Creative path of Derzhavin.

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Theme of article: Creative path of Derzhavin.
Rubric (thematic category) Literature

Short biography:

Born in 1743 ᴦ. In the family of poor nobleman. Father died early.
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D. studied at Dyachka in the rural church, then in the gymnasium. Was enrolled in the Guards Regiment. From 1762 he pulled the soldier. Participated in the suppression of the rebellion of Pugachev. A sharp, direct, independent, restored the bosses against himself, was fired and transferred to the Senate. Without any connections, the way to the minister was held. On his career and the nomination in the number of the first Russian verse was influenced by Oda'Fhelitsa'''''''''''' D. was a monarchist. It believed that the monarch should be enlightened and therefore idealized Catherine 2. When he became her secretary (1791), he realized that she was hypocritical and pseudoliberal. With Paul, he was state. Treasurer. Under Alexander 1 - Minister of Justice, but he soon removed him from his post - he''omer jealously served. Last years spent in the estate under Peter.


Poetry D. differed originality and nationality. Innovation it - in the appeal of poetry to life, in the ability to make the property of poetry. D. also contributes autobiographical topic in poetry. He refuses compulsory imitation, recognizing the right to poetic personality. In his verses of all, the image of the poet is visible - hot, independent, quarrels with the empress, fights with a lie, etc. Studied u. Sumarokov and Lomonosov.

80s: Spoke in print in 1773 g with one ''No marriage led. kn. Pavel Petrovich with Natalie Alekseevna''''''''''' In many ways, Lomonosov followed first. It is more interesting to be the cycle of OD dedicated to pugachev uprising. He hoped for an enlightened monarch, on which he depends in all. ODD ''Na Veliability''''''Na knowing'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' - The theme of the natural equality of people + is extremely important to try the personal merit of the Chela in front of the state. Early Odam D. inherent imitation. But in 1779, with the help of friends (Lviv, Capnica, Chemnitzer) found his way by writing a verse - I ''Cheel''''sti for birth in the north of the porphyry hotel'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' and ODU '"The death of Prince Meshchersky''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' - There is a new word poet by nature with eyes simple man. His special path manifested itself brightly and in Ode ''Felitsa'''''''''''' (See Details Ticket 20). IN satyrian poems The concreteness of the household painting, low, domestic spending - ϶ᴛᴏ led to approximate poems to life. Bridal discovery D. - No in nature, not worthy of images in verses. Oh yeah Vision of Murza'- colorfulness, painting, bright imagery in the perception of the world; His poetry of that time is'' speaking painting away. In poetry D. Dana real atmosphere, items, people of that time. The philosophical oode was very popular God - reasoning about the emergence of the universe and the origin of man. One of the most important topics of D. - sermon Civil Service Fatherland. His views on the role of the poet, he sought to reflect in the work ''Read about lyrical poetry'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' At the same time, D. - Incidental, honest person - begins to write a satir. ''Vlasters and judgments''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (See Detail Ticket 20)

90s: Satirical Oda ' Wellex'- penetrated by Paphos of public debt, serving Fatherland and passionate chosen of dishonest nobles (See Details Ticket 20). In 94 D. writes the philosophical ODU'' Waterfall'- thinking about the meaning of life, about her frequency. Posted on the death of Prince Dotmagnik. In general, the 90s - the flourishing of the poet's creativity: also created 'Aprigs to dinner,''Na to take Izmail''''''Snegir''''''''snegir'''''''''snegir''''''''''s Satyric tendencies increase, but D. also creates a number of heroic-patriotic OD into the glory of Ross. Heroic-Patriotic OD -''Na Taking Izmail'''''a, the transition of the Alpine Mountain, '"Victory in Italy''''''''''. High patter, solemnity of style, abundance of hyperball, allegories, rhetorical conventionality images - ϶ᴛᴏ Already Communication with classicism . (See Read more in Bile 35).

The last period of creativity: From the mid-90s, the poet is more often addressed to the topics of privacy, to chanting the earthly joy of being, private life, free from the duties imposed by the SIM system. hierarchy. Care from the worldly fuss brings closer to D. with sentimentalists. Poem 'K himself away - D. is ready to get away from official duties, because His struggle with the abuse of officials of unsuccessful. Anacreonics of Derzhavin acquires biographical nature ('''Dar''''tson in sleep'''k Lira'''''''k Lira'''''Zhelia''''''kuznechik'''''tishin'''Kuznechik'''''tishin'''') (see more details in the ticket 35). Until the end of D. D. took an active part in Lit. Life. Constantly writes poems, refers to new genres, even to drama (although it does not succeed). In general, a man is a genius and influenced in all over and in all.

57. The creative path of Radishchev.

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev (1749-1802)

The first Russian company, tied by lithuan-free movement and revolutionary thought. He put forward the idea of \u200b\u200ba folk revolution, for which Catherine II considered it's worse than Pugachev's "Life of R. and after his death, up to 1905ᴦ.

Brief biography: Born in a rich noble family. The first seven years was brought up at home (teacher-soldier Peter Mamontov). He studied at the Pieter in St. Petersburg, then for special merits at the age of 17 he was sent to Leipzig University of Law. At the university, the Russian students fought with an official by the Bohum (Catherine Put to them), which led R. to the conclusion that there's of a private tyrant's'''''m who should cause indignation and against the main tyrant * such a subtle hint * 1771-1773. - Service in the Department of Senate͵ where he knew all the horror of lawlessness, etc., 1773-1775 - Service at the headquarters of the Finnish division of Count Bruce. Ried, because Did not want to participate in violence over the accounts of Pugachevsky Bunt. 1777- Service in the Commerce College. In 1788 was transferred to the service in St. Petersburg Customs. In Ilimsky Ostrog (for '' Beast''''''') Radishchev was delivered in January 1792 and stayed there until the end of the reign of Catherine II. After the top of Alexander I Radishchev received complete freedom (Decree from 15.3.1801); He was summoned to St. Petersburg and was admitted to the service by a member of the Commission to compile laws. '' Rested with me''' 'in 1802ᴦ.

Creative path of Derzhavin. - Concept and species. Classification and features of the category "Creative Daughte Path." 2017, 2018.

What first is remembered at the mention of the name G. Daughter? The main hall in the Tsarskostsky Lyceum and an agitated old poet, who, putting a palm to the ear, carefully listens to the curly young man who reads his poems in a public exam. Years later, the boy, who became the greatest Russian poet, will write in the novel "Eugene Onegin":

... success us first wrapped.

Old man kestin noted us

And, in the coffin coming, blessed ...

"Father of Russian poets" G.R. Derzhavin was born in 1743 in the poor noble family. The child was so weak and heil that parents resorted to the old people's Field: Foot it with a dough and put in a non-fit furnace. The firstborn survived, grew by a solicitious and intelligent boy, early learned by literacy, addicted to drawing, easily learned German. When he was 11 years old, his father died, and a small estate was extinguished from the widow rich neighbors: so from the early years, Derzhavin found out what injustice is and how defenseless poor people may suffer.

Derzhavin dreamed of studying in the engineering building, but confused in the papers, and the sorry young man went to serve as a soldier to the Transfiguration Regiment. The service in the guard demanded money: where was the Mother of them? However, the mother managed to collect a small amount and together with the blessing presented his son an old ruble of Petrovskaya chasing, which Derzhavin kept all his life.

The service took a lot of time and effort: at night, the young man read the book and wrote poems, drawing and music classes had to be left. In 1762, he participates in the palace coup, erected to the throne Catherine II. Under the name of Felitsa, it will appear in his oodas, chanting the virtues of the enlightened monarchy.

After ten years, Derzhavin service, whose poems read and sang his regimental comrades, produced in officers. In 1772, he could not think that someday would become a valid secret adviser, which corresponded to the rank of general. In 1773, he had already commanded the detachments of the "Pugachevs", and even participated in the secret investigative commission on the case of Emelyan Pugacheva. Four years later, he went to the Stat service, married and took up his favorite business - poetry. It must be said that Derzhavin very much treated by the sovereign service and wrote only when once again, getting into disfavor because of the principle and honesty, which he demanded from the rest, was retired. A lot of service was: Derzhavin managed to be the Olonets and Tambov governor, the Cabinet secretaries of the Empress itself, the President of the Commander-College, Senator, the State Treasurer, Minister of Justice and the prosecutor general.

Service at the court, Derzhavin looked at the lazy and dishonest nobles whom Satirically portrayed in Oda Felitsa (1782). The name of the capital heroine in Latin means "happiness" - so called a good wizard from the "Tales of Tsarevich Chlorine", which Empress Catherine II wrote for grandchildren. It is not difficult to guess from whom the fair Queen Felitsa was written off. Whole year Oda lacquered in the table at Derzhavin, then he gave her to be friendly, and he shared her magnificent text with friends. A few days later, the Oda reached Catherine and she liked her very much. She laughed at the Satyrian portraits of his ministers, giving each instance with underlined rows, which described one or another congestion. Thus, a talented poet has acquired a lot of enemies at the court, but acquired patronage in the face of the Empress.

After just two years, Derzhavin was sent to an honorable reference because of the conflict with the prosecutor. On the way to the estate of the mother, he joined the courtyard and wrote lines for several days, suddenly squealing him back on the way. Ode "God", created in the best traditions of scientific OD M.V. Lomonosov, chasing a person and the omnipotence of the human mind.

Numerous resignations, removal from state-owned affairs did not from the poet of the cunning and loan slander, and did not teach him anything: when in 1795 he decided on the publication of the first collected works, an ampened Empress, who received a gift written by him with the drawings, saw on one of The first pages are the following lines:

Tsari! - I MNIL, you are the gods power,

No one is judged over you, -

But you like me, like passionate

And just as mortal as me.

And you like so fall,

As with the trees a faded leaf falls!

And you like so die,

How your last slave will die!

Oda "ruler and judges" led to the empress in rabies - a collection of poems was not printed. But throughout Russia, handwritten copies of Derzhavinskaya notebook were separated, hundreds of people kept his poems as the greatest jewel.

In Pavel, I Derzhavin practically did not write one: he was quite quickly disappointed in the new emperor and did not want to praise him. Instead, he wrote the so-called "light poems": songs, idylls, messages. By the name of the ancient Greek poet of Anacreon, or Anacreonta (approx. 570 - approx. 485 BC. Er), poetry, inflacing freedom and privacy, love, pleasure of life, was the name "Anacreontic lyrics", or "Anacreontics":

... to sing the heroes,

And let's start singing love ...

("To Lira")

The best friend of Derzhavina was the Optic Polkovod, A.V. Suvorov. Being already sick, he asked the poet, which epitaph, that is, a posthumous poem, he would write him a friend. Derzhanin without thinking answered that the best epitaph of Suvorov would have been the words "Suvorov lies here," because this name is so very well known and speaks for itself. This line is really drawn on the grave of the commander, and Derzhavin, returning from the funeral, heard the manual bullfinch in the cage with a military march. This was born one of the best "poems to death" in Russian literature, the small Oda "Snigar" (1800).

The last years of his life, Derzhavin spent in the estate of the name, he wrote about him with love in the poem "Eugene. Zvanskaya life "

According to critics, it was the poetry of the 1800-1810s that determined the place of Derzhavin in Russian literature, which is famous critic V.G. Belinsky called briefly and just - "Father of Russian poets."

When Pushkin saw Derzhavin in a lyceum in 1815, he was already old and very sick. The poems of the young lyceist awakened in it sincere joy that his successor appears in Russia in a poetic field. He himself has long failed his creativity, rightly believing that his poetry gives him the right to respect and the memory of the descendants ("Monument", 1795).

Source (in abbreviation): Literature: Grade 8: at 2 pp. 1 / B.A. Lanin, L.Yu. Ustinova; Ed. B.A. Lanina. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2015

russian poet of the Epoch of Enlightenment, State Worker Russian Empire, Senator, Valid Secret Advisor

Gabriel Derzhavin

short biography

The Russian poet, the largest figure of Russian classicism, the literature of the Epoch of Enlightenment. It was born on July 14 (July 3, under Art. Art.) 1743 in the genital estate in the village of Karmachi Kazan province. He was the son of a poor landowner and a descendant of the kind, the founder of which, as the family legend argued, was Tatar Murza. They themselves who did not have education, the parents of Derzhavin took care that their children were brought up and educated. In 1750, Gavril was sent to the German Pension, and from 1759 to 1762 he was a student of the Kazan gymnasium.

The nineteen-year-old Youth Derzhavin entered military service, served in the Preobrazhensky regiment by the soldier of the Life Guard; As part of this military formation, participated in the state coup, as a result of which the throne went to Catherine II. In 1772, Derzhavin receives an officer position, but his military career is developing in such a way that he has to resign and enroll in civil service.

In 1773, the magazine "Starina and Novizna" publishes "IRIDE, or Wovelida letters to Kavnu" - the debut product of Gabriel Derzhavin, which was a translation from the German Ovid's German passage. At first, creating the traditions of the traditions laid down by Lomonosov and Sumarokov, he in 1779 begins to go on his own literary path, creating works in style, which was then revered as a sample of philosophical lyrics.

Catherine II "Felitsa", written in 1782, changed the further biography of Derzhanin, bringing him fame - not only literary, but also public. Due to this, in 1784 he fell on a complained by Empress, the position of the governor of the Olonetsk province, which he held in just 1785 due to the conflict with local authorities. He did not have a relationship with Tambov officials, when in 1786 he was appointed by the Governor of the Tambov province, therefore, in the post Derzhavin ruled until 1788, until he was withdrawn by Empress in the capital. For a short term of the governorhood, the poet showed himself an irreconcilable opponent of various abuses on the part of officials, made a lot on the path of enlightened the population.

In 1789, Derzhavin returned to the capital. In 1791-1793 He was in the post of office-secretary of Catherine II, after which the Empress for an excessive zeal deprived of his post. Accustomed to tell the truth in the face, too independent and active, Derzhavin has acquired a lot of ill-wishers for the period of civil service. From 1793, he began in the Senate, since 1794 he served as president of the Comm3-College, in 1802-1803. - Minister of Justice, after which in the 60s aged resigned.

Along with the state service, Gabriel Romanovich lives not only in St. Petersburg, but also in the Novgorod province, where he had a svanka. Even as an official, he did not stop literary activities, wrote a lot of OD, and after recruiting recovery, it was possible to fully focus on it. Closer to the end of the creative path of Gabriel Romanovich tried himself with the genre of drama, writing a number of tragedies. In 1808, a collection of his writings in four volumes was published.

The St. Petersburg House of Derzhavina was the meeting place of the writers, in 1811 the circle of regulars became the officially registered literary society "Between Russian lovers", the head of which was himself and A.S. Shishkov. His looks in the tongue and literature were quite conservative, but it did not interfere with the holder with interest and favorably refer to innovative phenomena in poetry. The fact of the biography of Pushkin is widely known when he was noticed and "in the coffin, blessed" "old man,". His creativity in the row of classicism was the soil on which Pushkin's poetry, Batyushkova, Poets-Decembrists.

Died Delvin 20 (July 8 under Art. Art.) 1816 in his estate. He was buried near Veliky Novgorod, in the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the VarlaaMo Khutyn Monastery. Place of burial during the Great Patriotic War turned into ruins due to art-rods. Only in 1959, the remains of Derzhavin and his spouses were reburied in the Novgorod Children, but in 1993 they returned to the previous place when the cathedral was renovated.

Biography from Wikipedia

According to family legend, Derzhadina and Narbekov took place from one of the Tatar births. Some Bagrim-Murza went to Moscow from a big horde and after baptism he entered the service of the Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich.

Gabriel Romanovich Born in the family of small noble nobles in the childbirth estate under Kazan on July 14, 1743, where he spent his childhood. Mother - Focla Andreevna (Borcovova's nee). Father, Second-major Roman Nikolayevich, Gavril Romanovich lost at an early age.

From 1762 he served as an ordinary guards in the Preobrazhensky regiment, as part of the regiment participated in the state coup on June 28, 1762, as a result of which Ekaterina II entered the throne.

From 1772 he served in the shelf in an officer position, in 1773-1775 as part of the regiment participated in the suppression of the rebellion of Emelyan Pugacheva. The first poems of Derzhavin saw the light in 1773.

In 1777, at retirement, the civil service of the State Counselor of G. R. Derzhavin began in the Governing Senate.

Wide literary fame came to the city of Derzhavin in 1782 after the publication of OD Felitsa, which in enthusiastic colors was devoted to the author Empress Catherine II.

Since the foundation in 1783, Imperial Russian Academy Derzhanin was a member of the Academy, took direct participation in the preparation and publication of the first intelligent dictionary Russian language.

In May 1784, the ruler of Olonetsky vicarity was appointed. Arriving in Petrozavodsk organized the formation of provincial administrative, financial and judicial institutions, introduced the first in the province of the civil institution in the province - a city hospital. The result of the exit inspections on the county of the province was his "Subscribe, who was committed during the review of the province of the ruler of the Olonetsky governor,", in which G. R. Derzhavin showed the interactiveness of natural and economic factors, noted the elements of the material and spiritual culture of the region. Later, the images of Karelia entered his work: the poem "storm", "Swan", "to the second neighbor", "on happiness", "waterfall".

In 1786-1788, serves as the ruler of Tambov governorship. He showed himself as an enlightened leader, left a significant mark in the history of the region. With the kestin, several popular schools, theater, printing house (where in 1788 the first provincial newspaper Tambov Izvestia was printed in 1788), a plan of Tambov was drawn up, a procedure for the office work was established, the origin of the orphan house, alder and hospital.

In 1791-1793 - Cabinet Secretary Catherine II.

In 1793, he was appointed senator with production in secret advisors.

From 1795 to 1796 - President of the Commerce College.

In 1802-1803, the Minister of Justice of the Russian Empire.

All this time, Derzhavin does not leave the literary field, creates ODD "God" (1784), "Thunder Victory, distribute!" (1791, unofficial Russian anthem), "Welject" (1794), "Waterfall" (1798) and many others.

Gabriel Romanovich was friends with Prince S. F. Golitsyn and visited Golitsyn's estate in Zunlovka. In the famous poem "Autumn during the Siege of Ochakova" (1788), Derzhavin called upon a friend to take a Turkish fortress and return to the family:

And you are hurrying soon, Golitsyn!
Bring your house with Olive Lavra.
Your spouse of Zlatovlas,
Ruffer with heart and face
Long desired waiting for the voice,
When you come to the house to her;
When you raise with hot
You are seven of your sons,
On the mother, gentle eyes will throw out
And in joy you will not find words.

On October 7, 1803, he was dismissed and released from all state posts ("dismissed from all cases").

Resigns settled in his estate in the Novgorod province. In recent years, his life has been engaged in literary activities.

Derzhavin died in 1816 in his house in the estate of the svanka.

A family

In early 1778, Gabriel Romanovich married 16-year-old Catherine Yakovlevna Bastidon (immortalized to him as Plenyra), Daughters of the former Chamener Peter III Portuguese of Bastidone.

In 1794, on the 34th year of life, she died suddenly. He was buried at the Lazarevian cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra St. Petersburg. Six months later, G. R. Derzhavin married Darya Alekseevna Dyakova (squeeze them as Milena).

Derzhavin children had no first or second marriage. In 1800, in the death of his friend, Peter Gavrilovich Lazarev, takes it to the care of his children, including Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev - an outstanding admiral, the Officer of Antarctica, Governor of Sevastopol.

In addition, the houses were brought up in the house. Darya Dyakova's nieces - children of her sister Mary and Poet Nikolai Lvov: Elizabeth, Vera and Praskovia. Praskovy's diary contains interesting details about Derzhavin family.

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin and his second spouse Daria Alekseevna (died in 1842) were buried in the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral of the VarlaaMo Khutyn monastery near Veliky Novgorod. .

During the Great Patriotic War, the monastic buildings were subjected to artillery shelling and more than forty years were in ruins. In 1959, the reburial of the remains of R. Derzhavin and his wife in the Novgorod Kremlin took place.

In 1993, after the end of the restoration of the Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the VarlaaMo Khutyn Monastery, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of G. R. Derzhavin, the remains of Gabriel Romanovich and Daria Alekseevna Derzhavinov were returned from the Novgorod Kremlin to the monastery cryings.


"The old mansman noticed us. And, in the coffin, blessed "(A. S. Pushkin). Exam in the imperial lyceum in the picture I. E. Repin

  • Order of St. Alexander Nevsky;
  • Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree;
  • Order of St. Vladimir 2nd degree.
  • Order of St. Anne 1st degree
  • Order of St. John Jerusalem Commander Cross


Creativity G. R. Derzhavin is the top of Russian classicism M. V. Lomonosov and A. P. Sumarokov.

Purpose of the poet, in understanding G. R. Derzhavin - the glorification of great deeds and the censure of bad. In Ode Felitsa, he glorifies the enlightened monarchy, which the Board of Catherine II personifies. The intelligent, fair empress is opposed to the aschard and mercenary courtrooms:

One you just do not offend
Do not insult anyone,
Fools through your fingers you see
Only evil do not tolerate one ...

The main object of the poetics of Derzhadran is a person as a unique personality in all wealth of personal tastes and addictions. Many of his ODDs have a philosophical character, they discusses the place and purpose of man on earth, the problems of life and death:

I am the connection of worlds everywhere,
I am an extreme degree of substance;
I am the livery of living,
The trait is the initial of the Divine;
I tend to teach the body
Mind thunder command
I king - I am a slave - I am a worm - I am God!
But, I'm so wonderful,
Overall happened? - Stickless:
And myself I could not be.
Ode "God", (1784)

Derzhanin creates a series of samples of lyrical poems, in which the philosophical tension of it is combined with an emotional attitude to the events described. In the poem "Snigar" (1800), Derzhavin mourns the demise:

What do you start the song the military
Flute is like a cute Snorgir?
Who we will go to the war on Guien?
Who is our leader now? Who is warmer?
Strong where, brave, fast suvorov?
Nordic thunders in the coffin lie.

Before his death, Derzhavin begins to write ODU Ruin Chti, from which only the beginning came to us:

ReSA times in his rapid
W.wears all people
AND Topit in the abyss of oblivion
N.arodes, kingdoms and kings.
BUT If what remains
C.cut sounds and pipes,
T.about eternity with a born
AND The general will not go away!

As noted by prof. Andrei Zorin, the merit of the new reading and the new opening of the Derzhanin belongs to " silver age"- readers of the second half of the XIX century treated his work as a long-time legend of those who had passed.

Attitude to Fine Arts

Picture is one of the main features of the poetry of Derzhavin, which was called "talking painting." As E. Ya. Danko wrote, "Derzhavin possessed an extraordinary gift to penetrate the design of the painter and in terms of this idea to create their poetic images, more perfect than their primary sources." In 1788, Tambov had a meeting of 40 engravings in Tambov, including 13 sheets were executed according to the originals of Angelica Kaufman and 11 sheets according to the originals of Benjamin Vesta. Derzhavin fell under the charm of the elegant, often sentimental neoclassicism Kaufman, expressing his attitude to the artist in the poem "To Angelica Kaufman" (1795):

Painting Preslav,
Kaufman! Girlfriend music!
If your brush is delivered
Over your liveliness, feeling, taste ...

The presence of reproducted paintings by Benjamin Vesta is explained by the interest of Derzhavin to history. West, received from George III official title "The historical painter of His Majesty," was one of the first painters specializing in the historic genre. Of the 40 engravings collected by Derzhavin, 12 depicted circumstances related to the death of glorified heroes and the heroine of the past. Another 13 showed the buttermatic moments from ancient history and mythology. There were Derzhavin and two works of the Russian artist Gavrila Skorodumumov - "Cleopatra" and "Artemism".

Perpetuation of memory

  • Name G. R. Derzhavin was assigned to Tambov State University.
  • The only square in Laishevo (Tatarstan) is called Dervinskaya.
  • One of the streets of Tambov is called Derzhanskaya in honor of G. R. Derzhavin.
  • In Veliky Novgorod on the monument "1000th anniversary of Russia" among 129 figures of the most outstanding personalities in russian history (for 1862) there is a figure. R. Derzhavin.
  • Memorable stele on the homeland of the poet in the village of Derzhadino (Socures).
  • Monument in Kazan, which existed in 1846-1932 and recreated in 2003.
  • Monument on Derzhavinskaya Square in Laishevo.
  • Monument in Tambov.
  • Monument, Memorial Plant, Street and Lyceum in Petrozavodsk.
  • Memorial sign in the title (now in the territory of the Childgy District of the Novgorod region on the shore of the r. Volkhov).
  • Museum-Manor G. R. Derzhavin and the Russian Literature of His Time (Nab. River Fontanka, d. 118). Monument in St. Petersburg.
  • In Laishevo, the local history museum is the name of the poet who is dedicated to most of Museum exposures.
  • Laishevo is held annually: the Holiday of Derzhavin (since 2000), Derzhavinsky readings with the presentation of the Republican Literary Prize named after Derzhavin (since 2002), the All-Russian Literary Destiny Festival (since 2010).
  • Laishevsky district is often unofficially called Derzhavinsky Edge.
  • In honor of Derzhavin, a crater is called Mercury.
  • In 2003, the Tambov Regional Duma assigned the title of honor of an honorary citizen of the Tambov region.
  • In 2016, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the opening ceremony of the monument to the Russian poet and state Worker Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavina on his small Motherland Under Kazan (Caipa village), on the day of the 200th anniversary of the death of the poet.

Monument to Olonetsky Governor G. R. Derzhavin in the Governor's Petrozavodsk Park (Draft Sculptor Walter Soyny).

Monument Gavrile Derzhavin at the entrance to the Lyadskaya Garden of Kazan.

G. R. Derzhavin on the monument "1000th anniversary of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod.


  • Derzhavin Essays. Part 1. M., 1798.
  • Derzhavin Gavril Romanovich "Spiritual ODD" Library Imwerden
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Gota. Volume 1. 1864 »Imwerden Library
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Gota. Volume 2. 1865 »Imwerden Library
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Gota. Volume 3. 1866 »Imwerden Library
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Gota. Volume 4. 1867 »Imwerden Library
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Gota. Volume 5. 1869 »Imwerden Library
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Gota. Volume 6. 1871 »Imwerden Library
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Gota. Volume 7. 1872 »Library Imwerden
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Gota. Volume 8. Life of Derzhavin. 1880 »Imwerden Library
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Gota. Volume 9. 1883 »Imwerden Library
  • Derzhavin G. R. Poechdov, L., 1933. (Poet Library. Big Series)
  • Poems G. R. Derzhavin. Leningrad., Soviet writer, 1957. (library of the poet. Big series)
  • Poems G. R. Derzhavin. Leningrad., 1981
  • Poem. Prose. (R. Derzhavin). Voronezh., 1980
  • Selected prose. (R. Derzhavin). Moscow., 1984


  • A. West. Derzhanin. M.: Young Guard, 1958 (ZhZL)
  • O. Mikhailov. Derzhanin. M.: Young Guard, 1977 (ZhZl, Vol. 567), 336 p., 100,000 copies.
  • M. Guselnikova, M. Kalinin. Derzhavin and Zabolotsky. Samara: Samara University, 2008. - 298 p., 300 copies,
  • "Never be a scoundrel" - article by Ph.D. Yu. Mineralova
  • Epstein E. M. G. R. Derzhavin in Karelia. - Petrozavodsk: "Karelia", 1987. - 134 C.: IL.
  • History of Literature Karelia. Petrozavodsk, 2000. T3
  • The history of Karelia from ancient times to the present day. Petrozavodsk, 2001.
  • Korovin V. L. Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich // Orthodox encyclopedia. - M.: Church-Scientific Center "Orthodox Encyclopedia", 2007. - T. XIV. - P. 432-435. - 752 p. - 39,000 copies.
  1. Private, gambler, college adviser
  2. Felitsa and the first anthem of Russia

G. Aurryal Derzhavin entered the story not only as a writer, he passed the way from the Guard of Private to Minister of Justice of the Russian Empire. He was the governor of two regions and personal assistant Catherine II. He wrote the first unofficial anthem of Russia, participated in one of the first literary circles of the XVIII century, and then created his own - "conversation of lovers of the Russian word."

Gabriel Derzhavin was born in 1743 under Kazan. His father died early, and the mother was difficult to give sons a good education. The family often moved. At first, Derzhanin studied in the Orenburg school, then in the Kazan gymnasium. Here he met the poetry of Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Sumokov, Vasily Trediakovsky and himself tried to compose poems. Vladislav Khodasevich wrote about his first works: "It went clumsily and clumsily; No verse nor the syllable, and showed no one, ask for advice and leadership - not anyone ".

Since 1762, Gabriel Derzhavin served as the ordinary guards in the Preobrazhensky regiment. This time the poet recalled as the messenger period of his life. He carried a heavy soldier service, and poems wrote to rare free minutes. In the part of Derzhavin, he was addicted to the maps, he wrote in autobiography: "He learned conspiracies and all kinds of Mingrechy frauds. But, thanks to God that the conscience or, it is better to say, the prayers of the mother never allowed to be allowed to be in prison or to the insidious betrayal ". Because of the detrimental passion of Derzhavin, one day almost was demolished into the soldiers: he was so fascinated by the game that he did not return from dismissal on time.

Ivan Smirnovsky. Portrait of Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. 1790.

Deciding to finish with a rampant life, Derzhavin moved to St. Petersburg. At this time, the plague was rampant in Russia, and on a quarantine cavity - at the entrance to the capital - the poet was forced to burn all his papers: "All that in all youthful youth has been namaramed, such as: transfers from the German language and their own essays in prose and verses. Whether they were good or bad, it is not possible to say now; But from the close friends who read ... quite praised ". Many of the lost poems of Gabriel Derzhavin then reproduced by memory.

During the years of the Peasant War (1773-1775), Gabriel Derzhavin served on the Volga, he worked at the commission to investigate the accomplices of Emelyan Pugachev. He wrote a "guarantee to Kalmyks", in which he called for them to repent and not support peasant unrest. The commander-in-chief of the troops Alexander Bibikov sent this message together with the report of Catherine II. The financial situation of Derzhavin was heavy, and soon he wrote a letter to the Empress with the transfer of his merit. The poet appointed a college advisor and complained to him 300 souls. And four years later, a book came out with Odami Derzhavin.

Soon Gabriel Derzhavin married Catherine Bastidone - the daughter of the former Chameter Peter III and Kormalitsa Paul I. Derzhavin called the wife of the Plenyro - from the word "captive" - \u200b\u200band devoted to her many poems. It was during these years that he gained his own literary style. He wrote the philosophical lyrics - OD "On the death of Prince Meshchersky" (1799), "God" (1784), the poem "Autumn during the siege of Ochakov" (1788).

Felitsa and the first anthem of Russia

Derzhavin published, but in literary circles he was not too famous. Everything has changed in 1783, when the poet wrote OED "Felitsa" with the dedication of Catherine II. The name of the poet took from the pedagogical composition of the Empress - "Fairy Tale about Tsarevich Chlorine." In his poem "Tsarevna Kyrgyz-Kaisatskia Horde" turned into an ideal of an enlightened government, mother of the people. Behind the ODU Derzhavin was awarded the golden tobacco car in diamonds, in which 500 Chervonians lay. And after the loud poetic performance, the poet began to complain high positions. However, a fundamental character prevented the Derzhavin to get along with officials, and it was often translated from place to place.

"Slightly touches to his hearing, what kind of injustice and rendered to the oppression or, on the contrary, some feat of humanity and a good deed - immediately Capper, revived, the eyes sparkle, and the poet turns into a speaker, chasing the truth."

Stepan Zhikharev

Salvator Tonchi. Portrait of Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. 1801.

In 1784 he was appointed by the Olonets governor in Petrozavodsk, and in 1785 they were transferred to Tambov. This area was then one of the most backward in the country. Derzhavin built a school in Tambov, hospital, shelter, opened the city theater and the first typography in the city.

Six years later, the poet switched to the service personally to Empress: became her office secretary. But since honest Derzhanin reported more "All the kind of unpleasant, i.e., petitions for non-erosion, rewards for merit and grace by poverty", Catherine II tried to contact his assistant as much as possible, and soon he was transferred to the service at the Senate.

In 1791, Derzhavin created the first anthem of Russia, although unofficial. War was walking with Turkey, Russian troops under the leadership of Alexander Suvorov took the fortress Izmail. Inspired by this victory, Derzhavin wrote a poem "Thunder Victory, distribute!". The poem put on the music of Composer Osip Kozlovsky. Only after 15 years, "Thunder Victory" was replaced by the official anthem "God, King Gran!".

After the death of the first wife, the poet married the second time - in Darya Dyakova. Derzhavin's children were not in any marriage. The seasures took on the care of children of the deceased family of the family - Peter Lazarev. One of his sons, Mikhail Lazarev, became Admiral, an opener of Antarctica, Governor of Sevastopol. Also in the family raised nieces Darya Dyakova.

In Pavel I, Derzhavin served in the Supreme Council, was the president of the Commerce College and the State Treasurer. Under Emperor Alexandra I - Minister of Justice of the Russian Empire. All this time, the poet continued to write. He created ODD "God", "Welject", "Waterfall". In 1803, Gabriel Derzhavin finally left the public service.

I did not know how to pretend
On the saint to resemble
Important to inflate
And the philosopher take the look ...

... I fell, I got up in my age.
Throw, sage! On the coffin, my stone,
If you are not a man.

Gabriel Derzhavin

"The conversation of lovers of the Russian word"

After the resignation of Gabriel, Derzhavin devoted himself completely to literature. He wrote tragedy, comedies and operas for the theater, created poetic translations of Rasin. Also, the poet composed Basni ("Zhmurki", "Choice of Minister"), worked on the treatise "reasoning about lyrical poetry or about ODE". "Notes", as the author called them, contained the theory of the poetry and examples - the poetry of different periods, starting with the ancient Greek. In 1812, the poet wrote a fairy tale "Tsar-Maiden".

Gabriel Derzhavin organized a literary circle of the "conversation of lovers of the Russian word". Dmitry Tailov, Alexander Shishkov, Alexander Shakhov, Ivan Dmitriev entered it.

"His head was a repository of the stock of comparisons, likesliness, maxims and paintings for its future poetic works. He spoke abruptly and not red. But the same person spoke for a long time, sharply and with heat, when he retells about any dispute on an important case in the Senate or about the Parish intrigues, and he sat down until midnight for the paper, when he wrote a voice, conclusion or project of some state decree " .

Ivan Dmitriev

"Arguments" adhered to conservative views on literary creativity, opposed the reforms of the Russian language - they defended their supporters of Nikolai Karamzin. "Karamzinists" were the main opponents of the "conversations", later they formed the Arzamas society.

The recent work of Gabriel Derzhavin was the unfinished poem "The River Times in his aspirations ...". In 1816, the poet died in his Novgorod estate of the svanka.

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin takes a significant place in Russian literature along with D.I. Phonvizin and M.V. Lomonosov. Together with these titans of Russian literature, he enters the brilliant pleiad by the founders of the Russian classical literature of the Epoch of Enlightenment, relating to the second half of the 18th century. At this time, in many respects, thanks to the personal participation of Catherine, the second, in Russia, science and art is rapidly developing.

This is the time of the first russian universities, libraries, theaters of public museums and a relatively independent press, however, very relative and for a short period, which ended with the advent of "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" A.P. Radishchev. By this time, as His Mrbosov Griboedov called, the "Century Golden Catherine", the most fruitful period of the poet.

A life

A future poet was born on July 14, 1743 in the labor estate of Sokura under Kazan.
An early childhood lost his father, the officer of the Russian army and was brought up by Mother Fedo Andreevna Kozlova. The life of Derzhavin was bright and rich, largely due to his mind, energetic and character. There were incredible takeoffs and falls. According to his biography, it was possible to write an adventurous novel based on real events. But, about everything.

Since 1762, as expected to noble children, adopted in the Preobrazhensky regiment by the ordinary guardsman. In 1772 he became an officer and from 1773 to 1775. He took part in the suppression of Pugachev rebellion. At this time, there are two completely opposing cases of the case with it by value and incredible occasion. During the Pugachev Bunta, he completely lost his condition, but soon in the card game won 40,000 rubles.

Only in 1773 they saw the light of his first poems. To this period of life include some interesting Facts His life. Like many officers, he did not hurt the bushes and cards, which almost deprived Russia of the Great Poet. Cards brought him to chairs, for the sake of money all sorts of non-cucitive trips were made. Fortunately, he was able to realize the fear of this path in time and change the lifestyle.

In 1777 leaves with military service resign. It comes to serve as a statistical adviser in the Senate. It is worth noting that it was an incorrigible truthly, and the authorities did not particularly enjoyed the bosses, for which he had never used the love of the latter. From May 1784 to 1802. Consisted on public service, among other things, was from 1791-1793. Cabinet-secretary Catherine II, however, the inability to open a flattery and to stop the unpleasant royal ears in time contributed to the fact that he was lingering for a while. During the period of the service, she came across a career to Minister of Justice of the Russian Empire.

Due to its beloved and irreconcilable nature, Gabriel Romanovich was not delayed at each position for more than two years due to the permanent conflicts with bersti officials, which is visible on the chronology of his service. All attempts to achieve justice caused only the irritation of his high patrons.

During all this time he was engaged creative activity. Created OD "God" (1784), "Thunder Victory, distribute!" (1791, unofficial anthem of Russia), well-known for us on the story of Pushkin "Dubrovsky", "Welcome" (1794), "Waterfall" (1798) and many others.
After the resignation, I lived in my family estate in the Novgorod province, where he devoted all the time creativity. Gone from life on July 8, 1816.

Literary creativity

A broad fame of Derzhavin brought in 1782. Publication of OD Felitsa, dedicated to Empress. Early works - Oda on the marriage of the Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich, published in 1773. In general, in the work of the poet, Oda occupies one of the principal places. It was reached by his ODD: "On the death of Bibikov", "on noble", "for the birthday of Her Majesty" and others. In the first essays, the unacted imitation of Lomonosov is felt. Over time, he moved away from it and took as a sample for his OD, the works of Horat. Its writings were placed mainly in the St. Petersburg Bulletin. This is: "Peter Great songs" (1778), Epistole Shuvalov, "On the death of Prince Meshcherski", "Key", "on the birth of a porphyry years" (1779), "In the absence of a public journal,", "" to the first neighbor "," Rulers and judges "(1780).

Elevated tone, live pictures of these essays attracted the attention of the writers. The public attention of the poet is attracted by his "Odo Felice" dedicated to the queen. A tobacquacker, covered with diamonds and 50 Chervonians was awarded for the ODU, thanks to which he was noticed by the Queen and the public. No less success brought him ODD "for the capture of Izmail" and "Waterfall". Meeting and a close acquaintance with Karamzin led to cooperation in the Karamzinsk "Moscow Journal". Here was printed by his "monument to the hero", "to the death of the Countess Rumyantseva", "Majesty of God".

Shortly before Catherine's departure, the second Derzhavin present her handwritten collection of works. This is noteworthy. After all, the flowering of the talent of the poet came precisely for the period of her rule. In fact, his work became a living monument to the Board of Catherine II. In recent years, life has tried to experiment with tragedies, epigram and fables, but they do not have the height that his poetry.

The attitude of criticism was ambiguous. From reverence to almost complete denial of his work. Only after the revolution of the work of D. Grog, dedicated to Derzhavin, his efforts on the publication of works and the biography of the poet allowed us to evaluate his creativity.
Derzhavin for us is the first poet of that era whose verses can be read without additional comments and explanations.