The approval of K.D. Shushinsky that the teacher lives as long as studying, in modern conditions Acquires special importance. Life itself puts on the agenda the problem of continuous pedagogical education.

The ability to "create yourself" in accordance with socio-moral ideals in which professional competence, rich spiritual life and responsibility would be natural conditions of human life, is an acute need of the day.

Professional self-development, like any other activity, has a pretty complex system of motives and sources of activity. Usually the driving force and source of self-education of the teacher is called the need for self-improvement.

Distinguish external and internal sources of self-development activity.

External sources (Requirements and expectations of society) act as the main and determine the direction and depth of the necessary self-development.

Caused by from the outside the need of the teacher in self-education is further supported internal source Activity (beliefs, sense of duty, responsibility, professional honor, healthy pride, etc.). This need stimulates a system for self-improvement, whose character is largely predetermined by the content of the professional ideal. In other words, when pedagogical activities acquire personal, deeply informed value in the eyes of the teacher, then the need for self-improvement is manifested, then the process of self-development begins.

For the deployment of self-development process, the formation level is of great importance self-esteem. Psychologists celebrate two techniques for the formation of the right self-esteem. The first is to relate the level of its claims with the result achieved, and the second is to compare them with the opinions of others. If the claims are not high, it can lead to the formation of overestimated self-esteem. The study of the character of difficulties in the activities of teachers has shown that only those who set high tasks have difficulty. This is usually creatively working teachers. Those who do not have high claims are usually satisfied with their results, they are highly evaluated, while feedback on their work is far from the desired. That is why it is so important to every person who has chosen the pedagogical profession, to form in his mind the perfect image of the teacher.

If it is to refer to self-development as a focused activity, it must be a mandatory component self-analysis . Pedagogical activity presents special requirements for the development of cognitive mental processes: thinking, imagination, memory, etc. It is not by chance that many psychologists and teachers in a number of professionally significant properties of the teacher call the ability to distribute attention, professional memory for individuals, names, mental states, pedagogical imagination , observation, etc.

An integral part of the professional self-development of the teacher is his self-educational work. The most effective way of professional self-education of the teacher is its participation in creative searches for a pedagogical team, in the development of innovative projects for the development of an educational institution, copyright and pedagogical technologies, etc.

Final part.

3.1. The outcome of the lecture material.

1. What are the social functions of the teacher?

2. Which of the professional features of the teacher do you consider the most difficult and why?

3. Name the features of the pedagogical profession.

4. What legislative and regulatory act determines the structure of the education system in the Donetsk People's Republic?

5. Name the levels of vocational education in the DPR.

6. What is the activities of the Pedagogues of the Additional Education?

7. Determine the professionally significant qualities of the teacher of additional education.

8. What is the basis of the professional self-development of an additional education teacher?

3.2. Task for independent work:

Make a support abstract on the topic;

Read the qualifying characteristics of the teacher

additional education;

Perform creative work on the topic "Why I chose a profession of an additional education teacher";

Fill out the table "Professional duties of the teacher of additional education."

AOS (feedback address): [Email Protected]

Sections: Common goodsAgological technologies

For high-quality additional education, three components are needed (teacher, educational program, material and technical base). First of all, a special teacher, a professional of the highest level, an interesting person with developed communicative qualities. To achieve and improve the qualities of the teacher of the Additional Education in the MODD House of Children's Creativity of the Yara region of the Kirov region in the 2006-2007 academic year, a problem-methodological topic "Formation and development of key competencies of pedagogical personnel and students in the modernization of additional education of children" were solved.

This problem was not randomly set. Time requires the development of new content, new forms and working methods, the search for effective ways to train and upbringing, and therefore, the question of the competence of the teachers of additional education (which is confirmed in the concept of modernizing the additional education of children until 2010).

The methodological work of the institution of additional education every year is based on problems, requests and needs of teachers. In connection with the identified problems of teachers in the organization of the educational process, the goals and objectives of the methodological service are formulated. Thus, in the 2006-2007 academic year, the methodological service of the house of children's creativity realized the goal of the year: stimulating the disclosure and development of the innovative potential of additional education teachers. Before embarking on the realization of the intended purpose, it is necessary to know the innovative potential of the pedagogical team.

The methodological work of each teacher is designed to build individual educational and professional trajectories that include three sections:

  • Software and methodical educational process
  • Generalization and creative relaying of their own pedagogical experience
  • Work on self-education

The implementation of individual professional growth programs, in our opinion, contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of pedagogical competence, the monitoring of the growth of the professional competence of pedagogical personnel is evidenced.

Special attention Methodological service MODOD home of children's creativity pays to the development of educators of the implementation of competence-oriented additional education. In training pedagogical frames, both traditional and innovative forms of work are used.

The development of professional competence of the teacher occurs only when it is consciously incorporated into innovative activities, the effectiveness of which depends not as much from pedagogical technologies, as from personality, professionalism, its initiative and creativity. Through the use of innovative form - research activities, the scientific society of students "Eureka!" Was created for the first time in the house of children's creativity.

An innovative form of methodical activity can be considered a review contest of pedagogical skills "Crystal Swan". In the house of children's creativity, he takes 6 nominations:

  • Open training session and his self-analysis
  • Advanced pedagogical experience
  • Educational program
  • Project
  • Portfolio
  • Educational event and his self-analysis

It should be noted that the examination competition of pedagogical skills has a positive effect on improving the professional competence of the pedclablecloth. Each teacher grows during competition with others, drawing something new for yourself from the experience of others.

Work is performed on district methodological associations. In the 2006-2007 academic year, methodological associations on the topics were held in the House of Children's Creativity: "New time - new approaches to pedagogical activities", "formation of key competencies of students learning as a factor and the result of the DOD quality", "Pedagogical ideas festival". The experience of each teacher participating in the district methodological associations deserves special attention and summarized in the collections of materials.

Since 2006, a target comprehensive program of improving the professional skill of teachers of additional education "Professional" was tested, the purpose of which is to create a unified information environment that ensures the preservation, development and efficient use of the pedagogical potential of the children's creativity house. When implementing the program, there is an increased interest of teachers to present themselves at various levels. In the 2005-2006 academic year, 4 teachers took part in the All-Russian festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson", and in the 2006-2007 academic year there are already 7 teachers, all were noted by diplomas of the All-Russian Festival, experience published in the collection of materials of the Festival and the Internet on the website www.festival

As for the regional level, it also remains here only to rejoice at the pedagogical team. So, DDT became the winner of the regional festival "Her Majesty - Family" in the nomination "Institution - Family". Three teachers of additional education became winners and prize-winners of the regional competition of author's additional educational programs. Additional education teacher Head of the Children's Association "Puppet Atelier" became a prize-winner in the regional competition of pedagogical innovation. Two additional education teachers conducted master classes at the Interregional Forum "Development. Creation. Intelligence".

The successes and achievements of teachers of additional education are at the district level. As part of the teaching of pedagogical innovation, 6 teachers took part. The initial step of participation in the district competition of advanced pedagogical experience was the review-competition of professional skills "Crystal Swan". Three teachers became winners of the district teaching of pedagogical innovation.

By summing up the foregoing, I would like to note that the Methodological service of the Moode of the House of Children's Creativity successfully creates conditions for the disclosure and development of the innovative potential of additional education teachers. And in the future will continue to increase the professional competence of teachers through the use of innovative and traditional forms of methodical work.


1. Pedagogue as a subject of the educational process

1.1 Basic functions and features of the teacher of additional education (Lebedev, Golovanov)

1.2 Professional and significant personal qualities of the teacher of additional education (heads)

2. The development of the personality of the teacher of additional education of children

2.2 The ratio of qualifying categories of the teacher and his desire for the development of the personality

2.3 Implementation of the system approach in the work of the teacher of additional education of children (from experience)





Relevance of the research topic. In the aggregate of topical socio-cultural problems related to the education reform in our country, much attention is paid to the development of additional education of children. Additional education institutions of children need such teachers who could educate people creatively active, which are carriers of sociocultural values.

Structurally, the additional education of children fits into the system of general and vocational education, as well as in the sphere of social and cultural activities.

As of January 1, 2004, in the additional education of children in Russian Federation More than 270 thousand pedagogical workers are employed. In modern conditions, additional education of children performs the complex task of providing favorable conditions for the social adaptation of the younger generation to life in society. This increases the importance of professional activities of the main subject of the named educational sector - the teacher of additional education of children.

The society presents the high demands to the teachers of additional education, which their professional activity does not always respond. Recently, there has been a trend of increasing contradiction between the modern requirements of the Company to the results of additional education of children and the level of creative development of teachers of additional education of children.

Teachers of additional education of children until recently had no opportunity to receive basic higher education. The current graduate of the pedagogical university does not own special theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work in the system of additional education at the professional level. We are everywhere in practice with the situation of discrepancies in the basic training of the teacher of additional education of children and those social objectives that are intended to solve the current establishment of additional education of children.

In connection with the acute deficit of pedagogical personnel, most of the institutions of additional education of children are forced to host employees with various qualities of theoretical and practical training: often teachers of additional education do not have basic pedagogical education. Former military, engineering and tube workers, starting to engage in pedagogical activities, are experiencing certain difficulties in working with children.

The purpose of the study: identifying the ratio of qualifying categories of the teacher and its aspirations for the development of the personality.

Object of the study: the development of the teacher's personality of additional education.

Research Subject: Teacher as a subject of the educational process.

Research Hypothesis: Raising the qualification category of the teacher as a subject of the process contributes to the development of the personality of not only the teacher, but also his pupils.

Modern pedagogy characterizes the term "additional education" of the whole of the education, which is outside the general educational standard. In its content, additional education of children is comprehensive. In the surrounding reality, whether it is a living or non-fat nature, a system of social relations, the sphere of consciousness, there is nothing that it could not be the subject of additional education. That is why it is able to satisfy the most diverse interests of the person.

Additional education of children is a harmonious unity of knowledge, creativity, communication of children and adults, which is based on curiosity and passionateness to the free search for skill and comprehend the meaning of life.

At the same time, the child independently and voluntarily elects the contents and emotional and value guidelines of activities, an adult specialist (teacher, consultant, manager), a particular association of enthusiastic like-minded people.

Children's enthusiasm brightly highlights the childhood of the child on the path of comprehending the main affairs of his life.

The methodological basis for additional education of children is the paradigm of developing variational education, promoting the transition of society from the culture of utility to culture of dignity.

Additional education of children can be considered as a basic condition, a kind of "starting platform", a prologue in the formation of the creative, intellectual potential of the country.

In amateur associations, children are designed, simulated, cultural habitat, the relationship of passionate people, the psychological features of children and adolescents are taken into account, it is focused on the humanistic values \u200b\u200bof education. Scientific and methodological work, processes of programming and certification of pedagogical personnel, recreational and leisure activities are built on the same value positions. Municipal educational institutions of additional education of children (centers, palaces, houses of children's creativity, clubs, studios, stations of young technicians and naturalists, schools, children's health and educational camps, centers of additional education of children, traditional culture, folk crafts, etc.) - type of educational Institutions, the main purpose of which - the development of the personality motivation to knowledge and creativity, the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the interests of personality, society, states.

Their main task is to ensure the necessary conditions for personal development, the promotion of health and professional self-determination, creative labor of children. In these institutions, the child ensures the possibility of obtaining the main creative education, self-determination (including propercoming) and socialization in society. These institutions, mostly, assumed the education function in the education system.

This education system Corrected to the request of the child and his family, at the request of society, there is no hard state standard of education in it. In additional education, the subject position of the child, which is given the right to choose the teacher, the type of creative or social activities, team, classes. Personal, creative development of the pupil institution of additional education does not conflict with the need to place a regulatory assessment for a creative result, a personal achievement. The motivational component of educational activities is not destroyed by comparing the child with other, the correlation of its development level with age standards and the state standard of education.

Chapter 1. Pedagogue as a subject of the educational process

1.1 Basic functions and features of the teacher of additional education

In order to understand the motivation of pedagogical activities in additional education institutions, it is necessary to find out the functions and features of the system of additional education of children, and then the features of the activity of this category of teachers.

Professional functions are those that are directly related to educational activities of the teacher. There are also many of them as activities.

Let us dwell on the brief description in different types of pedagogical activities of the professional functions of the teacher of additional education of children:

1) educational - teaching a child for additional educational programs, obtaining new knowledge;

2) educational - enrichment and expansion of the cultural layer of the educational institution, the formation of a cultural environment in school, the definition on this basis clear moral benchmarks, unobtrusive education of children through their attachment to culture;

3) creative - the creation of a flexible system to implement the individual creative interests of the individual;

4) compensation - the child's development of new activities, deepening and complementing the main (basic) education and creating an emotionally significant development for the child the development of general education content, providing a child to certain guarantees to achieve success in their selected areas of creative activities;

5) Recreational - organization of meaningful leisure as the scope of restoration of the psychophysical forces of the child;

6) vocational guidance - the formation of sustainable interest in socially significant activities, facilitating the definition of the child's life plans, including prefect orientation. At the same time, the school contributes not only to the awareness and differentiation of the various interests of the child, but also helps to choose the establishment of additional education, where the forces of specialists detected abilities may be further developed;

7) integration - the creation of a single educational space of the school;

8) the socialization function - the development of the child of social experience, acquiring them the skills of reproduction of social relations and personal qualities necessary for life;

9) The function of self-realization is the self-determination of the child in socially and culturally significant forms of vital activity, living situations of success, personal self-development.

The above list of functions shows that additional education of children should be an integral part of any educational system.

Each profession has features, in pedagogical - too. Consider them.

1. The activities of the teacher have a preliming and promising nature. This means that the teacher, relying on the experience of the past, designs the development of the person to perspective to the future. The teacher always looks forward: what, what life to cook his pupils to what life. Consequently, the teacher must professionally own the experience of the past, especially well to navigate in modern life and anticipate the contours of the future, anticipate events that may be in the coming life. 2. The following person follows the features of the professional activity of the teacher:

concentric location of the content and organization of educational work. This means that the formation of the specified, even one and the same, the features of personality takes place for many years, and more expanding, causing new characteristics, and in something and changing, i.e. There is a deepening and clarification of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe same concept. So, physical, moral, ecological culture, culture of communication, etc. Teachers begin to form already from preschoolers. The same questions, but already on a new twist, in a more complete and broad sense, be returned to children in junior grades, in adolescent and youthful age. 3. The object of pedagogical activity (pupil) is a constantly developing and changing dynamic individual (or group). It has its needs, goals, motives of activities, interests and value orientations that regulate his behavior. And, therefore, the teacher has to "fit" his work to the peculiarities of this object so that it becomes an ally, an active partner of the educational process. Ideally, instead of a subject-object relationship, subject-subject interaction between the educator and the pupil is developing. 4. Pedagogical activity has a collective nature. At school, in other educational institutions, a single teacher works, but one of the members of the pedagogical team. This is especially manifested in the class where 8-10 subject teachers work and, except teachers, there are also educators. Any of them will reach good results only when a common goal is developed for the future. This feature of the pedagogical profession drew attention to A.S. Makarenko. He believed that in the team of teachers, each teacher, the educator, being a unique person, enriches his team with something, and in turn he was enriched. The team is strong and good one in which there are different teachers: young and elderly, beginners and experienced, men and women, lovers of different types of art. It is in the team that the teacher will receive assistance in the case of difficulties arising from work. This is the meaning of the collective nature of the teacher's work, which constitutes one of the characteristics of his profession.

5. The purposeful and organized professional activities of the teacher take place in the natural and social environment. It in turn is a powerful, although often unorganized, random and therefore an unmanaged factor impassing the development and formation of personality. On the young manIn addition to the teacher, the media (media) affects the media. In this situation, when many factors are simultaneously affected by the development of the person at the same time, the teacher has to lead a "competitive struggle" with negative phenomena and look for allies in a favorable environment.

8. The teacher has no right to make a mistake - in his hands - the fate of a person. Figuratively speaking, the work of the teacher immediately, without rehearsals, it is done shortly, without drafts (for example, in contrast to theatrical productions), because pupils are unique personalities living in the future, and now, today. Of course, it would be perfect if there were no errors in any activity. Unfortunately, it does not happen. But in many cases, an error without serious consequences can be corrected, eliminate marriage. Another business is a pedagogical activity: you can not see, do not notice the tendency of a child to something (to whether music, drawing, etc.) not manifested by talent is the guilt of the teacher. It is unacceptable to suspect a child in any bad deeds, without having sufficient grounds: it will become secretive, touchy, incredulous to everyone and first of all - to the teacher. The teacher's mistake in working with children can affect the later, already in an adult, who has worried about life, disappointment in everything. Then the mistake will be on the conscience of the teacher.

9. A feature of the teacher's profession is also humanism: faith in a good start in every child, respect for personality, love for people, a desire to help others in different difficult life situations. 10. A professional teacher not only teaches others, but he himself is constantly learning, improving skill. If he does not replenish his knowledge, then the time will come when there will be nothing to be given to others. Non-interrupful education is thus characteristic feature Pedagogical profession.

Such, in our opinion, the essential features of the pedagogical profession. Attentive and picky reader not without reason, it will notice that those features of the pedagogical profession, which have just been said, are also inherent in representatives of some other professions.

Practice shows that these requirements for human education can not be satisfied only by basic education: formalized basic education is increasingly needed in an additional informal, which has been and remains one of the determining factors for the development of the inclinations, the abilities and interests of a person, its social and professional self-determination.

Indeed, the school gives a general education, important and significant; But the multifaceted development of the individual, the disclosure of its abilities, early career guidance contributes to the additional education. And if school education all children are obtained in a more or less than the same amount, which is determined by the state standard, then not standardized additional education is implemented individually due to its diversity, multidirectionality, variations. Children choose what is close to their nature, which meets their needs, satisfies interests. And this is the meaning of additional education: it helps early self-determination, makes it possible to fully live childhood, realizing itself, solving socially significant tasks. In children who passed through additional education, as a rule, more opportunities to make an unmistakable choice in more mature age. The value of additional education of children is that it strengthens the variable component of general education, contributes to the practical application of knowledge and skills gained in school, stimulates cognitive motivation of students. And most importantly, in the conditions of additional education, children can develop their creative potential, adaptation skills to modern society and get the opportunity to a full-fledged free time organization.

Additional education of children is a search education, which is taking care of other, not traditional ways out of various life circumstances (including from uncertainty situations), providing the personality of fan of the possibilities of choosing its fate, stimulating personal self-development processes. Speaking by A.S. Makarenko, ideally, the whole lifestyle of the child, each square meter of his life should be filled with education. In order for additional education to fully implement the potential laid in it, a clear and coordinated work of the entire pedagogical system is necessary. Therefore, teachers are so important to know and understand each other's problems - those who are professionally engaged in the additional education of children, and those associated with subject learning at school. Only their mutual assistance and joint thoughtful actions can be the basis for the creation of a holistic educational space both at the level of a separate school and a whole city, region, countries.

1.2 Professionally significant qualities of the teacher's personality and the ways to improve them

The problem of optimizing pedagogical activity in any educational institutions Traditionally relevant. One of the ways to solve it is to strengthen the professionally significant qualities of the personality of teachers (Ziminai I.A., Lifintseva N.I., Markova A.K., Mitita L.M., Slastinin V.A.).

Centers of psychological and social support (CPMSS) are educational institutions of a new type. Their tasks include the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of children's learning with a variety of development difficulties (having interference to the emergence of basic psychological neoplasms on the basis of the formation of the personality and the high risk of subsequent socialization violations). Many of these children are orphans or are influenced by other deprivational conditions. Defencing causes and exacerbates the difficulties of development. They are compensated for any, but first of all the deprivated child requires the creation of an appropriate educational and correctional psychological and pedagogical environment, deep understanding psychological features Children (Dubrovina I.V., Mukhina B.C., Shipitsyn L.M., Yaroslavseva I.V.).

The reality is that special training for work with such a contingent of children has a limited number of teachers, psychologists and other specialists. Practice shows that a fully functioning specialist TsPMSS should have both a good level of substantive training and certain features of the individual - professionally significant personal qualities (PSLK). They are necessary for interaction (business communication) not only with a child who have difficulty development, but also with colleagues performing different functional responsibilities. Pedagogues: teachers, educators, speakers, social teachers as well as psychologists and doctors take part in the maintenance of escort. They should work as a holistic team. PZLK, contributing to such interaction in the education system, have not yet been studied.

Currently there are no systematic information about the PSLK of the CPMSC workers and the directions of their formation. The problem of the PZLK and the professional competence of the educational school teacher was repeatedly subject to scientific discussion (Aminov N.A., Ba-Bansky Yu.K., Bachkov I.V., Veshlovsky S.G., Ismagilova A.G., Chan Kalik in .A., Markova A.K., Mitita L.M., Rean A.A., Slastinin V.A., etc.). But the teacher-specialist TsPMSS has both similarities with a professional teacher and qualitative differences caused by the features of children and conditions of activity (the need to interact in the organization of a training correctional and developing process). Therefore, it is necessary to establish which PVLCs are the most significant for the efficient operation of such a specialist and identify the possibilities of their special formation.

Professionally significant identity qualities (PSLK) are defined as a set of qualities necessary to achieve professionalism in a certain form of activity.

The teacher in the broad sense of the word is the person who is constantly engaged in the child and has a reflexed targeted positive impact on the formation of his personality. Under the conditions of children's closed institutions, the PMSUst centers, the child interacts not only with the teacher, but also with an educator, a psychologist, speaking copyright. All specialists should contribute to the implementation of general pedagogical goals and objectives: not only the teaching of the child, but also its socialization, transform into a subject of self-development.

We did not meet studies on the study of the PVLC specialists of the TSPMSS, most likely for the reason that they arose relatively recently and the problems associated with pedagogical activities in them are not fully reflexed. At the same time, we believe that it is legitimate to extrapolate that psychological knowledge that has been accumulated on the PSLK teacher, to build a model of these qualities and the category of teachers-specialists under consideration, although in some aspects it will have its own specifics.

We are based on the situation that the shortcomings of the PVLC are potentially overcome, formed in activities. To achieve this goal, their hierarchization is needed, subjective reflection of the presence and severity both from the head of the pedagogical team and the participants of the pedagogical process.

The professional development of a person does not think without personal, and, on the contrary, personality - without professional. This process, ultimately, is the process of developing an optimal vocational life strategy.

Various aspects of professional self-realization and professional development of the individual, including the teacher, are widely represented in the literature (Derkach A.A., Kuzmina N.V., Markova A.K., Mitita L.M., Rean A.A., and others ). Various aspects of the effectiveness of the professional activity of the teacher are analyzed. One of them is a readiness for pedagogical activities. It is considered as an active acting condition, a set of individual techniques to achieve and maintain the optimum of this state.

Modern researchers allocate a three-selected preparedness structure for any professional activity consisting of physiological, professional and personal components.

The physiological component causes the ability to withstand the loads associated with activities, professional assumes that a person can act only having a systemic aggregate special Knowledge, skills and skills and experience. Getting them possible exclusively in the process professional training. The personal component gives the direction and expediency of the readiness itself and all subsequent professional activities.

A.K.Markova (1993) allocated three components of readiness - cognitive, personal and activity. Cognitive readiness for a long time was considered the main, therefore the educational process in pedagogical universities was oriented mainly to gain knowledge.

In any case, the readiness for pedagogical activities in modern literature is most often presented as an integral model.

The preparedness structure consists of motivational (responsibility, a sense of duty), orientational (knowledge of the requirements for personality), operating (possession of methods and techniques), volitional (possibility of self-regulation and self-control) and evaluation components.

Consider personal and individual qualities of the teacher. They must simultaneously respond to two levels of requirements for this profession. The requirements of the first level are presented to the teacher at all as a carrier of the profession. They are irrelevant to social conditions, public formations, educational institutions, educational subject. To these requirements, any real teacher should be answered, regardless of whether it works under capitalism, socialism, in the conditions of the village, the city, whether mathematics, labor, language and so on.

Researchers note the obligation of such personal qualities as an adequacy of self-esteem and the level of claims, determined by the optimum anxiety, providing intellectual activity of the teacher, dedication, perseverance, hard work, modesty, observation, contact. Specially emphasizes the need for such quality as wit, as well as speech abilities, artisticity. Such qualities of the teacher are especially important as readiness for understanding the mental states of students and empathy, i.e., empathy, and the need for social interaction. Of great importance is attached by researchers and "pedagogical clock", in the manifestation of which the overall culture of the teacher and the high professionalism of his pedagogical activity and orientation is expressed.

Each teacher must ideally have certain pedagogical abilities to achieve successful activities. Pedagogical abilities are usually included in the structure of the organizational and gnostic abilities under consideration below, although these abilities can exist separately from each other: there are scientists who are deprived of the ability to transmit their knowledge to others, even explain what they themselves are clear. Pedagogical abilities required for professor who reads the course to students and for the same scientist - the head of the laboratory is different.

F.N. Gonobolin gives the following personality properties, the structure of which, in his opinion, is actually pedagogical abilities:

The ability to make learning material available;

Creativity in work;

Pedagogically-volitional influence on students;

The ability to organize a group of students;

Interest and love for children;

Pedagogical tact;

Ability to associate a learning subject with life;


Pedagogical demand.

The requirements of the second level are imposed on the advanced teacher in general, regardless of the educational subject, which he teaches is his personal readiness for pedagogical activities. Preparedness implies broad and professional system competence, persistent person's conviction, social and meaningful personality, as well as the availability of communicative and didactic needs, the need to communicate, transfer experience.

Sustainable motivation to the elected profession, the desire to implement itself, to apply their knowledge, the ability reflects the formation of the professional oriental identity. This is complex, integrative quality.

Components of the professional-pedagogical orientation of teachers and workshops of industrial training are social and professional orientations, professional-pedagogical interests, motives of professional activity and self-improvement, professional positions of personality. They reflect the attitude towards professional-pedagogical activities, interests and inclinations, the desire to improve their preparation.

Successes in teaching and raising children are determined by many factors, each of which is quite significant, and neglect by these factors inevitably leads to failure. This is a technique of learning and education, age-related features of children, the level of their development and the other. In addition to those listed, an important factor in child development is the teacher himself, who takes on the role of a teacher and the educator, as for the identity of the teacher, his professional activities, the requirements for him, and ways of professional self-improvement.

Professional teacher is the only person. Which the most His time will lead to training and raising children. The rest of adults, including the parents of the child, are occupied by their professional problems and domestic worries and cannot pay a lot of time to children. If teachers did not engage in the training and education of children, then after several generations, the Company would cease their development. The new generation of people would be simply not sufficiently prepared in order to maintain social, economic and cultural progress.

In a modern civilized society, the teacher is a figure that requires special attention, and where its place is not occupied by professionally trained people, they are primarily suffering from children, and the losses that arise here are usually irreparable. This requires the Society for creating such conditions so that people who are most trained intellectually and moral to work with children, and this is not every person on the teachers and educators.

From the point of view of the creative role of activities in the development of the teacher's personality, we are important to productive activities, or creativity related to the development of new goals and their relevant funds or with achieving certain goals with the help of new funds.

A number of most serious requirements are presented to the teacher's personality. Among them, you can select the main, without which it is impossible to be a highly qualified teacher and the educator, and minor, which is not necessarily for the teacher, but makes it a person who can make the best practically to teach and raise another person. Both the main and secondary demands relate to the psychology of the activities and communication of the teacher, to its abilities, knowledge, skills and skills, useful for training and education of children. Both among the main and among the additional psychological properties necessary for a qualified teacher are sustainable, constantly inherent in the teacher and the educator of all eras, times and peoples, and changeable, due to the peculiarities of this stage of socio-economic development, which is located society. Where the teacher lives and works.

The main and permanent demand for teacher is love for children, to pedagogical activities, the availability of special knowledge in the area that he teaches children, broad erudition, pedagogical intuition, highly developed intelligence, high level of common culture and morality, professional possession of various methods Training and education of children. Without any of the listed factors, successful pedagogical work is impossible.

All these properties are not congenital. They are acquired by systematic and hard work, the huge work of the teacher over themselves. Not by chance teachers and educators a lot, but gifted and talented among them, brilliantly cope with their responsibilities, units. Such people in the field of the pedagogical profession are probably less than in many other areas of human activity.

Additional, but relatively stable requirements for the teacher are sociable, artistry, cheerful temper, good taste and others. These qualities are important, but less than the main listed above. Without each of these qualities, a teacher or an educator may well do. You can imagine, for example, not very sociable mathematics, the knowledge and teaching abilities of which are so well developed that in the absence of this in general useful for people of quality, it nevertheless may well be a good teacher. And vice versa, it is not much difficult to imagine some sociable with a sufficiently cheerful temper, a good taste, an artistic person who clearly lacks pedagogical abilities. Such a person is unlikely to ever be able to become a good teacher or educator.

The main and secondary pedantic qualities in the aggregate are the individuality of the teacher, by virtue of which each good teacher is a unique and peculiar personality.

A somewhat more complex to solve the question of the main and secondary volatile qualities of the teacher, which is currently required by the history of society, at this time and in this workplace. The existing education system often lags behind those transformations that occur in the social sphere, but in general it reflects it quite flexibly. A new situation in society asks new goals of training and education. They, in turn, determine the requirements for the identity of the teacher and the educator. In order to in time and more accurate these requirements, you need to do the following:

Proper to appreciate the trends of the political, social and economic development of society.

To determine what qualities a person should have in this society so that society continuously developed.

To establish what advantages should have and from what disadvantages should a modern man should be delighted, ending high school.

To find out what the modern teacher should be, providing the formation and development of the person necessary to society.

The strengthening of publicity allowed to publish different points of view on the most topical issues affecting all spheres of society. Marked trends raised requirements for those qualities that representatives of the new you can have the qualities. What are these qualities?

First of all, the ability to live in conditions, expanding democracy, publicity, pluralism of opinions, communicate and interact with people on a legal and democratic basis. This suggests, on the one hand, the ability to recognize, understand, to take as a given presence of many different points of view, to conduct discussions and on a highly cultural basis to resolve emerging disagreements; On the other hand, the rejection of dictates and any ways to give a pressure on personality requires respect for it, recognizing its advantages and significance. It is also a refusal of the principle that the interests of society prevail over the interests of a particular person.

The transfer or loss of power with one side implies its adoption, the ability to use it by the other side. This places increased requirements for organizational skills, to the ability to manage people, to make management decisions. Here you need professional competence and possession of the qualities of the leader leader.

The change in the system of economic relations requires calculating, businesslike, leaning, economic smelting, enterprise, many other qualities of personality, which are completely recently considered if not negative, then in any case they are not the most necessary in life and consciously did not brought up most children.

Publicity demands from the person of the ability to express their thoughts in oral or writing, to convince, to prove, to speak and carefully listen to others. The owners of all these qualities in the near future should be young people ending middle schools, and if we want those positive changes that began to occur in our society, it is finally entrenched, it is necessary to make sure to significantly change the system of learning and education. Children. In order to make a student personality - and now we are more than ever, the teacher must have independence, literacy, initiative, independence, literacy, initiative, independence, and many other qualities, systematically develop them.

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and on the basis of an understanding of the development of the teacher's personality of additional education of children as a multi-level education, criteria were put forward to fix changes related to this process.

The definition of the goals of pedagogical activity has been put forward by the first criterion for the development of the creative personality of the teacher.

The goal is the source of development of the pedagogical process, if the requirements correspond to the ability of students, and, on the contrary, it will not serve as a positive flow of the process, if the requirements are excessively difficult or light, that is, they do not comply with the ability of students, are not in the zone of their nearest development. As the main indicators of this criterion, we suggested the following teacher's skills: communication goals with the results of work; definition of real goal, control and evaluation of its achievement; Compliance with continuity in setting tasks.

The establishment of additional education of children is a special institution that is not just a place for learning children, but the space of various forms of communication. Understanding the importance of the style of pedagogical communication allowed us to allocate it as the second criterion for the development of the creative personality of the teacher of additional education of children. The main indicators of this criterion for us were the skills of the teacher: the formation of the organizing nature of communication and the democratic style of communication; Understanding the emotional state of learning.

Understanding the importance of innovation allowed us to formulate the third criterion for the development of the creative personality of the teacher of additional education of children - the innovative nature of pedagogical activity. The main indicators of this criterion for us were the skills of the teacher: the use of innovative forms of classes in the educational process; actively reproducing the content of its educational subject; Creation of learning internal motivation of self-education.

The concept of professional self-education and its role in the formation of a teacher's personality. The approval of the K.D. Shushinsky that the teacher lives as long as studying, in modern conditions, it becomes particular importance. There is no less relevant today and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to continuously improve the teacher through tireless work on themselves. Life itself puts on the agenda the problem of continuous pedagogical education. A.Disteg wrote, bearing in mind the teacher: "It is only as long as possible to educate and form until he works on its own upbringing and education.

But in real practical reality, with many duties that take a long time, a lot of time, the situation may have a situation where it does not go beyond the direct cases carried out everyday. In this case, his attitude to the profession is the attitude towards its individuals.

Accordingly, the assessment of the profession and itself is fragmentary, a situational nature associated with emerging problems (the establishment of discipline, the organization of the collective, by clarifying the relationship with the school administration, etc.).

A similar imoffity of professional being sooner or later comes in contradiction with the logic of pedagogical activities, which encourages the teacher to critically evaluate themselves in the profession, to get climbed on directly by these conditions. This method of professional activity is associated with the manifestation of reflection, or, according to S.L. Volubystein, the ideological feeling that formulates a generalized-holistic attitude to the profession.

The experience of working on themselves in terms of self-improvement is the premises of professional self-education, which involves conscious work on the development of his personality as a professional: adapting its individually unique features to the requirements of pedagogical activities, continuous increase in professional competence and the continuous development of social and moral and other personality properties.

Professional self-education, like any other activity, has a pretty complex system of motives and sources of activity. Typically, the driving force and source of the teacher's self-education is called the need for self-implantation and self-improvement. However, this need herself does not grow automatically from the need to resolve contradictions between the requirements of the society to the teacher, and the cash level of its development as a personality and professional. External sources of activity (requirements and expectations of society) or stimulate work on themselves, or forcing the teachers to go, for all sorts of tricks, withdrawing these contradictions, in any case, in his mind. In psychology, many compensatory removal mechanisms of such contradictions are known: rationalization, inversion, projection, "escape from reality", etc.

At the heart of professional self-education, as is the basis of the activities of the teacher, there is a contradiction between the goal and the motive.

Ensure the shift of the motive on the target means to cause a true need for self-education. Thus, the need for a teacher in self-education is further supported by a personal source of activity (beliefs, senses of debt, responsibility, professional honor, healthy pride, etc.). All this causes a system of action on self-improvement, whose character is largely predetermined by the content of the professional ideal. In other words, when pedagogical activities acquire personal, deeply informed value in the eyes of the teacher, then the need for self-improvement is manifested, then the process of self-education begins.

The external factors that stimulate the process of self-education include the pedagogical team, the style of the school and the factor of free time.

A teacher, especially a beginner, getting into a pedagogical team, which reigns the atmosphere of mutual demanding, principle, constructive criticism and self-criticism, where they relate to creative search for colleagues and sincerely rejoice in their finds, where the interest in the professional growth of beginners is felt, seeks to meet the requirements of professional Ideal. On the contrary, the lack of collectivistic began among teachers, disregard for creative search and skeptical attitude towards self-education opportunities will inevitably kill the need for self-improvement.

If the school's leadership does not create educators conditions under which each of them would have the possibility of experiencing the success of faith in their own strength and abilities, if his requirements are not concerned about the success of teachers, the desire to help, then in such a school they do not appear Self-education.

Finally, the time factor. It is necessary to the teacher for reading fiction, periodicals, visits to museums, theaters, exhibitions, watching movies and television programs, studying social, as well as psychological and pedagogical literature.

The process of professional self-education is extremely individual. However, it can always distinguish three interrelated stages: self-knowledge, self-programming and self-action.

Professional teacher's self-knowledge will help a course of psychology. To identify general self-esteem, a traditional methodology for constructing the ranked rows of the qualities of the ideal and characteristic of a particular person with the subsequent calculation of the coefficient on the relevant formula can be used. The self-assessment of professional qualities is determined using the same technique, provided that the reference row is built from professionally significant qualities. To identify the level of orientation on the pedagogical profession, the areas of preferred pedagogical activity (teaching or educational work) it is better to use projective methods of the type of verbal test "conceptual dictionary".

Considering that the ability to communicate is made up of private skills, and also depends on many factors, the in-depth knowledge of themselves should go through the identification of the formation level of perceptual skills, pedagogical technique skills, and such skills, as the ability to listen to the interlocutor, manage communication, appear to the audience and T .P.

Professional self-knowledge also implies the identification of the characteristics of the volitional development, the emotional sphere, temperament and character, the characteristics of cognitive processes (perception, memory, imagination, thinking), speech and attention as personality properties. The process of self-programming of personality development is nothing more than the materialization of its own forecasting about the possible improvement of his personality.

The construction of a self-education program is usually preceded by the development of the system of "Rules of Life", which are gradually becoming the principles of behavior and activity of the personality. For example, never go anywhere; never meet anyone one-way "yes" or "no" - to look for other forms of response; Never deny anyone to help and the like. Along with the program of self-education, you can also create a plan for work on yourself: a plan-maximum on a large segment of time and a minimum (for a day, week, month).

In order to successfully cope with their work, the teacher must have uncommon and special abilities. Common abilities include those that determine high results in any human activity, and special are those on which the success of pedagogical activities, training and education of children depends on the success. In general abilities, we will not stop, as they are associated not only with pedagogical activities, and special abilities will consider in more detail. These include:

the ability to independently select educational material, determine the optimal means and effective teaching methods;

the ability to build training taking into account the individuality of children, providing a quick and deep assimilation of their knowledge, skills and skills;

the ability for a relatively short time to seek the assimilation of a significant amount of information, accelerated intellectual and moral development of children;

the ability to properly build a lesson by improving his teaching skill from classes to the lesson;

the ability to transfer their experience to other educators and in turn to learn from their examples;

self-learning ability, including the search and creative processing useful for learning information, as well as its direct use in pedagogical activities;

the ability to form in children the desired motivation and structure of educational activities (teachings).

All these special abilities concern the three interrelated parties to acquire knowledge, skills and skills: training, teachings and learning. It is difficult to definitely say how and when they begin to form in ontogenesis, which laws are developing. Something in them is congenital and exists in the form of deposit, but still nothing concrete on this occasion is not to say. Like any other abilities, pedagogical abilities are raised, and they can be consciously able to form in children.

On the process of forming and developing the abilities of the teacher as an educator, you can say the same thing: to be a good educator more difficult than to be a good teacher. This is due to the fact that among the abilities characteristic of the educator are more than those given by a person from nature than among the abilities characteristic of the teacher.

In Wednesday, there are many people who are a good teacher, but a relatively weak educator. There are also those who are able to educate children well, but much worse to cope with the role of the teacher. This circumstance is not a reason for the withdrawal that the relevant people cannot become good teachers, simply the sphere of application of their pedagogical skills may be different: or mostly teacher, or mainly educational. Among the special pedagogical abilities there are also the ability of a special kind, which cannot be unambiguously attributed to the activities of the teacher or the work of the educator, since it is equally necessary to them both. This is the ability to pedagogical communication, V.A. Kalik, a scientific psychologist who has studied this ability, wrote that pedagogical labor has more than 200 components in its structure. Communication is one of its most complex sides, as it is carried out the main thing in pedagogical work: the impact of the teacher's personality on the identity of the student. One of the important qualities of the teacher is the ability to organize a long and effective interaction with students. This ability is usually associated with the communicative abilities of the teacher. Possession of professional-pedagogical communication is the most important requirement for the personality of the teacher in its aspect, which concerns interpersonal relationships.

1.3 Professional Education Professional Education

The teacher is a master, knowing the peculiarities of his personality and behavior, directs them to the feasibility of solving pedagogical problems.

A.S. Makarenko argued: "There are no focus in pedagogy." But how then to explain that in situations of the educational process, one teacher reaches the desired result, and the other is not?

The art of educational activity depends on the measure of possession of pedagogical technology: so in the situation of the brewing conflict, a teacher with the help of intonation in a voice, a mimic mask, the pose can eliminate the peak of hostile relationship.

The problem of improving education, improving its quality existed for a long time. An important condition for its solution is to create a professional teacher's professional, a professional school, a document that establishes the basic functions of its pedagogical activities, as well as the requirements for knowledge, skills, skills and personal qualities of the teacher, necessary for the implementation of these functions, taking into account the specifics of the educational subject.

Professional is the perfect model of teacher, teacher, class teacher, teacher. This is a sample, a standard, which presents the main qualities of the person who must have a teacher; Knowledge, skills, skills to perform a teacher's function. Professional teacher - a document in which the full qualification characteristic of the teacher is given from the position of the requirements for its knowledge, skills and skills, his personality, abilities, psychophysiological capabilities and the level of training.

Characteristics of pedagogical functions and methodical skills.

The professional activity of the teacher of any subject is characteristic of the following functions:

ยท Developing;

ยท Ripping;

ยท Communicative;

ยท Gnostic;

ยท Constructive planning;

ยท Organizational.

Since the main purpose of learning a foreign language in an secondary general education and training school is mastered by students in foreign language, the communicative and teaching function of teacher's teaching activity foreign language It is the leading, fundamental, it determines the content to a large extent of all other functions.

The successful implementation of pedagogical functions implies the ownership of the corresponding system of common-goal and methodological skills and the necessary knowledge of knowledge.

It should be remembered that only the most important skills that constitute the basis of pedagogical skill acquired in the process of self-education and improving personal pedagogical experience are indicated in the profession. It is important to be able to improve your pedagogical skills by systematic replenishment of your knowledge and applying them in your work.

The listed functions in the professional activity of the teacher can be divided into two groups: a group of descending and operational structural functions.

Keeping functions.

Researchers involved in the functional structure of the teacher's pedagogical activity, note the leading role of the communicative-training function and allocate information and orientative, motivational-stimulating and control and configuration components.

The information oriented component of the communicative and training function is ensured by the following skills:

Orient students regarding the relationship between the language and culture of the country under study, the peculiarities of the manifestation of national specifics in the sociocultural behavior of its representatives;

Focus on the traits of similarities and differences in the cultures of the native and someone else's country.

The motivational and stimulating component of the communicative function includes the ability to create internal need for students to enjoy foreign language as a means of communication in situations of indirect and immediate intercultural communication:

By inclusion of authentic materials (texts, poems, songs, video materials, etc.) in the learning process;

By the use of active forms of training (problematic tasks, role-playing sociocultural focus), contributing to a more efficient assimilation of the characteristics of foreign language culture;

By attracting students to various types of extracurricular work in a foreign language (cultural and country quizzes and contests, correspondence with foreign friend, etc.) for the development of interest, increasing motivation to the study of a foreign language and the implementation of its communicative, educational and educational tasks.

The control and correction component is based on the following methodological skills:

Allocate objectives, shapes and types of control when mastering foreign language as a means of intercultural communication;

Plan and carry out the current, training and final control of speech skills and skills of students in order to identify the level of owning a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication.

Objectively and motivated to evaluate educational and communicative activities of students.

The developing function involves the ability of the teacher to schedule ways of formation and development of intellectual, sensory, emotional spheres of the personality of students, their cognitive abilities, taking into account the identified opportunities, the specifics of the content and the process of learning a foreign language and in extracurricular work, to form the skill of students to work independently. This feature is implemented by a teacher in unity with communicative and educational, communicative-raising functions.

The raising function is formed with moral, ethical and patriotic education of students in the educational process and in extracurricular work by means of a foreign language, taking into account the extralyingvistic, country-friendly information.

Developing and raising functions are implemented using the following skills:

By using authentic materials in the educational process to expand the horizons, the development of memory, imagination, the intellectual abilities of students, the formation of the ability to analyze and identify the similarities and differences in their native and studied cultures;

To form students of the ability to independently know the unfamiliar culture, using linguistic-headed dictionaries, a variety of reference literature, the media;

Raise students in the spirit of respect, sympathy for the people - the carrier of the language under study, as well as its sociocultural values;

To bring up in students deep respect for national traditions, customs, cultural heritage of the native country.

Operational structural functions

In accordance with the logic and stages of solving pedagogical tasks in the activities of a foreign language teacher, the following operational structural functions are distinguished: Gnostic, structurally planning and organizational.

The successful implementation of the Gnostic function relies on a deep awareness of the final learning goals of a foreign language in school, on the knowledge of the peculiarities of mastering various types of speech activities, as well as on the knowledge of the cognitive opportunities of students and the sources of difficulties to absorb their learning material. Gnostic skills make it possible to creatively carry out all other structural and operating functions.

Gnostic function is implemented through skills:

Analyze educational material, learning tools from the point of view of the representation of information about the culture of the country under study and their use in the educational process;

Anticipate possible cases of the manifestation of linguistic and sociocultural interference in speech activities of students;

Based on the comparison of the national-cultural features of two linguocultural communities to determine the most difficult to assimage the facts and phenomenon of reality.

A constructive planning function involves planning and constructing educational material in the system of lessons, and individual lessons of different types, designing the communicative and educational activities of the teacher and educational and communicative activities of students, taking into account the training conditions in each class.

Methodical instructions that provide a structurally planning function look as follows:

Produce selection, methodological processing of authentic materials, taking into account age-related features and interests of students and distribute these materials on the training stages;

Choose the most effective techniques and ways to familiarize students with the culture of the country under study;

Prepare, select, use various means of visibility with the purpose of semantization of certain realities.

The organizational function is implemented on the basis of the ability to choose optimal ways to organize its activities and the activities of students, with the aim of the most effective assimilation of the facts of foreign language culture.

The professional skills formulated are the didactic component of the linguistic competence of a foreign language teacher and are meaningful guidelines for organizing the preparation of highly qualified teachers in the language faculties of pedagogical universities.

Psychologist V.A. Krutetsky proposes the following structure of professional-meaningful personal qualities:

1. The worldview of the individual;

2. Positive attitude to pedagogical activities;

3. Pedagogical abilities;

4. Vocational and pedagogical knowledge, skills, skills.

T.I. Rudnev offers a teacher's professional, containing a cognitive component (knowledge, emotionality (orientation), practical abilities and professionally significant qualities) (see scheme 1).

1. Pedagogical orientation can be formed at school under the influence of tormentors and active school life. The basis of the direction is the motives for choosing a pedagogical profession: the desire to work with children,

learn and educate, interest in the subject. It is very important to awareness of the presence of the opportunities of successful mastery of the profession.

2. Scientific knowledge containing a system of patterns in the field of a special subject, a block of psychological and pedagogical and methodological knowledge, knowledge of adjacent objects, continue throughout the time of training in the university to influence the motives, deepening them, or by causing the revaluation of the choice of profession.

3. The level of development of pedagogical abilities is manifested during the period of pedagogical practice, signaling about their formation and in the presence of a pedagogical orientation of a student to work on oneself.

4. Pedagogical abilities are closely related to the peculiarities of the character of the teacher and the specifics of the pedagogical system.

It is appropriate to contact the self-diagnosis of personal qualities in the structure of the Professional. The proposed estimated sheet is built on the principle of functional grouping of personal qualities. (see scheme 2)

The first group of qualities characterizes the relation to work;

The second is activity in activities;

The third is the communicativeness of the teacher.

These classifications show that pedagogical activity is always correlated with skills. The main skills of pedagogical activity can be attributed:

1. orientation;

2. Academic;

3. perceptual;

4. Mobilization;

5. Organizational;

6. Communicative;

7. Gnostic;

8. Didactic;

9. Constructive;

10. Applied;

11. The skills of pedagogical thinking;

12. The skills of pedagogical equipment;

13. Speech;

14. Research skills.

Focusing on the listed professional competencies of the teacher can be made a professional.

I. Psychological and pedagogical skills

2. An independently analyze pedagogical phenomena

3. Analyze advanced pedagogical experience.

4. Conduct self-analysis

5. Show empathy to students

6. Organize yourself, manage your condition

II. Professional personal qualities

1. The need for self-knowledge

2. Independence

3. Diligence and adjacent

4. Self-criticism

5. Discipline

6. Culture of behavior and communication

III. Particular Methodical Skills

1. Plan, select, synthesize and construct training material in the specialty

2. Stimulate and organize different forms of extracurricular educational work

3. Analyze lessons and extracurricular activities

4. Evaluate the actions of schoolchildren and their work

5. Develop didactic material for lessons and classes

6. Mobilize students for cognitive activities

IV. Communicative Organizing Skills

1. establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with individual students, groups, student groups;

2. Create a favorable microclimate, to have disciples;

3. to regulate the intravaluble relationship of schoolchildren;

4. Focus in the changed conditions, rebuild their behavior;

5. Be able to reclaim, sing, dance, maintain a conversation.

V. Research skills

1. Identify the problem, define an object, object, goal, task, research methods;

2. Select and apply methods and methods for studying the personality of the team;

3. To have an idea of \u200b\u200binnovative technologies in its specialty;

4. Organize an experiment;

5. Communicate, describe, literary design research results.

Often the Professional is used as a form of survey when organizing a stateing experiment. The purpose of the experiment is the diagnosis of readiness for professional activities.

Based on this understanding of the meaning of the concept of "Professional", we can talk about the professional method of studying the individual, in which the knowledge, skills and skills with those that could be in accordance with the ideal model can be compared with the student. Here, a professional acts as a form of monitoring the quality of vocational training of a student to pedagogical activity. The professional method allows to design a personal and professional growth of the student - the future teacher and can become one of the methods of self-education.

People would not be such colossi

No, there would be no such greatness,

Whenever each of them - fidget,

Rudician ignorant, unmann

Did not know with a daily unhurried conversation

Dewbook teacher, all-friendly bell.

Adoptedly delight his already!

For everything that is beautiful for everything that is significantly

It's time to humanity in the temple of worship

Make in the hands of an ordinary teacher.

Chapter 2. Development of the Personal Personal Children

2.1 Innovative activities of the teacher of additional education

Innovation in education. Innovations, or innovation, are characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations themselves do not arise, they are the result of scientific searches, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire collectives. This process cannot be spontaneous, it needs to manage.

In the context of an innovative strategy of a holistic pedagogical process, the role of the school, teachers and educators as direct carriers of innovative processes is significantly increasing. With all the diversity of learning technologies: didactic, computer, problematic, modular and others - the implementation of leading pedagogical functions remains for the teacher. With the introduction of modern technologies in the educational process, the teacher and school teacher are increasingly mastering the functions of the consultant, the counselor, the animator, the educator. This requires special psychological and pedagogical training from them, since the professional activity of the teacher is implemented not only special, subject knowledge, but also modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, teaching technology and education. This database forms readiness for perception, assessment and implementation of pedagogical innovation.

The concept of "innovation" means innovation, novelty, change; Innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of anything new. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of a new one in the goal, content, methods and forms of training and education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. In the domestic pedagogy, the first attempts to explain the essence and content of innovative processes were made.

In understanding the essence of innovative processes in education, there are two most important problems of pedagogy - the problem of studying, generalizations and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of implementing the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science into practice. Some innovative processes are primarily associated with learning, generalizing and distributing pedagogical experience, others prefer the problem of developing and implementing pedagogical innovations. Consequently, the subject of innovation, the content and mechanisms of innovative processes must lie in the plane of the combination of two interrelated processes under consideration so far, while they are isolated. Their objective relationship lies in the fact that the process of studying, generalizations and distribution of pedagogical experience has its ultimate goal of introducing a new advanced in massive practice. Thus, the result of innovative processes should be the use of innovations of theoretical and practical nature in a holistic pedagogical process. All this emphasizes the importance of management activities to create, master and use pedagogical innovations. This, therefore, is that the teacher can act as the author, developer, researcher, user and propaganda of new pedagogical technologies, theories, concepts. The management of this process provides preparations for selection, evaluation and application in its activities of the experience of colleagues or offered by the science of new ideas, techniques.

The innovative orientation of pedagogical activities involves the inclusion of teachers in the process of creating, mastering and using pedagogical innovations in the practice of training and education.

The need for the innovation orientation of pedagogical activities in modern conditions for the development of society, culture and education is determined by a number of circumstances.

Firstly, the socio-economic transformations occurred by the need for a fundamental update of the education system, methodology and technology of organizing an educational process in educational institutions of various types. The innovative focus of the activities of teachers and educators, including the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations, acts as a means of updating educational policies.

Secondly, the strengthening of humanitarianization of the content of education, a continuous change in the volume, the composition of training disciplines, the introduction of new training items require constant search for new organizational forms, training technologies. In this situation, the role of pedagogical knowledge in the teacher's environment is significantly increasing.

Thirdly, there is a change in the attitude of teachers to the very fact of the development and application of pedagogical innovations. In the face of the tough regulation of the content of the educational process, the teacher was limited not only in the independent choice of new programs, textbooks, but also in the use of new techniques and methods of pedagogical activities. If earlier innovative activity was required mainly to use the innovations recommended from above, now it becomes more and more election research. That is why the analysis and assessment of teachers entrusted by teachers in educational institutions of pedagogical innovations, creating conditions for their successful development and application, becomes an important direction in the work of school managers.

Fourth, the entry of general education educational institutions In market relations, the creation of new types of educational institutions, including non-state, create a real situation of their development and improvement in order to achieve competitiveness.

Pedagogical experience can be massive and advanced. Advanced pedagogical experience is historically limited, since at each new stage with the expansion of material, methodological, personnel and other possibilities there are new requirements for pedagogical activities. At the same time, as South Babansky rightly noted, "best practices and some non-commissioning elements that replenish the treasury of pedagogical science and practice". In the creation and transfer of excellence, the position of the teacher plays a big role in the analysis and distribution of the leading provisions of specific experience, it is important to take into account the impact of the subjective factor, to predict the options for its assessment and broadcast to pedagogical groups. In the course of transferring and mastering experience, as anywhere, the manifestations of objectively valuable and individual, but not all deeply individual in pedagogical activities can become a community practitioner. It remains what is the area of \u200b\u200ba unique and unique personality that creates a new experience. Advanced pedagogical experience, forming on the basis of mass, is the level of mastering with objective pedagogical patterns (Yu.K. Babansky). The varieties of advanced pedagogical experience are innovative and research pedagogical experience as a peculiar step of climbing from empirical to theoretical analysis and generalization. Samples of the unique innovative and research pedagogical experience of such teachers and scientists of Russia, as I.P. Volkov, T.I.H.H. Hylin, V.A. Karakovsky, S.N.Lystenkov, R.G. Khazankin, M.P.Schetinin, P.M. Eerdev, E.A. Lamburg and many others, have become the ownership of the whole country.

Criteria for pedagogical innovation. Taking into account the existing experience of studies on pedagogy, one can determine the following set of criteria for pedagogical innovations: novelty, optimality, high performance, the possibility of creative use of innovation in mass experience.

The main criterion of innovation is the novelty, which has an equal attitude to the assessment, both scientific pedagogical studies and advanced pedagogical experience. Therefore, for a teacher who wants to join the innovation process is very important to determine what the essence of the proposed new, what is the level of novelty. For one, it can be really new, for another it is not. In this regard, it is necessary to approach the inclusion of teachers into innovative activities, taking into account the voluntariness, features of personal, individual psychological characteristics. Several levels of novelty are distinguished: absolute, locally absolute, conditional, subjective, distinguished by degree of fame and scope of application.

Optimality as a criterion for the effectiveness of pedagogical innovation means the cost of strengths and funds of teachers and students to achieve results. Different teachers can achieve equally high results with different intensity of their own labor and labor of students. Introduction to the educational process of pedagogical innovation and the achievement of high results in the smallest physical, mental and time costs indicate its optimality.

Performance as an innovation criterion means a certain sustainability of positive results in the activities of teachers. Technologicalness in the measurement, observability and fixability of the results, unambiguity in understanding and presentation make this criterion necessary in assessing the importance of new techniques, methods of training and education. The value of this criterion is to ensure a holistic understanding, perception and formation of personality.

The development of the creative personality of the teacher of additional education of children is carried out in the process of pedagogical interaction, understood as personal contact of the teacher with colleagues, a teacher and pupil (s), teacher and parents, teacher and administration, random or deliberate, private or public, long or short-term, verbal or A non-verbal, resulting on mutual changes in their behavior, activities, relationships, installations. Pedagogical interaction is manifested in the form of cooperation when the successes of one participants in joint activity stimulate or inhibit more productive and targeted activities of its other participants.

The system basis for organizing a socio-professional environment as an element of the sociocultural space of small cities is the system of social relations. Therefore, part of the tasks of the development of the creative personality of the teacher of additional education of children should be reduced to the creation of targeted organizational pedagogical conditions, which is being implemented by the development of the development of the teacher of additional education of children, monitoring the effectiveness of pedagogical activities, scientific and methodological support in combination with the topicalization and support of initiatives.

As the analysis shows, a socio-professional environment as a key element of sociocultural space, as well as a complex of pedagogical conditions should have a significant impact on the development of the creative identity of the teacher of additional education.

2.2 The ratio of the qualification category of the teacher and its desire for the development of the personality

In accordance with the planning of teacher training plans once every five years, they undergo special training at institutes (academies) of advanced training and retraining of educational workers or special facultivities of pedagogical educational institutions. Practice shows that knowledge gained by teachers in special institutions and pedestrians need practical congument, in comprehension and testing at school. In this case, it comes to the aid specially organized in school system of methodical work.

Methodical work at school as a factor in an increase in pedagogical culture. Methodical work acts as the necessary organizational basis for the formation of the innovative orientation of pedagogical activities, creating a certain innovation environment in school.

Methodological work can largely satisfy the teacher's requests to improve scientific and methodological preparation, subject to the principles of individualization and differentiation. The organization of methodical work on a differentiated basis is due to a number of objective and subjective prerequisites. First of all, the need to take into account the vital and professional installations, value orientations, experience and level of professionalism of the teacher. It is also necessary to record the features of the motivation of teachers in the work on improving scientific and methodological training, that is, the identification of motives, assessments, attitudes towards their professional growth. It is also important to preserve and develop the positive experience of the school, its traditions in the activities of methodical services. All this is the object of management and manuals for the deputy director for educational work. Traditionally, this work in the school is headed by the head.

The management of methodical work at school can occur effectively if its tasks, content, organizational foundations clearly and clearly represent not only the director of the school and heads, but also teachers.

IN general The tasks of the methodical work at school can be formulated as follows:

the formation of an innovative orientation in the activities of the pedagogical team of the school, manifested in a systematic study, the generalization and distribution of pedagogical experience, in the implementation of the achievements of pedagogical science;

raising the level of theoretical (subject) and psychological and pedagogical training of teachers;

organization of work on the study of new educational state standards;

enrichment with new pedagogical technologies, forms and methods of training and education;

organization of work on the study of new regulatory documents, guidance and methodological materials;

provision of scientific and methodological assistance to teachers on a diagnostic individualized and differentiated basis (young teachers, subject teachers; class managers and educators; teachers experiencing certain difficulties in pedagogical work; teachers who have different pedagogical experience; teachers who do not have pedagogical education, etc. ;

providing advice to teachers in organizing pedagogical self-education;

improving the overall level of professional pedagogical culture.

The content of the Methodological work of the teacher is advisable to determine through components of a professional-pedagogical culture as the most generalized characteristics of the teacher's activities: the general cultural component; Methodological and research culture; Professionally moral culture and culture of communication; didactic and educational culture; Management culture. The content of methodical work is specified in each direction of the formation of a professional-pedagogical culture and may be the subject of study for a long time.

The participation of teachers in methodological, innovation contributes, ultimately, the formation of a personal pedagogical system, an individual style of pedagogical activity. Methodical work at school allows you to solve problems with respect to the specific personality of the teacher, its professional growth, contributes to the establishment of pedagogical values, important both for the pedagogical team of the school and for the pedagogical community as a whole.

Certification of pedagogical workers. The certification of pedagogical workers of the schools of Russia was introduced in 1972 during the time passed after the first certification, the certification documents were repeatedly updated, complemented to the changes occurring in the education system. The current "Regulations on the certification of pedagogical and management workers of state, municipal educational institutions" is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2000 No. 1908.

The main purpose of the certification is to stimulate the activities of pedagogical workers to improve the qualifications, professionalism, the development of creative initiative, social protection. The mainstream of stimulation is the differentiation of teacher's remuneration. The basis for certification is the principles of voluntariness, openness, collegiances, providing a fair, objective assessment of labor. Compliance with these principles is manifested in the process of forming attestation commissions.

In accordance with the current situation, three types of commissions are created. The main attestation commission is created by the management authority at the level of the Republic of Russia, the region, region, offline education. District (district, municipal), the city commission is created by the relevant education authority. The attestation commission of the educational institution is created by its Pedagogical Council.

Each Commission considers the range of issues of its competence. The main decision taken by the Attestation Commission is the assignment of the qualification category. The current position is established by three qualification categories: the highest one can assign the main attestation commission; The first category is the district (district, municipal), the city commission, and the second category that the school's attestation commission is appropriated.

Evaluation of the activities of teachers or leaders is carried out on two comprehensive indicators: 1 - generalization of the results of activities; 2 - expert review practical activity.

In the first indicator, the teacher has the right to submit a creative report, scientific and methodological or experimental work. According to the second indicator, it passes the psychological and pedagogical examination (diagnosis) in various versions.

The certification of teachers is held once every five years on a personal statement by the teacher with an indication of the qualification category, which he claims. But sometimes certification can be carried out on the initiative of the administration, the School Council or the Pedagogical Council to determine the level of pedagogical qualifications of the teacher and its compliance of the position.

The experience of certification shows that the success of the certification is determined by its organization, the presence of the necessary information on the requirements, the procedure for protection and examination, a business friendly atmosphere. The results of the certification of teachers are an important basis for determining the strategy and tactics of scientific and methodological work.

2.3 Implementation of the system approach in the work of the teacher of additional education of children (from experience)

Numerous observations show that the effectiveness of the professional activity of the teacher of additional education is largely predetermined by its skill on a system-targeted basis to set and solve numerous tasks of education and learning students. Systemic vision of their professional activities, building its prospects today is one of the most important indicators of professionalism. Indeed, it is necessary to see its work, its past and the future, each undertaken step in system-target lighting, in the context of the real possibilities of this, and not any other additional education institution; To be able to assess the contents of the material presented in the educational program implemented in the aspect of the individual personality development of any particular child, the true educational opportunities of this type of children's creative association, in general, the profile of a particular institution of additional education.

What does the system approach mean in practice? They will answer this question, first of all, in an applied practical plan.

Working at the modern scientific and methodological level of the teacher of additional education, seeking to implement a systematic approach, it is important:

learn to conduct a system analysis of existing problems;

systemically respond to a change in socio-pedagogical conditions;

estimated in the systemic key of the changes in the child;

from the point of view of the general theory of pedagogical systems, design prospects for the work of their creative association, etc.

Introduced, chaotic solution of various pedagogical problems, as numerous observations and research show, today is unproductive, unprofitable and fraught with pedagogically unpredictable consequences.

Today it became almost an axiomatic statement that the systemic approach allows the teacher to achieve the desired educational effect in the most reasonable way, i.e. The way requiring the minimum of material and emotional energy costs at the maximum of the resulting pedagogical effect. This statement is quite true, if not limited to its declaration, but to make the various principle of its everyday educational work.

Let us dwell on the specifics of the use of a systematic approach in self-organization of their professional activities in the establishment of additional education as the head of the children's creative association.

It is known that the more complex type of human activity is subjected to versatile analysis, the more the systemic approach is effective. Professional activities of the teacher of additional education, as we have now seen, can be with complete base attributed to Especially complex species Human activity, where, by the way, even the state educational standard is not yet created, but only the most common educational orientations are identified and there is a minimally necessary regulatory framework.

What are the fundamental signs of a systemic organized pedagogical object? In our case, a system of professional activity of the head of a particular children's creative association.

First of all, the systemicity makes it necessary to know where some sets of elements turns out to be in a certain way ordered, forming a whole whole in its aggregate; Moreover, the properties of this whole are not reduced to the individual characteristics of the components of its elements. In this regard, the work of any individual children's creative association, of course, can be represented as a specially ordered system object, where there is a great set of interrelated elements that allow them consistent and simultaneous consideration.

The systemic organization of the educational process is most often around the originally formulated goals and objectives. Then the target component becomes the basis of the built-in pedagogical system. Of course, you can build a pedagogical system and placing it in its base, for example, one or another innovative method. The system in this case will remain a system, but the system of a different kind, with other functions and the spectrum of solved tasks. But still everyday practice convinces particularly the target component as the initial moment and the basic basis for building a targeted educational educational activities Teacher.

Modernly - than whiter carefully teacher-practitioner worked out. The goal is worked out and tasks are formulated, the apparently acceptable ways of their achievements become, the necessary forms, funds and methods are drawn, the more relief features acquire adequate system grounds principles and conditions of learning and so on. Of course, each of the components of the designed pedagogical system (target, tasks, content, organizational forms, methods, funds, conditions and results) are independent, but with detailed, elementary, analysis it turns out that each of them is not reduced to the teacher's work system as a whole . It turns out only a face that characterizes a separate side of the holistic professional experience of the teacher. But the facet is an important part of the original base for a comprehensive system-targeted analysis of the experience of the professional activity of the teacher of additional education.

In the work of a children's creative association as a system-functioning object, an external and internal functioning plan can always be distinguished. This is also a significant sign of the system. It is natural to assume that there is an intrasystem of the vital activity of children's creative association. It can be determined as an activity conducted at the level of "intracruce" work, the organization of the activities of the creative association, relatively speaking, in itself. At the same time, the activities of children's creative association are the organic part of the externally functioning system. After all, the children's creative association is the most structurally identified element of the overall system of educational activities of a specific institution of additional. This is the main unit of the functioning of an additional education institution as a holistic pedagogical system. A peculiar transitional link of the system organization of the work of the institution in this case will be such functioning structural elements As a variety of organizational and managerial units of this institution of additional education.

The system-organized pedagogical object is also characterized by a sign of hierarchy. For this reason, the activities of any individual creative association should be considered as part of another, even more complex system, including, for example, a system of not only the extraction work in the establishment of additional education, but also a general pedagogical system of activities of the institution of additional education in the neighborhood, district, village, city \u200b\u200band others.

It is known that to preserve the viability of any pedagogical system, it must have the ability to continuously change its states, self-renewing, while maintaining its qualitative certainty. This sign of a systemically organized pedagogical facility is very important for the teacher of additional education as the head of the children's creative association. The teacher of additional education is important to continuously improve the system of work of children's creative association, develop. Continuously self-planting its vitality. Due to what and how - it is already a conversation about the possibilities of pilot searching, research and innovative and creative activities of the teacher. A detailed discussion of this issue will be implemented in the following sections of the manual. Here, as a typical example, we indicate that the exit to the creation of not only the author's program, but also the technology of work on it is already an attempt to systemic analysis of its work, which means that the real step towards the scientific and methodological search of ways to develop, improve, qualitative updating Teacher's work system with children's creative association. This is an opportunity to see the depth-analytical moments of your experience, determine its strengths and weaknesses, systemically integrally evaluate, which means, and outline the logic of movement for the future.

Summing up the overall result, we denote the almost most important structural elements of a systemically organized pedagogical object. Such an object can be the activity of any children's creative association as part of a specific institution of additional education. The pedagogical scheme below allows, as we have seen during the experiment in visiting them. V.Dubinina, it is enough to objectively assess the quality of professional activity of any teacher of additional education. At the same time, this scheme, with a systematic use of it, allows the teacher himself to see his most typical flaws and outline the optimal ways to quickly eliminate them, and hence the systematic improvement of the existing professional experience.

So, in the course of systemically (and systematically), a pedagogical analysis of the quality of work of any children's creative association seems to be appropriate to expedient the following main components:

target component that includes selected objectives and formulated tasks; This important structural component of the overall system of activity of children's creative association with the greatest completeness reveals the uniqueness of the analyzed pedagogical experience as the system; The composition of this component, in turn, makes sense on the rights of the subsystem to allocate at least two main links: educational and didactic; These links in their designated correlation specify key positional and personalities, views, beliefs and principles of the teacher as a subject of the systemic organization of the educational process;

pedagogical principles (in the relationship of the principles of training and the principles of education), based on some, the teacher organizes the assimilation of the children's detention of the educational program and, in general, the successful achievement of the goals and tasks extended and tasks;

funds, forms and methods of work, to which a specific teacher in their professional activities are addressed; These are the obligatory components of the educational process, which "serve" goal-setting, selection content, the formulation of the principles and in their close interconnection of each other, give a particularly visible, visual, methodologically tangible embodiment of the systemically decorated experience of the professional activity of the teacher of additional education;

the results of training and education, understood in this case, as an extremely concretized embodiment of the goals and tasks, allowing the verification of the empirical and scientific and psychological methods of diagnosis.


Municipal educational institutions of additional education of children (centers, palaces, houses of children's creativity, clubs, studios, stations of young technicians and naturalists, schools, children's health and educational camps, centers of additional education of children, traditional culture, folk remakes, etc.) - type of educational Institutions, the main purpose of which - the development of the personality motivation to knowledge and creativity, the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the interests of personality, society, states.

Their main task is to ensure the necessary conditions for personal development, the promotion of health and professional self-determination, creative labor of children. In these institutions, the child provides the possibility of obtaining basic creative education, self-determination (including propercoming) and socialization in society. These institutions, mostly, assumed the education function in the education system.

This educational system is focused on the request of the child and his family, at the request of society, there is no hard state standard of education. In an additional education, the subject position of the child, which is given the right to choose the teacher, the type of creative or social activities, the team, the regime of classes. Personal, creative development of the pupil institution of additional education does not conflict with the need to place a regulatory assessment for a creative result, a personal achievement. The motivational component of training activities does not destroy the child with other, the correlation of its development level with age standards and the state standard of education.

Thus, it is obvious that in educational institutions of additional education of children, the educational (educational) process is focused on the child, its age and personal features, for its social order and subculture.

The success of the educational process in the establishment of additional education depends on its compliance of the child's need in the creative development of his human uniqueness. To ensure this success can only the creative unique personality of the teacher.


1. IF Dewidova "Pedagogical Psychology", M.: Academic Project, Triksta, 2006 - 224 p.

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7. Materials K.P.N. Professor N.E. Schurakova when conducting training courses for the organization of educational work for teachers of the city of Uray Khmao-Ugra, 2006.

8. Zagognaminsky V.I., Zaitsev M.P., Kochshov G.N. and others. Basics of social pedagogy: uch. Pos. For stud. Ped. universities and colleges / under. Ed. P.I. Pidkaxiste / - M: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002 - 160 p.

9. Kodjaspirova G.I., Kodjaspirov A.Yu. Pedagogical Dictionary: For stud. Higher and media. Ped. Cell. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2000-176c.

10. Mardakhaev L.V. Social pedagogy: course of lectures / Ed. IN AND. Belleeva / - M.: Publishing House MGSU, 2002 - 256ะก.

11. Professional student of a foreign language teacher (recommendations) / Avd.Red.S.F. Shatilov, K.I. Solomatov, E.S. Bornovsky.-L .: Lgpy, 1985

12. Rudneva T.I. Fundamentals of pedagogical professionalism, Samara: Siou, 1996

13. Dictionary of linguistic terms. / Sost. O.S.Akhmanova.-M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969

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Scheme 1.
โ„– quality of personality evaluation quality of personality

1. Calestreminess

2. Responsibility

3. Cobeness

4. Organizations

5. Require

1. Immediateness

2. irresponsibility

3. Scattering

4. Inorganizedness

5. Selflessness


1. Initiative

2. Decision

3. Impulsiveness

1. Passivity

2. Doubt

3. Inhibition


1. Compact

2. Emotionality

3. Incasality

4. Principality

5. Restoration

6. Tacticity

7. Charming

1. Closedness

2. Rationality

3. Standing

4. Unprincipled

5. Lowestly

6. Tactless

7. Unattractiveness

Professional competence of a specialist and innovative practice

S. A. Isaeva, A. V. Zyryanova

Professional development of additional education teachers in the advanced training system

The article is devoted to the problem of professional development of additional education teachers in the advanced training system. The relevance of the question under consideration is due to the nature of the dynamics of updating the content of the requirements for the level of professional development of teachers

Advanced training is an important component of the training system for training teachers of additional education. It covers the entire period of human professional activity and therefore is a mandatory component of a continuing education system.

The study of traditions and tendencies of training of additional education teachers was carried out taking into account the main aspects of the development of continuous education of adults, the historical development of the profession (an extractor of the worker, CultProsvet worker, head of the mug, the teacher of additional education].

The most important features of continuous education are ahead, innovativeness, independence, adaptability, flexibility, mobility, integrality, multipriphyphilicity, multi-levelness, interdisciplinary, creativity.

These aspects characterizing the system of continuing education as a universal, integrating mechanism of permanent general cultural and professional development, confirm the feasibility of its implementation into the system of improving the qualification

social and cultural specialists, in particular teachers of additional education. The all-permissive nature of the system of continuing education contributes to the professional mobility of a person, the development of needs in self-regulation and self-control, actualization of the values \u200b\u200bof forms and methods for organizing free time. Tendencies of continuing education indicate the emergence of a dynamically developing system for advanced training for an additional education teacher.

In front of the advanced training training system, the following tasks are: to stimulate the need for a specialist in the consumption and reproduction of the values \u200b\u200bof relevant culture (from labor culture to artistic and aesthetic culture); involve a specialist in the system of socio-cultural creativity; develop professionally important qualities and properties of the personality of a specialist; adapt a person to professional activities; compensate for the shortage of professional knowledge, skills and skills, the lack of experience

fessional activities; Expand professional opportunities of a specialist.

The formation of a system for improving the qualifications of specialists of the socio-cultural sphere occurred in the context of continuing education and under the influence of the processes occurring in the production, political, economic, social and spiritual spheres of society.

Teachers of additional education, and even earlier, the leaders of the circles became successors of specialists who released an extracurricular education institution opened in 1918 in Petrograd. Realizing one of the directions of the Soviet ideology "Culture in the Mass", CultProsvet workers assumed the function of organizing out-of-school associations and guides them.

For the first time improving the qualifications was included in the system of professional cultural and educational training on the eve of the Great Patriotic WarWhen the actual retraining of frames of club workers began for parts of the Red Army, ships and the navy bases. The organization of retraining and advanced training was carried out by the Leningrad Communist Political and Education Institute named after N. K. Krupskaya, Moscow, Leningrad and Kharkov schools of trade rods, Politprosvet School, Central Institute for Advanced Training of Public Education.

The next milestone in the process of becoming the advanced training system has become the middle of the 20th century, when the expansion of the activities of cultural and leisure institutions, the complication of the forms and content of socio-cultural activities required the creation of a system of vocational training of highly qualified specialists - cultural and educational institutions. Therefore, it begins to strengthen the position of advanced training in the training system of cultural and educational institutions. Active work is underway to create sectoral and inter-sectoral institutions, faculties, advanced training courses in universities and institutions of culture and arts. In 1962 at St. Petersburg state University Cultures and arts have been created by the Faculty of Advanced Studies (FPK)

at the Rights of advanced training courses, in 1985, the Interdisciplinary Faculty of Advanced Training of Workers and Culture Specialists (IFIs), in 2004 - Faculty of Additional Vocational Education (PDPO). Its activity was to organize advanced training and retraining of employees of houses and palaces of culture, libraries of various profiles, heads of art teams, specialists in working with children and adolescents.

IN general System training organizers of cultural and educational work Advanced training was aimed at deepening professional knowledge, improving the business qualities of management workers and specialists; He also assigned the role of the mediator between the university and public organizations, cultural institutions.

In the same period (the 60s of the 20th century], the first attempts have been made by the implementation of additional education programs for students in the framework of the activities of the Faculty of Public Professions (FOP). The uniqueness of the faculties of public professions, as V. P. Chumachenko emphasized and

N. S. Mazalo, consisted in versatile development individual abilitiesIn the expansion of the horizons of students, increasing their cultural level and the level of their performance based on active practical work. Students have received additional qualifications to the main higher and secondary special education at the separations of Mass Lowers, artistic readings, leaders of theatrical, choral, choreographic teams, agitbrigad, photographers. E. E. Vitruk, N. S. Mazalo, V. P. Chumachenko and other researchers viewed the faculties of public professions as a powerful means of education and professional adaptation of students.

The restructuring of the socio-cultural sphere that began in the 20th century and, as a result, the emergence of new directions and forms in the activities of public organizations, cultural and art institutions set up a task for professional education - to ensure this process with highly qualified personnel. Embedding cultural and leisure institutions in the economy led to the expansion of the boundaries of the

altitude. As a result, in 1998 a new qualifications appeared in the system of secondary special education: a teacher of additional education. This was preceded in 1992 the emergence of a new position in cultural and leisure institutions -Pedagogue of additional education.

High demands on the level of professionalism of teachers of additional education put forward on priority positions in the system of advanced training model for the development of pedagogical creativity.

The orientation for the creative development of the personality of a specialist is a distinctive feature of raising the qualifications and training training of teachers of additional education.

Additional education specialists have an insufficient level of training on pedagogical specialties. Therefore, issues of pedagogical creativity, developing creativity as the quality of personality and the associated innovative development of the institution of additional education of children become particularly relevant.

An analysis of the practice of institutions of additional education of children of the Kirov region showed that their activities do not take into account the stages of development of pedagogical creativity:

Formulation of a pedagogical problem requiring a creative decision;

Mobilization of the necessary knowledge and experience for setting the hypothesis, to determine the paths and ways to solve the problem;

Achieve the tasks and summarizing the results obtained;

Checking the social value of the product of creativity.

In the ever-changing conditions of the educational process from the pedagogical collective, optimal and non-standard pedagogical solutions are required, deep and comprehensive knowledge, their critical processing and understanding, the ability to improvisation, to pedagogical intuition, the ability to see the "Fair of options" of problems.

Accordingly, the basis of the development of the pedagogical creativity of the teacher of additional education in the advanced training system is the idea of \u200b\u200bcreativity as the most important category of pedagogical science. Creativity is considered as

the active activities of the teacher and the team aimed in search of an effective solution to pedagogical problems. In a state of creative search, the pedagogical team checks, explores and on the basis of the achieved one offered its own version of pedagogical solutions, improves its professional skills.

The main components of the development of the pedagogical creativity of teachers of additional education are: motivational, meaningful, organizational and pedagogical, technological, reflexive, efficient. The main integrating mechanism of these components of the model is the program of additional professional education "Pedagogy of creativity".

The program consists of several educational modules: "Philosophy of creativity", "Theory of creativity", "Pedagogy of creativity", "Psychology of creativity" "Methods for the development of pedagogical creativity of the collective" and others. Each module contains key concepts, theoretical and practical material, literature and issues For self-preparation. Especially for each module developed didactic, information materials. Listeners can explore the proposed modules separately or in a collective subject mode.

The expected result of the program of additional professional education is the dynamics of the development of pedagogical creativity according to the following levels:

1. The level of understanding - the teacher understands the goals, problems and prospects for its development.

2. The level of imitation - the teacher is developing modern pedagogical technologies in the system of advanced training, actively use them in practical reproductive activities.

3. The level of construction of creative innovations - the integration formula is valid when the sum of the components of the qualitatively above the final arithmetic amount:

ah + A2 + AZ + ... Up\u003e X ap.

4. The level of pedagogical creation. At this level, the author's concept of development of pedagogical creativity of the team is created.

The implementation of the developed model provides a process for the development of pedagogical activities

the possibility of each teacher additionalness and promote penetration

education is included in innovative pedagogical ideas in all spheres of life.


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