In the process of normal functioning and development of society, an extremely important role is played social Institute Education. The material and spiritual values \u200b\u200baccumulated by the work of previous generations, knowledge, experience, traditions should be transferred to the new generation of people and are learned by them. Therefore, maintaining the achieved level of cultural development, its further improvement is impossible without mastering the cultural heritage of the past centuries. This problem is solved in the process of socializing individuals, whose task is just the acquisition of a person to the norms and values \u200b\u200bof culture and turning it into a full member of society. An essential component of the process of socialization of individuals is an education - training of a person in order to transfer accumulated knowledge and cultural property.

Education can be described in more detail as a relatively independent system, "the function of which is systematic training and education of members of society, focused on mastering certain knowledge (primarily scientific), ideological and moral values, skills, skills, behavior standards, the content of which is determined by socio-economic and the political system of society, the level of its logistical development ":.

The education system as the Institute includes the following components:

education authorities and subordinate institutions and organizations;

net educational institutions (schools, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums, universities, academies, etc.), including institutions for advanced training and training teachers;

creative unions, professional associations, societies, scientific and methodical advice and other associations;

institutions of the infrastructure of science and education: design, industrial, clinical, medical and preventive, pharmaceutical, cultural and educational enterprises, printing houses, etc.;

educational programs and government educational standards of different levels and focus;

textbooks and teaching aids for teachers and students;

periodic editions, including magazines and yearbooks, reflecting the latest achievements of scientific thought.

As in our country and abroad, the system of higher education has been developing traditionally, including at the beginning of theological and humanitarian, then natural science and engineering education. In recent decades, economics, information and our eyes have been separated from this system. Academician V.I. Zhukov characterizes it "as a product of high-quality interaction (interpenetration, assimilation) of natural science, humanitarian and technical education":

That is, social education, the system of social knowledge "is responsible" for all the problems that exist in human society and relating to the person himself. At the same time, social education is not comprehensive and abstract, but has a very specific practical orientation.

Under social education understand:

training and retraining of specialists in the field of social sciences; Training of specialists of various profiles social sciences, their social education;

  • · Preparation and retraining of specialists for social and management institutions;
  • · Social education, education of the wide masses of the population, the formation of the ability to interact in society within a certain socio-historical space - time;
  • · Formation, reproduction of a certain mentality, systems of sociocultural principles, sense orientations, social ideals that make up the foundation of social culture, public intelligence, the lifestyle of the people of one or another state, nation, human community.

Improving the content of social education is the differentiation of general social education, depending on the scope of activity, where specialist will have to work (education, medicine, management, journalism, energy, industry, agriculture, finance).

First, the needs of practice, issues, which is the object of concerns of modern society Secondly, they have the impact of preferences, sympathy of the teaching corps, their preparedness, scientific interests. Thirdly, the choice of models of training social workers, on the formation of programs for their training, advanced training is influenced by the development of theories of social work.

This requires mass enlightenment to reliable informing of people about a real scale. social problems And their ways to solve them in each settlement, district, area, edge. Informing the public about the work of the system of management institutions and social protection of each area, settlements, regions, edges, republics. Preparation of people to social self-defense, learning the basics of preservation, life security.

Improving the content of social education in modern Russia associated with the fundamental basics of human and society, the types of their livelihoods, social culture. This is the mainly associated with the development of ideas about the meaning of life and justice, about social ideals.

The organization of training and retraining of personnel of various qualifications has long and robust traditions in our country. The goal of social work is to assist members of society in need, in stimulating them to overcome their own efforts of personal, family, group, production, production. The main functions of the social worker are to determine (diagnose) these problems, assist, support, and then implement the correction of its behavior and social rehabilitation. Preparation of specialists in such a multilateral, complex on the content and forms of implementation of the activity cannot immediately work out and start functioning as a holistic systemMoreover, in those conditions of socio-economic transformation, in which Russia is now. The most complete is the model proposed by Professor I. A. Winter: Social Education Institute

  • 1. The training of a specialist in the field of social work is carried out by levels, the tasks of introducing a student in training, providing self-educational programs and self-development are consistently solved.
  • 2. The training of a specialist may be considered as complex multidimensional activities, a cumulative subject of the implementation of which the educational and methodologically administrative composition of the educational institution together with departments, teachers, students themselves.
  • 3. In the field of social work as any complex work unfolded in time has several levels, stages. 1 Level - Approximately research, there is essentially familiarity with the subjects, means, methods and conditions of future professional activities, predicting its implementation. 2 Level - performance of activities in the form of training, which implies the definition of approaches, the organization of the educational process and its provision. 3 Level - self-development, self-improvement of a specialist.
  • 4. Preparation of a specialist in social work requires it to adopt certain ethical standards (professional codes) and following them, the formation of certain personal (individual-psychological) qualities, such as the humanistic orientation, empathicity, altruistic dominant, etc.
  • 5. The subject of training in the specialty "Social work" is a practical ability to provide effective qualified assistance to the client in solving his personal problems, difficulties (with children, parents, employees, by themselves), such as, for example, the inadequacy of the level of claims, self-esteem, deadaption , narcotic or alcohol addiction, impotence, old age, loss of life, disability.

In sociological science has accumulated sufficient experience of research of the social institution. In the works of the Western (P. Bourdieu, E. Giddsez, K. Manhaima, T. Parsons, etc.) and domestic (V. I. Dobrekova, A. I. Kravchenko, S. S. Frolova, etc.) of sociologists disclosed function , structures, various aspects of social institutions.

However, there is currently no uniform classic definition Social Institute. We give, in our opinion, the most complete, deployed definition made on the basis of the analysis of various scientific approaches to the Social Institute as the main structural element Society: Social Institute is a role-playing system, including norms and statuses; the totality of traditions, customs, rules of conduct; Formal I. informal organization; The totality of norms and institutions

lying a certain sphere of public relations, etc.

Institute of Education, Along with the Institute of Family and Marriage, Political, Economic Institutions, the Institute of Religion, is a fundamental institution in public Life.

However, the Institute of Education acquired its status not immediately, but in the process of historical development. Historically, there was no systematic in the transfer of knowledge, they were transmitted from the case to occasion. With the emergence of the Social Institute for Education, the transfer of knowledge from accidental social relations has passed to a targeted learning process and education; The regulatory framework was gradually developed in the preparation of students at various levels of education.

The main function of the Institute for Education is cognitive (transfer of knowledge and skills from generation to generation) and socializing (socialization of the younger generation).

The main norms of the Institute of Education are compliance with the regulatory documents, the definition, the development of standards of personality behavior in the group, the moral aspect of personality behavior in the group.

In the process of learning and education in the consciousness of students, ideological, sociocultural, spiritual solutions are enshrined.

The main groups in this Social Institute are schools, colleges, universities, sports teams, student councils, teachers and parents associations, university associations, etc.

Social functions of education are quite detailed in the work of an outstanding German philosopher and sociologist, one of the creators sociology of Knowledge Karl Manham "Diagnosis of our time."

Imagine social functions of education according to K. Manhama.

  • 1) the formation of intellectual, moral and resource potential societies and states;
  • 2) promoting the political, economic and cultural development of society;
  • 3) development, training and education in the interests of the person, society and the state;
  • 4) Preparation of a person to successful and safe conversion activities and operation in modern society.

The social conditionality of education, his connection with the company K. Manhaim considers as part of a fragmentary and integral education as two opposed to each other concepts. Fragmented education is characterized as an independent area of \u200b\u200blife. Integral education has a practical-oriented nature and combines learning with real reality. The scientist points out: "... The purpose of school learning was not to convey a certain set of ready-made knowledge, but to teach them more effectively to learn from life."

The development of integral education, according to K. Manhaima, affects the ethical component of the upbringing of a full-fledged personality and individual.

The modern problems of the education system, the scientist sees in the mismatch of issues of training and education of the individual: "... if the family, school, clinics engaged in the education of children, the courts for minors will act in isolation and not take into account the influence of each other, they have not achieved effect."

Studying the era of liberalism, K. Manhaim found that education was too separate; His main disadvantage was in ignoring public needs. The education system could not or did not recognize the existence of society as an important factor of human relations affecting the goals and methods of education.

K. Manhaima believes the teacher who seeks to give students not an "abstract" education, but "wants to raise them for life in an existing society," it is necessary to keep in mind the "crisis of culture", which affects the spiritual life of society and on individuals. "These are primarily colossal changes associated with the development of industrial civilization, such as partial and even complete destruction of our habits, customs and traditional values. These are social processes contributing to the breakdown of family and society. "

The problems of cultural degradation of the Company were considered and

E. Durkheim, who introduced the term "anomioma" into the scientific circulation, which means a certain state of society, in which there are differences, the moral values \u200b\u200band norms of behavior in society are lost.

A special role in the sociology of education is the study of social inequality in obtaining educational services. The cause of this inequality is the commercialization of education and the absence of the same starting features of students, which is viewed throughout all stages of obtaining education, the absence of so-called social elevators. In the future, the directions of the starting capacity will be emitted in the future, but still they are currently basic to get into the elite class, elite college, elite university, etc. Currently, the state has taken a number of transformations in this direction. The Federal Target Program "Youth of Russia" was adopted and works for 2012-2016, which is assigned the status of the presidential. The purpose of this program is to create a system of working with young people providing equal starting capabilities that take into account the individual abilities of young citizens and creating conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization, followed by integration into the country's socio-economic processes. One of the tasks of the program is escort and support for talented young people throughout the learning process before the start of full-fledged work.

A single state exam (EEE) has been introduced in schools, which should contribute to the formation of social elevators. However, the EGE creates additional, including psychological, pedagogical (preparation for testing, learns to think non-standard, creative), financial (the need for investment in a draft financial resource that can be aimed at developing and improving the educational process).

Social elevator system helps the state to create public organizations, including charitable foundations "My pain", "Children of the World".

Education and society (P. Bourdieu, D. Khoman). Problems of education and society in sociology were studied by such training as P. Bourdieu and D. Khoman. During the reform period russian system Education conclusions made by French sociologists are becoming quite relevant.

In the work of P. Bourdieu "Reproduction: Elements of the Theory of Education Theory" presents the results of empirical research on the problems of education, the features of the relationship between teachers and students are revealed and studied.

Like R. Budon, P. Bourdieu studied "unequal chances of selection" and as a result - inequality in obtaining education. Studying inequality, P. Bourdieu also addressed the urbanization of respondents (Paris and Province). Applying parameters such as language capital and the degree of selection, the scientist concluded that students in Paris show a higher level of education than students in the province.

Special attention, the scientist pays to the development and improvement of the language competence of students, arguing that the level of language competence is an integral standard of study. Language is not just a means of communication, according to P. Bourdieu. It gives, in addition to a more or less rich vocabulary, a system of more or less complex categories, so that the ability to understand and manage with complex structures, logical or aesthetic, depends partly from the complexity of the language learned in the family.

The scientist presented certain mechanisms with which the structure of class relations is trying to reproduce, using "Habius" - the principle of the individual practitioner: "This generates and unifying the beginning, which reduces ... characteristics of any position in a single lifestyle, i.e. In a single ensemble of selection of people, benefits and practices. "

P. Burdy offered a schematic mapping of logic, in which the system of determination related to class affiliation is valid throughout the study career, but the structure of this system of determination varies depending on the weight that can acquire one or another factor (for example, cultural capital or income ) In the aggregate of factors at different stages of training.

  • 1) distance remoteness from cultural and historical centers;
  • 1) demographic characteristics; which are associated with class affiliation and social status;
  • 2) guarantee of employment, income and hopes for career growth, dwelling and working conditions, free time, etc.;
  • 3) dispositions against school and culture (attitude to learning, authority, educational values);
  • 4) language capital, preliminary preparation, capital of social relations and prestige, information on the education system;
  • 5) average income, revenues at the beginning and end of career, position in economic and social structures;
  • 6) attitude to the source class and school, depending on the learning past and from the ownership of the social class at the end of the career;
  • 7) Diploma and school ties.

Types of education: Formal and informal education, secular education.

For each historical era And for each type of society, their forms and types of education are characteristic. IN scientific workah, devoted to the study of the problems of education sociology, there is no clear separation of the concept on "forms and types of education." To species modern education Today it is customary: undergraduate, magistracy, graduate school and doctoral studies. Considering the types and forms of the modern education system, it is necessary to highlight the main ones, namely: continuous, remote, additional and self-education.

IN modern society Education is carried out in the interests and in the active participation of the state and man. According to Federal Law No. 273-F3 "On Education in Russian Federation»Educational activities in the Russian Federation are structured in the following types: general education, professional, vocational training and additional education. General education is mandatory for all citizens.

Consider the levels of general education.

  • 1. Pre-school education
  • 2. Primary general education
  • 3. Basic general education
  • 4. Secondary general education

According to the Federal Law, preschool education is introduced into educational activities as an independent level of general education.

The implementation of general education programs is carried out in pre-school educational institutions, educational institutions of the initial general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, including in special (correctional) educational institutions for students, educational deviations; In educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives). Educational programs of special (correctional) educational institutions for students, educational deviations are developed on the basis of basic general educational programs, taking into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical development and the capabilities of students, pupils.

Educational programs for pre-school, initial general, basic general and medium (full) general education are continuity.

In the Russian education system, the main system-forming element is an educational institution. Education institutions correspond to the three main periods of child development: childhood, adolescence, youth. Consolidation of all social institutions in the socialization system of children / youth is needed in the coordinating role of an educational institution.

Professional education is based on a general educational component. Professional education levels currently include:

  • 1. secondary vocational education
  • 2. Higher Education - Bachelor
  • 3. Higher Education - Specialty and Master

Higher education preparations of highly qualified personnel.

The structure of the level of secondary vocational education is introduced two types of SPO programs (secondary vocational education), including the training of skilled workers (employees), training of middle-level specialists

Postgraduate vocational education provides citizens with the possibility of increasing education, scientific, pedagogical qualifications based on higher vocational education. Postgraduate education is the implementation of continuous education through the system of advanced training and retraining of personnel represented by institutions and faculties of advanced training, various types of courses. IN scientific environment It is represented by magistracy, graduateurs, applicant and doctoral studies.

A master's undergraduate is a person who has a higher professional education and a bachelor's degree, which continues his studies in order to deepen a specialization at a certain professional direction and engage in research activities.

The graduate student is a person who has a higher professional education and studying in graduate school in order to prepare the dissertation for a scientific degree of a candidate of science.

Doctoral student is a person who has a scientist degree of candidate of science and preserved dissertation for the degree of doctor of science.

According to the law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the third level of higher education was introduced - training of highly qualified personnel (graduate school, ordinature and other types of preparation). Educational activities can be carried out by the following organizations:!) Educational organizations; 2) scientific organizations and other organizations in cases established by federal law. The right to the implementation of educational activities and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation arise from the organization engaged in educational activities since the license providing it, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law.

Additional education and additional educational services are implemented in order to comprehensively satisfy the educational needs of citizens, society, states. Within each level of vocational education, the main task of additional education is to increase the qualifications of a worker, employee, a specialist in connection with the constant improvement of educational standards and changing conditions scientific and technical Progress.

Additional educational programs include educational programs of various focus implemented in general education institutions and educational institutions of vocational and higher education; in educational institutions of additional education (in advanced training institutions, in courses, in the centers of professional orientation, musical and art schools, schools of arts, children's creativity houses, at the stations of young technicians, stations of young naturalists and other institutions with relevant licenses); Through individual pedagogical activities.

Special (correctional) schools for visually impaired, deaf pupils - for pupils that have deviations in development. Corrective school schools provide treatment, upbringing and training, social adaptation and integration of students in society. In these institutions, schoolchildren are sent by education management bodies with the consent of parents and on the conclusion of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission.

Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (boarding schools, orphanages) solve the tasks of preserving the life and health of children, their upbringing, training, preparation for independent life and work activities. The network of orphanages includes preschool children's homes (for children 3-7 years old), mixed (for preschoolers and school children), children's homes for school age children (from 7 to 18 years old).

Rehabilitation of children's health is carried out in wellness and sanatorium schools.

For adolescents with publicly dangerous (deviant) behavior that have reached eleven-year-old age, special institutions are functioning, which provide medical and social rehabilitation, education and training, the direction in them is carried out by the court decision.

The educational institution in accordance with the license issues to those who have passed the final certification, the documents on the relevant education. Citizens who completed postgraduate vocational education defended the qualification work (thesis, for the aggregate scientific papers), is assigned academic degree And the corresponding document is issued. The secondary school is managed and the management open system, in which there is a constant exchange of information with the environment, with other social institutions (interaction is cycled). Each level of general education solves its specific tasks, but the general focus of activities is subordinate to the main goal - the development of the student of a schoolboy. Advanced activities at each stage of learning contribute to the accumulation and fixation of the new quantitative characteristics of the person and their subsequent transition to new qualitative personalities.

The modern world develops rapidly bye: highly professional personnel are required, which are capable of developing the latest manufacturing and management technologies in a short time. Competitiveness today depends on both the activities of formal educational institutions and from the informal sector of the education system, which includes various advanced training courses, trainings, programs, etc.

Three important forms are increasingly important in the modern system of domestic education: formal, informal and informal (spontaneous) education, which binds exclusively with independent activity of the individual in a diverse cultural and educational environment. The terms "formal" and "informal" education today are very often found in modern socio-pedagogical literature. They reflect the essence of two important, but radically opposite types of learning organizations. Consider them in more detail.

Formal education is characterized by clear organizational standardized forms. The main objective of formal education is to form a system of basic knowledge. The purpose of informal education is to fill the missing knowledge in any area of \u200b\u200binterest to the Independence, to spend free time with intellectual benefit, as well as satisfy the urgent need for knowledge according to individual topics. Formal education in nature is mandatory, informal - voluntary.

In the formal education of the goal, the tasks and control over the implementation of educational activities puts and implements an educational institution. In informal education, such functions remain behind the individual, which independently decides how the learning process will be carried out: for which system and the program, in which educational institution.

Formal education includes a multi-stage, long-term training program, the result of which is the resulting certification, obtaining a state or international diploma of the established sample, i.e. Legislative establishment of the rights of a young specialist to engage in paid employment in the direction of training, hold higher positions in the management hierarchy and power, to enter educational institutions of a higher professional rank.

Thus, considering formal and informal education in general System Domestic education, it must be said that a formal education takes place in educational institutions according to a structured concept with mandatory certification (obtaining a diploma, certificate, certificate, vol.). Informal education does not set itself the goal of mandatory audience certification. Nevertheless, it also has goals, sets the tasks and expects for a certain learning result. As part of this type of training, students can also receive a document (certificate, certificate, etc.) confirming the passage of this particular course, module or theme. But this condition is not mandatory.

Under informational education is currently understood by any educational activity of the individual outside the formal system: classes in clubs, circles, trainings and courses. Document on the passage of additional education listeners can be obtained, but it will not be recognized by the state at the official level. This kind of education is an individual receives exclusively in accordance with its choice and desire. The systematization of the types of informall education is currently absent, but specialists note the following:

  • - Teaching on the method of trial and error;
  • - self-education in order to search for answers to questions and permits practical problems;
  • - acquisition of new knowledge in the course of using the global Internet and media;
  • - aesthetic development in the process of artistic and creative activity;
  • - enrichment of the spiritual world in the process of amateur artistic activities;
  • - Performance or task under the guidance of a competent specialist.

Informal training every year is becoming increasingly popular in youth environment and middle-aged people because it helps the acquisition required knowledge and skills for efficient activities in modern organizations, companies and production.

Socio-economic and political transformations in Russia, social differentiation of society, the loss of moral values \u200b\u200band landmarks had a significant negative impact on the level of spiritual development of society: there was a decrease in the educational and cultural level, which was reflected in the cynical relationship of citizens to the law, social and state institutions.

The insufficient level of development of social institutions and the traditions of civil society, as well as the lack of mechanisms for their formation and distribution, cause an increase in uneducibility, the absence of tolerance and an increase in confessional intolerance, which, in turn, leads to an increase in xenophobia and extremism. Therefore, the issue of developing and implementing a unified state policy in the field of civilian education, which should be based on education, education and secular enlightenment. The basis of secular education and enlightenment is a scientific picture of the world, knowledge and respect for the history and culture of the state and the ethnic groups that are part of it, etc. The system of Russian education is the most important goal - to prepare the younger generation for life in civil society and legal state, aware of the main priorities of the country, take care and fill in cultural heritage. All this is the basis of secular education and education of society.

Secondary education and enlightenment is an important condition for the development of democracy, maintaining cultural values \u200b\u200band mains of society, the formation of an active civil position in society, including:

  • Understanding national interests, national traditions and strategies for the country's development;
  • Literacy in the political and legal sphere, i.e. The ability to implement the rights and obligations to fulfill the functions of a citizen as a subject of legal and political standards, the ability to nominate and elect state power and local self-government of the most worthy fellow citizens who can most effectively carry out their functions in case of their election to federal or local authorities;
  • moral maturity as a set of ethical knowledge and skills to make a rational and responsible moral act, as well as ethically competently assess how their behavior and the behavior of fellow citizens, especially those working in state authorities and local self-government;
  • knowledge of the culture of secular behavior and political correctness, the ability to understand the confessional diversity and the peculiarities of ethnic and religious traditions and value landmarks, distinguish the signs of aggressive ignorance, social pathologies, xenophobia, ultranationalism, religious intolerance, dogmatism and extremism;
  • Understanding the foundations of socio-economic life, combined with the skills of positive creation, awareness of its own professional inclinations, abilities and opportunities, the ability to navigate in the field of market and government relations, labor and tax legislation, learning the skills of organizing labor and labor process, knowledge of labor, collective norms and corporate ethics, etc.;
  • Understanding issues of ecology, namely: dependence of the conditions of human existence from conservation and protection ambient, emigration and migration processes, possession of the skills of maintaining cleanliness and order in the family, the nearest environment and in nature as a whole; Understanding the uniqueness of nature, love for it, intolerance to domestic and industrial environmental pollution;
  • Developed aesthetic taste and possession high standards In the assessment of literature, art and artistic culture, the development of a mature aesthetic attitude towards themselves, the nearest surroundings and nature, the ability to decorate and add their habitat - family dwelling, workplace, recreation areas, etc.;
  • a high degree of socialization, the possession of self-organization and cooperation with fellow citizens in order to solve the urgent social problems of the territorial formations of various levels - from the apartment and the staircase, the entrance of the apartment building and the courtyard to the street, the village, the district, city, region, the countries as a whole;
  • literacy in the field of public safety; Counteraction to social vices of society - alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, corruption, fraud, charctatanism, theft, gangsterism, hooliganism, tobacocco, foul language and other antisocial and dangerous for health forms of behavior;
  • respect for the process of continuous secular education and upbringing, knowledge of its foundations, objectives, methods, the ability to lead to self-education Independent search and development of information from various sources, the ability to analyze it, critically comprehend and use to develop and improve its civil mindment;

Composite parts of secular education are:

  • Knowledge of the phenomena of statehood and citizenship, the history of their formation and development in Russia and abroad, knowledge of the experience of state-building both in our country and abroad;
  • The knowledge of human rights and responsibilities of a person and a citizen, the ability to use them correctly and keep them, possession of the fundamentals of demographics, migration processes, an understanding of civil liability for self-education, education of their family, its nation;
  • Promotion to the secular culture of behavior, the study of ethical, aesthetic and environmental norms and rules, the assimilation of the concept of civilization;
  • Education of patriotism, hard work, the assimilation of the valuely recognized and recognized by civilized humanity, the ability to hear the voice of conscience and respond to it, understanding practical significance Values \u200b\u200bof modesty, compassion, goodwill and virtue;
  • teaching sanity, criticality and self-criticalness, ethnic and religious tolerance, intolerance to the vices of society, knowledge of ways to combat them, as well as ways to maintain physical and moral health in the family and in a circle of their communication;
  • training in social and civil activity methods,

moorganization, self-realization and social partnership.

The main target groups of secular education and upbringing are:

  • Schoolchildren and students, streets and street children and marginal groups of young people;
  • teachers, educators, teachers, as well as employees of state systems of education, education and enlightenment and private educational institutions;
  • employees of public and private media;
  • State and municipal workers, workers and employees, especially officials working in systems of legislative, executive and judicial authority;
  • servicemen, staff of power structures and MES, employees of private security enterprises;
  • leaders of political parties and public organizations;
  • managers of public and private enterprises;
  • Persons of foreign origin, submitted an application for Russian citizenship, as well as arrested, prisoners, exiles and other "risk groups", which at the end of training should necessarily pass a special exam.

Currently, the process of reforming the domestic education system and the role of sociology as a science on society and its main social institutions is constantly increasing. Education Sociology Indicates and reveals the problems of the modern education system, vocational education, intellectual and socio-cultural problems young generationconstituting and determining the basis for the development of public life.

  • Kondrashin, I., Kuvakin, V. Project: National Program "Civil Education ISVETSKY Education of the population of the Russian Federation" LinkHttp: //
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    In the process of the normal functioning and development of society, the Social Institute of Education plays an extremely important role, thanks to which the work accumulated by the labor of the preceding generations and spiritual values, knowledge, experience, traditions are transferred to the new generation of people and are absorbed by them. Education can be described as a relatively independent system, the task of which "is systematic training and education of members of society focused on mastering certain knowledge (primarily scientific), ideological and moral values, skills, skills, behavior standards, the content of which is determined by socio-economic and political We are built by society, the level of its logistical development "..
    The functions of the Institute of Education are split into open (tasks of mastering knowledge, skills, socialization) and latent (reproduction of social inequality). The latent function of the educational system brings together the problem of this sociological direction with research in the field of social stratification.
    The basic function of modern education is disciplinary learning. The school cannot assume responsibility for the entire process of socializing the younger generation. This responsibility shares all social institutions of society. The school helps to master disciplinary knowledge systems as a pedagogically reduced cultural heritage. With the help of disciplinary knowledge, people are mastering cultural and institutional practices. At the same time, the learning function is organically associated with the tasks of education, with the peculiarization features, with the development of the student's personality. Education is focused on the training of the younger generation. Professional preparation is made up from: Properofessional (prof. Orientation, selection) and secondary professional. Professional training is intelligent when gaining learning skills necessary to fulfill certain work, work group. Professional training is not accompanied by an increase in the educational level of the student.
    Functions of education.
    1. The function of social mobility - it has the capabilities of the selection and predisposition of a person to those or other forms of professional and social activities; for modern man Not all types of education are achieved, the policy of protectionism is carried out either at the state level, or through the estate educational institutions;
    2. Social control function. The school raises law-abiding citizens. Functional literacy level is needed not only in production, but also in everyday life, using transport. At the same time, the school and direct social control over the behavior and education of the younger generation;
    3. The function of cultural broadcast, when education acts as a generator and custodian of the society of society.
    4. The function of social selection - education serves as a mechanism for fixing the personality for a certain group, stroke, build. Durkheim said that education reproduces not only the types of culture, but also subcultures.
    5. The ideological function - Bourdieu described it. Any power seeks to strengthen their position through the ideology that is broadcast to society through the education system.
    6. Egalitarian function aligns the starting capabilities of various populations. It would be wrong to consider education as a tool to meet the economic, social, cultural needs of society and personality. Education is intrinsicness, self-owned, it is necessary for a person for self-realization.
    7. Legitimations (selected values, samples of behavior, activities can acquire recognition in the mass consciousness in the form of a basic consensus with value prerequisites of the order only through the institutions of socialization, which in turn relates to the Institute of Education. Thus, education is implementing the function of reproduction and development of the sample The need refers to the function of the legitimation of social order.)

    Social institute - This is an organized system of ties and social normswhich combines significant public values \u200b\u200band procedures that meet the basic needs of society. Any functional institute It occurs and functions by performing this or that social need.
    Everyone social institute It has as Specific features and general signs with others institutes.

    Signsinstituteeducation are:

    1. Installations and samples of behavior - love for knowledge, attendance
    2. Symbolic cultural signs - school emblem, school songs
    3. Utilitarian cultural traits - classes, libraries, stadiums
    4. Codex oral and written - Pupils
    5. Ideology - academic freedom, progressive educationEquality in learning

    Education It is a social subsystem having its own structure. Educational institutions can be allocated as its main elements. as Social organizations, social community (teachers and students), COC COCK Sociocultural activities.

    Education system Structured by other principles, it includes a number of links: a system of pre-school education, secondary school, vocational school education, specialized secondary education, Higher education, postgraduate education, system of advanced training and retraining of personnel, education by interest.

    As for pre-school education, sociology It comes from the fact that the foundations of the pupils of a person, its hardworking, many other moral qualities are laid in early childhood.

    In general, the importance of pre-school education is underestimated. Too often overlooking that it is an extremely important step in life A person who is laid by the first-pool personality of a person. And the essence is not in quantitative indicators `coverage` children or meet the desires of parents.

    Kindergartens, nursery, combines - not just a means `supervision` For children, their mental, moral and physical development. With the transition to teaching children from 6 years, kindergartens faced new problems for themselves - organization preparatory GroupsSo that children can normally enter the school rhythm of life, have self-service skills.

    From the point of view of sociology, a particular importance acquires an analysis of the orientation of society to support preschool forms of education, to the willingness of parents to resort to their help to prepare children to work and the rational organization of their social and personal life. For the knowledge of the specifics of this form of education, the position and value orientations of those people who are engaged in children - educators serving personnel are particularly significant - as well as their readiness, understanding and desire to fulfill their duties and hopes.

    Unlike pre-school education and upbringing, which covers not every child (in 1992, only every second child was located in kindergartens), the secondary school is aimed at preparing for life, without exception to the younger generation. In the conditions of the Soviet period, starting from the 60s, the principle of universality of complete secondary education was implemented in order to provide youth` equal starts, when joining an independent labor life.

    There is no such provision in the new Constitution of the Russian Federation. And if in the Soviet school due to the requirement to give every young man average education The percentage of interest, registry, artificial overestimation, is growing in the Russian school, the number of those who quit school (according to experts, in 1997, 1.5-2 million children were not studied), which will eventually affect the intellectual potential of society.

    But in this situation sociology Education is still aimed at studying the values \u200b\u200bof general education, on the landmarks of parents and children, to their reaction to the introduction of new forms of education, because the end of the general education is provided for young man At the same time, the point of choice of the future life path, profession, classes.

    Stopping at one of the options, the graduate of the school thereby gives preference to one or another type of vocational education. But what drives them in choosing the trajectory of their future life path, which affects this choice and as It changes throughout life - this is one of the most important problems. sociology. A special place is occupied by the study of vocational education - vocational, technical, secondary special and higher.

    Professional technicaleducation The most directly associated with the needs of production, with an operational and relatively fast form of incorporating young people in life. It is directly carried out within the framework of large industrial organizations or the state system of education. Arising in 1940 as factory apprenticeship (FMU), vocational school educationpassed a complex and winding path development.
    Despite the various costs (attempts to translate the entire system for a combination of complete and special education in the preparation of the necessary professions, weak accounting of regional and national features), vocational training remains the most important channel for receiving the profession. For the sociology of education, knowledge of students' motives, learning efficiency, its role in advanced training and real participation in solving national economic problems is important.

    At the same time, sociological research and in the 70s and 1980s, and in the 90s still fix the relatively low (and for a number of professions low) prestige of this type of education, for the orientation of the graduates of the school to receive the highest, and then secondary special Education continues to prevail.

    As for the secondary special and higher education, identification is important for sociology social status of these types of young people, assessing opportunities and roles in the future adult life, Compliance with the subjective aspirations and objective needs of society, quality and efficiency of training. In 1995, 27 million young people between the ages of 12 and 22 studied, of which 16% were students of universities and technical schools.

    The question of the professionalism of future specialists is especially acute, that their quality and level of their preparation will respond to the realities of today. However, and studies of the 80s, and studies of the 90s show that there are many problems in this regard. Continues to stay as Specify results sociological studies, low sustainability of the professional interests of young people. According to the research of sociologists, up to 60% of university graduates change their profession.

    Previously stated that education associated with all spheres of public life. This connection is implemented directly through the identity included in the economic, political, spiritual, other social ties. Education He is the only specialized subsystem of society, the target function of which coincides with the purpose of society.

    If a various spheres And the economy industry produces certain material and spiritual products, as well as services for a person, the education system `produces the human itself, affecting its intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical development. This determines the leading social function of education - humanistic.

    Humanization - Objective need public development, the main vector of which is the focus on (person. Global technocratism as The method of thinking and the principle of industrial society has dehumanized social relations, changed the goals and means.

    In our society, a person proclaimed asthe highest goal, in fact, was turned into a `labor resource`. This is reflected in the education system, where the school has seen its main function in `preparation for life`, and under the` life` More labor activity was provided. Personality value as The unique personality, the federal development itself was moved to the far plan. Appreciated primarily `worker`. And since the employee can be replaced, hence the antihuman thesis originated that "no indispensable people."

    In essence, it turned out that the life of a child, a teenager is not a full life, but only preparation for life, life begins with entry into labor. And what about the completion of it? Not by chance in the public consciousness there was an attitude towards old men, disabled as To infallible members of society. Unfortunately, at present, the situation in this regard has not improved, have to talk about the growing of the company dehumanization asreal processwhere the value has already lost and the value of labor.
    Considering the humanistic function, it should be said that this concept is filled with new content. Humanism in his classic, anthropocentrist understanding in modern conditions It is limited and insufficient, does not correspond to the concept of sustainable development, the survival of mankind. Today a person is considered as open system From the standpoint of the leading idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of the second millennium - the ideas of coevolution.

    Man is not a center of the universe, but a particle of society, nature, space. Therefore, it is legitimate to talk about neuhumanism. If you contact various elements of the education system, then with the greatest completeness, the neuhumanist function is designed to be implemented in the system of pre-school education and in a secondary school, and to the greatest extent - in junior grades. It is here that the foundations of the intellectual, moral, physical potential of the individual are laid.

    how Show recent studies of psychologists and genetics, man's intellect by 90% is already formed by 9 years. But here we are confronted with the phenomenon of the inverted pyramid`. how Once these links in the education system itself are considered as non-core, but to the fore (in importance, financing, etc.) are commercial, secondary and higher education.

    Topic 8. Essence, meaning and role of higher professional education (6 hours)
    Lecture Plan:

      1. Higher education as a social institution. Subjects HPE

      2. The status of higher educational institutions. University complex

      3. Content and educational programs HPE

      4. Training technologies in VPO

      1. Modernization VPO and Bologna process

    8.1. Higher education as a social institution. Subjects HPE

    According to the UNESCO World Declaration, higher educationwhose history numbers a few centuries, convincingly demonstrated its viability and ability to change, to promoting the transformation and progress of society.

    IN modern world his role also increases. This is expressed:

    • on the one hand in numerical growth (the number of students in the world from 1960 to 2004 increased more than six times: from 13 million to 82 million people),

    • on the other hand, in expanding the functions and tasks of higher education, in increasing its status and prestige.

    In UNESCO documents, higher education is considered as a set of training courses or retraining of specialists (after receiving secondary vocational education).

    According to the formal definition contained in a number of state documents of Ukraine, higher Professional Education (HPE)- this is an education based on medium total or medium professional, carried out in the highest educational institutions According to professional educational programs, concluded by the final certification and issuing a graduate of the VPO document.
    Forms of receipt of HPE

    Higher education can be obtained not only in full-time, but in part-intern (evening), correspondence and external forms.

    External - This is an independent study of disciplines by students on the main educational program with subsequent certification.

    System HPE
    Educational institutions implementing VPO are respectively referred to as the highest, making up in their totality the basis of the VPO system.

    Along with universities, the system includes the following elements:

    • state educational standards and educational programs;

    • scientific, design and cultural and educational institutions, leading scientific research and ensuring the functioning and development of higher education;

    • various governing bodies of higher education.

    UNESCO Declaration determines tasks of higher education In the XXI century as follows:

    1) provide training highly qualified specialists who can satisfy not only their personal, but also social needs in all spheres of human activity by providing them to acquire relevant qualifications;

    2) provide an opportunity for obtaining higher education and follow-up learning throughout life; ensure optimal choice opportunities and give a flexible nature to the beginning and discontinuation of higher education; Provide the opportunity for individual Development and social mobility in order to actively participate in the life of society;

    3) develop and disseminate knowledge through research and as one of the services provided to society to promote its cultural, social, economic development;

    4) promotepreservation, expansion, development and dissemination of national and regional, international and historical cultures;

    5) protect and strengthen Public values, raising young people in the spirit of a democratic society.
    All of the above illustrates not only the community of higher education with other sociocultural institutions, but also the difference from them.
    To the number basic subjects HPE These are primarily teachers and students. Their rights, duties, forms of interaction largely determine the nature of the educational process in the university.
    In November 1997 UNESCO adopted recommendations on the status of subjects VPO. They have to:

    • maintain and expand the main functions of their activities, observing scientific, and intellectual ethics;

    • absolutely independently and with full responsibility to perform on ethical, cultural and social problems in order to predict, warn and prevent negative trends in the social, cultural, economic and political development of society;

    • use your intellectual potential and moral authority to protect and actively spread recognized values, (peace, justice, freedom, equality and solidarity).

    These same recommendations are drawn special attention on the following three provisions .
    1. ^ Policy professional development staff which is also associated with active scientific research on updating and improving pedagogical zone.

    2. Pay students and their needs close attention, considering them as major partners and responsible participants.

    3. Develop together with student organizations orientation and counseling services, Whatever students assist and adapting to the transition to higher education at any age and to take into account the needs diversified (Different) categories of students.

    8.2 The status of higher educational institutions. University complex

    ^ Higher educational institution ( University ) - This is an educational institution that:

    • provides various services related to the preparation, retraining and advanced training of workers and specialists;

    • promotes the personal growth of a person, the formation of his individuality;

    • extensive research, the volume and significance of which are one of the main criteria for determining its social status.

    Social Status of Educational Institution Determined by a number of signs:

    • type (Institute, University, Academy);

    • organizational and legal form (state, commercial),

    • availability or absence of state accreditation.
    Status affects:

    • prestige of the highest educational institution;

    • graduate preparation quality

    • nature of scientific research,

    • the role in the cultural development of the country and region.

    Types of universities

    Higher education institutions are represented by three main types: universities, academies, institutes.
    University Unlike the Academy and the Institute, it provides students with specialization in a fairly wide spectrum of sciences and preparation directions.

    Institute Unlike the Academy and the University, it may not be a leading scientific and methodological center in the field of its activities. They may not only be independent institutions, but also by the structural divisions of other higher educational institutions.
    Ukrainian legislation allows the existence of higher educational institutions of all forms of ownership, i.e. educational institutions can be state and commercial.Most of the provisions and rules, as well as some documents for commercial universities, are advisory and are approximate.
    ^ University Mission Region
    At the beginning of the XXI century. Not only the social demand for higher education, but also awareness of his decisive importance for the socio-cultural and economic development of individual regions of Ukraine.

    Each university has certain resources, the peculiarity of which is determined by various cultural and educational conditions that determine the nature, value orientation and preferences of people living in a particular region. People come with these values \u200b\u200bto the university. Teachers and students are guided by them in life, and therefore in the educational process.

    On the other hand, the university is an organization, an autonomous, sovereign community of teachers and students with their culture, their rules of the game, which in general, they themselves, voluntarily or unwittingly, are established.

    Thus, the ideology, content and technology of vocational education are filled with different contents in different universities, therefore, the preparation results are unequal.
    So gradually happens diversification of a single type of educational institution.Therefore, the activities of the University of the Big City, where many educational institutions are functioning, there is a powerful sociocultural and information infrastructure, differs from the activities of the University of the Small City, for which the following functions acquire paramount importance:

    1. ^ Social function - Direct participation in the definition of ways to develop the region, studying its social problems and on this basis, the adjustment of the structure of the content of the educational process.

    2. ^ Cultural function - ensuring opportunities for the implementation of the creative process. In this regard, the university complex includes not only training premises, but also all the objects of sociocultural purposes (sports facilities, university theater, museum, etc.), which are elements providing an educational process, acting as divisions or branches University faculties and departments.

    3. ^ Scientific function - University of the Small City, as a rule, cannot conduct research in all directions. The most accessible for it are the problems associated with regional issues.

    4. ^ Professional feature - Concentration at the university of the whole set of fundamental knowledge: philosophy, mathematics; humanitarian and natural scientific, technical and technological knowledge, as well as the broadcast of these knowledge.

    ^ University complex
    In order to further improve the preparation of highly qualified personnel in the field of vocational education of Ukraine, the number of diffil and multi-level educational complexes is growing.
    They function based on the principles :

    • the unity of educational, scientific and innovative processes in relationship with economies and social sphere;

    • continuity of the educational process and the relationship of educational programs of various levels;

    • innovative orientation from fundamental research to the development, replication and transfer to the practice of high-tech technologies, including educational;

    • organizational, educational, methodical, scientific and information interaction between all university complex units, equality and accounting of their interests.

    Decision on the creation of a university complex He is accepted jointly by the scientific Council of the University, administrations of enterprises and institutions of different levels and pedagogical councils of educational institutions that can enter the complex.
    Types of university complexes:

    • traininguniting educational institutions of one profile of different levels of education in diverse combinations (Pedagogical profile, technical, medical: lyceum-college-university);

    • teaching productionuniting in its composition educational institutions of different levels and basic enterprises;

    • educational and Scientific ProductionSupporting along with educational institutions and enterprises Scientific units of other universities, as well as research institutes and institutions.

    University complex as a system Allows:

    • integrate various educational institutions, which creates ample opportunities to meet the needs of customers in frames;

    • carry out multi-level training of specialists in accordance with the modern needs of the region;

    • coordinate multi-level educational programs, forms and preparation methods.

    Functions of the university complex:

    1. Educational Center, implementing the unity of educational and educational processes in practice with the wide involvement of intellectual potential and material and technical base.

    2. ^ Center for the development of a wide range of scientific and industrial research - In the university, interdisciplinary programs are being implemented, uniting specialists from different areas of knowledge. Projects are developed to solve primarily environmental, social and economic problems, to create strategic and tactical plans for the development of the region. For this purpose, permanent seminars, conferences, trainings are created.

    3. ^ Center for Continuing Education: Graduates and teachers of the complex are actively involved in the activities of educational institutions of NGOs and SPOs: schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, specialized classes. In the active participation of graduates and teachers, regional Olympiads are held, a system of specialifaculty is being created for retraining and obtaining second higher education, developing new, current subject courses of various levels (for NGOs and SPO).

    4. ^ Culture Centerwhich creates an atmosphere of spiritual communication, moral and national values \u200b\u200bare also supported. For this purpose, conferences, symposia, discussion clubs are organized, various cultural events are held.

    5. Information Center:

    • engaged in the publication of textbooks, scientific, methodological and general education literature;

    • actively submitted in the means mass media (for the formation of public opinion and support and developing all the steps of education and science);

    • using and developing modern means receipt and exchange of information, computer networks, internet;

    • decisive problem Financing communication channels, attracting all interested institutions, enterprises and services.

    1. Center for International Scientific Cooperation, developing international educational contacts:

    • participation in international educational and scientific programs;

    • participation in contests for grants;

    • cooperation with information centers UNESCO;

    • conducting joint educational and scientific activities;

    • participation in student exchange programs, graduate students, teachers;

    • foreign internship teachers.

    Requirements for the content of VPO

    The maintenance of it should provide:

    1. State training and qualifications of specialists meet the world level.

    2. Orientation to ensure self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization and self-development, free choice of opinions and beliefs.

    3. The high level of the general and professional culture of a specialist, the level of civilization aimed at mutual understanding and cooperation between people, regardless of their racial, national, ethnic, religious and social affiliation.
    Thus, the content of higher education does not closes on vocational training, but reflects modern tendencies development of society, culture and personality.
    Therefore, K. basic content elements VPO refer:

    1. Professional and cognitive training, which is the result of knowledge.

    2. Professional and practical training, the result of which professional skills and skills.

    3. Professional education and development - the result of which professional-important personal qualities and its professional culture.

    4. The overall education and development of the personality is the result - personal qualities and the total culture of the personality.

    The maintenance of it is based on the main provisions. State Standard VPO, which includes:

    • general provisions VPO;

    • classifier of directions and specialties;

    • state requirements for the minimum content and level of graduates in each specific direction or specialty;

    • educational training programs for specialists.

    In valid State Standa VEP approved three levels of higher education that implement educational programs.

    The Social Institute is an organized system of relationships and social norms, which combines significant public values \u200b\u200band procedures that meet the basic needs of society. Any functional institute arises and operates, performing this or that social need.

    Each Social Institute has both specific features and general signs with other institutions.

    Signs of the Institute of Education are:

    1. Installations and samples of behavior - love for knowledge, attendance

    2. Symbolic cultural signs - school emblem, school songs

    3. Utilitarian cultural traits - classes, libraries, stadiums

    5. Ideology - academic freedom, progressive education, equality in training

    Education is a social subsystem having its own structure. As its main elements, educational institutions can be allocated as social organizations, social communities (teachers and students), the COC COC type. Sociocultural activities.

    Main types of education

    The education system is also structured by other principles, it includes a number of links: a system of pre-school education, secondary school, vocational education, secondary special education, higher education, postgraduate education, training and retraining system, education for interest.

    As for preschool education, sociology proceeds from the fact that the foundations of the pupils of a person, its hardworking, many other moral qualities are laid in early childhood.

    In general, the importance of pre-school education is underestimated. It is too often overlooked that it is an extremely important step in the life of a person who is laid by the first-pool personality of a person. And the essence is not in the quantitative indicators of the "coverage" of children or satisfying the desires of parents. Children's gardens, nursery, combines - not just a means of "supervision" for children, their mental, moral and physical development occurs here. With the transition to teaching children from 6 years, kindergartens faced new problems for themselves - the organization of the activities of preparatory groups so that children could normally enter the school rhythm of life, have self-service skills.

    From the point of view of sociology, a particular importance acquires an analysis of the orientation of society to support preschool forms of education, to the willingness of parents to resort to their help to prepare children to work and the rational organization of their social and personal life. For the knowledge of the specifics of this form of education, the position and value orientations of those people who are engaged in children - educators serving personnel are particularly significant - as well as their readiness, understanding and desire to fulfill their duties and hopes.

    Unlike pre-school education and upbringing, which covers not every child (in 1992, only every second child was located in kindergartens), the secondary school is aimed at preparing for life, without exception to the younger generation. In the conditions of the Soviet period, since the 60s, the principle of universality of full secondary education was implemented in order to ensure the "equal start" youth upon joining an independent labor life. There is no such provision in the new Constitution of the Russian Federation. And if in the Soviet school due to the requirement to give every young man to the secondary education flourished the percentage, registry, artificial overestimation, then in the Russian school there is a number of challenged school (according to experts, in 1997 he did not study 1.5-2 million in 1997. children) that over time will affect the intellectual potential of society.

    But in this situation, the sociology of education is still aimed at studying the values \u200b\u200bof general education, on the landmarks of parents and children, for their reaction to the introduction of new forms of education, because the end of the general education is provided for a young man at the same time and the point of choice of the future life, profession, kind of classes. Stopping at one of the options, the graduate of the school thereby gives preference to one or another type of vocational education. But what drives them in choosing the trajectory of their future life path, which affects this choice and how it changes throughout life is one of the most important problems of sociology. A special place is occupied by the study of vocational education - vocational, technical, secondary special and higher.

    Vocational education is directly related to the needs of production, with an operational and relatively quick form of incorporating young people in life. It is directly carried out within the framework of large industrial organizations or the state system of education. Having arounted in 1940 as factory apprenticeship (FMU), a complex and winding path of development passed vocational and technical education. And despite the various costs (attempts to translate the entire system for a combination of complete and special education in the preparation of the necessary professions, weak accounting of regional and national characteristics), vocational training remains the most important channel for receiving the profession. For the sociology of education, knowledge of students' motives, learning efficiency, its role in advanced training and real participation in solving national economic problems is important.

    At the same time, sociological research and in the 70s and 1980s, and in the 90s still fix the relatively low (and for a number of professions low) prestige of this type of education, for the orientation of the graduates of the school to receive the highest, and then secondary special Education continues to prevail. As for medium-sided and higher education, the social status of these types of teaching of young people is important for sociology, assessing opportunities and roles in future adulthood, the compliance of the subjective aspirations and the objective needs of society, the quality and efficiency of training. In 1995, 27 million young people between the ages of 12 and 22 studied, of which 16% were students of universities and technical schools.

    The question of the professionalism of future specialists is especially acute, that their quality and level of their preparation will respond to the realities of today. However, and studies of the 80s, and studies of the 90s show that there are many problems in this regard. It continues to remain, as evidenced by the results of sociological research, the lowest sustainability of the professional interests of young people. According to the research of sociologists, up to 60% of university graduates change their profession. According to a survey of graduates of technical schools in Moscow, only 28% of them three years after receipt

    Functions of education

    1 Social Functions of Education System

    Earlier it was said that education is associated with all the areas of public life. This connection is implemented directly through the identity included in the economic, political, spiritual, other social ties. Education is the only specialized subsystem of society, the target function of which coincides with the purpose of society. If various spheres and industries produce certain material and spiritual products, as well as services for a person, then the education system "produces" of the person himself, affecting its intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical development. This determines the leading social function of education - humanistic.

    Humanization is an objective need for social development, the main vector of which is the focus on (humans. Global technocraths as a method of thinking and the principle of industrial society was dehumanized by social relations, changed the goal and funds. In our society, a person who proclaimed as the highest goal was in fact In the "Labor Resource". This was reflected in the education system, where the school had seen his main function in "Preparation for Life", and under the "life" labor activity was provided for verification. The identity value of the person as a unique personality, the political development itself was moved to the far Plan. Updated first of all the "worker". And since the employee can be replaced, from here an antihuman thesis originated that "there are no indispensable people." In essence, it turned out that the life of a child, a teenager - this is not a full life, but only preparation for life , Life begins with entry into labor. And what about the completion of e? It was not by chance that in public consciousness was attributed to the old men, disabled themselves as infallible members of society. Unfortunately, at present, the situation in this regard has not improved, has to talk about the growing dehumanization of society as a real process where the value has already been lossed.

    Considering the humanistic function, it should be said that this concept is filled with new content. Humanism in its classic, anthropocentric understanding in modern conditions is limited and insufficient, does not correspond to the concept of sustainable development, the survival of mankind. Today, a person is seen as an open system from the standpoint of the leading idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of the second millennium - the ideas of coevolution. Man is not a center of the universe, but a particle of society, nature, space. Therefore, it is legitimate to talk about neuhumanism. If you contact various elements of the education system, then with the greatest completeness, the neuhumanist function is designed to be implemented in the system of pre-school education and in a secondary school, and to the greatest extent - in junior grades. It is here that the foundations of the intellectual, moral, physical potential of the individual are laid. As shown by the latest studies of psychologists and genetics, the person's intellect is 90% formed by 9 years. But here we are faced with the phenomenon of the "inverted pyramid." Just these links in the very system of education are treated as non-core, and professional, secondary and higher education are coming to the fore (in importance, financing, etc.). As a result, the social losses of society are great and irreparable. To solve the problem, it is necessary to: overcoming the subject center approach in education, primarily in a secondary school; Humanitarianization and humanization of education, including along with a change in the content of education and a change in the relationship in the teacher's system - a student (from objects to subject-object).

    The formation of educational communities associated with the inclusion in educational processes and the value attitude to education, and their reproduction.

    Homogenization of society through the organized socialization of individuals - the grafting of similar social characteristics In the name of the integrity of society.

    As in society, an increasing amount of attainable statuses is due to education, such a function of education becomes increasingly visible, as the activation of social movements. Education worldwide is naturally becoming the main channel of social movements, usually ascending, leading individuals to more complex species Labor, great income and prestige. Thanks to them, class structure becomes more open, social life - more egalitarian, and unfavorable differences in the development of different social groups are really softened.

    Social selection. In the formation of the individuals are bred by flows predetermining their future status. The formal rationale for this is the level of abilities, to identify which tests are used. But the tests contain a certain cultural context, the understanding of which depends on the ratio of the dominant culture (on which tests were built) and the cultural features of the primary socialization microenvironment. The greater the distance between these cultural types, the less attention from the teacher receives a student and the more likely that it will not cope with the test. The educational career of the individual, thus, is largely due to the social situation of his parents.

    The reproduction of those social classes, groups and layers, belonging to which is due to educational certificates. The school gives individuals an unequal education, unequal development of abilities and skills, which is confirmed, as a rule, certificates of established samples and is a condition for the occupation of relevant places in labor separation systems (and social stratification).

    Substitution of parents, social support for students for their stay in the walls of the educational institution. For the sake of it, specialized organizational and role-playing structures resembling a family situation are created. In the implementation of this function, education and especially the DOOGFessional School reproduces cultural stereotypes and role differentiation inherent in the family.

    2 functions of education in the production and economic sphere

    The formation of a professional qualification composition of the population. From a quantitative point of view, the education system is responsible for the reproduction of the vocational composition of the population. In practice, it fluctuates between overproduction and prerequisites. Both extremes negatively affect the professional structure, cause the influx into the profession of people without appropriate training, the mass practice of learning the profession "on site" without scientific foundations and creative skills. They destroy professional culture, make unclear relations within groups and between them, bring non-professional criteria for evaluating people, strengthen the role of attributed statuses in the social promotion of individuals. The high-quality side reflects the formation of the production properties of workers and is in many ways with a professional school. But the same properties directly develop in labor activities, in general education, where the creative and moral potential of the employee is being formed. Its productivity and innovation activity increases somewhat with increasing general education.

    The excess of the educational level over the requirements of the workplace plays a positive role in production, creates a reserve of the creative potential of the personality, qualifying and social promotion of a person. In a nonideal situation, the same circumstance strengthens the contradiction between the claims of the owner of redundant education and the expectations of the surrounding people can lead to a conflict.

    Formation of consumer standards of the population. The role of education in the economy is wider than production aspects. It manifests itself in the consumption of benefits, information, cultural values, natural resources. This feature is always characteristic of education, it suffices to recall the biblical commandments about the moderation of consumption or the prescription of the Russian housework. It also determines the main content of informal education that occurs in a family or the constructed media. Education may enjoy the material needs of people rational standards, to promote the formation of a resource-saving economy, as well as a stable and favorable human environment. In market conditions, such a function is opposed to the interests of the business, although it is more consistent with national interests.

    Attracting economic resources. Resource sources are different: from the state budget to private investment. In fact, they represent the customer and are inevitably reflected on the content and forms of education. Support for the state budget gives birth to unification, and the orientation on business circles or sponsors increases autonomy educational structures. Partial translation of the school to the local budget caused active development in the content of the formation of regional and local components.

    Internal distribution of economic and other resources. Commissioners on the structures of education distribute funds between regions, individual subsystems and institutions, activities, positions. As a result, such activities that are focused on the "enforcementary" space are provided to resources (earlier - material assistance to students, their families, prudent, landscaping, recreation organization, etc., now - maintaining commercial, research, design and other structures ). This distribution sometimes strengthens social inequality, enshrines groups of groups due to the fact that some education subsystems are lacking resources. In the Russian Federation, part of rural kindergartens after transfer to the local budget closes or does not ensure the proper level of education. Children without pre-school training are unable to master programs elementary school and fall into the classes of correction. Do you need to comment on personal and social consequences of such a situation?

    The education system is capable of modifying economic incentives and make such amendments to the practice of financial support that entail a change in the socio-economic status of its participants. One way or another, the process of distribution of resources in education is always due to its social organization. Social conditionality is even more significant than economic, because economic criteria almost do not have direct use here. In the foreground, the criteria that are a regulatory product of the Agreement of Professional Groups (or Officials) of this industry. The education system is often acting contrary to common sense. For example, the ped-formation system in the USSR issued the issuance of teachers in obviously overpriced volumes (2.8 times), which restrained the growth of teachers' revenues, the solution of housing problems, technical re-equipment of the school. The justification was a consequence of the same practice - a high professional turnover of teachers.

    3 Education Functions in the Sphere of Culture

    Reproduction social types Culture. Education gives knowledge of manufacturability, structural forms, thanks to which it becomes possible to systematize it, component, broadcast and accumulate in increasing volumes. Transfer of knowledge and experience becomes dynamic, mass, open. But the object of transmission becomes not all, but the selected (in accordance with orders) types of culture, for example, dominant, school, professional.

    Innovation in the field of culture is carried out through school selectively. The public education system broadcasts only a part of the innovations achieved in culture. Innovations are accepted from the channel of dominant culture, not bearing hazards For the integrity of this social organization (stability of its management structures). In relation to other innovations, even progressive, the education system can serve as a peculiar barrier.

    The formation and reproduction of public intelligence (mentality, certain industries and social technologies of intellectual activity) includes the provisions formulated by another Durkheim: the dissemination of significant knowledge through training, the advent of informative skills. The system of education has become a multi-sectoral complex, its goal is not just the transfer of knowledge and personality development, but intellectual support of the development of society. A number of researchers argue that this feature is a key role in the rates of progress of civilization in the near future. She has already turned into a factor of world rivalry. Transnationalization of education - means of geopolitics. World leaders seek to control educational complexes in different areas of the world, transmitting their educational technologies or other models specifically designed for other countries. So in public intelligence the dependence of the recipient from the donor, which guarantees the donor superiority and sources of postponed and direct profits. Countries with long traditions in their education systems can also be recipients during periods of crises, when the state and society partly lose control over the conceptual development of the education system and ensuring its necessary personnel, information, technological resources.

    4 education functions in the socio-political sphere

    The formation of a person is one of the vital interests of the state and groups, so the obligatory component of education is legal norms and political values \u200b\u200breflecting the political interests of groups that dictate the direction of development in this society and seek to control the school.

    The influence of educational communities of acceptable (shared) legal and political values \u200b\u200band norms, methods of participation in political life are characteristic of state EducationBut manifests itself in the field of informal education. It is unlikely that there are examples when the Institute of Education did not oppose the manifestations of legal or political deviations. Any political system begins with what is fighting for an old school or creates a new one. The awareness of this function inevitably leads to the ideology of the content of education. In this sense, formal education ensures the promotion of law-abiding legal and political behavior, as well as the reproduction of state (dominant) ideology. Social groups are carriers of alternative political values, seek to establish their school, or introduce into already existing legal norms and political values. The education system is not ideologically neutral, it is always approved by ideological control in the explicit form of partners or in implicit - in the installations for depoliticization, in personnel politics, in curriculum, recommended textbooks, etc.

    In the national-state organization of society, the School specifically forms the orientation of the population in foreign policy space. The ethnosocial type of culture determines the content of education, emphasizing the leading interests of this ethnos in it. So the school assists patriotism.

    In research and practical plans, the definition of education functions is generated universal system Measured parameters of the development of the Institute for Education and its influence on society. Following the definition of functions, it is necessary to estimate how the established structures in the education system correspond.

    Problems of sociology of education

    Young people enters - labor, social and political, having, as a rule, secondary education. However, it will very seriously differ in quality. Significant differences depend on social factors: in specialized schools with in-depth study of individual items, it is higher than in ordinary mass; in urban schools higher than in rural; In the daily higher than in the evening (replaceable). These differences deepened in connection with the country's transition to market relations. Eleet schools appeared (lyceums, gymnasiums). Education system is clearly

    it becomes one of the indicators of social differentiation. The desired diversity in education turns into social selection through education.

    The Company passes from a relatively democratic education system, accessible to representatives of all social groups, open to the control and impact on the part of society, to a selective, elite model emanating from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe autonomy of education both in the economic and political aspect. Supporters of this concept believe that education is the same scope of entrepreneurship as production, commerce, and therefore should function so as to profit. Hence the inevitability of making fees for educational education, the use of various systems to determine the level of intellectual development or rigging. The ability to pay and personal gifts are such a string from which the sieve of selection is wearing, with all the decreasing cells as it moves to the top of the educational, and then the social pyramid.

    In 1997/98. academic year It was planned to take 82 thousand students on the paid form of training and about 60 thousand - in non-state higher education institutions, which is 26% of the plan to state universities (542.6 thousand), or 40% of daytime training forms (361.1 thousand). And if we consider that the share of "new Russians" and joined them relatively rich people does not exceed 10%, it becomes obvious that higher education is developing in the interests of only individual social groups.

    Similar processes occur in high school, although there are its own specific features. The situation is now such that, breaking the old system of secondary education and without creating a new one, society fell into a very difficult situation. Refusal to activities of children's public organizations, the Nishchensky position of the teacher led to the fact that education lost almost all the guidelines without finding new ones. Under these conditions, the younger generation is devoid of stable moral ideals and did not receive anything in return. This process is exacerbated by attempts to commercialize the school, which is not always accompanied by improving the quality of learning. This is evidenced by serious conflicts between parental public and organizers of new form of education.

    In general, the optimum combination of general education and professional training not yet found. After serious criticism that revealed many vices, no longer corresponding to the spirit of time, the standards and rules, general and vocational education becomes much more flexible than it has so far. But his role and responsibility in the preparation of qualified workers are still far from the required level.

    Vocational education is an important stage in the civil formation of a person in its harmonic development. The misunderstanding of the objectively necessary relationship of development and professionalism generates not only scholastic disputes relative to the "contradiction" of the other, but also serious mistakes in the practice of working with young people, when the mastery of professional knowledge and skills in one form or another is opposed to popularitarian culture. As a result, either notorious "technocratic breaks" arise, or attempts to form a human humanitarian culture in the separation from life, from labor and public practice.

    A special place in the enrichment of the country's intellectual potential belongs to the Higher School. However, changes in the content, and in directions, and in the structure of its activity occur very slowly. These sociological studies indicate that students and teachers highly appreciate the possibility of creativity, we are talked for an increase in the share. independent work, Improving the forms of examinations, expanding their participation in the management of the university, support the development of a competitive system of certification of all personnel. At the same time, by the mid-1990s, the highest school entered the most severe crisis, from which not all universities have the opportunity to get out of the dignity.

    The school now stands before a difficult choice - find the best ways to be further developed. Evaluation of what is happening changes is ambiguous, for in a public mood, public opinion There are most different, including diametrically opposite, points of view. However, suggestions and judgments, no matter how contradictory essentially, they reflect the deep interest of people in providing and further increasing the spiritual potential of society.

    Along with the education of respect for labor and professional orientation, humanization of education, the development of self-government play a significant role in the formation of a person, the development of practical skills to organizer and social work.

    On the consciousness and behavior of young people big influence Provides a mechanism for managing an educational institution. Strict observance of the norms and principles of democracy, legality, justice, even in the years of exercise, it becomes a kind of benchmark for them, with which they are in the future begun their life path.

    However, the style of the work of the director (rector), pedagogical and scholars, class managers, mentors far from always promoting the development and consolidation of positive social experiences of young people, insufficiently opposes the manifestations of nihilism, indifferentity, indifference to public affairs, as well as demagogy, anarchic actions.

    Great role and various forms of students' communications with their peers in foreign countries. Meetings at international conferences, correspondence, tourist trips contribute to the formation of solidarity in young people, the acquisition of civilian communication skills, despite the differences.

    The education system is still poorly forms high spiritual requests and aesthetic tastes, resistant immunity to confusion, "mass culture". The role of social science disciplines, literature, art lessons remains insignificant. The study of the historical past, the truthful coverage of complex and contradictory stages of domestic history weakly combined with independent search for their own answers to questions that make life. But it is undoubted that historical consciousness in combination with the national self-consciousness acquires a decisive role in the civilian behavior of students of young people. The information revolution encourages continuous replenishment of knowledge. True, they do not have a homogeneous structure. There are always the cores of knowledge, which is based on the basis of sciences, and the periphery, where the process of accumulation and update is going, which does not depreciate the fixed capital. For all efficient professionals, scientists who have achieved success, as their life experience shows, the main conditions were the main conditions: a solid fundamental knowledge base and the need to learn, respect for society to those who crave knowledge.

    Improving public education is unthinkable without measuring the situation in which the teacha is located, a significant part of the pedagogical corps.

    If you adhere to the formal criteria - the availability of special education, work experience, etc., most teachers meet their intended purpose. But if you evaluate their activities on the merits, you must admit that many of them are behind the requirements of time.

    The main group of teachers is a woman, although it has long become apparent that in the upbringing of boys, young men (and girls), the school is experiencing an acute shortage of "male influence". Although recently, teachers' salaries have increased significantly, the average earnings of public education workers are still much lower than that of workers and engineering and technical workers in industry and construction, and in comparison with the average wage in the country.

    As special surveys of rural teachers showed, most of them in logistical relationship are ensured significantly worse than other rural specialists. Teachers are often distracted from the execution of pedagogical duties to perform various tasks not related to them. As a result, the budget of the Teacher's time is extremely tense, and it remains very little for self-education.

    Many teachers weakly imagine the processes occurring in society, and in particular in the youth environment. Therefore, their work goes without proper "sight." They are not disposable from moral fall, rebirth: individual teachers, heads of educational institutions are closed in charges from students and their parents, in various illegal frauds, drunkenness.

    The formation of pedagogical frames is associated with the specifics of their labor. It is organically not to accept the infringement of their rights and authority, does not tolerate and reject the bar ash arrogant to them. The streamlining of the labor and recreation of teachers is also the necessary prerequisite for their civil and professional growth. Improvements require housing and household conditions of teachers. Despite the benefits granted to them, providing their housing, medical care, the new literature remains an open question.

    And if in conclusion of this topic, mention some problems of logistics and financial support, it can be argued that the domination of the residual principle reduced any possibility to make an effective jerk in a qualitatively new approach to the needs of the national education. Obviously, in a situation where the financing of popular education is five dozen times from financing in industrialized countries, it is necessary to resolutely change the position. The school is seriously lagging behind in the saturation of equipment, computer equipment, materials and thereby puts his pupils in a position when they cannot act with full participants in the competition in the information field.

    One of the functions of the national education is to stimulate self-education, self-preparation, constant thirst for knowledge. Self-education, independent acquisition of knowledge and skills is not exhausted by the school system. Of course, the school can and should give a person the skills of independent work with a book, document, etc. But self-education is based on the basis of common and vocational education, and not in return to him. New technical and information capabilities of training television, cassette video equipment, personal computers, distance learning to be still widely used for the needs of self-education. The fate of new generations is increasingly determined by the overall culture of man: the development of logical thinking, language, mathematical, computer literacy.

    A comprehensive labor connection continues to be relevant. Thanks to this, employed labor skills, the habit of work, the possibilities of applying the knowledge of the basics of science in the labor activity of knowledge, but also aware of the social significance of productive labor. Outside such awareness, execution of labor functions turns out to be, according to A. S. Makarenko, "pedagogically neutral". People worked and work at all times, but only when labor acquires new social quality, it becomes one of the powerful factors for the formation of the spiritual wealth of personality.

    In terms of market relations, the role of direct participation of high school students, student students, students in solving specific scientific and production tasks increases. The experience of many schools testifies, for example, the fruitful results of the participation of adolescents in pilot experimental production (especially in agriculture), checking new technologies, materials, labor techniques, etc. In secondary special and higher educational institutions, youth participation in research and design work is encouraged, in the implementation of contracts with enterprises.

    Recently, the public together with employees of public education is vividly discusses the possibilities and prospects for the organization of school cooperatives. And not so much for the sake of strengthening the material and financial base (although it is important), how much for the fastest entry of the child in real life, in the daily concerns of the older generation.

    In this regard, I would like to remind some facts from history. The first school cooperatives appeared in Russia in 1910-1912. It was in 1912 that the All-Russian exhibition spoke about cooperatives from Kiev and Mogilev. Revolution Children's cooperation did not cancel. In 1924, according to centrousue, more than 1.5 thousand child associations, more than 50 thousand boys and girls were equal in their work on adults. In 1925, in some areas, children's cooperatives united at 10-11% of schoolchildren.

    The goals of the then cooperation were mainly called, "equipped with": to provide guys by educational literature, cheap notebooks and handles. Moreover, it was sometimes possible to reduce the price of the textbook immediately halfway. Baby children generally received them for free. Moreover, in large cooperatives sold the guys hot breakfasts, breads, tea, created buffets and dining rooms. It is worth noting that today not all schools can not boast of this.

    In general, the existing system of education, its diverse links represent a very controversial picture in which positive shifts are still often interspersed with negative or uncertain trends.

    The question of the concept of public education, its further functioning is still acute. The main emphasis is on the content of education, active ways of entering a child into the world as a whole. The head of the corner is not given separate school subjects, not the number of hours on certain disciplines and not even the amount of information, but the search for new ways to organize education, in which in the mind of the child would have established as much direct, personal connections with worldview. It is in this that genuine wealth, integrity and unity of the person, the key to its true freedom. And on the contrary, to manage a person, manipulate them, it is necessary to define this unity, break it and oppose the personal - public, political - moral, professional - human. This successfully did an authoritarian school, changing these parts by some places, confronting them and establishing their priority arbitrarily.

    Overcoming the inertia of public consciousness in an assessment of education arising in it "Poksomov" is not easy. Success here is defined primarily by shifts in socio-economic conditions of society. But the educational efforts of the school can give a significant leading effect if in propaganda of professions, their social significance social ideal is organically linked to the interests of people, social and demographic groups, if the school works in close contact with parents, with public organizations.

    It is clear that the search for the most rational ways to renew all the steps of national education will require the sociology of even greater efforts to comprehensively analyze the real position, determining the trends of its development, as well as participation in solving the urgent problems of the formation of the country's intellectual potential.

    Together with the already known rethinking of school education, it seems necessary to analyze from a worldview modern problems Schools. Most serious scientists, philosophers and sociologists, adherents of various theoretical views coincide in the opinion that today humanity is in the transition period, on the eve of the new civilization, carrying the ways of thinking and activities of the old, so-called technogenic civilization, the fundamental basis of which is the principle Rationality and built in accordance with it is a characteristic picture of the world. Global civilization shifts that we now observe are questioned not only the biological existence of the human individual itself, but also the legality of following in the development of humanity by rationalistic worldview. The biosocial load on the identity increases dramatically. Education As a "cultural instrument", without which "our conscious life and the psyche, provided by natural processes, would be chaos and a mess," has an outdate character, entitled to the younger generation to the culture of yesterday's and today, forming the worldview of tomorrow. Therefore, the concept of existence not only has biological significanceIt implies the entire conceptual apparatus of a person, the method of thinking embodied in its activities in the ways of interaction with the surrounding reality and in determining its place in it. The existence as an ideological category is organically woven into the tissue of the school educational process. "We must not only teach the young generation of survival in extreme socio-economic conditions, but also to educate in it a kind of culture of existence in the world, in society, included not only in global" earth ", but also space, universal processes ...". The concept of socialization as a function of education, understood as "the process and the result of incorporating a growing person in society, due to the assimilation and more or less active reproduction of the personality of social experience, historically accumulated culture ...", today should be expanded to the level of assimilation and the inclusion of the individual in the generalization The worldview space, where education is a leading and determining factor.

    Global sociocultural changes in the world, the so-called civilizational shifts, the inconsistency between the established system of school education and the emerging public needs on the eve of the new anthropogenic reality. This is a discrepancy and causes the attempts to reform the secondary school in our country from time to time. Despite these attempts, the state of school education many researchers tend to evaluate as critical. The school crisis is naturally a reflection of socio-economic processes manifested in education in the following:

    Lose the usual goals of school education;

    Acute lack of financing;

    Inertia inherent in all educational systems and society as a whole.

    But if the crisis was reduced only to this number of problems, his overcoming would be only the matter of time and success of reforming the Russian social device. However, the close attention of domestic and foreign scientists to the problems of education is primarily due to the evolution of the worldview of mankind, which a person as part of the Macrocosm puts into the center of the scientific picture of the world. And then the problems of school education come to the fore, as they affect the fundamental universal values \u200b\u200brequiring a civilization approach to their consideration. These issues include:

    The problem of optimizing the interaction of the personality and society as the search for the balance between the socio-regulatory pressure and the pursuit of the personality to the social and psychological autonomy, overcoming the conflicting the "needs" of the social order and the interests of the person (student, teacher, parent);

    The problem of overcoming the disintegration of the content of school education in the process of creating and implementing a new socio-educational paradigm, capable of becoming a starting point in the formation of a holistic painting of the world in a student;

    Problems of coordination and integration of pedagogical technologies;

    The problem of the development of problem thinking among students through a gradual waste from monologic communication to a dialogue in a lesson;

    The problem of overcoming the incorrect of learning outcomes in various types of educational institutions through the development and introduction of uniform educational standards based on the integrated systematic analysis of the educational process.

    Finding the causes of the critical state of school education forces many researchers to apply not only to the socio-economic problems of a particular society, but also to the analysis of civilization development, which determines the method of human thinking, the development of public institutions, including school education systems. However, while on the eve of the new millennium, in the face of the new "anthropogenic era", the man in the street is vaguely represents the nature and essence of civilizational processes, in the center of which it is. Therefore, it is necessary to once again turn to the very concept of civilization and determine the significance of civilization processes in the nature of the problems of school education.


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