Social status is the position of an individual (or group of people) in society in accordance with that gender, age, origin, property, education, occupation, position, marital status, etc.

People have not one, but many statuses:

1) prescribed (received from birth);

2) achieved;

3) economic;

4) personal;

5) political, social, cultural.

A social role is certain actions that an individual (or group) must perform in accordance with a particular status.

Thus, if the status itself determines the position of a person in society, then the social role is the functions performed by them in this position.


1. Expand the content of the concepts of "man", "personality", "individual", "individuality".

2. What factors influence the formation of personality?

3. What is the social status of an individual? What types of social statuses do you know? Describe your status set.

4. What is a social role? What social roles do you perform?

5. Why is there a conflict of social roles? How is it overcome?

6. How can you confirm the existence of role-based coercion?

7. Do you agree with E. Durkheim, who believed that “the more primitive a society is, the greater the similarities between its constituent individuals?”

8. Define the following concepts: “individual”, “individuality”, “personality”, “role conflict”, “social role”, “status distance”, “status symbols”, “social status”, “person”, “projection” "(Role expectations).


1. A.I. Kravchenko “Sociology and Political Science” p. 115-120.

2. I. D. Korotets, T. T. Talnishnykh “Fundamentals of Sociology and Political Science” p. 85-109.

3. V.V. Latysheva "Fundamentals of Sociology" p. 65-86.

1. The social role is ...

1) the contribution of the individual to the cause of his people;

2) a person's awareness of the significance of his work;

3) the behavior expected from the carrier of social status;

4) a society’s assessment of an individual’s activities.

2. The process of assimilation by the individual throughout his life social norms and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the society to which it belongs is called:

1) education; 2) socialization; 3) integration; 4) adaptation.

3. The socialization of personality lasts:

1) from the beginning of the teenage period;

2) until the end of the formation of a person as a person;

3) before entering into working life.

4.Social status shows:

1) what behavior does society expect from an individual;

2) what place the individual occupies in a society or group;

3) in what environment is the personality formed.

5. The set of roles corresponding to a certain status is called:

1) role performance; 2) role set; 3) role expectation.

6. What does the concept of "personality" mean?

1) properties that make a person unlike others;

2) the same as the concept of "man";

3) the system of social qualities of the individual.

7. The normative (basic) personality is:

1) a person sharing the same cultural patterns as the majority of members of a given society;

2) a standard, a model of personality as an ideal of a given society (group);

3) the type of personality most common in a given territory.

Social status - the position of the individual or social group in the social system.

Status rank - the position of the individual in the social hierarchy of statuses, on the basis of which the status worldview is formed.

Status Set - a set of several status positions that the individual simultaneously occupies.

Perceptions of Social Status

The concept of “social status” was first used in science by an English philosopher and lawyer of the 19th century. G. Maine. In sociology, the concept of status (from lat. Status - position, condition) is used in different meanings. The dominant is the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial status as the position of an individual or social group in a social system, which is characterized by certain distinctive signs (rights, obligations, functions). Sometimes social status denotes a set of such distinguishing features. In ordinary speech, the concept of status is used as a synonym for prestige.

In modern scientific and educational literature it is defined as: o the position of the individual in the social system associated with certain rights, obligations and role expectations;

  • the position of the subject in the system of interpersonal relations,
  • defining his rights, duties and privileges;
  • the position of the individual in the system of interpersonal relations, due to his psychological influence on the members of the group;
  • the relative position of the individual in society, determined by his functions, duties and rights;
  • the position of a person in the structure of a group or society related to certain rights and obligations;
  • an indicator of the position held by the individual in society;
  • the relative position of the individual or social group in the social system, determined by a number of characteristics characteristic of the given system;
  • the position occupied by an individual or social group in society or in a separate subsystem of society, determined by the characteristics specific to a particular society - economic, national, age, etc .;
  • the place of an individual or group in the social system in accordance with their characteristics - natural, professional, ethnic, etc .;
  • a structural element of the social organization of society, which appears to the individual as a position in the system of social relations;
  • the relative position of an individual or group, determined by social (economic position, profession, qualifications, education, etc.) and natural attributes (gender, age, etc.);
  • the totality of the rights and obligations of an individual or social group related to their fulfillment of a certain social role;
  • prestige characterizing the position of an individual or social groups in a hierarchical system.

Each person in society performs certain social functions: students study, workers produce material goods, managers manage, journalists talk about events taking place in the country and the world. For execution social functions in accordance with social status, certain duties are imposed on the individual. The higher the status of a person, the more responsibilities he has, the more stringent the requirements of a society or social group for his status duties, the greater the negative consequences of their violation.

Status Set - a set of status positions that each individual occupies at the same time. The following statuses are usually distinguished in this set: ascriptive (attributed), achieved, mixed, main.

The social status of the individual was relatively stable due to the estate or caste structure of society and was fixed by the establishment of religion or law. In modern societies, the status positions of individuals are more mobile. However, in any society there are ascriptive (attributed) and achieved social statuses.

Assigned Status - this is a social status obtained “automatically” by its bearer due to factors independent of it - by law, birth, gender or age, race and nationality, system of consanguinity, socio-economic status of parents, etc. For example, you can’t marry, participate in elections, get a driver’s license without reaching the age required for this. Assigned statuses are of interest to sociology only if they are the basis for social inequality, i.e. affect social differentiation and the social structure of society.

Status Achieved - it is a social status acquired by its bearer thanks to its own efforts and merits. The level of education, professional achievements, career, title, position, socially successful marriage - all this affects the social status of the individual in society.

There is a direct connection between attributed and achieved social statuses. The achieved statuses are acquired mainly in the competition, however, some achieved statuses are largely determined by the ascriptive ones. Thus, the possibility of obtaining a prestigious education, which in modern society is a necessary prerequisite for a high social status, is directly related to the advantages of family origin. On the contrary, the presence of a high achieved status largely compensates for the low ascriptive status of a person due to the fact that no society can ignore real social successes and achievements of individuals.

Mixed social statuses possess attributes attributed and achieved, but achieved not at the request of a person, but due to a combination of circumstances, for example, as a result of job loss, natural disasters or political upheaval.

Main social status the individual determines primarily the position of a person in society, his lifestyle.

manner of behavior. When it comes to a stranger, we first of all ask: “What does this person do? How does he make a living? ” The answer to this question says a lot about a person, therefore, in modern society, the main status of an individual is, as a rule, professional or official.

Personal status manifests itself at the level of a small group, for example, family, work collective, circle of close friends. In a small group, an individual functions directly and his status is determined by personal qualities and character traits.

Group status characterizes the individual as a member of a large social group as, for example, a representative of a nation, denomination or profession.

Concept and types of social status

The substantive difference between it comes down to the fact that the role is fulfilled, but it has status. In other words, the role implies the possibility of a qualitative assessment of how an individual meets the role requirements. Social Status - it is a person’s position in the structure of a group or society, which determines certain rights and obligations. Speaking about the status, we abstract from any qualitative assessment of the person who occupies him, and his behavior. We can say that status is a formal structural social characteristic subject.

Like roles, there can be many statuses, and in general, any status assumes an appropriate role and vice versa.

The main status is the key of the entire set of social statuses of an individual, mainly determining his social status and importance in society. For example, the child’s main status is age-related; in traditional societies, the main status of women is gender; in modern society, as a rule, the main status is professional or official. In any case, the main status acts as a decisive factor in the image and standard of living, dictates a manner of behavior.

Social status may be:

  • prescribed - received from birth or by virtue of factors independent of its carrier - gender or age, race, socio-economic status of parents. For example, under the law it is impossible to obtain a driver’s license, marry, participate in elections or receive a pension without reaching the age required for this;
  • achievable - acquired in society through the efforts and merits of the individual. The status of a person in society is affected by the level of education, professional achievements, career, socially successful marriage. No society can ignore the real successes of the individual, therefore the existence of the achieved status bears the opportunity to largely compensate for the low attributed status of the individual;
  • private - manifests itself at the level of a small group in which an individual functions directly (family, work collective, circle of close friends), it is determined by his personal qualities and character traits;
  • group - characterizes the individual as a member of a large social group - a representative of a class, nation, profession, carrier of certain gender and age characteristics, etc.

Based on opinion polls, it has been established that most Russians are currently more likely than not satisfied with their position in society. This is a very significant positive trend. recent years, since satisfaction with one’s position in society is not only an essential prerequisite social stability, but also a very important condition for people to comfort their socio-psychological state as a whole. Among those who assess their place in society as “good,” almost 85% believe that their life is going well. This indicator does not depend much on age: even in a group over 55 years old, about 70% share this opinion. Among those who are dissatisfied with their social status, the picture turned out to be the opposite - almost half of them (at 6.8% in the array as a whole) believe that their life is going badly.

Status hierarchy

The French sociologist R. Budon considers social status as having two dimensions:

  • horizontal, which forms a system of social contacts and exchanges, both real and simply possible, developing between a status bearer and other individuals who are at the same level of the social ladder;
  • vertical, which is formed by contacts and exchanges arising between the status holder and individuals at higher and lower levels.

Based on this view, Budon defines social status as a set of equal and hierarchical relations maintained by an individual with other members of society.

Status hierarchy is typical for any organization. Indeed, without carried organization is impossible; it is precisely because all members of the group know the status of each that the links of the organization interact. However, the formal structure of an organization does not always coincide with its informal structure. Such a gap between hierarchies in many organizations does not require sociometric studies, but is visible to a simple observer, since the establishment of a status hierarchy is an answer not only to the question “Who is the most important here?”, But also to the question “Who is the most authoritative, most competent, most popular among workers? ” Real status is largely determined by personal qualities, qualifications, charm, etc.

Many modern sociologists pay attention to functional dissonance arising from the mismatch of hierarchical and functional statuses. Such a discrepancy may arise due to individual compromises, when the orders of the leadership acquire the character of a “stream of consciousness”, providing subordinates with a “zone of free actions”. The result can be generally both positive and manifested in increasing the flexibility of the organization's response, and negative, expressed in functional chaos and confusion.

The confusion of status acts as a criterion of social disorganization and, possibly, as one of the reasons deviant behavior. The connection between violations of the status hierarchy and the state of anomie was examined by E. Durkheim and suggested that the discord in the status hierarchy in industrial society takes two forms.

First, the expectations of the individual in connection with his position in society and the counter expectations of other members of society towards the individual become significantly uncertain. If in a traditional society everyone knew what to expect and what awaited him, and in accordance with this, he was well aware of his rights and obligations, then in an industrial society, due to the growing division of labor and the instability of labor relations, an individual is increasingly faced with situations that he I did not foresee and for which I am not ready. For example, if in the Middle Ages, university studies automatically meant a sharp and irreversible increase in social status, now no one is surprised by the abundance of unemployed university graduates who accept any job.

Secondly, status instability affects the structure of social rewards and the level of individual satisfaction with one’s life.

To understand what determines the status hierarchy in traditional - pre-industrial - societies, one should turn to modern societies of the East (except caste). Here you can find three important elements that affect the social position of an individual - gender, age, and belonging to a certain “estate”, which assign each member of society his rigid status. At the same time, the transition to another level of the status hierarchy is extremely difficult due to a number of legal and symbolic restrictions. But even in traditionally oriented societies, the spirit of entrepreneurship and enrichment, the personal favor of the ruler affect the distribution of statuses, although the legitimization of status occurs through reference to the traditions of the ancestors, which in itself reflects the weight of the attributing elements of status (antiquity, personal valor of the ancestors, etc. )

In modern Western society, the status hierarchy can be viewed from the standpoint of either a meritocratic ideology as a fair and inevitable recognition of personal merit, talents and abilities, or holistic sociologism as a result strictly determined by social processes. But both theories offer a very simplified understanding of the nature of status and there remain moments that cannot be explained in the context of any of them. For example and measures, if the status is entirely determined by personal qualities and merits, then how to explain the presence in almost any organization of formal and informal status hierarchies?

Within the organization, such duality means a mismatch of competence and power, observed in various forms and at different levels, when decisions are made not by competent and impartial experts, but by “capitalists” who are guided by the logic of personal gain, or “soulless technocrats”. Also, an inexplicable discrepancy between professional qualifications and material and status remuneration. Inconsistencies in this area are often denied or hushed up in the name of the meritocratic ideal of “meritorious status”. For example, in modern russian society the situation of low material reward and, as a result, low prestige and status of highly educated and highly intellectual people became typical: “The profession of a physicist in the USSR in the 1960s. enjoyed high prestige, and accountants - low. IN modern Russia they switched places. In this case, prestige is firmly connected with the economic status of these types of occupations. ”

Because systems are more complex and subject to faster evolution, the mechanism for assigning status remains uncertain. First, the list of criteria involved in determining status is very long. Secondly, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reduce the aggregate of various status attributes belonging to each individual to a single symbol, as in traditional societies, where it was enough to say “this is the son of such and such”, so that the person’s social status, material level, circle of acquaintances and friends. In traditional societies, personality and status were very closely related. These days, personality and status tend to diverge. The identity of the person is no longer set: she herself builds it with her own efforts throughout her life. Therefore, our perception of ourselves as individuals is split into many aspects in which our social status is manifested. The identity of the person is felt not so much through a connection with a fixed status, but through a sense of one’s own value and originality.

The concept of status in everyday life is equated to the characteristic of an individual related to his economic capital, social prestige and the possibility of influence in certain areas of life. At the same time, the sociological interpretation of this concept comes from the special social situation of a person within a group or society, determined by the specificity of rights and obligations for an individual. Status allows us to identify any person, classifying him as a group and fitting into the social structure of society. Examples of statuses may vary: priest, leader, woman, child, client, professor, prisoner, father, mayor, etc. Each person is free to form his status, but he is limited by his financial situation, social relations and national culture as a whole. Any state offers its individuals a certain set of statuses that are appropriate and possible at each historical and social stage of the development of society. Moreover, society creates a field of competition for status. The specifics of this struggle are affected by the age, gender of the individual, his social and professional affiliation. The very concept of the social status of an individual has three components: sociology (adj.: Social), status and personality. · Sociology is a science about society. · A personality is an individual who carries not only biological and psychological qualities, but also socially significant features. Many individuals make up society. The personality is formed in the interaction of internal motives and external constraints. · Status is a social position taken by a person in society. Types of statuses: · Personal status is a position that a person occupies in a small or primary group, depending on how he is assessed according to his individual qualities. · Social status is a person’s position that he occupies automatically as a representative of a large social group or community (professional, class, national). · A status set is a set of statuses belonging to one individual. · Prescribed status - the status that a person gains upon the fact of birth (eg: title, which by inheritance) · Achieved status - the position which a person achieves thanks to his efforts. · Natural status - etostatus, which is based on a biological trait. (male, female) So: the social status of an individual is a person’s position in society, occupied by him as a representative of a certain social group and including a certain set of rights and obligations. Social status depends on: · age; · Gender; · Professions; · Origin; · Marital status; · Income; · Education. You should not think that each one is assigned a single social status. Each person can hold several different statuses, however, some of them will prevail over others. Sociologists call this status the main one. The main status dominates the consciousness of a person, influencing his life activity and motives of behavior, as well as the people around him perceive this status as leading for the individual. Thus, the influence of social status on a person is noticeable. No less influenced by social roles. Social status and social roles are interrelated concepts. Any status contains certain behaviors, a culture of relationships and obligations. In other words, the expected action. It is these actions and what forms behavior within social status that are called the social role. In each status, several roles can be manifested, which in sociology are usually called “ role set". The expected behavior associated with a particular role, for society performs the functions of the norm, regulation of rights and obligations. The whole society is based on role relationships, which once again reinforces the socializing role of the public for each individual. For example, a woman’s social status can be multifaceted: wife, mother, daughter, sister, company employee, Christian, member of any organization (besides this, there are many more examples of social status). The combination of these provisions is called a status set. From the above example, one can see what determines the social status: this is marital status, and religious views, and professional activity, and personal interests, etc. There are contradictions of statuses, which leads a person to discomfort, therefore, he strives for change. For example: in the United States, racial discrimination against African Americans has long existed. Over time, a representative of this race becomes president of the United States. This means that the status system of society has changed. The ratio of prescribed and acquired statuses is reflected in social structure. In the slave, feudal and caste society prescribed statuses prevail, because kinship for status is highly valued. In a democratic society, acquired statuses prevail. The social role of personality is a set of requirements that are put forward in relation to a person who occupies this or that social position. Aspects of a social role: · a way of behavior; · Formalization: a) you can communicate formally (eg: a lecturer, a student in a lesson); b) communication in a non-formal setting (avenue: the same if you accidentally meet on the street); · Acquired roles - in childhood these are toys, and in adulthood it is a conscious choice of professional activity; · The scale of ties - some roles imply a wide circle of contacts (eg: journalist), and other roles have a limited circle (eg: parent by the number of children in the family); · Emotional aspect - judge, actor; · Motivational aspect - interest, finance, prestige or otherwise. The division of social roles: · personality behavior; · Role expectation of others from the behavior of the individual. (Under the prism of the profession, it sounds something like what an actor can do, not a judge.) · Social roles (human activity in groups); · Interpersonal roles (family, friends). The process of socialization. Social roles are assimilated in the process of socialization. A person watches others, and then imitates them, accepting the rules. But a person has a certain degree of freedom, which should not violate the freedoms of other people and the system of society. Socialization is the process of personality formation, during which a person assimilates the skills, behavior patterns and attitudes inherent in his social role. (The individual either acts as expected from him, or improves in the role that corresponds to him). There is a combination of external factors and internal qualities of a person. Agents of socialization are members of society who influence the formation of personality. Parents in childhood, and from 3 years old the number of socialization agents is increasing. Conformism is a passive acceptance of the existing order. Forms of socialization: · Adaptation - passive adaptation to the environment; · Integration - the active interaction of the individual with the environment, as a result of which not only the environment affects the personality, but also the personality changes the environment. The degree of completion of socialization is determined by: · The ability to manage finances independently of others. · The ability to provide a livelihood. · Ability to live separately from parents. · Ability to choose a lifestyle. Questions for self-control: 1. What does the concept of social status of an individual mean? 2. Name the three components of the social status of the individual. 3. Name the types of social statuses. 4. What determines the social status of an individual? 5. What is the essence of the concept of social role? 6. What is included in the status set of a person? 7. What are the main aspects of the social role of the individual? 8. Socialization of personality, what is it?

These include those that exist for a very short time (pedestrian, passenger, etc.).


All statuses exist in time, if by time we mean human life. With his death, his social time ends. In human society, time is much longer.

Timeless statuses. Some statuses of an individual (they are called attributed) do not disappear as long as he is alive. In our sense, they exist forever. For example: gender, nationality, race and some others.

Permanent(basic) statuses are statuses that persist for a long time.

Temporary statuses. Most statuses are temporary. And the most striking of them are episodic. They are so named because of their short duration. A guest can be a few hours or days, but hardly a few years. The same can be said about the passenger, buyer or patient of the clinic. A vivid example of episodic status is in the queue. A queue with its generally accepted norms and rules, the distribution of roles and informal statuses occurs spontaneously and for a short time. After some time, you left the store and went outside. Now you have the episodic status of a passerby. And after 10 minutes you went down the subway and turned into a passenger. The rights and obligations prescribed by this status are hanging on the wall of the car.

Economic, political, religious statuses can be temporary and permanent. Examples of political status. Permanent ones that are included in the state system (government, police). Voter status is temporary. Confidant Presidential election campaign - temporary status. The presidential candidate is also a temporary status, but the presidential representative in the field is permanent.


Using statuses, a sociologist can just as accurately characterize an object of research as an artist, drawing a portrait of a person with a set of individual traits. Can we say that the totality of statuses characterizes this particular person?

In sociology, the status portrait of a person has another name - the status set of an individual, which was introduced in the mid-20th century by the American sociologist R. Merton.

A status set is a collection of all statuses, with one individual being appropriate.

The status set of each person is individual, that is, unique in all details. It is worth changing one of them, say, gender or profession, and leaving all the others unchanged, as we get a similar, but different person. Even if all the basic statuses of two people coincide, which is not so often, the basic ones will necessarily differ. Of two people who are completely similar in status, one at the moment can be in the subway (episodic status “passenger”), and the other can move on his own “Audio” (“driver is the owner of his own car”).

Main and personal statuses

In the set of statuses there will always be a key, or the main one. The main status is the most characteristic status for a given individual by which he is distinguished by others or with whom they identify him.

For women, traditionally, the main thing was the status associated with the position of the husband. In modern society, the situation is changing. For men - the status associated with the main place of work or occupation: director of a commercial bank, researcher, police officer, worker at an industrial enterprise.

The main one is the status that determines the lifestyle, circle of acquaintances, manner of behavior, etc. For the scientific intelligentsia, the main thing often is not the place of work or occupation, but academic degree, for managers, a position or hierarchical rank.

For a man, this is the status of a person employed in social production (worker status), for a woman, a housewife. Society assigns precisely these statuses to them. In the process of life, a person learns what society imposes on him. The stronger a person identifies himself with the main status, the harder it is for him to lose it. Unemployment for a man is terrible because it deprives him of his main status - the breadwinner of the family.

36 have chosen

Not all people who have connected their lives with fashion are aphoristic wits. But when you think a lot about fashion, when your life is connected with fashion and style, words come to mind that add up to sentences in which there is nothing to add or diminish! .. I picked up 50 quotes about fashion that belong to the great designers of XX centuries, as well as people who knew the art of creating their own style ...

1. In order to be irreplaceable, you need to be different. Coco Chanel

2. Fashion does not just make women beautiful, it gives them self-confidence. Yves Saint Laurent

3. Pure, strong emotions. This is not about design. This is about feelings. Albert Elbaz

4. When you hear that designers complain about the problems of their profession, say: Do not get carried away, these are just dresses. Karl Lagerfeld

5. Fashion is not about labels. And not about brands. This is about something else that is happening inside us. Ralph Lauren

6. We must never confuse elegance with snobbery. Yves Saint Laurent

7. Girls dress not for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, for each other. If girls dressed for boys, they would go around naked all the time. Betsy Johnson

8. Women's dress should be akin to barbed wire: do your job without spoiling the landscape. Sophia Loren

9. Style is an easy way to talk about complex things. Jean Cocteau

10. Give the girl the right shoes, and she will be able to conquer the world. Marilyn Monroe

11. I do not go in for fashion. I myself am a fashion. Coco Chanel

12. Fashion designers present on the catwalk four times a year. Style is what you choose. Loner Hatton

13. I like to be a woman even in this masculine world. After all, men cannot wear dresses, and we can wear trousers. Whitney Houston

14. Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment. Alexander McQueen

15. Always walk as if three men are following you. Oscar de la Renta

16. Spirits can tell more about a woman than her handwriting. Christian Dior

17. Dressing Scheherazade is easy. Finding a little black dress is harder. Coco Chanel

18. To be different from others is simple, but to be unique is very difficult. Lady Gaga

19. Style is a way of saying who you are without words. Rachel Zoe

20. I do not model clothes. I create dreams. Ralph Lauren

21. In shoes without a heel, I can not concentrate. Victoria Beckham

22. If in doubt, wear red. Bill blass

23. Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than confidence that she is beautiful. Sophia Loren

24. My job is to combine comfort and luxury, practical and desirable. Donna Karan

25. Luxury should be comfortable. Otherwise, it’s not a luxury. Coco Chanel

26. Fashion as architecture: the main thing is proportions. Coco Chanel

27. If you can’t be better than your competitor, then at least dress better. Anna Wintour

28. Nothing ages a woman like a dress that is too rich. Coco Chanel

29. An outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the whole book. Sebastien Roche Nicolas de Chamfort

30. Man is painted by clothes. Naked people have very little influence in society, or even none at all. Mark Twain

31. There is nothing special in a skirt when it sways on a clothesline. Lawrence Dow

32. If you can’t remember what the woman was wearing, then she was perfectly dressed. Coco Chanel

33. Fashion is a form of disgrace so unbearable that we are forced to change it every six months. Oscar Wilde

34. I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men. Marlene Dietrich

35. Each generation laughs at the old fashion, always following the new one. Henry David Thoreau

36. I know what women want. They want to be beautiful. Valentino Garavani

37. I always considered a white T-shirt an alpha and an omega of a fashionable alphabet. Giorgio Armani

38. Fashion - this is what we ourselves make up daily. Miuccia prada

39. Fashion is always inspired by youth and nostalgia and often draws inspiration from the past. Lana Del Rey

40. Fashion gives happiness. It is a joy. But not therapy. Donatella Versace

41. There is no better designer in the world than nature itself. Alexander McQueen

42. A dress does not make any sense if it does not instill in men a desire to remove it from you. Francoise Sagan

43. Buy less, choose better, and do it yourself. Vivienne westwood