals. Blooms in the June-July month. The homeland of this plant is also considered the steppes of Siberia. There is a legend that this flower gives warriors stamina, courage, and fortitude. Lily saranka is beautiful in bouquets, and her tubers are considered. In addition, the plant is widely used in folk medicine, which was the reason for its destruction by people.

Bell is a plant that grows exclusively in Russia, in the Chechen Republic, North Ossetia, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria. He has unusually beautiful flowers that are located on long peduncles. This plant is plucked because of the decorative appearance. In addition, its number was significantly reduced as a result of various construction works at the place of its growth.

Palmatokorennik spotted experts belong to the orchid family. You can meet him in the European part of Russia. Purple flowers bloom on racemes, surrounded by many spotted leaves. They are beautiful from a decorative point of view. The tubers of the plant also have medicinal properties. The powder, which is extracted from a dried plant, is used as a softening, restorative, enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent.

Yellow iris (water, swamp, pseudoair) grows in the European part of Russia in swampy meadows, along the moist banks of rivers and lakes. Essential oil is made from yellow iris, which is used in perfumery. In addition, dried plant rhizomes are used in the production of liquors, wines and other drinks, in the confectionery industry.

A vast number of species grow in the vastness of Russia. These are trees, shrubs, grasses and flowers. Despite the fact that there is a large number of green areas, such as forests, meadows, steppes, in the country a huge number of plant species is on the verge of extinction. These plants are listed in the Red Book, they cannot be plucked and they are under state protection.






This is not a complete list of all species of flora that are on the verge of extinction in Russia. The condition of some of them is very critical, and everything goes to the point that many plants will irrevocably disappear from the face of the earth.

Protection of rare plant species

Data collection and regular updating of the Russian Red Book lists is a small drop of what will help preserve the country's flora. Regularly appear those species that require special treatment and savings. It is worth emphasizing that in the mountains, rare plants are located precisely on the mountain slopes. This ensures their certain safety. Despite the fact that the mountains are regularly climbed by climbers, this flora has a chance of being preserved. In addition, in some areas rare plants are found in places where people are not so active and industrial development is not threatened.

In other regions where endangered species grow in the fields and within cities, plants need to be jealously guarded. So it is necessary to combat and poaching. In addition, in recent decades, wild natural sites have been actively declining. Not the last meaning is, which also negatively affects. However, basically the safety of plants depends on the entire population of our country. If we protect nature, we can save rare and valuable plant species.

The flora of the region is very rich and diverse. In the composition of island forests and swamps, many northern species are found that are closely adjacent to representatives of the southern forest and steppe flora. On the interfluve plateau and on the slopes of beams with chernozemic soils, steppe and halophilic-steppe ones are widespread, in the river valleys meadow, water, wetland, halophilic and psammophilic floristic complexes.

Currently vascular flora plants of the Voronezh region totals about 2000 species. 272 species from the composition of the native flora need special protection measures.

The list of species listed in the Red Book of the Voronezh Region includes 4 species of plaiform, 7 fern-shaped, 3 gymnosperms and 258 species of flowering plants. 119 species of vascular plants were assigned category 3 (rare species).

Category 2 (decreasing in number) was assigned to 93 species, category 1 (endangered) 41, category 0 (likely to have disappeared) 15 and category 4 (undetermined by status) to 4 species.

Of listed in the Red Book of vascular plants 143 grow on the territory of the region on the border or near the border of the range: the northern border of the range reaches 75 species, north-western 27, north-eastern 3, southern 33, south-eastern 3, eastern 2. Endemics of the temperate zone of Eastern Europe, southern European part of Russia , Don basin and Seversky Donets are 17 species, including narrow-local endems of the Don basin Centaurea pineticola Iljin, Centaurea dubjanskyi Iljin.

From the list of protected species 43 are listed in, 33 species in the Central Black Earth Region are known only from the territory of the Voronezh region, 10 species in the middle zone of the European part of Russia are also known only from the Voronezh region.

One species of Silene cretacea Fisch. ex spreng. listed in Appendix I to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Wild Fauna and Flora and Natural Habitats, 22 species are listed in Appendix II to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

For convenience, a list (list) of plants listed in the Red Book of the region is presented. Species of plants and animals listed at the same time in the Red Book of Russia and the Voronezh Region are not duplicated in this section; in the lists they are presented as active links to the Red Book of the Russian Federation

I live in the tomato land - Kherson. November came, and red-breasted and red-cheeked strange ducks returned to the shallows of Zbruevsky Kut. I had no idea who these guests were until an acquaintance told me that they were red-throated goose. Moreover, they are listed in the Red Book. Well, it turns out I should take care of them, but I myself didn’t even know this. How many birds, animals and plants require protection at the state level?

Animals of the Kherson region from the Red Book

Since we were sitting on the shore, my companion began with the marine inhabitants. If about Beluga, sterlet, common dolphin, I knew the Black Sea salmon and Atlantic sturgeon, then these species were a discovery for me:

  • azovka;
  • bottlenose dolphin;
  • carp;
  • black croaker;
  • caspiosome;
  • common laurel;
  • stellate sturgeon;
  • the trigger is yellow.

And this is a list without a dozen crustaceans!

The topic of insects is very unpleasant for me, so I’ll only inform you of a couple of creations from the Red Book: a stag beetle, a sacred scarab (a piece of Egypt in our region), a swallowtail and a pretty girl.

Of the mammals, the ranks of the endangered ones were replenished: the shrew, the white-bellied, the polecat, the ermine, the ermine, the ermine, the big jerboa, the Podolian ground squirrel, the European mink, the steppe pied moth, the mole rat and the mole rat.

Birds are represented in the book by 39 species. Some of them: white-tailed eagle, white-breasted, bustard, fire-dog and piskulka.

Plants of the Kherson region from the Red Book

I will say that I do not recommend collecting bouquets in the Kherson steppe, and stomp mushrooms in the forests, too, since 105 species of flowers and herbs, as well as 13 types of mushrooms, are under protection. Only hobbled in the Red Book of 10 species! Anacamptis and astragalus are also represented by protected 6 and 7 species, respectively. It is worth mentioning the most beautiful flowers: meadow meadow grass, small hazel grouse, multi-colored branochka, burnt neotinia, colchicum, fine-leaved peony.

Among the trees, the Dnieper birch is noteworthy, which is listed in the European Red List.

Lichens, which are so unpretentious, nevertheless have rare species - the seyphora pit and the squamarine are vernal-bearing.